#!/usr/bin/env php | Poll single device\n"); echo("-h odd Poll odd numbered devices (same as -i 2 -n 0)\n"); echo("-h even Poll even numbered devices (same as -i 2 -n 1)\n"); echo("-h all Poll all devices\n\n"); echo("-i -n Poll as instance of \n"); echo(" Instances start at 0. 0-3 for -n 4\n\n"); echo("-d Enable some debugging output\n"); echo("\n"); echo("No polling type specified!\n"); exit; } if (file_exists('.svn')) { list(,$dbu_rev) = preg_split('/: /',@shell_exec('svn info database-update.sql|grep ^Revision')); $device_query = mysql_query("SELECT revision FROM `dbSchema`"); if ($rev = @mysql_fetch_array($device_query)) { $db_rev = $rev['revision']; } else { $db_rev = 0; } if ($db_rev+0 < "1223") { include("fix-events.php"); ## Fix events table (needs to copy some data around, so needs script) } if($db_rev+0 < 1656) { include('fix-port-rrd.php'); ## Rewrites all port RRDs. Nothing will work without this after 1656 } if ($dbu_rev+0 > $db_rev) { echo("SVN revision changed.\n"); if($db_rev+0 < "1000") { echo("Running pre-revision 1000 SQL update script...\n"); shell_exec("scripts/update-sql.php database-update-pre1000.sql"); } if($db_rev+0 < "1435") { echo("Running pre-revision 1435 SQL update script...\n"); shell_exec("scripts/update-sql.php database-update-pre1435.sql"); } echo("Running development SQL update script to update from r$db_rev to r" . trim($dbu_rev) . "...\n"); shell_exec("scripts/update-sql.php database-update.sql"); if ($db_rev == 0) { mysql_query("INSERT INTO dbSchema VALUES ($dbu_rev)"); } else { mysql_query("UPDATE dbSchema set revision=$dbu_rev"); } } } $discovered_devices = 0; $device_query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE status = 1 AND disabled = 0 $where ORDER BY device_id DESC"); while ($device = mysql_fetch_array($device_query)) { $device_start = utime(); // Start counting device poll time echo($device['hostname'] . " ".$device['device_id']." ".$device['os']." "); if($device['os'] != strtolower($device['os'])) { mysql_query("UPDATE `devices` SET `os` = '".strtolower($device['os'])."' WHERE device_id = '".$device['device_id']."'"); $device['os'] = strtolower($device['os']); echo("OS lowercased."); } if($config['os'][$device['os']]['group']) {$device['os_group'] = $config['os'][$device['os']]['group']; echo("(".$device['os_group'].")");} echo("\n"); #include("includes/discovery/os.inc.php"); include("includes/discovery/ports.inc.php"); include("includes/discovery/entity-physical.inc.php"); include("includes/discovery/processors.inc.php"); include("includes/discovery/mempools.inc.php"); include("includes/discovery/ipv4-addresses.inc.php"); include("includes/discovery/ipv6-addresses.inc.php"); include("includes/discovery/sensors.inc.php"); include("includes/discovery/storage.inc.php"); include("includes/discovery/hr-device.inc.php"); include("includes/discovery/discovery-protocols.inc.php"); include("includes/discovery/arp-table.inc.php"); include("includes/discovery/junose-atm-vp.inc.php"); include("includes/discovery/bgp-peers.inc.php"); include("includes/discovery/q-bridge-mib.inc.php"); include("includes/discovery/cisco-vlans.inc.php"); include("includes/discovery/cisco-mac-accounting.inc.php"); include("includes/discovery/cisco-pw.inc.php"); include("includes/discovery/cisco-vrf.inc.php"); include("includes/discovery/toner.inc.php"); include("includes/discovery/ucd-diskio.inc.php"); include("includes/discovery/services.inc.php"); if ($device['type'] == "unknown" || $device['type'] == "") { if ($config['os'][$device['os']]['type']) { $device['type'] = $config['os'][$device['os']]['type']; } } $device_end = utime(); $device_run = $device_end - $device_start; $device_time = substr($device_run, 0, 5); $update_query = "UPDATE `devices` SET "; $update_query .= " `last_discovered` = NOW(), `type` = '" . $device['type'] . "'"; $update_query .= ", `last_discovered_timetaken` = '$device_time'"; $update_query .= " WHERE `device_id` = '" . $device['device_id'] . "'"; $update_result = mysql_query($update_query); echo("Discovered in $device_time seconds\n"); unset($cache); // Clear cache (unify all things here?) echo("\n"); $discovered_devices++; } $end = utime(); $run = $end - $start; $proctime = substr($run, 0, 5); if($discovered_devices) { mysql_query("INSERT INTO `perf_times` (`type`, `doing`, `start`, `duration`, `devices`) VALUES ('discover', '$doing', '$start', '$proctime', '$discovered_devices')"); } $string = $argv[0] . " $doing " . date("F j, Y, G:i") . " - $discovered_devices devices discovered in $proctime secs"; if ($debug) echo("$string\n"); # FIXME EWW shell_exec("echo '".$string."' >> ".$config['log_file']); ?>