source: Developing/ path: blob/master/doc/ # Merging Pull Requests ### GitHub We will now build the monthly change log from our GitHub commits. When merging a commit, please ensure you: - Click the `Merge pull request` button - Give the merge a descriptive but short title - For the commit message prepend it with one of the following tags for the pull request to appear in the changelog: - devices: or newdevice: For new device support. - feature: or feat: To indicate this is a new or updated feature - webui: or web: To indicate this is an update to the WebUI - fix: or bugfix: To show this is a bug fix. - refactoring: or refactor: When the changes are refactoring a large portion of code - You can reference an issue number with `#xyz`, i.e `#1234` - Use the `Confirm squash and merge` button to merge. ### Example commits #### Feature feature: Added new availability map #4401 #### New device newdevice: Added support for Cisco ASA #4402