. * * @link http://librenms.org * @copyright 2018 Tony Murray * @author Tony Murray */ namespace LibreNMS\Util; use App\Models\Device; use LibreNMS\Config; class Rewrite { public static function normalizeIfType($type) { $rewrite_iftype = [ 'frameRelay' => 'Frame Relay', 'ethernetCsmacd' => 'Ethernet', 'softwareLoopback' => 'Loopback', 'tunnel' => 'Tunnel', 'propVirtual' => 'Virtual Int', 'ppp' => 'PPP', 'ds1' => 'DS1', 'pos' => 'POS', 'sonet' => 'SONET', 'slip' => 'SLIP', 'mpls' => 'MPLS Layer', 'l2vlan' => 'VLAN Subif', 'atm' => 'ATM', 'aal5' => 'ATM AAL5', 'atmSubInterface' => 'ATM Subif', 'propPointToPointSerial' => 'PtP Serial', ]; if (isset($rewrite_iftype[$type])) { return $rewrite_iftype[$type]; } return $type; } public static function normalizeIfName($name) { $rewrite_ifname = [ 'ether' => 'Ether', 'gig' => 'Gig', 'fast' => 'Fast', 'ten' => 'Ten', '-802.1q vlan subif' => '', '-802.1q' => '', 'bvi' => 'BVI', 'vlan' => 'Vlan', 'tunnel' => 'Tunnel', 'serial' => 'Serial', '-aal5 layer' => ' aal5', 'null' => 'Null', 'atm' => 'ATM', 'port-channel' => 'Port-Channel', 'dial' => 'Dial', 'hp procurve switch software loopback interface' => 'Loopback Interface', 'control plane interface' => 'Control Plane', 'loop' => 'Loop', 'bundle-ether' => 'Bundle-Ether', ]; return str_ireplace(array_keys($rewrite_ifname), array_values($rewrite_ifname), $name); } public static function shortenIfName($name) { $rewrite_shortif = [ 'tengigabitethernet' => 'Te', 'ten-gigabitethernet' => 'Te', 'tengige' => 'Te', 'gigabitethernet' => 'Gi', 'fastethernet' => 'Fa', 'ethernet' => 'Et', 'serial' => 'Se', 'pos' => 'Pos', 'port-channel' => 'Po', 'atm' => 'Atm', 'null' => 'Null', 'loopback' => 'Lo', 'dialer' => 'Di', 'vlan' => 'Vlan', 'tunnel' => 'Tunnel', 'serviceinstance' => 'SI', 'dwdm' => 'DWDM', 'bundle-ether' => 'BE', 'bridge-aggregation' => 'BA', ]; return str_ireplace(array_keys($rewrite_shortif), array_values($rewrite_shortif), $name); } /** * Reformat a mac stored in the DB (only hex) to a nice readable format * * @param $mac * @return string */ public static function readableMac($mac) { return rtrim(chunk_split($mac, 2, ':'), ':'); } /** * Reformat hex MAC as oid MAC (dotted-decimal) * * 00:12:34:AB:CD:EF becomes * 0:12:34:AB:CD:EF becomes * 00:02:04:0B:0D:0F becomes * 0:2:4:B:D:F becomes * * @param string $mac * @return string oid representation of a MAC address */ public static function oidMac($mac) { return implode('.', array_map('hexdec', explode(':', $mac))); } /** * Reformat Hex MAC with delimiters to Hex String without delimiters * * Assumes the MAC address is well-formed and in a common format. * 00:12:34:ab:cd:ef becomes 001234abcdef * 00:12:34:AB:CD:EF becomes 001234ABCDEF * 0:12:34:AB:CD:EF becomes 001234ABCDEF * 00-12-34-AB-CD-EF becomes 001234ABCDEF * 001234-ABCDEF becomes 001234ABCDEF * 0012.34AB.CDEF becomes 001234ABCDEF * 00:02:04:0B:0D:0F becomes 0002040B0D0F * 0:2:4:B:D:F becomes 0002040B0D0F * * @param string $mac hexadecimal MAC address with or without common delimiters * @return string undelimited hexadecimal MAC address */ public static function macToHex($mac) { $mac_array = explode(':', str_replace(['-', '.'], ':', $mac)); $mac_padding = array_fill(0, count($mac_array), 12 / count($mac_array)); return implode(array_map('zeropad', $mac_array, $mac_padding)); } /** * Make Cisco hardware human readable * * @param Device $device * @param bool $short * @return string */ public static function ciscoHardware(&$device, $short = false) { if ($device['os'] == 'ios') { if ($device['hardware']) { if (preg_match('/^WS-C([A-Za-z0-9]+)/', $device['hardware'], $matches)) { if (! $short) { $device['hardware'] = 'Catalyst ' . $matches[1] . ' (' . $device['hardware'] . ')'; } else { $device['hardware'] = 'Catalyst ' . $matches[1]; } } elseif (preg_match('/^CISCO([0-9]+)(.