# Configuration Docs LibreNMS configuration is a set of key values. The config is stored in two places: Database: This applies to all pollers and can be set with either `lnms config:set` or in the Web UI. Database config takes precedence over config.php. config.php: This applies to the local poller only. Configs set here will be disabled in the Web UI to prevent unexpected behaviour. The LibreNMS uses dot notation for config items: | Database | config.php | | -------- | ---------- | | `snmp.community` | `$config['snmp']['community']` | | `snmp.community.+` | `$config['snmp']['community'][]` | | `snmp.v3.0.authalgo` | `$config['snmp']['v3'][0]['authalgo']` | > The documentation has not been updated to reflect using `lnms config:set` to > set config items, but it will work for all settings. Not all settings have > been defined in LibreNMS, but they can still be set with the `--ignore-checks` > option. Without that option input is checked for correctness, that does not > mean it is not possible to set bad values. Please report missing settings. ## CLI `lnms config:get` will fetch the current config settings (composite of database, config.php, and defaults). `lnms config:set` will set the config setting in the database. Calling `lnms config:set` on a setting with no value will reset it to the default value. If you set up bash completion, you can use tab completion to find config settings. ### Examples ```bash lnms config:get snmp.community [ "public" ] lnms config:set snmp.community.+ testing lnms config:get snmp.community [ "public", "testing" ] lnms config:set snmp.community.0 private lnms config:get snmp.community [ "private", "testing" ] lnms config:set snmp.community test Invalid format lnms config:set snmp.community '["test", "othercommunity"]' lnms config:get snmp.community [ "test", "othercommunity" ] lnms config:set snmp.community Reset snmp.community to the default? (yes/no) [no]: > yes lnms config:get snmp.community [ "public" ] ``` ## Pre-load configuration This feature is primarily for docker images and other automation. When installing LibreNMS for the first time with a new database you can place yaml key value files in `database/seeders/config` to pre-populate the config database. Example snmp.yaml ```yaml snmp.community: - public - private snmp.max_repeaters: 30 ``` ## Directories ```bash lnms config:set temp_dir /tmp ``` The temporary directory is where images and other temporary files are created on your filesystem. ```bash lnms config:set log_dir /opt/librenms/logs ``` Log files created by LibreNMS will be stored within this directory. ## Database config Set these variables either in .env (/opt/librenms/.env by default) or in the environment. ```dotenv DB_HOST= DB_DATABASE=librenms DB_USERNAME=DBUSER DB_PASSWORD="DBPASS" ``` Use non-standard port: ```dotenv DB_PORT=3306 ``` Use a unix socket: ```dotenv DB_SOCKET=/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock ``` ## Core ### PHP Settings You can change the memory limits for php within `config.php`. The value is in Megabytes and should just be an int value: `lnms config:set php_memory_limit 128` ### Programs A lot of these are self explanatory so no further information may be provided. Any extensions that have dedicated documentation page will be linked to rather than having the config provided. #### RRDTool > You can configure these options within the WebUI now, please avoid > setting these options within config.php > > Settings -> External Settings -> RRDTool Setup ```bash lnms config:set rrdtool /usr/bin/rrdtool ``` Please see [1 Minute polling](1-Minute-Polling.md) for information on configuring your install to record data more frequently. #### fping ```bash lnms config:set fping /usr/bin/fping lnms config:set fping6 fping6 lnms config:set fping_options.timeout 500 lnms config:set fping_options.count 3 lnms config:set fping_options.interval 500 lnms config:set fping_options.tos 184 ``` `fping` configuration options: * `timeout` (`fping` parameter `-t`): Amount of time that fping