-- -- Changes to RFC1215 (A Convention for Defining Traps for use with the SNMP): -- Make it into a proper ASN.1 definition module (RFC-1215). -- Add appropriate IMPORTS. -- RFC-1215 DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS ObjectName FROM RFC1155-SMI snmp, ifIndex, egpNeighAddr FROM RFC1213-MIB; -- -- SMIv1 Trap macro definition. -- TRAP-TYPE MACRO ::= BEGIN TYPE NOTATION ::= "ENTERPRISE" value (enterprise OBJECT IDENTIFIER) VarPart DescrPart ReferPart VALUE NOTATION ::= value (VALUE INTEGER) VarPart ::= "VARIABLES" "{" VarTypes "}" | empty VarTypes ::= VarType | VarTypes "," VarType VarType ::= value (vartype ObjectName) DescrPart ::= "DESCRIPTION" value (description DisplayString) | empty ReferPart ::= "REFERENCE" value (reference DisplayString) | empty END -- -- SNMPv1 standard trap definitions. -- coldStart TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE snmp DESCRIPTION "A coldStart trap signifies that the sending protocol entity is reinitializing itself such that the agent's configuration or the rotocol entity implementation may be altered." ::= 0 warmStart TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE snmp DESCRIPTION "A warmStart trap signifies that the sending protocol entity is reinitializing itself such that neither the agent configuration nor the protocol entity implementation is altered." ::= 1 linkDown TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE snmp VARIABLES { ifIndex } DESCRIPTION "A linkDown trap signifies that the sending protocol entity recognizes a failure in one of the communication links represented in the agent's configuration." ::= 2 linkUp TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE snmp VARIABLES { ifIndex } DESCRIPTION "A linkUp trap signifies that the sending protocol entity recognizes that one of the communication links represented in the agent's configuration has come up." ::= 3 authenticationFailure TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE snmp DESCRIPTION "An authenticationFailure trap signifies that the sending protocol entity is the addressee of a protocol message that is not properly authenticated. While implementations of the SNMP must be capable of generating this trap, they must also be capable of suppressing the emission of such traps via an implementation- specific mechanism." ::= 4 egpNeighborLoss TRAP-TYPE ENTERPRISE snmp VARIABLES { egpNeighAddr } DESCRIPTION "An egpNeighborLoss trap signifies that an EGP neighbor for whom the sending protocol entity was an EGP peer has been marked down and the peer relationship no longer obtains." ::= 5 END