* * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation; only version 2 of the License is applicable. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ define('REGEXP_HOST', '/^[a-zA-Z0-9]([a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(\\.[a-zA-Z0-9]([a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*$/'); define('REGEXP_PLUGIN', '/^[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+$/'); /** * Read input variable from GET, POST or COOKIE taking * care of magic quotes * @name Name of value to return * @array User-input array ($_GET, $_POST or $_COOKIE) * @default Default value * @return $default if name in unknown in $array, otherwise * input value with magic quotes stripped off */ function read_var($name, &$array, $default = null) { if (isset($array[$name])) { if (is_array($array[$name])) { if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { $ret = array(); while (list($k, $v) = each($array[$name])) $ret[stripslashes($k)] = stripslashes($v); return $ret; } else return $array[$name]; } else if (is_string($array[$name]) && get_magic_quotes_gpc()) { return stripslashes($array[$name]); } else return $array[$name]; } else return $default; } /** * Alphabetically compare host names, comparing label * from tld to node name */ function collectd_compare_host($a, $b) { $ea = explode('.', $a); $eb = explode('.', $b); $i = count($ea) - 1; $j = count($eb) - 1; while ($i >= 0 && $j >= 0) if (($r = strcmp($ea[$i--], $eb[$j--])) != 0) return $r; return 0; } /** * Fetch list of hosts found in collectd's datadirs. * @return Sorted list of hosts (sorted by label from rigth to left) */ function collectd_list_hosts() { global $config; $hosts = array(); foreach($config['datadirs'] as $datadir) if ($d = @opendir($datadir)) { while (($dent = readdir($d)) !== false) if ($dent != '.' && $dent != '..' && is_dir($datadir.'/'.$dent) && preg_match(REGEXP_HOST, $dent)) $hosts[] = $dent; closedir($d); } else error_log('Failed to open datadir: '.$datadir); $hosts = array_unique($hosts); usort($hosts, 'collectd_compare_host'); return $hosts; } /** * Fetch list of plugins found in collectd's datadirs for given host. * @arg_host Name of host for which to return plugins * @return Sorted list of plugins (sorted alphabetically) */ function collectd_list_plugins($arg_host) { global $config; $plugins = array(); foreach ($config['datadirs'] as $datadir) if (preg_match(REGEXP_HOST, $arg_host) && ($d = @opendir($datadir.'/'.$arg_host))) { while (($dent = readdir($d)) !== false) if ($dent != '.' && $dent != '..' && is_dir($datadir.'/'.$arg_host.'/'.$dent)) { if ($i = strpos($dent, '-')) $plugins[] = substr($dent, 0, $i); else $plugins[] = $dent; } closedir($d); } $plugins = array_unique($plugins); sort($plugins); return $plugins; } /** * Fetch list of plugin instances found in collectd's datadirs for given host+plugin * @arg_host Name of host * @arg_plugin Name of plugin * @return Sorted list of plugin instances (sorted alphabetically) */ function collectd_list_pinsts($arg_host, $arg_plugin) { global $config; $pinsts = array(); foreach ($config['datadirs'] as $datadir) if (preg_match(REGEXP_HOST, $arg_host) && ($d = opendir($datadir.'/'.$arg_host))) { while (($dent = readdir($d)) !== false) if ($dent != '.' && $dent != '..' && is_dir($datadir.'/'.$arg_host.'/'.