waits for a response to its first request (in milliseconds). **See note below** * `count` (`fping` parameter `-c`): Number of request packets to send to each target. * `interval` (`fping` parameter `-p`): Time in milliseconds that fping waits between successive packets to an individual target. * `tos` (`fping`parameter `-O`): Set the type of service flag (TOS). Value can be either decimal or hexadecimal (0xh) format. Can be used to ensure that ping packets are queued in following QOS mecanisms in the network. Table is accessible in the [TOS Wikipedia page](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Type_of_service). > NOTE: Setting a higher timeout value than the interval value can > lead to slowing down poller. Example: > > timeout: 3000 > > count: 3 > > interval: 500 > > In this example, interval will be overwritten by the timeout value > of 3000 which is 3 seconds. As we send three icmp packets (count: > 3), each one is delayed by 3 seconds which will result in fping > taking > 6 seconds to return results. You can disable the fping / icmp check that is done for a device to be determined to be up on a global or per device basis. **We don't advise disabling the fping / icmp check unless you know the impact, at worst if you have a large number of devices down then it's possible that the poller would no longer complete in 5 minutes due to waiting for snmp to timeout.** Globally disable fping / icmp check: ```bash lnms config:set icmp_check false ``` If you would like to do this on a per device basis then you can do so under Device -> Edit -> Misc -> Disable ICMP Test? On #### traceroute LibreNMS uses traceroute / traceroute6 to record debug information when a device is down due to icmp AND you have `lnms config:set debug.run_trace true` set. ```bash lnms config:set traceroute /usr/bin/traceroute lnms config:set traceroute6 /usr/bin/traceroute6 ``` #### SNMP ```bash lnms config:set snmpwalk /usr/bin/snmpwalk lnms config:set snmpget /usr/bin/snmpget lnms config:set snmpbulkwalk /usr/bin/snmpbulkwalk ``` SNMP program locations. ```bash lnms config:set whois /usr/bin/whois lnms config:set ping /bin/ping lnms config:set mtr /usr/bin/mtr lnms config:set nmap /usr/bin/nmap lnms config:set nagios_plugins /usr/lib/nagios/plugins lnms config:set ipmitool /usr/bin/ipmitool lnms config:set virsh /usr/bin/virsh lnms config:set dot /usr/bin/dot lnms config:set sfdp /usr/bin/sfdp ``` ## Authentication Generic Authentication settings. Password minimum length for auth that allows user creation ```bash lnms config:set password.min_length 8 ``` ## Proxy support For alerting and the callback functionality, we support the use of a http proxy setting. These can be any one of the following: ```bash lnms config:set callback_proxy proxy.domain.com lnms config:set http_proxy proxy.domain.com ``` We can also make use of one of these environment variables which can be set in `/etc/environment`: ```bash http_proxy=proxy.domain.com https_proxy=proxy.domain.com ``` ## RRDCached Please refer to [RRDCached](../Extensions/RRDCached.md) ## WebUI Settings ```bash lnms config:set base_url http://demo.librenms.org ``` LibreNMS will attempt to detect the URL you are using but you can override that here. ```bash lnms config:set site_style light ``` Currently we have a number of styles which can be set which will alter the navigation bar look. dark, light and mono with light being the default. ```bash lnms config:set webui.custom_css.