-- -- whisp-reg.mib -- -- ************************************************************************************* -- Copyright 2003-2012 (c) Cambium Networks -- Cambium Networks Confidential Proprietary -- ************************************************************************************* -- -- This module contains registrations for Canopy related items such -- as the identity of products, product components and other MIB -- related items. -- -- ************************************************************************************* -- $Id: WHISP-GLOBAL-REG-MIB.txt,v 1.2 2007/07/25 16:16:52 qa6656 Exp $ -- -- Revision History: -- -- -- 01/31/2002 Y.G Initial release. -- 08/24/2005 M.D Change OS type for ucos. -- 05/02/2006 M.D Add new global OID definitions -- 07/12/2006 V.G Add new global OIDs whispPlvModem and whispPlvGateway -- 11/10/2006 V.G Add new global OID whispPlvRepeater and -- whispPlvBridge -- ************************************************************************************** WHISP-GLOBAL-REG-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, enterprises FROM SNMPv2-SMI; whispGlobalRegModule MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "200304100000Z" ORGANIZATION "Motorola" CONTACT-INFO "Canopy Technical Support email: technical-support@canopywireless.com" DESCRIPTION "The Canopy central registration module." ::= {whispModules 1} -- the root of the sub-tree for Canopy Radio Modem Product Line. mot OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {enterprises 161} whispRoot OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {mot 19} -- sub-tree for registrations, which includes modules whispReg OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {whispRoot 1} -- sub-tree for WHiSP wide objects and events whispGeneric OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {whispRoot 2} -- sub-tree for WHiSP product specific objects and events whispProducts OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {whispRoot 3} -- Product registrations. The OIDs should be assigned to -- sysObjectID of the system group in SNMPv2-MIB supported -- by the agent. A manager needs to know the (unique) IP -- address of the agent and get the value (OID value) of -- sysObjectID to uniquely identify the agent type. Once the -- agent type has been identified, the manager will know what -- MIBs the agent supports (from agent capabilities). whispAps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {whispProducts 1} whispSm OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {whispProducts 2} whispBox OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {whispProducts 3} whispCMM OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {whispProducts 4} whispPlv OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {whispProducts 5} whispCMM4 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {whispProducts 6} whispPlvModem OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {whispProducts 7} whispPlvGateway OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {whispProducts 8} whispPlvRepeater OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {whispProducts 9} whispPlvBridge OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {whispProducts 10} -- the Canopy modules registrations whispModules OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {whispReg 1} -- These are the returned values of the agent type. -- returned to: .iso.org.dod.internet.mgmt.mib-2.system.sysObjectID.0 --SNMP agent for Canopy units canopySnmpAgent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { whispRoot 250 } --Canopy SNMP agent OID definition ucos OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { canopySnmpAgent 256 } -- prizm snmp agent prizmSnmpAgent OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { whispRoot 1250 } -- prizm managed object subtree prizm OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {whispRoot 1000} END