";} echo(" $i. $inf
$ifname"); if($ifalias && $ifalias != "") { echo("$ifalias
"); } unset ($break); $iftype = fixiftype($interface[ifType]); if($show_all) { if($iftype && $iftype != "") { echo("$iftype "); if($mac && $mac != "") { echo("$mac
"); } else { echo("
"); } } if($interface[ifType] != "softwareLoopback") { if($speed == '0') { $speed = "0bps"; } echo("$speed"); if($interface[ifDuplex] != unknown) { echo(" / $interface[ifDuplex]-duplex"); } if($interface[ifMtu] && $interface[ifMtu] != "") { echo(" / $interface[ifMtu]MTU"); } echo("
"); } echo ("$status
"); } $ipdata = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM `ipaddr` WHERE `interface_id` = '$interface[id]'"); while($ip = mysql_fetch_Array($ipdata)) { echo("$break $ip[addr]/$ip[cidr]"); $break = "
"; } echo(""); echo(""); if ( strpos($inf, "oopback") === false ) { $link_query = mysql_query("select I.if, D.hostname, D.id AS dev_id, I.id from links AS L, interfaces AS I, devices AS D WHERE L.src_if = '$if_id' AND L.dst_if = I.id AND I.host = D.id"); while($link = mysql_fetch_array($link_query)) { $link_if = fixifName($link['if']); echo("--> $link_if on $link[hostname]
"); $br = "
"; } $adj_sql = "SELECT * FROM networks AS N, interfaces AS I, adjacencies AS A "; $adj_sql = $adj_sql . "WHERE I.id = A.interface_id AND A.network_id = N.id "; $adj_sql = $adj_sql . "AND I.id = '$if_id'"; $adj_query = mysql_query("$adj_sql"); while($adjs = mysql_fetch_array($adj_query)) { $network_id = $adjs['network_id']; $newsql = "SELECT *, I.id AS iid, D.id AS did FROM adjacencies AS A, networks as N, interfaces as I, devices as D "; $newsql = $newsql . "WHERE N.id = '$network_id' AND A.network_id = N.id AND I.id = A.interface_id AND D.id = I.host "; $newsql = $newsql . "AND D.id != '$device[id]' AND I.if NOT LIKE '%loopback%' GROUP BY D.id ORDER BY D.hostname"; $new_query = mysql_query($newsql); while($new = mysql_fetch_array($new_query)) { if ($new['status'] == '0') { $class = "red"; } else { $class = "blue"; } if ($new['ignore'] == '1') { $class = "list-device-ignored"; if ($new['status'] == '1') { $class = "green"; } } $this_ifid = $new['iid']; $this_hostid = $new['did']; $this_hostname = $new['hostname']; $this_ifname = fixifName($new['if']); $wq = mysql_query("select count(*) FROM links WHERE dst_if = '$this_ifid' AND src_if = $if_id;"); if (@mysql_result($wq, 0) == '0') { echo("$br  |- $this_ifname on $this_hostname"); $br = "
"; } } } } echo(""); // If we're showing graphs, generate the graph and print the img tags if($_GET[graphs] == 'yes' && is_file("rrd/" . $hostname . ".". $ifIndex . ".rrd")) { $trafgraph = trafgraph ($hostname . ".". $ifIndex . ".rrd", $hostname . ".". $ifIndex . "-traf.png"); $trafgraphmonth = trafgraph ($hostname . ".". $ifIndex . ".rrd", $hostname . ".". $ifIndex . "-month-traf.png", "-1m"); if($trafgraph !== false) { echo(" "); } } $i++; echo(""); ?>