. * * @package LibreNMS * @link http://librenms.org * @copyright 2018 Tony Murray * @author Tony Murray */ namespace App; use App\Models\Device; use App\Models\Notification; use Auth; use Carbon\Carbon; use Dotenv\Dotenv; use Kamaln7\Toastr\Facades\Toastr; use LibreNMS\Config; class Checks { public static function preBoot() { // check php extensions $missing = self::missingPhpExtensions(); if (!empty($missing)) { self::printMessage( "Missing PHP extensions. Please install and enable them on your LibreNMS server.", $missing, true ); } // check file/folder permissions $check_folders = [ self::basePath('bootstrap/cache'), self::basePath('storage'), self::basePath('storage/framework/sessions'), self::basePath('storage/framework/views'), self::basePath('storage/framework/cache'), self::basePath('logs'), ]; $check_files = [ self::basePath('logs/librenms.log'), // This file is important because Laravel needs to be able to write to it ]; // check that each is writable $check_folders = array_filter($check_folders, function ($path) { return !is_writable($path); }); $check_files = array_filter($check_files, function ($path) { return file_exists($path) xor is_writable($path); }); if (!empty($check_folders) || !empty($check_files)) { // only operate on parent directories, not files $check = array_unique(array_merge($check_folders, array_map('dirname', $check_files))); // load .env, it isn't loaded $dotenv = new Dotenv(__DIR__ . '/../'); $dotenv->load(); $user = env('LIBRENMS_USER', 'librenms'); $group = env('LIBRENMS_GROUP', $user); // build chown message $dirs = implode(' ', $check); $chown_commands = [ "chown -R $user:$group $dirs", "setfacl -R -m g::rwx $dirs", "setfacl -d -m g::rwx $dirs", ]; $current_groups = explode(' ', trim(exec('groups'))); if (!in_array($group, $current_groups)) { $current_user = trim(exec('whoami')); $chown_commands[] = "usermod -a -G $group $current_user"; } //check for missing directories $missing = array_filter($check, function ($file) { return !file_exists($file); }); if (!empty($missing)) { array_unshift($chown_commands, 'mkdir -p ' . implode(' ', $missing)); } $short_dirs = implode(', ', array_map(function ($dir) { return str_replace(self::basePath(), '', $dir); }, $check)); self::printMessage( "Error: $short_dirs not writable! Run these commands as root on your LibreNMS server to fix:", $chown_commands ); // build SELinux output $selinux_commands = []; foreach ($check as $dir) { $selinux_commands[] = "semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_content_t '$dir(/.*)?'"; $selinux_commands[] = "semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t '$dir(/.*)?'"; $selinux_commands[] = "restorecon -RFvv $dir"; } self::printMessage( "If using SELinux you may also need:", $selinux_commands, true ); } } /** * Pre-boot dependency check */ public static function postAutoload() { if (!class_exists(\Illuminate\Foundation\Application::class)) { self::printMessage( 'Error: Missing dependencies! Run the following command to fix:', './scripts/composer_wrapper.php install --no-dev', true ); } } /** * Post boot Toast messages */ public static function postAuth() { $notifications = Notification::isUnread(Auth::user())->where('severity', '>', 1)->get(); foreach ($notifications as $notification) { Toastr::error("$notification->body", $notification->title); } if (Device::isUp()->whereTime('last_polled', '<=', Carbon::now()->subMinutes(15))->count() > 0) { Toastr::warning('It appears as though you have some devices that haven\'t completed polling within the last 15 minutes, you may want to check that out :)', 'Devices unpolled'); } // Directory access checks $rrd_dir = Config::get('rrd_dir'); if (!is_dir($rrd_dir)) { Toastr::error("RRD Directory is missing ($rrd_dir). Graphing may fail."); } $temp_dir = Config::get('temp_dir'); if (!is_dir($temp_dir)) { Toastr::error("Temp Directory is missing ($temp_dir). Graphing may fail."); } elseif (!is_writable($temp_dir)) { Toastr::error("Temp Directory is not writable ($temp_dir). Graphing may fail."); } } private static function printMessage($title, $content, $exit = false) { $content = (array)$content; if (PHP_SAPI == 'cli') { $format = "%s\n\n%s\n\n"; $message = implode(PHP_EOL, $content); } else { $format = "



"; $message = ''; foreach ($content as $line) { $message .= "


\n"; } } printf($format, $title, $message); if ($exit) { exit(1); } } private static function basePath($path = '') { $base_dir = realpath(__DIR__ . '/..'); return "$base_dir/$path"; } private static function missingPhpExtensions() { $required_modules = ['mysqli', 'mbstring', 'pcre', 'curl', 'session', 'xml', 'gd']; return array_filter($required_modules, function ($module) { return !extension_loaded($module); }); } }