YUI.add('api-list', function (Y) { var Lang = Y.Lang, YArray = Y.Array, APIList = Y.namespace('APIList'), classesNode = Y.one('#api-classes'), inputNode = Y.one('#api-filter'), modulesNode = Y.one('#api-modules'), tabviewNode = Y.one('#api-tabview'), tabs = APIList.tabs = {}, filter = APIList.filter = new Y.APIFilter({ inputNode : inputNode, maxResults: 1000, on: { results: onFilterResults } }), search = APIList.search = new Y.APISearch({ inputNode : inputNode, maxResults: 100, on: { clear : onSearchClear, results: onSearchResults } }), tabview = APIList.tabview = new Y.TabView({ srcNode : tabviewNode, panelNode: '#api-tabview-panel', render : true, on: { selectionChange: onTabSelectionChange } }), focusManager = APIList.focusManager = tabviewNode.plug(Y.Plugin.NodeFocusManager, { circular : true, descendants: '#api-filter, .yui3-tab-panel-selected .api-list-item a, .yui3-tab-panel-selected .result a', keys : {next: 'down:40', previous: 'down:38'} }).focusManager, LIST_ITEM_TEMPLATE = '<li class="api-list-item {typeSingular}">' + '<a href="{rootPath}{typePlural}/{name}.html">{displayName}</a>' + '</li>'; // -- Init --------------------------------------------------------------------- // Duckpunch FocusManager's key event handling to prevent it from handling key // events when a modifier is pressed. Y.before(function (e, activeDescendant) { if (e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey || e.shiftKey) { return new Y.Do.Prevent(); } }, focusManager, '_focusPrevious', focusManager); Y.before(function (e, activeDescendant) { if (e.altKey || e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey || e.shiftKey) { return new Y.Do.Prevent(); } }, focusManager, '_focusNext', focusManager); // Create a mapping of tabs in the tabview so we can refer to them easily later. tabview.each(function (tab, index) { var name = tab.get('label').toLowerCase(); tabs[name] = { index: index, name : name, tab : tab }; }); // Switch tabs on Ctrl/Cmd-Left/Right arrows. tabviewNode.on('key', onTabSwitchKey, 'down:37,39'); // Focus the filter input when the `/` key is pressed. Y.one(Y.config.doc).on('key', onSearchKey, 'down:83'); // Keep the Focus Manager up to date. inputNode.on('focus', function () { focusManager.set('activeDescendant', inputNode); }); // Update all tabview links to resolved URLs. tabview.get('panelNode').all('a').each(function (link) { link.setAttribute('href', link.get('href')); }); // -- Private Functions -------------------------------------------------------- function getFilterResultNode() { return filter.get('queryType') === 'classes' ? classesNode : modulesNode; } // -- Event Handlers ----------------------------------------------------------- function onFilterResults(e) { var frag = Y.one(Y.config.doc.createDocumentFragment()), resultNode = getFilterResultNode(), typePlural = filter.get('queryType'), typeSingular = typePlural === 'classes' ? 'class' : 'module'; if (e.results.length) { YArray.each(e.results, function (result) { frag.append(Lang.sub(LIST_ITEM_TEMPLATE, { rootPath : APIList.rootPath, displayName : filter.getDisplayName(result.highlighted), name : result.text, typePlural : typePlural, typeSingular: typeSingular })); }); } else { frag.append( '<li class="message">' + 'No ' + typePlural + ' found.' + '</li>' ); } resultNode.empty(true); resultNode.append(frag); focusManager.refresh(); } function onSearchClear(e) { focusManager.refresh(); } function onSearchKey(e) { var target = e.target; if (target.test('input,select,textarea') || target.get('isContentEditable')) { return; } e.preventDefault(); inputNode.focus(); focusManager.refresh(); } function onSearchResults(e) { var frag = Y.one(Y.config.doc.createDocumentFragment()); if (e.results.length) { YArray.each(e.results, function (result) { frag.append(result.display); }); } else { frag.append( '<li class="message">' + 'No results found. Maybe you\'ll have better luck with a ' + 'different query?' + '</li>' ); } focusManager.refresh(); } function onTabSelectionChange(e) { var tab = e.newVal, name = tab.get('label').toLowerCase(); tabs.selected = { index: tab.get('index'), name : name, tab : tab }; switch (name) { case 'classes': // fallthru case 'modules': filter.setAttrs({ minQueryLength: 0, queryType : name }); search.set('minQueryLength', -1); // Only send a request if this isn't the initially-selected tab. if (e.prevVal) { filter.sendRequest(filter.get('value')); } break; case 'everything': filter.set('minQueryLength', -1); search.set('minQueryLength', 1); if (search.get('value')) { search.sendRequest(search.get('value')); } else { inputNode.focus(); } break; default: // WTF? We shouldn't be here! filter.set('minQueryLength', -1); search.set('minQueryLength', -1); } if (focusManager) { setTimeout(function () { focusManager.refresh(); }, 1); } } function onTabSwitchKey(e) { var currentTabIndex = tabs.selected.index; if (!(e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey)) { return; } e.preventDefault(); switch (e.keyCode) { case 37: // left arrow if (currentTabIndex > 0) { tabview.selectChild(currentTabIndex - 1); inputNode.focus(); } break; case 39: // right arrow if (currentTabIndex < (Y.Object.size(tabs) - 2)) { tabview.selectChild(currentTabIndex + 1); inputNode.focus(); } break; } } }, '3.4.0', {requires: [ 'api-filter', 'api-search', 'event-key', 'node-focusmanager', 'tabview' ]});