* Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Gear Consulting Pty Ltd * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. Please see LICENSE.txt at the top level of * the source code distribution for details. */ function generate_priority_icon($priority) { $map = array( "emerg" => "server_delete", "alert" => "cancel", "crit" => "application_lightning", "err" => "application_delete", "warning" => "application_error", "notice" => "application_edit", "info" => "application", "debug" => "bug", "" => "application", ); $image = isset($map[$priority]) ? $map[$priority] : 'application'; return ''; } function generate_priority_status($priority) { $map = array( "emerg" => 2, "alert" => 2, "crit" => 2, "err" => 2, "warning" => 1, "notice" => 0, "info" => 0, "debug" => 3, "" => 0, ); return isset($map[$priority]) ? $map[$priority] : 0; } function format_number_short($number, $sf) { // This formats a number so that we only send back three digits plus an optional decimal point. // Example: 723.42 -> 723 72.34 -> 72.3 2.23 -> 2.23 list($whole, $decimal) = explode(".", $number); if (strlen($whole) >= $sf || !is_numeric($decimal)) { $number = $whole; } elseif (strlen($whole) < $sf) { $diff = $sf - strlen($whole); $number = $whole .".".substr($decimal, 0, $diff); } return $number; } function external_exec($command) { global $debug,$vdebug; if ($debug && !$vdebug) { $debug_command = preg_replace('/-c [\S]+/', '-c COMMUNITY', $command); $debug_command = preg_replace('/(udp|udp6|tcp|tcp6):([^:]+):([\d]+)/', '\1:HOSTNAME:\3', $debug_command); c_echo('SNMP[%c' . $debug_command . "%n]\n"); } elseif ($vdebug) { c_echo('SNMP[%c'.$command."%n]\n"); } $output = shell_exec($command); if ($debug && !$vdebug) { $ip_regex = '/(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)/'; $debug_output = preg_replace($ip_regex, '*', $output); d_echo($debug_output . PHP_EOL); } elseif ($vdebug) { d_echo($output . PHP_EOL); } return $output; } function shorthost($hostname, $len = 12) { // IP addresses should not be shortened if (filter_var($hostname, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP)) { return $hostname; } $parts = explode(".", $hostname); $shorthost = $parts[0]; $i = 1; while ($i < count($parts) && strlen($shorthost.'.'.$parts[$i]) < $len) { $shorthost = $shorthost.'.'.$parts[$i]; $i++; } return ($shorthost); } function isCli() { if (php_sapi_name() == 'cli' && empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) { return true; } else { return false; } } function print_error($text) { if (isCli()) { c_echo("%r".$text."%n\n"); } else { echo('
'); } } function print_message($text) { if (isCli()) { c_echo("%g".$text."%n\n"); } else { echo('
'); } } function delete_port($int_id) { $interface = dbFetchRow("SELECT * FROM `ports` AS P, `devices` AS D WHERE P.port_id = ? AND D.device_id = P.device_id", array($int_id)); $interface_tables = array('ipv4_addresses', 'ipv4_mac', 'ipv6_addresses', 'juniAtmVp', 'mac_accounting', 'ospf_nbrs', 'ospf_ports', 'ports', 'ports_adsl', 'ports_perms', 'ports_statistics', 'ports_stp', 'ports_vlans', 'pseudowires'); foreach ($interface_tables as $table) { dbDelete($table, "`port_id` = ?", array($int_id)); } dbDelete('links', "`local_port_id` = ? OR `remote_port_id` = ?", array($int_id, $int_id)); dbDelete('ports_stack', "`port_id_low` = ? OR `port_id_high` = ?", array($int_id, $int_id)); unlink(get_port_rrdfile_path($interface['hostname'], $interface['port_id'])); } function sgn($int) { if ($int < 0) { return -1; } elseif ($int == 0) { return 0; } else { return 1; } } function get_sensor_rrd($device, $sensor) { return rrd_name($device['hostname'], get_sensor_rrd_name($device, $sensor)); } function get_sensor_rrd_name($device, $sensor) { global $config; # For IPMI, sensors tend to change order, and there is no index, so we prefer to use the description as key here. if ($config['os'][$device['os']]['sensor_descr'] || $sensor['poller_type'] == "ipmi") { return array('sensor', $sensor['sensor_class'], $sensor['sensor_type'], $sensor['sensor_descr']); } else { return array('sensor', $sensor['sensor_class'], $sensor['sensor_type'], $sensor['sensor_index']); } } function getPortRrdName($port_id, $suffix = '') { if (!empty($suffix)) { $suffix = '-' . $suffix; } return "port-id$port_id$suffix"; } function get_port_rrdfile_path($hostname, $port_id, $suffix = '') { return rrd_name($hostname, getPortRrdName($port_id, $suffix)); } function get_port_by_index_cache($device_id, $ifIndex) { global $port_index_cache; if (isset($port_index_cache[$device_id][$ifIndex]) && is_array($port_index_cache[$device_id][$ifIndex])) { $port = $port_index_cache[$device_id][$ifIndex]; } else { $port = get_port_by_ifIndex($device_id, $ifIndex); $port_index_cache[$device_id][$ifIndex] = $port; } return $port; } function get_port_by_ifIndex($device_id, $ifIndex) { return dbFetchRow("SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ifIndex` = ?", array($device_id, $ifIndex)); } function get_all_devices($device, $type = "") { global $cache; $devices = array(); // FIXME needs access control checks! // FIXME respect $type (server, network, etc) -- needs an array fill in topnav. if (isset($cache['devices']['hostname'])) { $devices = array_keys($cache['devices']['hostname']); } else { foreach (dbFetchRows("SELECT `hostname` FROM `devices`") as $data) { $devices[] = $data['hostname']; } } return $devices; } function port_by_id_cache($port_id) { return get_port_by_id_cache('port', $port_id); } function table_from_entity_type($type) { // Fuck you, english pluralisation. if ($type == "storage") { return $type; } else { return $type."s"; } } function get_entity_by_id_cache($type, $id) { global $entity_cache; $table = table_from_entity_type($type); if (is_array($entity_cache[$type][$id])) { $entity = $entity_cache[$type][$id]; } else { $entity = dbFetchRow("SELECT * FROM `".$table."` WHERE `".$type."_id` = ?", array($id)); $entity_cache[$type][$id] = $entity; } return $entity; } function get_port_by_id($port_id) { if (is_numeric($port_id)) { $port = dbFetchRow("SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `port_id` = ?", array($port_id)); if (is_array($port)) { return $port; } else { return false; } } } function get_application_by_id($application_id) { if (is_numeric($application_id)) { $application = dbFetchRow("SELECT * FROM `applications` WHERE `app_id` = ?", array($application_id)); if (is_array($application)) { return $application; } else { return false; } } } function get_sensor_by_id($sensor_id) { if (is_numeric($sensor_id)) { $sensor = dbFetchRow("SELECT * FROM `sensors` WHERE `sensor_id` = ?", array($sensor_id)); if (is_array($sensor)) { return $sensor; } else { return false; } } } function get_device_id_by_port_id($port_id) { if (is_numeric($port_id)) { $device_id = dbFetchCell("SELECT `device_id` FROM `ports` WHERE `port_id` = ?", array($port_id)); if (is_numeric($device_id)) { return $device_id; } else { return false; } } } function get_device_id_by_app_id($app_id) { if (is_numeric($app_id)) { $device_id = dbFetchCell("SELECT `device_id` FROM `applications` WHERE `app_id` = ?", array($app_id)); if (is_numeric($device_id)) { return $device_id; } else { return false; } } } function ifclass($ifOperStatus, $ifAdminStatus) { $ifclass = "interface-upup"; if ($ifAdminStatus == "down") { $ifclass = "interface-admindown"; } if ($ifAdminStatus == "up" && $ifOperStatus== "down") { $ifclass = "interface-updown"; } if ($ifAdminStatus == "up" && $ifOperStatus== "up") { $ifclass = "interface-upup"; } return $ifclass; } function device_by_name($name, $refresh = 0) { // FIXME - cache name > id too. return device_by_id_cache(getidbyname($name), $refresh); } function accesspoint_by_id($ap_id, $refresh = '0') { $ap = dbFetchRow("SELECT * FROM `access_points` WHERE `accesspoint_id` = ?", array($ap_id)); return $ap; } function device_by_id_cache($device_id, $refresh = '0') { global $cache; if (!$refresh && isset($cache['devices']['id'][$device_id]) && is_array($cache['devices']['id'][$device_id])) { $device = $cache['devices']['id'][$device_id]; } else { $device = dbFetchRow("SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE `device_id` = ?", array($device_id)); //order vrf_lite_cisco with context, this will help to get the vrf_name and instance_name all the time $vrfs_lite_cisco = dbFetchRows("SELECT * FROM `vrf_lite_cisco` WHERE `device_id` = ?", array($device_id)); if (!empty($vrfs_lite_cisco)) { $device['vrf_lite_cisco'] = array(); foreach ($vrfs_lite_cisco as $vrf) { $device['vrf_lite_cisco'][$vrf['context_name']] = $vrf; } } if (!empty($device['ip'])) { $device['ip'] = inet6_ntop($device['ip']); } $cache['devices']['id'][$device_id] = $device; } return $device; } function truncate($substring, $max = 50, $rep = '...') { if (strlen($substring) < 1) { $string = $rep; } else { $string = $substring; } $leave = $max - strlen($rep); if (strlen($string) > $max) { return substr_replace($string, $rep, $leave); } else { return $string; } } function mres($string) { // short function wrapper because the real one is stupidly long and ugly. aesthetics. global $config, $database_link; if ($config['db']['extension'] == 'mysqli') { return mysqli_real_escape_string($database_link, $string); } else { return mysql_real_escape_string($string); } } function getifhost($id) { return dbFetchCell("SELECT `device_id` from `ports` WHERE `port_id` = ?", array($id)); } function gethostbyid($id) { global $cache; if (isset($cache['devices']['id'][$id]['hostname'])) { $hostname = $cache['devices']['id'][$id]['hostname']; } else { $hostname = dbFetchCell("SELECT `hostname` FROM `devices` WHERE `device_id` = ?", array($id)); } return $hostname; } function strgen($length = 16) { $entropy = array(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,'a','A','b','B','c','C','d','D','e', 'E','f','F','g','G','h','H','i','I','j','J','k','K','l','L','m','M','n', 'N','o','O','p','P','q','Q','r','R','s','S','t','T','u','U','v','V','w', 'W','x','X','y','Y','z','Z'); $string = ""; for ($i=0; $i<$length; $i++) { $key = mt_rand(0, 61); $string .= $entropy[$key]; } return $string; } function getpeerhost($id) { return dbFetchCell("SELECT `device_id` from `bgpPeers` WHERE `bgpPeer_id` = ?", array($id)); } function getifindexbyid($id) { return dbFetchCell("SELECT `ifIndex` FROM `ports` WHERE `port_id` = ?", array($id)); } function getifbyid($id) { return dbFetchRow("SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `port_id` = ?", array($id)); } function getifdescrbyid($id) { return dbFetchCell("SELECT `ifDescr` FROM `ports` WHERE `port_id` = ?", array($id)); } function getidbyname($hostname) { global $cache; if (isset($cache['devices']['hostname'][$hostname])) { $id = $cache['devices']['hostname'][$hostname]; } else { $id = dbFetchCell("SELECT `device_id` FROM `devices` WHERE `hostname` = ?", array($hostname)); } return $id; } function gethostosbyid($id) { global $cache; if (isset($cache['devices']['id'][$id]['os'])) { $os = $cache['devices']['id'][$id]['os']; } else { $os = dbFetchCell("SELECT `os` FROM `devices` WHERE `device_id` = ?", array($id)); } return $os; } function safename($name) { return preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9,._\-]/', '_', $name); } function zeropad($num, $length = 2) { while (strlen($num) < $length) { $num = '0'.$num; } return $num; } function set_dev_attrib($device, $attrib_type, $attrib_value) { if (dbFetchCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM devices_attribs WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `attrib_type` = ?", array($device['device_id'],$attrib_type))) { $return = dbUpdate(array('attrib_value' => $attrib_value), 'devices_attribs', 'device_id=? and attrib_type=?', array($device['device_id'], $attrib_type)); } else { $return = dbInsert(array('device_id' => $device['device_id'], 'attrib_type' => $attrib_type, 'attrib_value' => $attrib_value), 'devices_attribs'); } return $return; } function get_dev_attribs($device) { $attribs = array(); foreach (dbFetchRows("SELECT * FROM devices_attribs WHERE `device_id` = ?", array($device)) as $entry) { $attribs[$entry['attrib_type']] = $entry['attrib_value']; } return $attribs; } function get_dev_entity_state($device) { $state = array(); foreach (dbFetchRows("SELECT * FROM entPhysical_state WHERE `device_id` = ?", array($device)) as $entity) { $state['group'][$entity['group']][$entity['entPhysicalIndex']][$entity['subindex']][$entity['key']] = $entity['value']; $state['index'][$entity['entPhysicalIndex']][$entity['subindex']][$entity['group']][$entity['key']] = $entity['value']; } return $state; } function get_dev_attrib($device, $attrib_type, $attrib_value = '') { $sql = ''; $params = array($device['device_id'], $attrib_type); if (!empty($attrib_value)) { $sql = " AND `attrib_value`=?"; array_push($params, $attrib_value); } if ($row = dbFetchRow("SELECT attrib_value FROM devices_attribs WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `attrib_type` = ? $sql", $params)) { return $row['attrib_value']; } else { return null; } } function is_dev_attrib_enabled($device, $attrib, $default = true) { $val = get_dev_attrib($device, $attrib); if ($val != null) { // attribute is set return ($val != 0); } else { // attribute not set return $default; } } function del_dev_attrib($device, $attrib_type) { return dbDelete('devices_attribs', "`device_id` = ? AND `attrib_type` = ?", array($device['device_id'], $attrib_type)); } function formatRates($value, $round = '2', $sf = '3') { $value = format_si($value, $round, $sf) . "bps"; return $value; } function formatStorage($value, $round = '2', $sf = '3') { $value = format_bi($value, $round) . "B"; return $value; } function format_si($value, $round = '2', $sf = '3') { $neg = 0; if ($value < "0") { $neg = 1; $value = $value * -1; } if ($value >= "0.1") { $sizes = array('', 'k', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E'); $ext = $sizes[0]; for ($i = 1; (($i < count($sizes)) && ($value >= 1000)); $i++) { $value = $value / 1000; $ext = $sizes[$i]; } } else { $sizes = array('', 'm', 'u', 'n'); $ext = $sizes[0]; for ($i = 1; (($i < count($sizes)) && ($value != 0) && ($value <= 0.1)); $i++) { $value = $value * 1000; $ext = $sizes[$i]; } } if ($neg == 1) { $value = $value * -1; } return format_number_short(round($value, $round), $sf).