$dent)) { if ($i = strpos($dent, '-')) { $plugin = substr($dent, 0, $i); $pinst = substr($dent, $i+1); } else { $plugin = $dent; $pinst = ''; } if ($plugin == $arg_plugin) $pinsts[] = $pinst; } closedir($d); } $pinsts = array_unique($pinsts); sort($pinsts); return $pinsts; } /** * Fetch list of types found in collectd's datadirs for given host+plugin+instance * @arg_host Name of host * @arg_plugin Name of plugin * @arg_pinst Plugin instance * @return Sorted list of types (sorted alphabetically) */ function collectd_list_types($arg_host, $arg_plugin, $arg_pinst) { global $config; $types = array(); $my_plugin = $arg_plugin . (strlen($arg_pinst) ? '-'.$arg_pinst : ''); if (!preg_match(REGEXP_PLUGIN, $my_plugin)) return $types; foreach ($config['datadirs'] as $datadir) if (preg_match(REGEXP_HOST, $arg_host) && ($d = @opendir($datadir.'/'.$arg_host.'/'.$my_plugin))) { while (($dent = readdir($d)) !== false) if ($dent != '.' && $dent != '..' && is_file($datadir.'/'.$arg_host.'/'.$my_plugin.'/'.$dent) && substr($dent, strlen($dent)-4) == '.rrd') { $dent = substr($dent, 0, strlen($dent)-4); if ($i = strpos($dent, '-')) $types[] = substr($dent, 0, $i); else $types[] = $dent; } closedir($d); } $types = array_unique($types); sort($types); return $types; } /** * Fetch list of type instances found in collectd's datadirs for given host+plugin+instance+type * @arg_host Name of host * @arg_plugin Name of plugin * @arg_pinst Plugin instance * @arg_type Type * @return Sorted list of type instances (sorted alphabetically) */ function collectd_list_tinsts($arg_host, $arg_plugin, $arg_pinst, $arg_type) { global $config; $tinsts = array(); $my_plugin = $arg_plugin . (strlen($arg_pinst) ? '-'.$arg_pinst : ''); if (!preg_match(REGEXP_PLUGIN, $my_plugin)) return $types; foreach ($config['datadirs'] as $datadir) if (preg_match(REGEXP_HOST, $arg_host) && ($d = @opendir($datadir.'/'.$arg_host.'/'.$my_plugin))) { while (($dent = readdir($d)) !== false) if ($dent != '.' && $dent != '..' && is_file($datadir.'/'.$arg_host.'/'.$my_plugin.'/'.$dent) && substr($dent, strlen($dent)-4) == '.rrd') { $dent = substr($dent, 0, strlen($dent)-4); if ($i = strpos($dent, '-')) { $type = substr($dent, 0, $i); $tinst = substr($dent, $i+1); } else { $type = $dent; $tinst = ''; } if ($type == $arg_type) $tinsts[] = $tinst; } closedir($d); } $tinsts = array_unique($tinsts); sort($tinsts); return $tinsts; } /** * Parse symlinks in order to get an identifier that collectd understands * (e.g. virtualisation is collected on host for individual VMs and can be * symlinked to the VM's hostname, support FLUSH for these by flushing * on the host-identifier instead of VM-identifier) * @host Host name * @plugin Plugin name * @pinst Plugin instance * @type Type name * @tinst Type instance * @return Identifier that collectd's FLUSH command understands */ function collectd_identifier($host, $plugin, $pinst, $type, $tinst) { global $config; $rrd_realpath = null; $orig_identifier = sprintf('%s/%s%s%s/%s%s%s', $host, $plugin, strlen($pinst) ? '-' : '', $pinst, $type, strlen($tinst) ? '-' : '', $tinst); $identifier = null; foreach ($config['datadirs'] as $datadir) if (is_file($datadir.'/'.$orig_identifier.'.rrd')) { $rrd_realpath = realpath($datadir.'/'.$orig_identifier.'.rrd'); break; } if ($rrd_realpath) { $identifier = basename($rrd_realpath); $identifier = substr($identifier, 0, strlen($identifier)-4); $rrd_realpath = dirname($rrd_realpath); $identifier = basename($rrd_realpath).'