+ css/custom/styles.css ``` You can override a large number of visual elements by creating your own css stylesheet and referencing it here, place any custom css files into `html/css/custom` so they will be ignored by auto updates. You can specify as many css files as you like, the order they are within your config will be the order they are loaded in the browser. ```bash lnms config:set title_image images/custom/yourlogo.png ``` You can override the default logo with yours, place any custom images files into `html/images/custom` so they will be ignored by auto updates. ```bash lnms config:set page_refresh 300 ``` Set how often pages are refreshed in seconds. The default is every 5 minutes. Some pages don't refresh at all by design. ```bash lnms config:set front_page default ``` You can create your own front page by adding a blade file in `resources/views/overview/custom/` and setting `front_page` to it's name. For example, if you create `resources/views/overview/custom/foobar.blade.php`, set `front_page` to `foobar`. ```bash // This option exists in the web UI, edit it under Global Settings -> webui lnms config:set webui.default_dashboard_id 0 ``` Allows the specification of a global default dashboard page for any user who has not set one in their user preferences. Should be set to dashboard_id of an existing dashboard that is shared or shared(read). Otherwise, the system will automatically create each user an empty dashboard called `Default` on their first login. ```bash lnms config:set login_message "Unauthorised access or use shall render the user liable to criminal and/or civil prosecution." ``` This is the default message on the login page displayed to users. ```bash lnms config:set public_status true ``` If this is set to true then an overview will be shown on the login page of devices and the status. ```bash lnms config:set show_locations true # Enable Locations on menu lnms config:set show_locations_dropdown true # Enable Locations dropdown on menu lnms config:set show_services false # Disable Services on menu lnms config:set int_customers true # Enable Customer Port Parsing lnms config:set summary_errors false # Show Errored ports in summary boxes on the dashboard lnms config:set customers_descr '["cust"]' # The description to look for in ifDescr. Can have multiple '["cust","cid"]' lnms config:set transit_descr '["transit"]' # Add custom transit descriptions (array) lnms config:set peering_descr '["peering"]' # Add custom peering descriptions (array) lnms config:set core_descr '["core"]' # Add custom core descriptions (array) lnms config:set custom_descr '["This is Custom"]' # Add custom interface descriptions (array) lnms config:set int_transit true # Enable Transit Types lnms config:set int_peering true # Enable Peering Types lnms config:set int_core true # Enable Core Port Types lnms config:set int_l2tp false # Disable L2TP Port Types ``` Enable / disable certain menus from being shown in the WebUI. You are able to adjust the number and time frames of the quick select time options for graphs and the mini graphs shown per row. Quick select: ```bash lnms config:set graphs.mini.normal '{ "day": "24 Hours", "week": "One Week", "month": "One Month", "year": "One Year" }' lnms config:set graphs.mini.widescreen '{ "sixhour": "6 Hours", "day": "24 Hours", "twoday": "48 Hours", "week": "One Week", "twoweek": "Two Weeks", "month": "One Month", "twomonth": "Two Months", "year": "One Year", "twoyear": "Two Years" }' ``` Mini graphs: ```bash lnms config:set graphs.row.normal '{ "sixhour": "6 Hours", "day": "24 Hours", "twoday": "48 Hours", "week": "One Week", "twoweek": "Two Weeks", "month": "One Month", "twomonth": "Two Months", "year": "One Year", "twoyear": "Two Years" }' ``` ```bash lnms config:set web_mouseover true ``` You can disable the mouseover popover for mini graphs by setting this to false. ```bash lnms config:set enable_lazy_load true ``` You can disable image lazy loading by setting this to false. ```bash lnms config:set overview_show_sysDescr true ``` Enable or disable the sysDescr output for a device. ```bash lnms config:set force_ip_to_sysname false ``` When using IP addresses as a hostname you can instead represent the devices on the WebUI by its SNMP sysName resulting in an easier to read overview of your network. This would apply on networks where you don't have DNS records for most of your devices. ```bash lnms config:set force_hostname_to_sysname false ``` When using a dynamic DNS hostname or one that does not resolve, this option would allow you to make use of the SNMP sysName instead as the preferred reference to the device. ```bash lnms config:set device_traffic_iftype.