$ext; } function format_bi($value, $round = '2', $sf = '3') { if ($value < "0") { $neg = 1; $value = $value * -1; } $sizes = array('', 'k', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E'); $ext = $sizes[0]; for ($i = 1; (($i < count($sizes)) && ($value >= 1024)); $i++) { $value = $value / 1024; $ext = $sizes[$i]; } if ($neg) { $value = $value * -1; } return format_number_short(round($value, $round), $sf).$ext; } function format_number($value, $base = '1000', $round = 2, $sf = 3) { if ($base == '1000') { return format_si($value, $round, $sf); } else { return format_bi($value, $round, $sf); } } function is_valid_hostname($hostname) { // The Internet standards (Request for Comments) for protocols mandate that // component hostname labels may contain only the ASCII letters 'a' through 'z' // (in a case-insensitive manner), the digits '0' through '9', and the hyphen // ('-'). The original specification of hostnames in RFC 952, mandated that // labels could not start with a digit or with a hyphen, and must not end with // a hyphen. However, a subsequent specification (RFC 1123) permitted hostname // labels to start with digits. No other symbols, punctuation characters, or // white space are permitted. While a hostname may not contain other characters, // such as the underscore character (_), other DNS names may contain the underscore return ctype_alnum(str_replace('_', '', str_replace('-', '', str_replace('.', '', $hostname)))); } /* * convenience function - please use this instead of 'if ($debug) { echo ...; }' */ function d_echo($text, $no_debug_text = null) { global $debug, $php_debug; if ($debug) { if (isset($php_debug)) { $php_debug[] = $text; } else { print_r($text); } } elseif ($no_debug_text) { echo "$no_debug_text"; } } // d_echo /** * Output using console color if possible * https://github.com/pear/Console_Color2/blob/master/examples/documentation * * @param string $string the string to print with console color * @param bool $enabled if set to false, this function does nothing */ function c_echo($string, $enabled = true) { if (!$enabled) { return; } global $console_color; if ($console_color) { echo $console_color->convert($string); } else { echo preg_replace('/%((%)|.)/', '', $string); } } /* * @return true if the given graph type is a dynamic MIB graph */ function is_mib_graph($type, $subtype) { global $config; return $config['graph_types'][$type][$subtype]['section'] == 'mib'; } // is_mib_graph /* * @return true if client IP address is authorized to access graphs */ function is_client_authorized($clientip) { global $config; if (isset($config['allow_unauth_graphs']) && $config['allow_unauth_graphs']) { d_echo("Unauthorized graphs allowed\n"); return true; } if (isset($config['allow_unauth_graphs_cidr'])) { foreach ($config['allow_unauth_graphs_cidr'] as $range) { if (Net_IPv4::ipInNetwork($clientip, $range)) { d_echo("Unauthorized graphs allowed from $range\n"); return true; } } } return false; } // is_client_authorized /* * @return an array of all graph subtypes for the given type */ function get_graph_subtypes($type, $device = null) { global $config; $types = array(); // find the subtypes defined in files if ($handle = opendir($config['install_dir'] . "/html/includes/graphs/$type/")) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != "auth.inc.php" && strstr($file, ".inc.php")) { $types[] = str_replace(".inc.php", "", $file); } } closedir($handle); } if ($device != null) { // find the MIB subtypes $graphs = get_device_graphs($device); foreach ($config['graph_types'] as $type => $unused1) { foreach ($config['graph_types'][$type] as $subtype => $unused2) { if (is_mib_graph($type, $subtype) && in_array($graphs, $subtype)) { $types[] = $subtype; } } } } sort($types); return $types; } // get_graph_subtypes function get_device_graphs($device) { $query = 'SELECT `graph` FROM `device_graphs` WHERE `device_id` = ?'; return dbFetchColumn($query, array($device['device_id'])); } function get_smokeping_files($device) { global $config; $smokeping_files = array(); if (isset($config['smokeping']['dir'])) { $smokeping_dir = generate_smokeping_file($device); if ($handle = opendir($smokeping_dir)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { if (stripos($file, '.rrd') !== false) { if (strpos($file, '~') !