. * * @package LibreNMS * @link http://librenms.org * @copyright 2017 Tony Murray * @author Tony Murray */ namespace LibreNMS\Tests; use LibreNMS\Config; use LibreNMS\DB\Eloquent; class ConfigTest extends TestCase { public function testGetBasic() { $dir = realpath(__DIR__ . '/..'); $this->assertEquals($dir, Config::get('install_dir')); } public function testSetBasic() { global $config; Config::set('basics', 'first'); $this->assertEquals('first', $config['basics']); } public function testGet() { global $config; $config['one']['two']['three'] = 'easy'; $this->assertEquals('easy', Config::get('one.two.three')); } public function testGetDeviceSetting() { global $config; $device = array('set' => true, 'null' => null); $config['null'] = 'notnull!'; $config['noprefix'] = true; $config['prefix']['global'] = true; $this->assertNull(Config::getDeviceSetting($device, 'unset'), 'Non-existing settings should return null'); $this->assertTrue(Config::getDeviceSetting($device, 'set'), 'Could not get setting from device array'); $this->assertTrue(Config::getDeviceSetting($device, 'noprefix'), 'Failed to get setting from global config'); $this->assertEquals( 'notnull!', Config::getDeviceSetting($device, 'null'), 'Null variables should defer to the global setting' ); $this->assertTrue( Config::getDeviceSetting($device, 'global', 'prefix'), 'Failed to get setting from global config with a prefix' ); $this->assertEquals( 'default', Config::getDeviceSetting($device, 'something', 'else', 'default'), 'Failed to return the default argument' ); } public function testGetOsSetting() { global $config; $config['os']['nullos']['fancy'] = true; $config['fallback'] = true; $this->assertNull(Config::getOsSetting(null, 'unset'), '$os is null, should return null'); $this->assertNull(Config::getOsSetting('nullos', 'unset'), 'Non-existing settings should return null'); $this->assertFalse(Config::getOsSetting('nullos', 'unset', false), 'Non-existing settings should return $default'); $this->assertTrue(Config::getOsSetting('nullos', 'fancy'), 'Failed to get setting'); $this->assertTrue(Config::getOsSetting('nullos', 'fallback'), 'Failed to fallback to global setting'); } public function testGetCombined() { global $config; $config['num'] = array('one', 'two'); $config['os']['nullos']['num'] = array('two', 'three'); $config['assoc'] = array('a' => 'same', 'b' => 'same'); $config['os']['nullos']['assoc'] = array('b' => 'different', 'c' => 'still same'); $config['os']['nullos']['osset'] = true; $config['gset'] = true; $this->assertTrue(Config::getCombined('nullos', 'non-existent', true), 'Did not return default value on non-existent key'); $this->assertTrue(Config::getCombined('nullos', 'osset', false), 'Did not return OS value when global value is not set'); $this->assertTrue(Config::getCombined('nullos', 'gset', false), 'Did not return global value when OS value is not set'); $combined = Config::getCombined('nullos', 'num'); sort($combined); $this->assertEquals(array('one', 'three', 'two'), $combined); $this->assertSame(array('a' => 'same', 'b' => 'different', 'c' => 'still same'), Config::getCombined('nullos', 'assoc')); } public function testSet() { global $config; Config::set('you.and.me', "I'll be there"); $this->assertEquals("I'll be there", $config['you']['and']['me']); } public function testSetPersist() { if (getenv('DBTEST')) { Eloquent::boot(); Eloquent::DB()->beginTransaction(); } else { $this->markTestSkipped('Database tests not enabled. Set DBTEST=1 to enable.'); } $key = 'testing.persist'; $query = Eloquent::DB()->table('config')->where('config_name', $key); $query->delete(); $this->assertFalse($query->exists(), "$key should not be set, clean database"); Config::set($key, 'one', true); $this->assertEquals('one', $query->value('config_value')); Config::set($key, 'two', true); $this->assertEquals('two', $query->value('config_value')); if (getenv('DBTEST')) { Eloquent::DB()->rollBack(); } } public function testHas() { Config::set('long.key.setting', 'no one cares'); Config::set('null', null); $this->assertFalse(Config::has('null'), 'Keys set to null do not count as existing'); $this->assertTrue(Config::has('long'), 'Top level key should exist'); $this->assertTrue(Config::has('long.key.setting'), 'Exact exists on value'); $this->assertFalse(Config::has('long.key.setting.nothing'), 'Non-existent child setting'); $this->assertFalse(Config::has('off.the.wall'), 'Non-existent key'); $this->assertFalse(Config::has('off.the'), 'Config:has() should not modify the config'); } public function testGetNonExistent() { $this->assertNull(Config::get('There.is.no.way.this.is.a.key')); $this->assertFalse(Config::has('There.is.no')); // should not add kes when getting } public function testGetNonExistentNested() { $this->assertNull(Config::get('cheese.and.bologna')); } public function testGetSubtree() { Config::set('words.top', 'August'); Config::set('words.mid', 'And Everything'); Config::set('words.bot', 'After'); $expected = array( 'top' => 'August', 'mid' => 'And Everything', 'bot' => 'After' ); $this->assertEquals($expected, Config::get('words')); } }