+ '/loopback/' ``` Interface types that aren't graphed in the WebUI. The default array contains more items, please see misc/config_definitions.json for the full list. ```bash lnms config:set enable_clear_discovery true ``` Administrators are able to clear the last discovered time of a device which will force a full discovery run within the configured 5 minute cron window. ```bash lnms config:set enable_footer true ``` Disable the footer of the WebUI by setting `enable_footer` to 0. You can enable the old style network map (only available for individual devices with links discovered via xDP) by setting: ```bash lnms config:set gui.network-map.style old ``` ```bash lnms config:set percentile_value 90 ``` Show the `X`th percentile in the graph instead of the default 95th percentile. ```bash lnms config:set shorthost_target_length 15 ``` The target maximum hostname length when applying the shorthost() function. You can increase this if you want to try and fit more of the hostname in graph titles. The default value is 12 However, this can possibly break graph generation if this is very long. You can enable dynamic graphs within the WebUI under Global Settings -> Webui Settings -> Graph Settings. Graphs will be movable/scalable without reloading the page: ![Example dynamic graph usage](img/dynamic-graph-usage.gif) ## Stacked Graphs You can enable stacked graphs instead of the default inverted graphs. Enabling them is possible via webui Global Settings -> Webui Settings -> Graph settings -> Use stacked graphs ## Add host settings The following setting controls how hosts are added. If a host is added as an ip address it is checked to ensure the ip is not already present. If the ip is present the host is not added. If host is added by hostname this check is not performed. If the setting is true hostnames are resolved and the check is also performed. This helps prevents accidental duplicate hosts. ```bash lnms config:set addhost_alwayscheckip false # true - check for duplicate ips even when adding host by name. # false- only check when adding host by ip. ``` By default we allow hosts to be added with duplicate sysName's, you can disable this with the following config: ```bash lnms config:set allow_duplicate_sysName false ``` ## Global poller and discovery modules Enable or disable discovery or poller modules. This setting has an order of precedence Device > OS > Global. So if the module is set at a more specific level, it will override the less specific settings. Global: ```bash lnms config:set discovery_modules.arp-table false lnms config:set discovery_modules.entity-state true lnms config:set poller_modules.entity-state true ``` Per OS: ```bash lnms config:set os.ios.discovery_modules.arp-table false lnms config:set os.ios.discovery_modules.entity-state true lnms config:set os.ios.poller_modules.entity-state true ``` ## SNMP Settings Default SNMP options including retry and timeout settings and also default version and port. ```bash lnms config:set snmp.timeout 1 # timeout in seconds lnms config:set snmp.retries 5 # how many times to retry the query lnms config:set snmp.transports '["udp", "udp6", "tcp", "tcp6"]' # Transports to use lnms config:set snmp.version '["v2c", "v3", "v1"]' # Default versions to use lnms config:set snmp.port 161 # Default port lnms config:set snmp.exec_timeout 1200 # execution time limit in seconds ``` > NOTE: `timeout` is the time to wait for an answer and `exec_timeout` > is the max time to run a query. The default v1/v2c snmp community to use, you can expand this array with `[1]`, `[2]`, `[3]`, etc. ```bash lnms config:set snmp.community.0 public ``` >NOTE: This list of SNMP communities is used for auto discovery, and as a default set for any manually added device. The default v3 snmp details to use, you can expand this array with `[1]`, `[2]`, `[3]`, etc. ```bash lnms config:set snmp.v3.0 '{ authlevel: "noAuthNoPriv", authname: "root", authpass: "", authalgo: "MD5", cryptopass: "", cryptoalgo: "AES" }' ``` ``` authlevel noAuthNoPriv | authNoPriv | authPriv authname User Name (required even for noAuthNoPriv) authpass Auth Passphrase authalgo MD5 | SHA | SHA-224 | SHA-256 | SHA-384 | SHA-512 cryptopass Privacy (Encryption) Passphrase cryptoalgo AES | AES-192 | AES-256 | AES-256-C | DES ``` ## Auto discovery settings Please refer to [Auto-Discovery](../Extensions/Auto-Discovery.md) ## Email configuration > You can configure these options within the WebUI now, please avoid > setting these options within config.php ```bash lnms config:set email_backend mail lnms config:set email_from librenms@yourdomain.local lnms config:set email_user `lnms config:get project_id` lnms config:set email_sendmail_path /usr/sbin/sendmail lnms config:set email_smtp_host localhost lnms config:set email_smtp_port 25 lnms config:set email_smtp_timeout 10 lnms config:set email_smtp_secure tls lnms config:set email_smtp_auth false lnms config:set email_smtp_username NULL lnms config:set email_smtp_password NULL ``` What type of mail transport to use for delivering emails. Valid options for `email_backend` are mail, sendmail or smtp. The varying options after that are to support the different transports. ## Alerting Please refer to [Alerting](../Alerting/index.md) ## Billing Please refer to [Billing](../Extensions/Billing-Module.md) ## Global module support ```bash lnms config:set enable_bgp true # Enable BGP session collection and display lnms config:set enable_syslog false # Enable Syslog lnms config:set enable_inventory true # Enable Inventory lnms config:set enable_pseudowires true # Enable Pseudowires lnms config:set enable_vrfs true # Enable VRFs ``` ## Port extensions Please refer to [Port-Description-Parser](../Extensions/Interface-Description-Parsing.md) ```bash lnms config:set enable_ports_etherlike false lnms config:set enable_ports_junoseatmvp false lnms config:set enable_ports_adsl true lnms config:set enable_ports_poe false ``` Enable / disable additional port statistics. ## Port Group Assign a new discovered Port automatically to Port Group with this Port Group ID (0 means no Port Group assignment) ```php lnms config:set default_port_group 0 ``` ## External integration ### Rancid ```bash lnms config:set rancid_configs.+ /var/lib/rancid/network/configs/ lnms config:set rancid_repo_type svn lnms config:set rancid_ignorecomments false ``` Rancid configuration, `rancid_configs` is an array containing all of the locations of your rancid files. Setting `rancid_ignorecomments` will disable showing lines that start with # ### Oxidized Please refer to [Oxidized](../Extensions/Oxidized.md) ### CollectD ```bash lnms config:set collectd_dir /var/lib/collectd/rrd ``` Specify the location of the collectd rrd files. Note that the location in config.php should be consistent with the location set in /etc/collectd.conf and etc/collectd.d/rrdtool.conf ```bash DataDir "/var/lib/collectd/rrd" CreateFilesAsync false CacheTimeout 120 CacheFlush 900 WritesPerSecond 50 ``` /etc/collectd.conf ```bash LoadPlugin rrdtool DataDir "/var/lib/collectd/rrd" CacheTimeout 120 CacheFlush 900 ``` /etc/collectd.d/rrdtool.conf ```bash lnms config:set collectd_sock unix:///var/run/collectd.sock ``` Specify the location of the collectd unix socket. Using a socket allows the collectd graphs to be flushed to disk before being drawn. Be sure that your web server has permissions to write to this socket. ### Smokeping Please refer to [Smokeping](../Extensions/Smokeping.md) ### NFSen Please refer to [NFSen](../Extensions/NFSen.md) ### Location mapping If you just want to set GPS coordinates on a location, you should visit Devices > Geo Locations > All Locations and edit the coordinates there. Exact Matching: ```bash lnms config:set location_map '["Under the Sink": "Under The Sink, The Office, London, UK"]' ``` Regex Matching: ```bash lnms config:set location_map_regex '["/Sink/": "Under The Sink, The Office, London, UK"]' ``` Regex Match Substitution: ```bash lnms