// // Author: Paul Gear // License: GPLv3 // $hostname = $device['hostname']; $deviceid = $device['device_id']; // Find all IPv4 addresses in the MAC table that haven't been discovered on monitored devices. $sql = ' SELECT * FROM ipv4_mac as m, ports as i WHERE m.port_id = i.port_id AND i.device_id = ? AND i.deleted = 0 AND NOT EXISTS ( SELECT * FROM ipv4_addresses a WHERE a.ipv4_address = m.ipv4_address ) GROUP BY ipv4_address ORDER BY ipv4_address '; // FIXME: Observium now uses ip_mac.ip_address in place of ipv4_mac.ipv4_address - why? $names = array(); $ips = array(); foreach (dbFetchRows($sql, array($deviceid)) as $entry) { global $config; $ip = $entry['ipv4_address']; $mac = $entry['mac_address']; $if = $entry['port_id']; $int = cleanPort($if); $label = $int['label']; // Even though match_network is done inside discover_new_device, we do it here // as well in order to skip unnecessary reverse DNS lookups on discovered IPs. if (match_network($config['autodiscovery']['nets-exclude'], $ip)) { echo 'x'; continue; } if (!match_network($config['nets'], $ip)) { echo 'i'; log_event("Ignored $ip", $deviceid, 'interface', 3, $if); continue; } // Attempt discovery of each IP only once per run. if (object_is_cached('arp_discovery', $ip)) { echo '.'; continue; } object_add_cache('arp_discovery', $ip); $name = gethostbyaddr($ip); echo '+'; $names[] = $name; $ips[$name] = $ip; } echo "\n"; // Run device discovery on each of the devices we've detected so far. foreach ($names as $name) { $remote_device_id = discover_new_device($name, $device, 'ARP'); } unset($names); unset($ips);