source: Extensions/ path: blob/master/doc/ The agent can be used to gather data from remote systems you can use LibreNMS in combination with check_mk (found [here]( The agent can be extended to include data about [applications]( on the remote system. # Installation ## Linux / BSD Make sure that systemd or xinetd is installed on the host you want to run the agent on. The agent uses TCP-Port 6556, please allow access from the **LibreNMS host** and **poller nodes** if you're using the [Distributed Polling]( setup. On each of the hosts you would like to use the agent on, you need to do the following: 1: Clone the `librenms-agent` repository: ```bash cd /opt/ git clone cd librenms-agent ``` 2: Copy the relevant check_mk_agent to `/usr/bin`: | linux | freebsd | | --- | --- | | `cp check_mk_agent /usr/bin/check_mk_agent` | `cp check_mk_agent_freebsd /usr/bin/check_mk_agent` | ```bash chmod +x /usr/bin/check_mk_agent ``` 3: Copy the service file(s) into place. | xinetd | systemd | | --- | --- | | `cp check_mk_xinetd /etc/xinetd.d/check_mk` | `cp check_mk@.service check_mk.socket /etc/systemd/system` | 4: Create the relevant directories. ```bash mkdir -p /usr/lib/check_mk_agent/plugins /usr/lib/check_mk_agent/local ``` 5: Copy each of the scripts from `agent-local/` into `/usr/lib/check_mk_agent/local` that you require to be graphed. You can find detail setup instructions for specific applications above. 6: Make each one executable that you want to use with `chmod +x /usr/lib/check_mk_agent/local/$script` 7: Enable the check_mk service | xinetd | systemd | | --- | --- | | `/etc/init.d/xinetd restart` | `systemctl enable check_mk.socket && systemctl start check_mk.socket` | 8: Login to the LibreNMS web interface and edit the device you want to monitor. Under the modules section, ensure that unix-agent is enabled. 9: Then under Applications, enable the apps that you plan to monitor. 10: Wait for around 10 minutes and you should start seeing data in your graphs under Apps for the device. ## Windows 1. Grab version 1.2.6b5 of the check_mk agent from the check_mk github repo (exe/msi or compile it yourself depending on your usage): 2. Run the msi / exe 3. Make sure your LibreNMS instance can reach TCP port 6556 on your target.