source: Developing/ path: blob/master/doc/ # Creating Documentation One of the goals of the LibreNMS project is to enable users to get all of the help they need from our documentation. The documentation is generated with [mkdocs]( If you want to build a local copy, install `mkdocs` and `mkdocs-material`, then run `make docs`. This produces the HTML in `docs/out` directory. Alternatively you can start a webserver at for live preview by executing `mkdocs serve` ### Writing docs When you are adding a new feature or extension, we need to have full documentation to go along with it. It's quite simple to do this: - Find the relevant directory to store your new document in, General, Support and Extensions are the most likely choices. - Think of a descriptive name that's not too long, it should match what they may be looking for or describes the feature. - Add the new document into the `nav` section of `mkdocs.yml` if it needs to appear in the table of contents - Ensure the first line contains: `source: path/to/` - don't include the initial `doc/`. - In the body of the document, be descriptive but keep things simple. Some tips: - If the document could cover different distros like CentOS and Ubuntu please try and include the information for them all. If that's not possible then at least put a placeholder in asking for contributions. - Ensure you use the correct formating for `commands` and `code blocks` by wrapping one liners in backticks or blocks in ```. - Put content into sub-headings where possible to organise the content. - If you rename a file, please add a redirect in for the old file by using `` within the old file name. Please ensure you add the document to the relevant section within `pages` of `mkdocs.yml` so that it's in the correct menu and is built. Forgetting this step will result in your document never seeing the light of day :) ### Formatting docs Our docs are based on Markdown using mkdocs which adheres to markdown specs and nothing more, because of that we also import a couple of extra libraries: - pymdownx.tasklist - pymdownx.tilde This means you can use: - `~~strikethrough~~` to perform ~~strikethrough~~ - [X] `- [X] List items` - Url's can be made `[like this](` [like this]( - Code can be placed in `` for single line or ``` for multiline. - `#` Can be used for main headings which translates to a `

` tag, increasing the `#`'s will increase the hX tags. - `###` Can be used for sub-headings which will appear in the TOC to the left. [Markdown CheatSheet Link](