name = $lock_name; $this->file = "$config[install_dir]/.$lock_name.lock"; $this->handle = fopen($this->file, "w+"); } public function __destruct() { $this->release(); } /** * Release the lock. */ public function release() { if (!$this->acquired) { return; } if ($this->handle !== false) { flock($this->handle, LOCK_UN); fclose($this->handle); } if (file_exists($this->file)) { unlink($this->file); } } /** * Given a lock name, try to acquire the lock. * On success return a FileLock object, or on failure return false. * @param string $lock_name Name of lock * @param int $timeout Try for this many seconds to see if we can acquire the lock. Default is no wait. A negative timeout will wait forever. * @return self|false */ public static function lock($lock_name, $timeout = 0) { $lock = new self($lock_name); if ($lock->handle === false) { return false; } // try to acquire the lock each second until we reach the timeout, once if timeout is 0, forever if timeout < 0 for ($i = 0; $i <= $timeout || $timeout < 0; $i++) { if (flock($lock->handle, $timeout < 0 ? LOCK_EX : LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB)) { $lock->acquired = true; return $lock; } if ($timeout) { sleep(1); } } return false; } /** * Given a lock name, try to acquire the lock, exiting on failure. * On success return a FileLock object. * @param string $lock_name Name of lock * @param int $timeout Try for this many seconds to see if we can acquire the lock. Default is no wait. A negative timeout will wait forever. * @return self */ public static function lockOrDie($lock_name, $timeout = 0) { $lock = self::lock($lock_name, $timeout); if ($lock === false) { echo "Failed to acquire lock $lock_name, exiting\n"; exit(1); } return $lock; } }