== false) { list($target,$slave) = explode('~', str_replace('.rrd', '', $file)); $target = str_replace('_', '.', $target); $smokeping_files['in'][$target][$slave] = $file; $smokeping_files['out'][$slave][$target] = $file; } else { $target = str_replace('.rrd', '', $file); $target = str_replace('_', '.', $target); $smokeping_files['in'][$target][$config['own_hostname']] = $file; $smokeping_files['out'][$config['own_hostname']][$target] = $file; } } } } } } return $smokeping_files; } // end get_smokeping_files function generate_smokeping_file($device, $file = '') { global $config; if ($config['smokeping']['integration'] === true) { return $config['smokeping']['dir'] .'/'. $device['type'] .'/' . $file; } else { return $config['smokeping']['dir'] . '/' . $file; } } // generate_smokeping_file /* * @return rounded value to 10th/100th/1000th depending on input (valid: 10, 100, 1000) */ function round_Nth($val, $round_to) { if (($round_to == "10") || ($round_to == "100") || ($round_to == "1000")) { $diff = $val % $round_to; if ($diff >= ($round_to / 2)) { $ret = $val + ($round_to-$diff); } else { $ret = $val - $diff; } return $ret; } } // end round_Nth /* * @return true if this device should be polled with MIB-based discovery */ function is_mib_poller_enabled($device) { $val = get_dev_attrib($device, 'poll_mib'); if ($val == null) { return is_module_enabled('poller', 'mib'); } return $val; } // is_mib_poller_enabled /* * FIXME: Dummy implementation */ function count_mib_mempools($device) { if (is_mib_poller_enabled($device) && $device['os'] == 'ruckuswireless') { return 1; } return 0; } // count_mib_mempools /* * FIXME: Dummy implementation */ function count_mib_processors($device) { if (is_mib_poller_enabled($device) && $device['os'] == 'ruckuswireless') { return 1; } return 0; } // count_mib_processors function count_mib_health($device) { return count_mib_mempools($device) + count_mib_processors($device); } // count_mib_health function get_mibval($device, $oid) { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM `device_oids` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `oid` = ?'; return dbFetchRow($sql, array($device['device_id'], $oid)); } // get_mibval /* * FIXME: Dummy implementation - needs an abstraction for each device */ function get_mib_mempools($device) { $mempools = array(); if (is_mib_poller_enabled($device) && $device['os'] == 'ruckuswireless') { $mempool = array(); $mibvals = get_mibval($device, '.'); $mempool['mempool_descr'] = $mibvals['object_type']; $mempool['mempool_id'] = 0; $mempool['mempool_total'] = 100; $mempool['mempool_used'] = $mibvals['numvalue']; $mempool['mempool_free'] = 100 - $mibvals['numvalue']; $mempool['percentage'] = true; $mempools[] = $mempool; } return $mempools; } // get_mib_mempools /* * FIXME: Dummy implementation - needs an abstraction for each device */ function get_mib_processors($device) { $processors = array(); if (is_mib_poller_enabled($device) && $device['os'] == 'ruckuswireless') { $proc = array(); $mibvals = get_mibval($device, '.'); $proc['processor_descr'] = $mibvals['object_type']; $proc['processor_id'] = 0; $proc['processor_usage'] = $mibvals['numvalue']; $processors[] = $proc; } return $processors; } // get_mib_processors /* * FIXME: Dummy implementation - needs an abstraction for each device * @return true if there is a custom graph defined for this type, subtype, and device */ function is_custom_graph($type, $subtype, $device) { if (is_mib_poller_enabled($device) && $device['os'] == 'ruckuswireless' && $type == 'device') { switch ($subtype) { case 'cpumem': case 'mempool': case 'processor': return true; } } return false; } // is_custom_graph /* * FIXME: Dummy implementation * Set section/graph entries in $graph_enable for graphs specific to $os. */ function enable_os_graphs($os, &$graph_enable) { /* foreach (dbFetchRows("SELECT * FROM graph_conditions WHERE graph_type = 'device' AND condition_name = 'os' AND condition_value = ?", array($os)) as $graph) { $graph_enable[$graph['graph_section']][$graph['graph_subtype']] = "device_".$graph['graph_subtype']; } */ } // enable_os_graphs /* * For each os-based or global graph relevant to $device, set its section/graph entry in $graph_enable. */ function enable_graphs($device, &$graph_enable) { // These are standard graphs we should have for all systems $graph_enable['poller']['poller_perf'] = 'device_poller_perf'; $graph_enable['poller']['poller_modules_perf'] = 'device_poller_modules_perf'; if (can_ping_device($device) === true) { $graph_enable['poller']['ping_perf'] = 'device_ping_perf'; } enable_os_graphs($device['os'], $graph_enable); } // enable_graphs // // maintain a simple cache of objects // function object_add_cache($section, $obj) { global $object_cache; $object_cache[$section][$obj] = true; } // object_add_cache