$sql_param = array();
if (isset($vars['state'])) {
if ($vars['state'] == 'up') {
$state = '1';
} elseif ($vars['state'] == 'down') {
$state = '0';
if (!empty($vars['searchquery'])) {
$where .= ' AND (sysName LIKE ? OR hostname LIKE ? OR hardware LIKE ? OR os LIKE ? OR location LIKE ?)';
$sql_param += array_fill(count($param), 5, '%' . $vars['searchquery'] . '%');
if (!empty($vars['os'])) {
$where .= " AND os = ?";
$sql_param[] = $vars['os'];
if (!empty($vars['version'])) {
$where .= " AND version = ?";
$sql_param[] = $vars['version'];
if (!empty($vars['hardware'])) {
$where .= " AND hardware = ?";
$sql_param[] = $vars['hardware'];
if (!empty($vars['features'])) {
$where .= " AND features = ?";
$sql_param[] = $vars['features'];
if (!empty($vars['type'])) {
if ($vars['type'] == 'generic') {
$where .= " AND ( type = ? OR type = '')";
$sql_param[] = $vars['type'];
} else {
$where .= " AND type = ?";
$sql_param[] = $vars['type'];
if (!empty($vars['state'])) {
$where .= " AND status= ?";
$sql_param[] = $state;
$where .= " AND disabled='0' AND `ignore`='0'";
$sql_param[] = '';
if (!empty($vars['disabled'])) {
$where .= " AND disabled= ?";
$sql_param[] = $vars['disabled'];
if (!empty($vars['ignore'])) {
$where .= " AND `ignore`= ?";
$sql_param[] = $vars['ignore'];
if (!empty($vars['location']) && $vars['location'] == "Unset") {
$location_filter = '';
if (!empty($vars['location'])) {
$location_filter = $vars['location'];
if (!empty($vars['group'])) {
$where .= " AND ( ";
foreach (GetDevicesFromGroup($vars['group']) as $dev) {
$where .= "device_id = ? OR ";
$sql_param[] = $dev;
$where = substr($where, 0, strlen($where) - 3);
$where .= " )";
$query = "SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE 1 ";
if (isset($where)) {
$query .= $where;
$query .= " ORDER BY hostname";
$row = 1;
foreach (dbFetchRows($query, $sql_param) as $device) {
if (is_integer($row / 2)) {
$row_colour = $config['list_colour']['even'];
} else {
$row_colour = $config['list_colour']['odd'];
if (device_permitted($device['device_id'])) {
if (!$location_filter || $device['location'] == $location_filter) {
$graph_type = "device_" . $subformat;
if ($_SESSION['widescreen']) {
$width = 270;
} else {
$width = 315;
$graph_array_new = array();
$graph_array_new['type'] = $graph_type;
$graph_array_new['device'] = $device['device_id'];
$graph_array_new['height'] = '110';
$graph_array_new['width'] = $width;
$graph_array_new['legend'] = 'no';
$graph_array_new['title'] = 'yes';
$graph_array_new['from'] = $graph_array['from'];
$graph_array_new['to'] = $graph_array['to'];
$graph_array_zoom = $graph_array_new;
$graph_array_zoom['height'] = '150';
$graph_array_zoom['width'] = '400';
$graph_array_zoom['legend'] = 'yes';
$link_array = $graph_array;
$link_array['page'] = 'graphs';
$link_array['type'] = $graph_type;
$link_array['device'] = $device['device_id'];
unset($link_array['height'], $link_array['width']);
$overlib_link = generate_url($link_array);
echo '
echo '
echo overlib_link($overlib_link, generate_lazy_graph_tag($graph_array_new), generate_graph_tag($graph_array_zoom), null);
echo "
echo '
} else {
if (LegacyAuth::user()->hasGlobalRead()) {
$os = "SELECT `os` FROM `devices` AS D WHERE 1 GROUP BY `os` ORDER BY `os`";
$ver = "SELECT `version` FROM `devices` AS D WHERE 1 GROUP BY `version` ORDER BY `version`";
$platform = "SELECT `hardware` FROM `devices` AS D WHERE 1 GROUP BY `hardware` ORDER BY `hardware`";
$features = "SELECT `features` FROM `devices` AS D WHERE 1 GROUP BY `features` ORDER BY `features`";
$types = "SELECT `type` FROM `devices` AS D WHERE 1 GROUP BY `type` ORDER BY `type`";
} else {
$os = "SELECT `os` FROM `devices` AS `D`, `devices_perms` AS `P` WHERE `P`.`user_id` = ? AND `P`.`device_id` = `D`.`device_id` GROUP BY `os` ORDER BY `os`";
$ver = "SELECT `version` FROM `devices` AS `D`, `devices_perms` AS `P` WHERE `P`.`user_id` = ? AND `P`.`device_id` = `D`.`device_id` GROUP BY `version` ORDER BY `version`";
$platform = "SELECT `hardware` FROM `devices` AS `D`, `devices_perms` AS `P` WHERE `P`.`user_id` = ? AND `P`.`device_id` = `D`.`device_id` GROUP BY `hardware` ORDER BY `hardware`";
$features = "SELECT `features` FROM `devices` AS `D`, `devices_perms` AS `P` WHERE `P`.`user_id` = ? AND `P`.`device_id` = `D`.`device_id` GROUP BY `features` ORDER BY `features`";
$types = "SELECT `type` FROM `devices` AS `D`, `devices_perms` AS `P` WHERE `P`.`user_id` = ? AND `P`.`device_id` = `D`.`device_id` GROUP BY `type` ORDER BY `type`";
$param[] = LegacyAuth::id();
$os_options = "