. * * @package LibreNMS * @link http://librenms.org * @copyright 2016 Tony Murray * @author Tony Murray */ echo "\nApplications: "; // fetch applications from the client $results = snmpwalk_cache_oid($device, 'nsExtendStatus', array(), 'NET-SNMP-EXTEND-MIB'); // Load our list of available applications $applications = array(); if ($results) { foreach (glob($config['install_dir'] . '/includes/polling/applications/*.inc.php') as $file) { $name = basename($file, '.inc.php'); $applications[$name] = $name; } // fix applications that don't match their snmp extend name $applications['dhcpstats'] = 'dhcp-stats'; $applications['fbsdnfsclient'] = 'fbsd-nfs-client'; $applications['fbsdnfsserver'] = 'fbsd-nfs-server'; $applications['mailq'] = 'postfix'; $applications['osupdate'] = 'os-updates'; $applications['phpfpmsp'] = 'php-fpm'; $applications['postfixdetailed'] = 'postfix'; } d_echo(PHP_EOL . 'Available: ' . implode(', ', array_keys($applications)) . PHP_EOL); d_echo('Checking for: ' . implode(', ', array_keys($results)) . PHP_EOL); // Generate a list of enabled apps and a list of all discovered apps from the db list($enabled_apps, $discovered_apps) = array_reduce(dbFetchRows( 'SELECT `app_type`,`discovered` FROM `applications` WHERE `device_id`=? ORDER BY `app_type`', array($device['device_id']) ), function ($result, $app) { $result[0][] = $app['app_type']; if ($app['discovered']) { $result[1][] = $app['app_type']; } return $result; }, array(array(), array())); // Enable applications $current_apps = array(); foreach ($results as $extend => $result) { if (isset($applications[$extend])) { $app = $applications[$extend]; $current_apps[] = $app; if (in_array($app, $enabled_apps)) { echo '.'; } else { dbInsert(array( 'device_id' => $device['device_id'], 'app_type' => $app, 'discovered' => 1, 'app_status' => '', 'app_instance' => '' ), 'applications'); echo '+'; log_event("Application enabled by discovery: $app", $device, 'application', 1); } } } // remove non-existing apps $apps_to_remove = array_diff($discovered_apps, $current_apps); $num = count($apps_to_remove); if ($num > 0) { echo str_repeat('-', $num); $vars = $apps_to_remove; array_unshift($vars, $device['device_id']); dbDelete( 'applications', '`device_id`=? AND `app_type` IN (' . implode(',', array_fill(0, $num, '?')) . ')', $vars ); foreach ($apps_to_remove as $app) { log_event("Application disabled by discovery: $app", $device, 'application', 3); } } echo PHP_EOL; unset( $applications, $enabled_apps, $discovered_apps, $current_apps, $apps_to_remove, $results, $file, $name, $extend, $app, $num );