/'.$identifier; $rrd_realpath = dirname($rrd_realpath); $identifier = basename($rrd_realpath).'/'.$identifier; } if (is_null($identifier)) return $orig_identifier; else return $identifier; } /** * Tell collectd that it should FLUSH all data it has regarding the * graph we are about to generate. * @host Host name * @plugin Plugin name * @pinst Plugin instance * @type Type name * @tinst Type instance */ function collectd_flush($identifier) { global $config; if (!$config['collectd_sock']) return false; if (is_null($identifier) || (is_array($identifier) && count($identifier) == 0) || !(is_string($identifier) || is_array($identifier))) return false; if (is_null($host) || !is_string($host) || strlen($host) == 0) return false; if (is_null($plugin) || !is_string($plugin) || strlen($plugin) == 0) return false; if (is_null($pinst) || !is_string($pinst)) return false; if (is_null($type) || !is_string($type) || strlen($type) == 0) return false; if (is_null($tinst) || (is_array($tinst) && count($tinst) == 0) || !(is_string($tinst) || is_array($tinst))) return false; $u_errno = 0; $u_errmsg = ''; if ($socket = @fsockopen($config['collectd_sock'], 0, $u_errno, $u_errmsg)) { $cmd = 'FLUSH plugin=rrdtool'; if (is_array($identifier)) { foreach ($identifier as $val) $cmd .= sprintf(' identifier="%s"', $val); } else $cmd .= sprintf(' identifier="%s"', $identifier); $cmd .= "\n"; $r = fwrite($socket, $cmd, strlen($cmd)); if ($r === false || $r != strlen($cmd)) error_log(sprintf("graph.php: Failed to write whole command to unix-socket: %d out of %d written", $r === false ? -1 : $r, strlen($cmd))); $resp = fgets($socket); if ($resp === false) error_log(sprintf("graph.php: Failed to read response from collectd for command: %s", trim($cmd))); $n = (int)$resp; while ($n-- > 0) fgets($socket); fclose($socket); } else error_log(sprintf("graph.php: Failed to open unix-socket to collectd: %d: %s", $u_errno, $u_errmsg)); } class CollectdColor { private $r = 0; private $g = 0; private $b = 0; function __construct($value = null) { if (is_null($value)) { } else if (is_array($value)) { if (isset($value['r'])) $this->r = $value['r'] > 0 ? ($value['r'] > 1 ? 1 : $value['r']) : 0; if (isset($value['g'])) $this->g = $value['g'] > 0 ? ($value['g'] > 1 ? 1 : $value['g']) : 0; if (isset($value['b'])) $this->b = $value['b'] > 0 ? ($value['b'] > 1 ? 1 : $value['b']) : 0; } else if (is_string($value)) { $matches = array(); if ($value == 'random') { $this->randomize(); } else if (preg_match('/([0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f])([0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f])([0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f])/', $value, $matches)) { $this->r = ('0x'.$matches[1]) / 255.0; $this->g = ('0x'.$matches[2]) / 255.0; $this->b = ('0x'.$matches[3]) / 255.0; } } else if (is_a($value, 'CollectdColor')) { $this->r = $value->r; $this->g = $value->g; $this->b = $value->b; } } function randomize() { $this->r = rand(0, 255) / 255.0; $this->g = rand(0, 255) / 255.0; $this->b = 0.0; $min = 0.0; $max = 1.0; if (($this->r + $this->g) < 1.0) { $min = 1.0 - ($this->r + $this->g); } else { $max = 2.0 - ($this->r + $this->g); } $this->b = $min + ((rand(0, 255)/255.0) * ($max - $min)); } function fade($bkgnd = null, $alpha = 0.25) { if (is_null($bkgnd) || !is_a($bkgnd, 'CollectdColor')) { $bg_r = 1.0; $bg_g = 1.0; $bg_b = 1.0; } else { $bg_r = $bkgnd->r; $bg_g = $bkgnd->g; $bg_b = $bkgnd->b; } $this->r = $alpha * $this->r + ((1.0 - $alpha) * $bg_r); $this->g = $alpha * $this->g + ((1.0 - $alpha) * $bg_g); $this->b = $alpha * $this->b + ((1.0 - $alpha) * $bg_b); } function as_array() { return array('r'=>$this->r, 'g'=>$this->g, 'b'=>$this->b); } function as_string() { $r = (int)($this->r*255); $g = (int)($this->g*255); $b = (int)($this->b*255); return sprintf('%02x%02x%02x', $r > 255 ? 