config:set location_map_regex_sub '["/Sink/": "Under The Sink, The Office, London, UK [lat, long]"]' ``` If you have an SNMP SysLocation of "Rack10,Rm-314,Sink", Regex Match Substition yields "Rack10,Rm-314,Under The Sink, The Office, London, UK [lat, long]". This allows you to keep the SysLocation string short and keeps Rack/Room/Building information intact after the substitution. The above are examples, these will rewrite device snmp locations so you don't need to configure full location within snmp. ## Interfaces to be ignored Interfaces can be automatically ignored during discovery by modifying bad_if\* entries in a default array, unsetting a default array and customizing it, or creating an OS specific array. The preferred method for ignoring interfaces is to use an OS specific array. The default arrays can be found in misc/config_definitions.json. OS specific definitions (includes/definitions/\_specific_os_.yaml) can contain bad_if\* arrays, but should only be modified via pull-request as manipulation of the definition files will block updating: Examples: **Add entries to default arrays** ```bash lnms config:set bad_if.+ voip-null lnms config:set bad_iftype.+ voiceEncap lnms config:set bad_if_regexp.+ '/^lo[0-9].*/' # loopback ``` **Override default bad_if values** ```bash lnms config:set bad_if '["voip-null", "voiceEncap", "voiceFXO"]' ``` **Create an OS specific array** ```bash lnms config:set os.iosxe.bad_iftype.+ macSecControlledIF lnms config:set os.iosxe.bad_iftype.+ macSecUncontrolledIF ``` **Various bad_if\* selection options available** `bad_if` is matched against the ifDescr value. `bad_iftype` is matched against the ifType value. `bad_if_regexp` is matched against the ifDescr value as a regular expression. `bad_ifname_regexp` is matched against the ifName value as a regular expression. `bad_ifalias_regexp` is matched against the ifAlias value as a regular expression. ## Interfaces that shouldn't be ignored Examples: ```bash lnms config:set good_if.+ FastEthernet lnms config:set os.ios.good_if.+ FastEthernet ``` `good_if` is matched against ifDescr value. This can be a bad_if value as well which would stop that port from being ignored. i.e. if bad_if and good_if both contained FastEthernet then ports with this value in the ifDescr will be valid. ## Interfaces to be rewritten ```bash lnms config:set rewrite_if '{"cpu": "Management Interface"}' lnms config:set rewrite_if_regexp '{"/cpu /": "Management "}' ``` Entries defined in `rewrite_if` are being replaced completely. Entries defined in `rewrite_if_regexp` only replace the match. Matches are compared case-insensitive. ## Entity sensors to be ignored Some devices register bogus sensors as they are returned via SNMP but either don't exist or just don't return data. This allows you to ignore those based on the descr field in the database. You can either ignore globally or on a per os basis. ```bash lnms config:set bad_entity_sensor_regex.+ '/Physical id [0-9]+/' lnms config:set os.ios.bad_entity_sensor_regex '["/Physical id [0-9]+/"]' ``` ## Entity sensors limit values Vendors may give some limit values (or thresholds) for the discovered sensors. By default, when no such value is given, both high and low limit values are guessed, based on the value measured during the initial discovery. When it is preferred to have no high and/or low limit values at all if these are not provided by the vendor, the guess method can be disabled: ```bash lnms config:set sensors.guess_limits false ``` ## Ignoring Health Sensors It is possible to filter some sensors from the configuration: * Ignore all temperature sensors ```bash lnms config:set disabled_sensors.current true ``` * Filter all sensors matching regexp ```'/PEM Iout/'```. ```bash lnms config:set disabled_sensors_regex.