function object_is_cached($section, $obj) { global $object_cache; if (array_key_exists($obj, $object_cache)) { return $object_cache[$section][$obj]; } else { return false; } } // object_is_cached /** * Checks if config allows us to ping this device * $attribs contains an array of all of this devices * attributes * @param array $attribs Device attributes * @return bool **/ function can_ping_device($attribs) { global $config; if ($config['icmp_check'] === true && $attribs['override_icmp_disable'] != "true") { return true; } else { return false; } } // end can_ping_device /* * @return true if the requested module type & name is globally enabled */ function is_module_enabled($type, $module) { global $config; if (isset($config[$type.'_modules'][$module])) { return $config[$type.'_modules'][$module] == 1; } else { return false; } } // is_module_enabled /* * @return true if every string in $arr begins with $str */ function begins_with($str, $arr) { foreach ($arr as $s) { $pos = strpos($s, $str); if ($pos === false || $pos > 0) { return false; } } return true; } // begins_with /* * @return the longest starting portion of $str that matches everything in $arr */ function longest_matching_prefix($str, $arr) { $len = strlen($str); while ($len > 0) { $prefix = substr($str, 0, $len); if (begins_with($prefix, $arr)) { return $prefix; } $len -= 1; } return ''; } // longest_matching_prefix function search_phrase_column($c) { global $searchPhrase; return "$c LIKE '%$searchPhrase%'"; } // search_phrase_column function print_mib_poller_disabled() { echo '

MIB polling is not enabled

Set $config[\'poller_modules\'][\'mib\'] = 1; in config.php to enable.

'; } // print_mib_poller_disabled /** * Constructs the path to an RRD for the Ceph application * @param string $gtype The type of rrd we're looking for * @return string **/ function ceph_rrd($gtype) { global $device; global $vars; if ($gtype == "osd") { $var = $vars['osd']; } else { $var = $vars['pool']; } return rrd_name($device['hostname'], array('app', 'ceph', $vars['id'], $gtype, $var)); } // ceph_rrd /** * Parse location field for coordinates * @param string location The location field to look for coords in. * @return array Containing the lat and lng coords **/ function parse_location($location) { preg_match('/(\[)(-?[0-9\. ]+),[ ]*(-?[0-9\. ]+)(\])/', $location, $tmp_loc); if (!empty($tmp_loc[2]) && !empty($tmp_loc[3])) { return array('lat' => $tmp_loc[2], 'lng' => $tmp_loc[3]); } }//end parse_location() /** * Returns version info * @return array **/ function version_info($remote = true) { global $config; $output = array(); if ($remote === true && $config['update_channel'] == 'master') { $api = curl_init(); set_curl_proxy($api); curl_setopt($api, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'LibreNMS'); curl_setopt($api, CURLOPT_URL, $config['github_api'].'commits/master'); curl_setopt($api, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $output['github'] = json_decode(curl_exec($api), true); } list($local_sha, $local_date) = explode('|', rtrim(`git show --pretty='%H|%ct' -s HEAD`)); $output['local_sha'] = $local_sha; $output['local_date'] = $local_date; $output['local_branch'] = rtrim(`git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD`); $output['db_schema'] = dbFetchCell('SELECT version FROM dbSchema'); $output['php_ver'] = phpversion(); $output['mysql_ver'] = dbFetchCell('SELECT version()'); $output['rrdtool_ver'] = implode(' ', array_slice(explode(' ', shell_exec($config['rrdtool'].' --version |head -n1')), 1, 1)); $output['netsnmp_ver'] = str_replace('version: ', '', rtrim(shell_exec($config['snmpget'].' --version 2>&1'))); return $output; }//end version_info() /** * Convert a MySQL binary v4 (4-byte) or v6 (16-byte) IP address to a printable string. * @param string $ip A binary string containing an IP address, as returned from MySQL's INET6_ATON function * @return string Empty if not valid. */ // Fuction is from http://uk3.php.net/manual/en/function.inet-ntop.php function inet6_ntop($ip) { $l = strlen($ip); if ($l == 4 or $l == 16) { return inet_ntop(pack('A' . $l, $ip)); } return ''; } /** * Convert IP to use sysName * @param array device * @param string ip address * @return string **/ function ip_to_sysname($device, $ip) { global $config; if ($config['force_ip_to_sysname'] === true) { if (filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4) == true || filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6) == true) { $ip = $device['sysName']; } } return $ip; }//end ip_to_sysname /** * Return valid port association modes * @param bool $no_cache No-Cache flag (optional, default false) * @return