255 : $r, $g > 255 ? 255 : $g, $b > 255 ? 255 : $b); } } /** * Helper function to strip quotes from RRD output * @str RRD-Info generated string * @return String with one surrounding pair of quotes stripped */ function rrd_strip_quotes($str) { if ($str[0] == '"' && $str[strlen($str)-1] == '"') return substr($str, 1, strlen($str)-2); else return $str; } /** * Determine useful information about RRD file * @file Name of RRD file to analyse * @return Array describing the RRD file */ function rrd_info($file) { $info = array('filename'=>$file); $rrd = popen(RRDTOOL.' info '.escapeshellarg($file), 'r'); if ($rrd) { while (($s = fgets($rrd)) !== false) { $p = strpos($s, '='); if ($p === false) continue; $key = trim(substr($s, 0, $p)); $value = trim(substr($s, $p+1)); if (strncmp($key,'ds[', 3) == 0) { /* DS definition */ $p = strpos($key, ']'); $ds = substr($key, 3, $p-3); if (!isset($info['DS'])) $info['DS'] = array(); $ds_key = substr($key, $p+2); if (strpos($ds_key, '[') === false) { if (!isset($info['DS']["$ds"])) $info['DS']["$ds"] = array(); $info['DS']["$ds"]["$ds_key"] = rrd_strip_quotes($value); } } else if (strncmp($key, 'rra[', 4) == 0) { /* RRD definition */ $p = strpos($key, ']'); $rra = substr($key, 4, $p-4); if (!isset($info['RRA'])) $info['RRA'] = array(); $rra_key = substr($key, $p+2); if (strpos($rra_key, '[') === false) { if (!isset($info['RRA']["$rra"])) $info['RRA']["$rra"] = array(); $info['RRA']["$rra"]["$rra_key"] = rrd_strip_quotes($value); } } else if (strpos($key, '[') === false) { $info[$key] = rrd_strip_quotes($value); } } pclose($rrd); } return $info; } function rrd_get_color($code, $line = true) { global $config; $name = ($line ? 'f_' : 'h_').$code; if (!isset($config['rrd_colors'][$name])) { $c_f = new CollectdColor('random'); $c_h = new CollectdColor($c_f); $c_h->fade(); $config['rrd_colors']['f_'.$code] = $c_f->as_string(); $config['rrd_colors']['h_'.$code] = $c_h->as_string(); } return $config['rrd_colors'][$name]; } /** * Draw RRD file based on it's structure * @host * @plugin * @pinst * @type * @tinst * @opts * @return Commandline to call RRDGraph in order to generate the final graph */ function collectd_draw_rrd($host, $plugin, $pinst = null, $type, $tinst = null, $opts = array()) { global $config; $timespan_def = null; if (!isset($opts['timespan'])) $timespan_def = reset($config['timespan']); else foreach ($config['timespan'] as &$ts) if ($ts['name'] == $opts['timespan']) $timespan_def = $ts; if (!isset($opts['rrd_opts'])) $opts['rrd_opts'] = array(); if (isset($opts['logarithmic']) && $opts['logarithmic']) array_unshift($opts['rrd_opts'], '-o'); $rrdinfo = null; $rrdfile = sprintf('%s/%s%s%s/%s%s%s', $host, $plugin, is_null($pinst) ? '' : '-', $pinst, $type, is_null($tinst) ? '' : '-', $tinst); foreach ($config['datadirs'] as $datadir) if (is_file($datadir.'/'.$rrdfile.'.rrd')) { $rrdinfo = rrd_info($datadir.'/'.$rrdfile.'