+ '/PEM Iout/' ``` * Filter all 'current' sensors for Operating System 'vrp'. ```bash lnms config:set os.vrp.disabled_sensors.current true ``` * Filter all sensors matching regexp ```'/PEM Iout/'``` for Operating System iosxe. ```bash lnms config:set os.iosxe.disabled_sensors_regex '/PEM Iout/' ``` ## Storage configuration Mounted storage / mount points to ignore in discovery and polling. ```bash lnms config:set ignore_mount_removable true lnms config:set ignore_mount_network true lnms config:set ignore_mount_optical true lnms config:set ignore_mount.+ /kern lnms config:set ignore_mount.+ /mnt/cdrom lnms config:set ignore_mount.+ /proc lnms config:set ignore_mount.+ /dev lnms config:set ignore_mount_string.+ packages lnms config:set ignore_mount_string.+ devfs lnms config:set ignore_mount_string.+ procfs lnms config:set ignore_mount_string.+ UMA lnms config:set ignore_mount_string.+ MALLOC lnms config:set ignore_mount_regexp.+ '/on: \/packages/' lnms config:set ignore_mount_regexp.+ '/on: \/dev/' lnms config:set ignore_mount_regexp.+ '/on: \/proc/' lnms config:set ignore_mount_regexp.+ '/on: \/junos^/' lnms config:set ignore_mount_regexp.+ '/on: \/junos\/dev/' lnms config:set ignore_mount_regexp.+ '/on: \/jail\/dev/' lnms config:set ignore_mount_regexp.+ '/^(dev|proc)fs/' lnms config:set ignore_mount_regexp.+ '/^\/dev\/md0/' lnms config:set ignore_mount_regexp.+ '/^\/var\/dhcpd\/dev,/' lnms config:set ignore_mount_regexp.+ '/UMA/' ``` Custom storage warning percentage ```bash lnms config:set storage_perc_warn 60 ``` ## IRC Bot Please refer to [IRC Bot](../Extensions/IRC-Bot.md) ## Authentication Please refer to [Authentication](../Extensions/Authentication.md) ## Cleanup options Please refer to [Cleanup Options](../Support/Cleanup-options.md) ## Syslog options Please refer to [Syslog](../Extensions/Syslog.md) ## Virtualization ```bash lnms config:set enable_libvirt true lnms config:set libvirt_protocols '["qemu+ssh","xen+ssh"]' lnms config:set libvirt_username root ``` Enable this to switch on support for libvirt along with `libvirt_protocols` to indicate how you connect to libvirt. You also need to: 1. Generate a non-password-protected ssh key for use by LibreNMS, as the user which runs polling & discovery (usually `librenms`). 1. On each VM host you wish to monitor: 1. Configure public key authentication from your LibreNMS server/poller by adding the librenms public key to `~root/.ssh/authorized_keys`. 1. (xen+ssh only) Enable libvirtd to gather data from xend by setting `(xend-unix-server yes)` in `/etc/xen/xend-config.sxp` and restarting xend and libvirtd. To test your setup, run `virsh -c qemu+ssh://vmhost/system list` or `virsh -c xen+ssh://vmhost list` as your librenms polling user. ## BGP Support ```bash lnms config:set astext.65332 "Cymru FullBogon Feed" ``` You can use this array to rewrite the description of ASes that you have discovered. ## Auto updates Please refer to [Updating](../General/Updating.md) ## IPMI Setup the types of IPMI protocols to test a host for and in what order. Don't forget to install ipmitool on the monitoring host. ```bash lnms config:set ipmi.type '["lanplus", "lan", "imb", "open"]' ``` ## Distributed poller settings Please refer to [Distributed Poller](../Extensions/Distributed-Poller.md) ## API Settings ## CORS Support CORS support for the API is disabled by default. Below you will find the standard options, all of which you can configure. ```bash lnms config:set api.cors.enabled false lnms config:set api.cors.origin '["*"]' lnms config:set api.cors.maxage '86400' lnms config:set api.cors.allowmethods '["POST", "GET", "PUT", "DELETE", "PATCH"]' lnms config:set api.cors.allowheaders '["Origin", "X-Requested-With", "Content-Type", "Accept", "X-Auth-Token"]' lnms config:set api.cors.exposeheaders '["Cache-Control", "Content-Language", "Content-Type", "Expires", "Last-Modified", "Pragma"]' lnms config:set api.cors.allowmethods '["POST", "GET", "PUT", "DELETE", "PATCH"]' lnms config:set api.cors.allowheaders '["Origin", "X-Requested-With", "Content-Type", "Accept", "X-Auth-Token"]' lnms config:set api.cors.exposeheaders '["Cache-Control", "Content-Language", "Content-Type", "Expires", "Last-Modified", "Pragma"]' lnms config:set api.cors.allowcredentials false ```