. * * @link http://librenms.org * @copyright 2017 Tony Murray * @author Tony Murray */ namespace LibreNMS\Util; use LibreNMS\Exceptions\InvalidIpException; abstract class IP { public $ip; public $cidr; public $host_bits; /** * Convert a hex-string to an IP address. For example: "c0 a8 01 fe" -> * @param string $hex * @param bool $ignore_errors Do not throw exceptions, instead return null on error. * @return IP|null * @throws InvalidIpException */ public static function fromHexString($hex, $ignore_errors = false) { $hex = str_replace([' ', '"'], '', $hex); try { return self::parse($hex); } catch (InvalidIpException $e) { // ignore } $hex = str_replace([':', '.'], '', $hex); try { if (strlen($hex) == 8) { return new IPv4(long2ip(hexdec($hex))); } if (strlen($hex) == 32) { return new IPv6(implode(':', str_split($hex, 4))); } } catch (InvalidIpException $e) { if (! $ignore_errors) { throw $e; } } if (! $ignore_errors) { throw new InvalidIpException("Could not parse into IP: $hex"); } return null; } /** * Convert a decimal space-separated string to an IP address. For example: * "192 168 1 154" -> * "32 01 72 96 72 96 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 136 136" -> 2001:4860:4860::8888 * @param string $snmpOid * @param bool $ignore_errors Do not throw exceptions, instead return null on error. * @return IP|null * @throws InvalidIpException */ public static function fromSnmpString($snmpOid, $ignore_errors = false) { $snmpOid = str_replace(['.', '"'], ' ', $snmpOid); $hex = implode( ':', array_map( function ($dec) { return sprintf('%02x', $dec); }, explode(' ', (string) $snmpOid) ) ); return IP::fromHexString($hex, $ignore_errors); } /** * Parse an IP or IP Network into an IP object. Works with IPv6 and IPv4 addresses. * @param string $ip * @param bool $ignore_errors Do not throw exceptions, instead return null on error. * @return IP|null * @throws InvalidIpException */ public static function parse($ip, $ignore_errors = false) { try { return new IPv4($ip); } catch (InvalidIpException $e) { // ignore ipv4 failure and try ipv6 } try { return new IPv6($ip); } catch (InvalidIpException $e) { if (! $ignore_errors) { throw new InvalidIpException("$ip is not a valid IP address"); } } return null; } /** * Check if the supplied IP is valid. * @param string $ip * @param bool $exclude_reserved Exclude reserved IP ranges. * @return bool */ public static function isValid($ip, $exclude_reserved = false) { return IPv4::isValid($ip, $exclude_reserved) || IPv6::isValid($ip, $exclude_reserved); } /** * Get the network of this IP in cidr format. * @param int $cidr If not given will use the cidr stored with this IP * @return string */ public function getNetwork($cidr = null) { if (is_null($cidr)) { $cidr = $this->cidr; } return $this->getNetworkAddress($cidr) . "/$cidr"; } /** * Get the network address of this IP * @param int $cidr If not given will use the cidr stored with this IP * @return string */ abstract public function getNetworkAddress($cidr = null); /** * Check if this IP address is contained inside the network * @param string $network should be in cidr format. * @return mixed */ abstract public function inNetwork($network); /** * Check if this IP is in one of multiple networks * * @param array $networks * @return bool */ public function inNetworks($networks) { foreach ((array) $networks as $network) { if ($this->inNetwork($network)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Check if this IP is in the reserved range. * @return bool */ public function isReserved() { return filter_var($this->ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_NO_RES_RANGE) === false; } /** * Remove extra 0s from this IPv6 address to make it easier to read. * IPv4 addresses, just return the address. * @return string|false */ public function compressed() { return (string) $this->ip; } /** * Expand this IPv6 address to it's full IPv6 representation. For example: ::1 -> 0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0001 * IPv4 addresses, just return the address. * @return string */ public function uncompressed() { return (string) $this->ip; } /** * Packed address for storage in database * * return string */ public function packed() { return inet_pton((string) $this->ip); } /** * Get the family of this IP. * @return string ipv4 or ipv6 */ public function getFamily() { return $this->host_bits == 32 ? 'ipv4' : 'ipv6'; } public function __toString() { if ($this->cidr == $this->host_bits) { return (string) $this->ip; } return $this->ip . "/{$this->cidr}"; } /** * Extract an address from a cidr, assume a host is given if it does not contain / * @param string $ip * @return array [$ip, $cidr] */ protected function extractCidr($ip) { return array_pad(explode('/', $ip, 2), 2, $this->host_bits); } /** * Convert this IP to an snmp index hex encoded * * @return string */ abstract public function toSnmpIndex(); }