*)/', $device['hardware'], $matches)) { if (! $short && $matches[2]) { $device['hardware'] = 'Cisco ' . $matches[1] . ' (' . $device['hardware'] . ')'; } else { $device['hardware'] = 'Cisco ' . $matches[1]; } } } elseif (preg_match('/Cisco IOS Software, C([A-Za-z0-9]+) Software.*/', $device['sysDescr'], $matches)) { $device['hardware'] = 'Catalyst ' . $matches[1]; } elseif (preg_match('/Cisco IOS Software, ([0-9]+) Software.*/', $device['sysDescr'], $matches)) { $device['hardware'] = 'Cisco ' . $matches[1]; } } if ($device['os'] == 'iosxe') { if ($device['hardware']) { if (preg_match('/CAT9K/', $device['sysDescr'], $matches) && preg_match('/^C(9[A-Za-z0-9]+)/', $device['hardware'], $matches2)) { if (! $short) { $device['hardware'] = 'Catalyst ' . $matches2[1] . ' (' . $device['hardware'] . ')'; } else { $device['hardware'] = 'Catalyst ' . $matches2[1]; } } } } return $device['hardware']; } public static function location($location) { $location = str_replace(["\n", '"'], '', $location); if (is_array(Config::get('location_map_regex'))) { foreach (Config::get('location_map_regex') as $reg => $val) { if (preg_match($reg, $location)) { $location = $val; break; } } } if (is_array(Config::get('location_map_regex_sub'))) { foreach (Config::get('location_map_regex_sub') as $reg => $val) { if (preg_match($reg, $location)) { $location = preg_replace($reg, $val, $location); break; } } } if (Config::has("location_map.$location")) { $location = Config::get("location_map.$location"); } return $location; } public static function vmwareGuest($guest_id) { $guests = [ 'asianux3_64Guest' => 'Asianux Server 3 (64 bit)', 'asianux3Guest' => 'Asianux Server 3', 'asianux4_64Guest' => 'Asianux Server 4 (64 bit)', 'asianux4Guest' => 'Asianux Server 4', 'asianux5_64Guest' => 'Asianux Server 5 (64 bit)', 'asianux7_64Guest' => 'Asianux Server 7 (64 bit)', 'asianux8_64Guest' => 'Asianux Server 8 (64 bit)', 'centos6_64Guest' => 'CentOS 6 (64-bit)', 'centos64Guest' => 'CentOS 4/5 (64-bit)', 'centos6Guest' => 'CentOS 6', 'centos7_64Guest' => 'CentOS 7 (64-bit)', 'centos7Guest' => 'CentOS 7', 'centos8_64Guest' => 'CentOS 8 (64-bit)', 'centosGuest' => 'CentOS 4/5', 'coreos64Guest' => 'CoreOS Linux (64 bit)', 'darwin10_64Guest' => 'Mac OS 10.6 (64 bit)', 'darwin10Guest' => 'Mac OS 10.6', 'darwin11_64Guest' => 'Mac OS 10.7 (64 bit)', 'darwin11Guest' => 'Mac OS 10.7', 'darwin12_64Guest' => 'Mac OS 10.8 (64 bit)', 'darwin13_64Guest' => 'Mac OS 10.9 (64 bit)', 'darwin14_64Guest' => 'Mac OS 10.10 (64 bit)', 'darwin15_64Guest' => 'Mac OS 10.11 (64 bit)', 'darwin16_64Guest' => 'Mac OS 10.12 (64 bit)', 'darwin17_64Guest' => 'macOS 10.13 (64 bit)', 'darwin18_64Guest' => 'macOS 10.14 (64 bit)', 'darwin64Guest' => 'Mac OS 10.5 (64 bit)', 'darwinGuest' => 'Mac OS 10.5', 'debian10_64Guest' => 'Debian GNU/Linux 10 (64 bit)', 'debian10Guest' => 'Debian GNU/Linux 10', 'debian4_64Guest' => 'Debian GNU/Linux 4 (64 bit)', 'debian4Guest' => 'Debian GNU/Linux 4', 'debian5_64Guest' => 'Debian GNU/Linux 5 (64 bit)', 'debian5Guest' => 'Debian GNU/Linux 5', 'debian6_64Guest' => 'Debian GNU/Linux 6 (64 bit)', 'debian6Guest' => 'Debian GNU/Linux 6', 'debian7_64Guest' => 'Debian GNU/Linux 