array */ function get_port_assoc_modes($no_cache = false) { global $config; if ($config['memcached']['enable'] && $no_cache === false) { $assoc_modes = $config['memcached']['resource']->get(hash('sha512', "port_assoc_modes")); if (! empty($assoc_modes)) { return $assoc_modes; } } $assoc_modes = null; foreach (dbFetchRows("SELECT `name` FROM `port_association_mode` ORDER BY pom_id") as $row) { $assoc_modes[] = $row['name']; } if ($config['memcached']['enable'] && $no_cache === false) { $config['memcached']['resource']->set(hash('sha512', "port_assoc_modes"), $assoc_modes, $config['memcached']['ttl']); } return $assoc_modes; } /** * Validate port_association_mode * @param string $port_assoc_mode * @return bool */ function is_valid_port_assoc_mode($port_assoc_mode) { return in_array($port_assoc_mode, get_port_assoc_modes()); } /** * Get DB id of given port association mode name * @param string $port_assoc_mode * @param bool $no_cache No-Cache flag (optional, default false) */ function get_port_assoc_mode_id($port_assoc_mode, $no_cache = false) { global $config; if ($config['memcached']['enable'] && $no_cache === false) { $id = $config['memcached']['resource']->get(hash('sha512', "port_assoc_mode_id|$port_assoc_mode")); if (! empty($id)) { return $id; } } $id = null; $row = dbFetchRow("SELECT `pom_id` FROM `port_association_mode` WHERE name = ?", array ($port_assoc_mode)); if ($row) { $id = $row['pom_id']; if ($config['memcached']['enable'] && $no_cache === false) { $config['memcached']['resource']->set(hash('sha512', "port_assoc_mode_id|$port_assoc_mode"), $id, $config['memcached']['ttl']); } } return $id; } /** * Get name of given port association_mode ID * @param int $port_assoc_mode_id Port association mode ID * @param bool $no_cache No-Cache flag (optional, default false) * @return bool */ function get_port_assoc_mode_name($port_assoc_mode_id, $no_cache = false) { global $config; if ($config['memcached']['enable'] && $no_cache === false) { $name = $config['memcached']['resource']->get(hash('sha512', "port_assoc_mode_name|$port_assoc_mode_id")); if (! empty($name)) { return $name; } } $name = null; $row = dbFetchRow("SELECT `name` FROM `port_association_mode` WHERE pom_id = ?", array ($port_assoc_mode_id)); if ($row) { $name = $row['name']; if ($config['memcached']['enable'] && $no_cache === false) { $config['memcached']['resource']->set(hash('sha512', "port_assoc_mode_name|$port_assoc_mode_id"), $name, $config['memcached']['ttl']); } } return $name; } /** * Query all ports of the given device (by ID) and build port array and * port association maps for ifIndex, ifName, ifDescr. Query port stats * if told to do so, too. * @param int $device_id ID of device to query ports for * @param bool $with_statistics Query port statistics, too. (optional, default false) * @return array */ function get_ports_mapped($device_id, $with_statistics = false) { $ports = array(); $maps = array( 'ifIndex' => array(), 'ifName' => array(), 'ifDescr' => array(), ); if ($with_statistics) { /* ... including any related ports_statistics if requested */ $query = 'SELECT *, `ports_statistics`.`port_id` AS `ports_statistics_port_id`, `ports`.`port_id` AS `port_id` FROM `ports` LEFT OUTER JOIN `ports_statistics` ON `ports`.`port_id` = `ports_statistics`.`port_id` WHERE `ports`.`device_id` = ? ORDER BY ports.port_id'; } else { /* Query all information available for ports for this device ... */ $query = 'SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? ORDER BY port_id'; } // Query known ports in order of discovery to make sure the latest // discoverd/polled port is in the mapping tables. foreach (dbFetchRows($query, array ($device_id)) as $port) { // Store port information by ports port_id from DB $ports[$port['port_id']] = $port; // Build maps from ifIndex, ifName, ifDescr to port_id $maps['ifIndex'][$port['ifIndex']] = $port['port_id']; $maps['ifName'][$port['ifName']] = $port['port_id']; $maps['ifDescr'][$port['ifDescr']] = $port['port_id']; } return array( 'ports' => $ports, 'maps' => $maps, ); } /** * Calculate port_id of given port using given devices port information and port association mode * @param array $ports_mapped Port information of device queried by get_ports_mapped() * @param array $port Port information as fetched from DB * @param string $port_association_mode Port association mode to use for mapping * @return int port_id (or Null) */ function get_port_id($ports_mapped, $port, $port_association_mode) { // Get port_id according to port_association_mode used for this device $port_id = null; /* * Information an all ports is available through $ports_mapped['ports'] * This might come in handy sometime in