User Preferences';
echo '
if ($_SESSION['userlevel'] == 11) {
else {
if ($_POST['action'] == 'changepass') {
if (authenticate($_SESSION['username'], $_POST['old_pass'])) {
if ($_POST['new_pass'] == '' || $_POST['new_pass2'] == '') {
$changepass_message = 'Password must not be blank.';
else if ($_POST['new_pass'] == $_POST['new_pass2']) {
changepassword($_SESSION['username'], $_POST['new_pass']);
$changepass_message = 'Password Changed.';
else {
$changepass_message = "Passwords don't match.";
else {
$changepass_message = 'Incorrect password';
include 'includes/';
if (passwordscanchange($_SESSION['username'])) {
echo 'Change Password
echo '
echo "";
echo $changepass_message;
echo "
echo '
}//end if
if ($config['twofactor'] === true) {
if ($_POST['twofactorremove'] == 1) {
include_once $config['install_dir'].'/html/includes/authentication/twofactor.lib.php';
if (!isset($_POST['twofactor'])) {
echo '';
else {
$twofactor = dbFetchRow('SELECT twofactor FROM users WHERE username = ?', array($_SESSION['username']));
if (empty($twofactor['twofactor'])) {
echo 'Error: How did you even get here?!
else {
$twofactor = json_decode($twofactor['twofactor'], true);
if (verify_hotp($twofactor['key'], $_POST['twofactor'], $twofactor['counter'])) {
if (!dbUpdate(array('twofactor' => ''), 'users', 'username = ?', array($_SESSION['username']))) {
echo 'Error while disabling TwoFactor.
else {
echo 'TwoFactor Disabled.
else {
echo 'Error: Supplied TwoFactor Token is wrong, you\'ve been logged out.
}//end if
else {
$twofactor = dbFetchRow('SELECT twofactor FROM users WHERE username = ?', array($_SESSION['username']));
echo '';
echo 'Two-Factor Authentication
if (!empty($twofactor['twofactor'])) {
$twofactor = json_decode($twofactor['twofactor'], true);
$twofactor['text'] = "
if ($twofactor['counter'] !== false) {
$twofactor['uri'] = 'otpauth://hotp/'.$_SESSION['username'].'?issuer=LibreNMS&counter='.$twofactor['counter'].'&secret='.$twofactor['key'];
$twofactor['text'] .= "
else {
$twofactor['uri'] = 'otpauth://totp/'.$_SESSION['username'].'?issuer=LibreNMS&secret='.$twofactor['key'];
echo '
echo '
echo '';
echo '
else {
if (isset($_POST['gentwofactorkey']) && isset($_POST['twofactortype'])) {
include_once $config['install_dir'].'/html/includes/authentication/twofactor.lib.php';
$chk = dbFetchRow('SELECT twofactor FROM users WHERE username = ?', array($_SESSION['username']));
if (empty($chk['twofactor'])) {
$twofactor = array('key' => twofactor_genkey());
if ($_POST['twofactortype'] == 'counter') {
$twofactor['counter'] = 1;
else {
$twofactor['counter'] = false;
if (!dbUpdate(array('twofactor' => json_encode($twofactor)), 'users', 'username = ?', array($_SESSION['username']))) {
echo '
Error inserting TwoFactor details. Please try again later and contact Administrator if error persists.
else {
echo '
Added TwoFactor credentials. Please reload page.
else {
echo '
TwoFactor credentials already exists.
else {
echo '
}//end if
}//end if
echo '
}//end if
}//end if
}//end if
echo "Device Permissions
echo "
echo "";
if ($_SESSION['userlevel'] == '10') {
echo "
Global Administrative Access";
if ($_SESSION['userlevel'] == '5') {
echo "
Global Viewing Access";
if ($_SESSION['userlevel'] == '1') {
foreach (dbFetchRows('SELECT * FROM `devices_perms` AS P, `devices` AS D WHERE `user_id` = ? AND P.device_id = D.device_id', array($_SESSION['user_id'])) as $perm) {
// FIXME generatedevicelink?
echo "
$dev_access = 1;
if (!$dev_access) {
echo 'No access!';
echo '