.rrd'); if (isset($rrdinfo['RRA']) && is_array($rrdinfo['RRA'])) break; else $rrdinfo = null; } if (is_null($rrdinfo)) return false; $graph = array(); $has_avg = false; $has_max = false; $has_min = false; reset($rrdinfo['RRA']); $l_max = 0; while (list($k, $v) = each($rrdinfo['RRA'])) { if ($v['cf'] == 'MAX') $has_max = true; else if ($v['cf'] == 'AVERAGE') $has_avg = true; else if ($v['cf'] == 'MIN') $has_min = true; } ### Build legend. This may not work for all RRDs, i don't know :) if ($has_avg) $graph[] = "COMMENT: Last"; if ($has_min) $graph[] = "COMMENT: Min"; if ($has_max) $graph[] = "COMMENT: Max"; if ($has_avg) $graph[] = "COMMENT: Avg\\n"; reset($rrdinfo['DS']); while (list($k, $v) = each($rrdinfo['DS'])) { if (strlen($k) > $l_max) $l_max = strlen($k); if ($has_min) $graph[] = sprintf('DEF:%s_min=%s:%s:MIN', $k, $rrdinfo['filename'], $k); if ($has_avg) $graph[] = sprintf('DEF:%s_avg=%s:%s:AVERAGE', $k, $rrdinfo['filename'], $k); if ($has_max) $graph[] = sprintf('DEF:%s_max=%s:%s:MAX', $k, $rrdinfo['filename'], $k); } if ($has_min && $has_max || $has_min && $has_avg || $has_avg && $has_max) { $n = 1; reset($rrdinfo['DS']); while (list($k, $v) = each($rrdinfo['DS'])) { $graph[] = sprintf('LINE:%s_%s', $k, $has_min ? 'min' : 'avg'); $graph[] = sprintf('CDEF:%s_var=%s_%s,%s_%s,-', $k, $k, $has_max ? 'max' : 'avg', $k, $has_min ? 'min' : 'avg'); $graph[] = sprintf('AREA:%s_var#%s::STACK', $k, rrd_get_color($n++, false)); } } reset($rrdinfo['DS']); $n = 1; while (list($k, $v) = each($rrdinfo['DS'])) { $graph[] = sprintf('LINE1:%s_avg#%s:%s ', $k, rrd_get_color($n++, true), $k.substr(' ', 0, $l_max-strlen($k))); if (isset($opts['tinylegend']) && $opts['tinylegend']) continue; if ($has_avg) $graph[] = sprintf('GPRINT:%s_avg:AVERAGE:%%5.1lf%%s', $k, $has_max || $has_min || $has_avg ? ',' : "\\l"); if ($has_min) $graph[] = sprintf('GPRINT:%s_min:MIN:%%5.1lf%%s', $k, $has_max || $has_avg ? ',' : "\\l"); if ($has_max) $graph[] = sprintf('GPRINT:%s_max:MAX:%%5.1lf%%s', $k, $has_avg ? ',' : "\\l"); if ($has_avg) $graph[] = sprintf('GPRINT:%s_avg:LAST:%%5.1lf%%s\\l', $k); } #$rrd_cmd = array(RRDTOOL, 'graph', '-', '-E', '-a', 'PNG', '-w', $config['rrd_width'], '-h', $config['rrd_height'], '-t', $rrdfile); $rrd_cmd = array(RRDTOOL, 'graph', '-', '-E', '-a', 'PNG', '-w', $config['rrd_width'], '-h', $config['rrd_height']); if($config['rrd_width'] <= "300") { $small_opts = array ('--font', "LEGEND:7:mono", '--font', "AXIS:6:mono", "--font-render-mode", "normal"); $rrd_cmd = array_merge($rrd_cmd, $small_opts); } $rrd_cmd = array_merge($rrd_cmd, $config['rrd_opts_array'], $opts['rrd_opts'], $graph); $cmd = RRDTOOL; for ($i = 1; $i < count($rrd_cmd); $i++) $cmd .= ' '.escapeshellarg($rrd_cmd[$i]); return $cmd; } /** * Draw RRD file based on it's structure * @timespan * @host * @plugin * @pinst * @type * @tinst * @opts * @return Commandline to call RRDGraph in order to generate the final graph */ function collectd_draw_generic($timespan, $host, $plugin, $pinst = null, $type, $tinst = null) { global $config, $GraphDefs; $timespan_def = NULL; foreach ($config['timespan'] as &$ts) if ($ts['name'] == $timespan) $timespan_def = $ts; if (is_null($timespan_def)) $timespan_def = reset($config['timespan']); if (!isset($GraphDefs[$type])) return false; $rrd_file = sprintf('%s/%s%s%s/%s%s%s', $host, $plugin, is_null($pinst) ? '' : '-', $pinst, $type, is_null($tinst) ? '' : '-', $tinst); #$rrd_cmd = array(RRDTOOL, 'graph', '-', '-E', '-a', 'PNG', '-w', $config['rrd_width'], '-h', $config['rrd_height'], '-t', $rrd_file); $rrd_cmd = array(RRDTOOL, 'graph', '-', '-E', '-a', 'PNG', '-w', $config['rrd_width'], '-h', $config['rrd_height']); if($config['rrd_width'] <= "300") { $small_opts = array ('--font', 'LEGEND:7:mono', '--font', 'AXIS:6:mono', '--font-render-mode', 'normal'); $rrd_cmd = array_merge($rrd_cmd, $small_opts); } $rrd_cmd = array_merge($rrd_cmd, $config['rrd_opts_array']); $rrd_args = $GraphDefs[$type]; foreach ($config['datadirs'] as $datadir) { $file = $datadir.'/'.$rrd_file.'.rrd'; if (!is_file($file)) continue; $file = str_replace(":", "\\:", $file); $rrd_args = str_replace('{file}', $file, $rrd_args); $rrdgraph = array_merge($rrd_cmd, $rrd_args); $cmd = RRDTOOL; for ($i = 1; $i < count($rrdgraph); $i++) $cmd .= ' '.escapeshellarg($rrdgraph[$i]); return $cmd; } return false; } /** * Draw stack-graph for set of RRD files * @opts Graph options like colors * @sources List of array(name, file, ds) * @return Commandline to call RRDGraph in order to generate the final graph */ function collectd_draw_meta_stack(&$opts, &$sources) { global $config; $timespan_def = null; if (!isset($opts['timespan'])) $timespan_def = reset($config['timespan']); else foreach ($config['timespan'] as &$ts) if ($ts['name'] == $opts['timespan']) $timespan_def = $ts; if (!isset($opts['title'])) $opts['title'] = 'Unknown title'; if (!isset($opts['rrd_opts'])) $opts['rrd_opts'] = array(); if (!isset($opts['colors'])) $opts['colors'] = array(); if (isset($opts['logarithmic']) && $opts['logarithmic']) array_unshift($opts['rrd_opts'], '-o'); # $cmd = array(RRDTOOL, 'graph', '-', '-E', '-a', 'PNG', '-w', $config['rrd_width'], '-h', $config['rrd_height'], # '-t', $opts['title']); $cmd = array(RRDTOOL, 'graph', '-', '-E', '-a', 'PNG', '-w', $config['rrd_width'], '-h', $config['rrd_height']); if($config['rrd_width'] <= "300") { $small_opts = array ('--font', 'LEGEND:7:mono', '--font', 'AXIS:6:mono', '--font-render-mode', 'normal'); $cmd = array_merge($cmd, $small_opts); } $cmd = array_merge($cmd, $config['rrd_opts_array'], $opts['rrd_opts']); $max_inst_name = 0; foreach($sources as &$inst_data) { $inst_name = $inst_data['name']; $file = $inst_data['file']; $ds = isset($inst_data['ds']) ? $inst_data['ds'] : 'value'; if (strlen($inst_name) > $max_inst_name) $max_inst_name = strlen($inst_name); if (!is_file($file)) continue; $cmd[] = 'DEF:'.$inst_name.'_min='.$file.':'.$ds.':MIN'; $cmd[] = 'DEF:'.$inst_name.'_avg='.$file.':'.$ds.':AVERAGE'; $cmd[] = 'DEF:'.$inst_name.'_max='.$file.':'.$ds.':MAX'; $cmd[] = 'CDEF:'.$inst_name.'_nnl='.$inst_name.'_avg,UN,0,'.$inst_name.'_avg,IF'; } $inst_data = end($sources); $inst_name = $inst_data['name']; $cmd[] = 'CDEF:'.$inst_name.'_stk='.$inst_name.'_nnl'; $inst_data1 = end($sources); while (($inst_data0 = prev($sources)) !== false) { $inst_name0 = $inst_data0['name']; $inst_name1 = $inst_data1['name']; $cmd[] = 'CDEF:'.$inst_name0.'_stk='.$inst_name0.'_nnl,'.$inst_name1.'_stk,+'; $inst_data1 = $inst_data0; } foreach($sources as &$inst_data) { $inst_name = $inst_data['name']; # $legend = sprintf('%s', $inst_name); $legend = $inst_name; while (strlen($legend) < $max_inst_name) $legend .