Services » "; $menu_options = array( 'basic' => 'Basic', ); if (!$vars['view']) { $vars['view'] = 'basic'; } $status_options = array( 'all' => 'All', 'ok' => 'Ok', 'warning' => 'Warning', 'critical' => 'Critical', ); if (!$vars['state']) { $vars['state'] = 'all'; } // The menu option - on the left $sep = ''; foreach ($menu_options as $option => $text) { if (empty($vars['view'])) { $vars['view'] = $option; } echo $sep; if ($vars['view'] == $option) { echo ""; } echo generate_link($text, $vars, array('view' => $option)); if ($vars['view'] == $option) { echo ''; } $sep = ' | '; } unset($sep); // The status option - on the right echo '
'; $sep = ''; foreach ($status_options as $option => $text) { if (empty($vars['state'])) { $vars['state'] = $option; } echo $sep; if ($vars['state'] == $option) { echo ""; } echo generate_link($text, $vars, array('state' => $option)); if ($vars['state'] == $option) { echo ''; } $sep = ' | '; } unset($sep); echo '
'; print_optionbar_end(); $sql_param = array(); if (isset($vars['state'])) { if ($vars['state'] == 'ok') { $state = '0'; } elseif ($vars['state'] == 'critical') { $state = '2'; } elseif ($vars['state'] == 'warning') { $state = '1'; } } if (isset($state)) { $where .= " AND service_status= ? AND service_disabled='0' AND `service_ignore`='0'"; $sql_param[] = $state; } ?>
= '5') { $host_sql = 'SELECT * FROM devices AS D, services AS S WHERE D.device_id = S.device_id GROUP BY D.hostname ORDER BY D.hostname'; $host_par = array(); } else { $host_sql = 'SELECT * FROM devices AS D, services AS S, devices_perms AS P WHERE D.device_id = S.device_id AND D.device_id = P.device_id AND P.user_id = ? GROUP BY D.hostname ORDER BY D.hostname'; $host_par = array($_SESSION['user_id']); } $shift = 1; foreach (dbFetchRows($host_sql, $host_par) as $device) { $device_id = $device['device_id']; $device_hostname = $device['hostname']; $devlink = generate_device_link($device, null, array('tab' => 'services')); if ($shift == 1) { array_unshift($sql_param, $device_id); $shift = 0; } else { $sql_param[0] = $device_id; } foreach (dbFetchRows("SELECT * FROM `services` WHERE `device_id` = ? $where", $sql_param) as $service) { if ($service['service_status'] == '2') { $status = "".$service['service_type'].""; } elseif ($service['service_status'] == '0') { $status = "".$service['service_type'].""; } else { $status = "".$service['service_type'].""; } ?>
Device Service Changed Message Description