$data) { $last_index = substr($index, strrpos($index, '.') + 1); $raw_toner = $data['prtMarkerSuppliesLevel']; $descr = $data['prtMarkerSuppliesDescription']; $raw_capacity = $data['prtMarkerSuppliesMaxCapacity']; $raw_toner = $data['prtMarkerSuppliesLevel']; $toner_oid = ".$index"; $capacity_oid = ".$index"; if (empty($raw_toner)) { $toner_oid = ".$last_index"; $raw_toner = snmp_get($device, $toner_oid, '-Oqv'); } if (empty($raw_toner)) { $raw_toner = snmp_get($device, $toner_oid, '-Oqv'); } if (empty($descr)) { $descr_oid = ".$last_index"; $descr = snmp_get($device, $descr_oid, '-Oqva'); } // trim part & serial number from devices that include it if (str_contains($descr, ', PN')) { $descr = explode(', PN', $descr)[0]; } $capacity = get_toner_capacity($data['prtMarkerSuppliesMaxCapacity']); $current = get_toner_levels($device, $raw_toner, $capacity); if (is_numeric($current)) { discover_toner( $valid_toner, $device, $toner_oid, $last_index, $data['prtMarkerSuppliesType'] ?: 'markerSupply', $descr, $capacity_oid, $capacity, $current ); } } echo PHP_EOL; echo 'Tray Paper Level: '; $tray_oids = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'prtInputName', [], 'Printer-MIB'); if (!empty($tray_oids)) { $tray_oids = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'prtInputCurrentLevel', $tray_oids, 'Printer-MIB'); $tray_oids = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'prtInputMaxCapacity', $tray_oids, 'Printer-MIB'); } d_echo($tray_oids); foreach ($tray_oids as $index => $data) { $last_index = substr($index, strrpos($index, '.') + 1); $capacity = $data['prtInputMaxCapacity']; $current = $data['prtInputCurrentLevel']; if (!is_numeric($current) || $current == -2) { // capacity unsupported d_echo('Input Capacity unsupported', 'X'); continue; } elseif ($current == -3) { // at least one piece of paper in tray $current = 50; } else { $current = $current / $capacity * 100; } discover_toner( $valid_toner, $device, ".$index", $last_index, 'input', $data['prtInputName'], ".$index", $capacity, $current ); } } // Delete removed toners d_echo("\n Checking valid toner ... \n"); d_echo($valid_toner); $toners = dbFetchRows("SELECT * FROM toner WHERE device_id = ?", [$device['device_id']]); //d_echo($toners); foreach ($toners as $test_toner) { $toner_oid = $test_toner['toner_oid']; $toner_type = $test_toner['toner_type']; if (!$valid_toner[$toner_type][$toner_oid]) { echo '-'; dbDelete('toner', '`toner_id` = ?', array($test_toner['toner_id'])); } } unset($valid_toner); echo PHP_EOL;