the future to add you nifty new * port mapping schema: * * $ports = $ports_mapped['ports']; */ $maps = $ports_mapped['maps']; if (in_array($port_association_mode, array ('ifIndex', 'ifName', 'ifDescr', 'ifAlias'))) { $port_id = $maps[$port_association_mode][$port[$port_association_mode]]; } return $port_id; } /** * Create a glue-chain * @param array $tables Initial Tables to construct glue-chain * @param string $target Glue to find (usual device_id) * @param int $x Recursion Anchor * @param array $hist History of processed tables * @param array $last Glues on the fringe * @return string|boolean */ function ResolveGlues($tables, $target, $x = 0, $hist = array(), $last = array()) { if (sizeof($tables) == 1 && $x != 0) { if (dbFetchCell('SELECT 1 FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = ? && COLUMN_NAME = ?', array($tables[0],$target)) == 1) { return array_merge($last, array($tables[0].'.'.$target)); } else { return false; } } else { $x++; if ($x > 30) { //Too much recursion. Abort. return false; } foreach ($tables as $table) { $glues = dbFetchRows('SELECT COLUMN_NAME FROM information_schema.COLUMNS WHERE TABLE_NAME = ? && COLUMN_NAME LIKE "%\_id"', array($table)); if (sizeof($glues) == 1 && $glues[0]['COLUMN_NAME'] != $target) { //Search for new candidates to expand $ntables = array(); list($tmp) = explode('_', $glues[0]['COLUMN_NAME'], 2); $ntables[] = $tmp; $ntables[] = $tmp.'s'; $tmp = dbFetchRows('SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE TABLE_NAME LIKE "'.substr($table, 0, -1).'_%" && TABLE_NAME != "'.$table.'"'); foreach ($tmp as $expand) { $ntables[] = $expand['TABLE_NAME']; } $tmp = ResolveGlues($ntables, $target, $x++, array_merge($tables, $ntables), array_merge($last, array($table.'.'.$glues[0]['COLUMN_NAME']))); if (is_array($tmp)) { return $tmp; } } else { foreach ($glues as $glue) { if ($glue['COLUMN_NAME'] == $target) { return array_merge($last, array($table.'.'.$target)); } else { list($tmp) = explode('_', $glue['COLUMN_NAME']); $tmp .= 's'; if (!in_array($tmp, $tables) && !in_array($tmp, $hist)) { //Expand table $tmp = ResolveGlues(array($tmp), $target, $x++, array_merge($tables, array($tmp)), array_merge($last, array($table.'.'.$glue['COLUMN_NAME']))); if (is_array($tmp)) { return $tmp; } } } } } } } //You should never get here. return false; } /** * Determine if a given string contains a given substring. * * @param string $haystack * @param string|array $needles * @param bool $case_insensitive * @return bool */ function str_contains($haystack, $needles, $case_insensitive = false) { if ($case_insensitive) { foreach ((array) $needles as $needle) { if ($needle != '' && stripos($haystack, $needle) !== false) { return true; } } } else { foreach ((array) $needles as $needle) { if ($needle != '' && strpos($haystack, $needle) !== false) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Determine if a given string ends with a given substring. * * @param string $haystack * @param string|array $needles * @param bool $case_insensitive * @return bool */ function ends_with($haystack, $needles, $case_insensitive = false) { if ($case_insensitive) { $lower_haystack = strtolower($haystack); foreach ((array)$needles as $needle) { if (strtolower($needle) === substr($lower_haystack, -strlen($needle))) { return true; } } } else { foreach ((array)$needles as $needle) { if ((string)$needle === substr($haystack, -strlen($needle))) { return true; } } } return false; } /** * Determine if a given string starts with a given substring. * * @param string $haystack * @param string|array $needles * @param bool $case_insensitive * @return bool */ function starts_with($haystack, $needles, $case_insensitive = false) { if ($case_insensitive) { foreach ((array)$needles as $needle) { if ($needle != '' && stripos($haystack, $needle) === 0) { return true; } } } else { foreach ((array)$needles as $needle) { if ($needle != '' && strpos($haystack, $needle) === 0) { return true; } } } return false; } function get_auth_ad_user_filter($username) { global $config; $user_filter = "(samaccountname=$username)"; if ($config['auth_ad_user_filter']) { $user_filter = "(&{$config['auth_ad_user_filter']}$user_filter)"; } return $user_filter; } function get_auth_ad_group_filter($groupname) { global $config; $group_filter = "(samaccountname=$groupname)"; if ($config['auth_ad_group_filter']) { $group_filter = "(&{$config['auth_ad_group_filter']}$group_filter)"; } return $group_filter; } /** * @param $value * @return string */ function clean($value) { return strip_tags(mres($value)); } /** * @param $value * @return string */ function display($value) { return htmlentities(stripslashes(strip_tags($value))); }