@extends('layouts.librenmsv1') @section('title', __('About')) @section('content')

@lang('LibreNMS is an autodiscovering PHP/MySQL-based network monitoring system')

@lang('Version') {{ $version_local }}
@lang('Database Schema') {{ $db_schema }}
@lang('Web Server') {{ $version_webserver }}
@lang('PHP') {{ $version_php }}
@lang('Python') {{ $version_python }}
@lang('MySQL') {{ $version_mysql }}
@lang('Laravel') {{ $version_laravel }}
@lang('RRDtool') {{ $version_rrdtool }}

@lang('LibreNMS is a community-based project')

@lang('Please feel free to join us and contribute code, documentation, and bug reports:')
@lang('Web site') | @lang('Docs') | @lang('GitHub') | @lang('Bug tracker') | @lang('Community Forum') | @lang('Twitter') | @lang('Changelog') | @lang('Local git log')


@lang('See the list of contributors on GitHub.', ['url' => 'https://github.com/librenms/librenms/blob/master/AUTHORS.md'])


Bruno Pramont Collectd code.
Dennis de Houx Application monitors for PowerDNS, Shoutcast, NTPD (Client, Server).
Erik Bosrup Overlib Library.
Jonathan De Graeve SNMP code improvements.
Observium Codebase for fork.


@admin @isset($callback_uuid) @endisset @endadmin

@lang('Online stats:') stats.librenms.org
@lang('Devices') {{ $stat_devices }} @lang('Ports') {{ $stat_ports }}
@lang('IPv4 Addresses') {{ $stat_ipv4_addy }} @lang('IPv4 Networks') {{ $stat_ipv4_nets }}
@lang('IPv6 Addresses') {{ $stat_ipv6_addy }} @lang('IPv6 Networks') {{ $stat_ipv6_nets }}
@lang('Services') {{ $stat_services }} @lang('Applications') {{ $stat_apps }}
@lang('Processors') {{ $stat_processors }} @lang('Memory') {{ $stat_memory }}
@lang('Storage') {{ $stat_storage }} @lang('Disk I/O') {{ $stat_diskio }}
@lang('HR-MIB') {{ $stat_hrdev }} @lang('Entity-MIB') {{ $stat_entphys }}
@lang('Syslog Entries') {{ $stat_syslog }} @lang('Eventlog Entries') {{ $stat_events }}
@lang('sensors.title') {{ $stat_sensors }} @lang('Wireless Sensors') {{ $stat_wireless }}
@lang('Toner') {{ $stat_toner }}


Copyright (C) 2013-{{ date('Y') }} {{ $project_name }} Contributors
Copyright (C) 2006-2012 Adam Armstrong

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
@endsection @section('scripts') @endsection