7 (64 bit)', 'debian7Guest' => 'Debian GNU/Linux 7', 'debian8_64Guest' => 'Debian GNU/Linux 8 (64 bit)', 'debian8Guest' => 'Debian GNU/Linux 8', 'debian9_64Guest' => 'Debian GNU/Linux 9 (64 bit)', 'debian9Guest' => 'Debian GNU/Linux 9', 'dosGuest' => 'MS-DOS.', 'eComStation2Guest' => 'eComStation 2.0', 'eComStationGuest' => 'eComStation 1.x', 'fedora64Guest' => 'Fedora Linux (64 bit)', 'fedoraGuest' => 'Fedora Linux', 'freebsd11_64Guest' => 'FreeBSD 11 x64', 'freebsd11Guest' => 'FreeBSD 11', 'freebsd12_64Guest' => 'FreeBSD 12 x64', 'freebsd12Guest' => 'FreeBSD 12', 'freebsd64Guest' => 'FreeBSD x64', 'freebsdGuest' => 'FreeBSD', 'genericLinuxGuest' => 'Other Linux', 'mandrakeGuest' => 'Mandrake Linux', 'mandriva64Guest' => 'Mandriva Linux (64 bit)', 'mandrivaGuest' => 'Mandriva Linux', 'netware4Guest' => 'Novell NetWare 4', 'netware5Guest' => 'Novell NetWare 5.1', 'netware6Guest' => 'Novell NetWare 6.x', 'nld9Guest' => 'Novell Linux Desktop 9', 'oesGuest' => 'Open Enterprise Server', 'openServer5Guest' => 'SCO OpenServer 5', 'openServer6Guest' => 'SCO OpenServer 6', 'opensuse64Guest' => 'OpenSUSE Linux (64 bit)', 'opensuseGuest' => 'OpenSUSE Linux', 'oracleLinux6_64Guest' => 'Oracle 6 (64-bit)', 'oracleLinux64Guest' => 'Oracle Linux 4/5 (64-bit)', 'oracleLinux6Guest' => 'Oracle 6', 'oracleLinux7_64Guest' => 'Oracle 7 (64-bit)', 'oracleLinux7Guest' => 'Oracle 7', 'oracleLinux8_64Guest' => 'Oracle 8 (64-bit)', 'oracleLinuxGuest' => 'Oracle Linux 4/5', 'os2Guest' => 'OS/2', 'other24xLinux64Guest' => 'Linux 2.4x Kernel (64 bit) (experimental)', 'other24xLinuxGuest' => 'Linux 2.4x Kernel', 'other26xLinux64Guest' => 'Linux 2.6x Kernel (64 bit) (experimental)', 'other26xLinuxGuest' => 'Linux 2.6x Kernel', 'other3xLinux64Guest' => 'Linux 3.x Kernel (64 bit)', 'other3xLinuxGuest' => 'Linux 3.x Kernel', 'other4xLinux64Guest' => 'Linux 4.x Kernel (64 bit)', 'other4xLinuxGuest' => 'Linux 4.x Kernel', 'otherGuest' => 'Other Operating System', 'otherGuest64' => 'Other Operating System (64 bit) (experimental)', 'otherLinux64Guest' => 'Linux (64 bit) (experimental)', 'otherLinuxGuest' => 'Linux 2.2x Kernel', 'redhatGuest' => 'Red Hat Linux 2.1', 'rhel2Guest' => 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 2', 'rhel3_64Guest' => 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 (64 bit)', 'rhel3Guest' => 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3', 'rhel4_64Guest' => 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4 (64 bit)', 'rhel4Guest' => 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4', 'rhel5_64Guest' => 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5 (64 bit) (experimental)', 'rhel5Guest' => 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5', 'rhel6_64Guest' => 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 (64 bit)', 'rhel6Guest' => 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6', 'rhel7_64Guest' => 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 (64 bit)', 'rhel7Guest' => 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7', 'rhel8_64Guest' => 'Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 (64 bit)', 'sjdsGuest' => 'Sun Java Desktop System', 'sles10_64Guest' => 'Suse Linux Enterprise Server 10 (64 bit) (experimental)', 'sles10Guest' => 'Suse linux Enterprise Server 10', 'sles11_64Guest' => 'Suse Linux Enterprise Server 11 (64 bit)', 'sles11Guest' => 'Suse linux Enterprise Server 11', 'sles12_64Guest' => 'Suse Linux Enterprise Server 12 (64 bit)', 'sles12Guest' => 'Suse