= ' '; $number_format = isset($opts['number_format']) ? $opts['number_format'] : '%6.1lf'; if (isset($opts['colors'][$inst_name])) $line_color = new CollectdColor($opts['colors'][$inst_name]); else $line_color = new CollectdColor('random'); $area_color = new CollectdColor($line_color); $area_color->fade(); $cmd[] = 'AREA:'.$inst_name.'_stk#'.$area_color->as_string(); $cmd[] = 'LINE1:'.$inst_name.'_stk#'.$line_color->as_string().':'.$legend; if (!(isset($opts['tinylegend']) && $opts['tinylegend'])) { $cmd[] = 'GPRINT:'.$inst_name.'_avg:LAST:'.$number_format.''; $cmd[] = 'GPRINT:'.$inst_name.'_avg:AVERAGE:'.$number_format.''; $cmd[] = 'GPRINT:'.$inst_name.'_min:MIN:'.$number_format.''; $cmd[] = 'GPRINT:'.$inst_name.'_max:MAX:'.$number_format.'\\l'; } } $rrdcmd = RRDTOOL; for ($i = 1; $i < count($cmd); $i++) $rrdcmd .= ' '.escapeshellarg($cmd[$i]); return $rrdcmd; } /** * Draw stack-graph for set of RRD files * @opts Graph options like colors * @sources List of array(name, file, ds) * @return Commandline to call RRDGraph in order to generate the final graph */ function collectd_draw_meta_line(&$opts, &$sources) { global $config; $timespan_def = null; if (!isset($opts['timespan'])) $timespan_def = reset($config['timespan']); else foreach ($config['timespan'] as &$ts) if ($ts['name'] == $opts['timespan']) $timespan_def = $ts; if (!isset($opts['title'])) $opts['title'] = 'Unknown title'; if (!isset($opts['rrd_opts'])) $opts['rrd_opts'] = array(); if (!isset($opts['colors'])) $opts['colors'] = array(); if (isset($opts['logarithmic']) && $opts['logarithmic']) array_unshift($opts['rrd_opts'], '-o'); # $cmd = array(RRDTOOL, 'graph', '-', '-E', '-a', 'PNG', '-w', $config['rrd_width'], '-h', $config['rrd_height'], '-t', $opts['title']); # $cmd = array_merge($cmd, $config['rrd_opts_array'], $opts['rrd_opts']); $cmd = array(RRDTOOL, 'graph', '-', '-E', '-a', 'PNG', '-w', $config['rrd_width'], '-h', $config['rrd_height']); if($config['rrd_width'] <= "300") { $small_opts = array ('--font', 'LEGEND:7:mono', '--font', 'AXIS:6:mono', '--font-render-mode', 'normal'); $cmd = array_merge($cmd, $small_opts); } $max_inst_name = 0; foreach ($sources as &$inst_data) { $inst_name = $inst_data['name']; $file = $inst_data['file']; $ds = isset($inst_data['ds']) ? $inst_data['ds'] : 'value'; if (strlen($inst_name) > $max_inst_name) $max_inst_name = strlen($inst_name); if (!is_file($file)) continue; $cmd[] = 'DEF:'.$inst_name.'_min='.$file.':'.$ds.':MIN'; $cmd[] = 'DEF:'.$inst_name.'_avg='.$file.':'.$ds.':AVERAGE'; $cmd[] = 'DEF:'.$inst_name.'_max='.$file.':'.$ds.':MAX'; } foreach ($sources as &$inst_data) { $inst_name = $inst_data['name']; $legend = sprintf('%s', $inst_name); while (strlen($legend) < $max_inst_name) $legend .= ' '; $number_format = isset($opts['number_format']) ? $opts['number_format'] : '%6.1lf'; if (isset($opts['colors'][$inst_name])) $line_color = new CollectdColor($opts['colors'][$inst_name]); else $line_color = new CollectdColor('random'); $cmd[] = 'LINE1:'.$inst_name.'_avg#'.$line_color->as_string().':'.$legend; if (!(isset($opts['tinylegend']) && $opts['tinylegend'])) { $cmd[] = 'GPRINT:'.$inst_name.'_min:MIN:'.$number_format.''; $cmd[] = 'GPRINT:'.$inst_name.'_avg:AVERAGE:'.$number_format.''; $cmd[] = 'GPRINT:'.$inst_name.'_max:MAX:'.$number_format.''; $cmd[] = 'GPRINT:'.$inst_name.'_avg:LAST:'.$number_format.'\\l'; } } $rrdcmd = RRDTOOL; for ($i = 1; $i < count($cmd); $i++) $rrdcmd .= ' '.escapeshellarg($cmd[$i]); return $rrdcmd; } ?>