linux Enterprise Server 12', 'sles15_64Guest' => 'Suse Linux Enterprise Server 15 (64 bit)', 'sles64Guest' => 'Suse Linux Enterprise Server 9 (64 bit)', 'slesGuest' => 'Suse Linux Enterprise Server 9', 'solaris10_64Guest' => 'Solaris 10 (64 bit) (experimental)', 'solaris10Guest' => 'Solaris 10 (32 bit) (experimental)', 'solaris11_64Guest' => 'Solaris 11 (64 bit)', 'solaris6Guest' => 'Solaris 6', 'solaris7Guest' => 'Solaris 7', 'solaris8Guest' => 'Solaris 8', 'solaris9Guest' => 'Solaris 9', 'suse64Guest' => 'Suse Linux (64 bit)', 'suseGuest' => 'Suse Linux', 'turboLinux64Guest' => 'Turbolinux (64 bit)', 'turboLinuxGuest' => 'Turbolinux', 'ubuntu64Guest' => 'Ubuntu Linux (64 bit)', 'ubuntuGuest' => 'Ubuntu Linux', 'unixWare7Guest' => 'SCO UnixWare 7', 'vmkernel5Guest' => 'VMware ESX 5', 'vmkernel65Guest' => 'VMware ESX 6.5', 'vmkernel6Guest' => 'VMware ESX 6', 'vmkernelGuest' => 'VMware ESX 4', 'vmwarePhoton64Guest' => 'VMware Photon (64 bit)', 'win2000AdvServGuest' => 'Windows 2000 Advanced Server', 'win2000ProGuest' => 'Windows 2000 Professional', 'win2000ServGuest' => 'Windows 2000 Server', 'win31Guest' => 'Windows 3.1', 'win95Guest' => 'Windows 95', 'win98Guest' => 'Windows 98', 'windows7_64Guest' => 'Windows 7 (64 bit)', 'windows7Guest' => 'Windows 7', 'windows7Server64Guest' => 'Windows Server 2008 R2 (64 bit)', 'windows8_64Guest' => 'Windows 8 (64 bit)', 'windows8Guest' => 'Windows 8', 'windows8Server64Guest' => 'Windows 8 Server (64 bit)', 'windows9_64Guest' => 'Windows 10 (64 bit)', 'windows9Guest' => 'Windows 10', 'windows9Server64Guest' => 'Windows 10 Server (64 bit)', 'windowsHyperVGuest' => 'Windows Hyper-V', 'winLonghorn64Guest' => 'Windows Longhorn (64 bit) (experimental)', 'winLonghornGuest' => 'Windows Longhorn (experimental)', 'winMeGuest' => 'Windows Millenium Edition', 'winNetBusinessGuest' => 'Windows Small Business Server 2003', 'winNetDatacenter64Guest' => 'Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition (64 bit) (experimental)', 'winNetDatacenterGuest' => 'Windows Server 2003, Datacenter Edition', 'winNetEnterprise64Guest' => 'Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition (64 bit)', 'winNetEnterpriseGuest' => 'Windows Server 2003, Enterprise Edition', 'winNetStandard64Guest' => 'Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition (64 bit)', 'winNetStandardGuest' => 'Windows Server 2003, Standard Edition', 'winNetWebGuest' => 'Windows Server 2003, Web Edition', 'winNTGuest' => 'Windows NT 4', 'winVista64Guest' => 'Windows Vista (64 bit)', 'winVistaGuest' => 'Windows Vista', 'winXPHomeGuest' => 'Windows XP Home Edition', 'winXPPro64Guest' => 'Windows XP Professional Edition (64 bit)', 'winXPProGuest' => 'Windows XP Professional', ]; return $guests[$guest_id] ?? $guest_id; } public static function zeropad($num, $length = 2) { return str_pad($num, $length, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); } public static function formatStorage($value, int $round = 2, int $sf = 3): string { $value = self::format_bi($value, $round, $sf) . 'B'; return $value; } public static function format_bi($value, int $round = 2, int $sf = 3): string { $neg = false; $sizes = ['', 'k', 'M', 'G', 'T', 'P', 'E']; $ext = $sizes[0]; if ($value < 0) { $neg = true; $value = $value * -1; } for ($i = 1; (($i < count($sizes)) && ($value >= 1024)); $i++) { $value = $value / 1024; $ext = $sizes[$i]; } if ($neg) { $value = $value * -1; } return (number_format(round($value, $round), $sf, '.', '') + 0) . ' ' . $ext; } }