source: API/ ### `del_device` Delete a given device. Route: `/api/v0/devices/:hostname` - hostname can be either the device hostname or id Input: - Example: ```curl curl -X DELETE -H 'X-Auth-Token: YOURAPITOKENHERE' ``` Output: ```json { "status": "ok", "message": "Removed device localhost", "devices": [ { "device_id": "1", "hostname": "localhost", ... "serial": null, "icon": null } ] } ``` ### `get_device` Get details of a given device. Route: `/api/v0/devices/:hostname` - hostname can be either the device hostname or id Input: - Example: ```curl curl -H 'X-Auth-Token: YOURAPITOKENHERE' ``` Output: ```json { "status": "ok", "devices": [ { "device_id": "1", "hostname": "localhost", ... "serial": null, "icon": null } ] } ``` ### `get_graphs` Get a list of available graphs for a device, this does not include ports. Route: `/api/v0/devices/:hostname/graphs` - hostname can be either the device hostname or id Input: - Example: ```curl curl -H 'X-Auth-Token: YOURAPITOKENHERE' ``` Output: ```json { "status": "ok", "message": "", "count": 3, "graphs": [ { "desc": "Poller Time", "name": "device_poller_perf" }, { "desc": "Ping Response", "name": "device_ping_perf" }, { "desc": "System Uptime", "name": "uptime" } ] } ``` ### `list_available_health_graphs` This function allows to do three things: - Get a list of overall health graphs available. - Get a list of health graphs based on provided class. - Get the health sensors information based on ID. Route: `/api/v0/devices/:hostname/health(/:type)(/:sensor_id)` - hostname can be either the device hostname or id - type (optional) is health type / sensor class - sensor_id (optional) is the sensor id to retrieve specific information. Input: - Example: ```curl curl -H 'X-Auth-Token: YOURAPITOKENHERE' ``` Output: ``` { "status": "ok", "message": "", "count": 2, "graphs": [ { "desc": "Airflow", "name": "device_airflow" }, { "desc": "Voltage", "name": "device_voltage" } ] } ``` Example: ```curl curl -H 'X-Auth-Token: YOURAPITOKENHERE' ``` Output: ``` { "status": "ok", "message": "", "count": 2, "graphs": [ { "sensor_id": "1", "desc": "Input Feed A" }, { "sensor_id": "2", "desc": "Output Feed" } ] } ``` Example: ```curl curl -H 'X-Auth-Token: YOURAPITOKENHERE' ``` Output: ``` { "status": "ok", "message": "", "count": 1, "graphs": [ { "sensor_id": "1", "sensor_deleted": "0", "sensor_class": "voltage", "device_id": "1", "poller_type": "snmp", "sensor_oid": ".", "sensor_index": "1", "sensor_type": "apc", "sensor_descr": "Input", "sensor_divisor": "1", "sensor_multiplier": "1", "sensor_current": "1", "sensor_limit": "1.15", "sensor_limit_warn": null, "sensor_limit_low": "0.85", "sensor_limit_low_warn": null, "sensor_alert": "1", "sensor_custom": "No", "entPhysicalIndex": null, "entPhysicalIndex_measured": null, "lastupdate": "2017-01-13 13:50:26", "sensor_prev": "1" } ] } ``` ### `list_available_wireless_graphs` This function allows to do three things: - Get a list of overall wireless graphs available. - Get a list of wireless graphs based on provided class. - Get the wireless sensors information based on ID. Route: `/api/v0/devices/:hostname/wireless(/:type)(/:sensor_id)` - hostname can be either the device hostname or id - type (optional) is wireless type / wireless class - sensor_id (optional) is the sensor id to retrieve specific information. Input: - Example: ```curl curl -H 'X-Auth-Token: YOURAPITOKENHERE' ``` Output: ``` { "status": "ok", "graphs": [ { "desc": "Ccq", "name": "device_wireless_ccq" }, { "desc": "Clients", "name": "device_wireless_clients" } ], "count": 2 } ``` Example: ```curl curl -H 'X-Auth-Token: YOURAPITOKENHERE' ``` Output: ``` { "status": "ok", "graphs": [ { "sensor_id": "791", "desc": "SSID: bast (ng)" }, { "sensor_id": "792", "desc": "SSID: bast (na)" } ], "count": 2 } ``` Example: ```curl curl -H 'X-Auth-Token: YOURAPITOKENHERE' ``` Output: ``` { "status": "ok", "graphs": [ { "sensor_id": "791", "sensor_deleted": "0", "sensor_class": "ccq", "device_id": "381", "sensor_index": "0", "sensor_type": "unifi", "sensor_descr": "SSID: bast (ng)", "sensor_divisor": "10", "sensor_multiplier": "1", "sensor_aggregator": "sum", "sensor_current": "100", "sensor_prev": "100", "sensor_limit": null, "sensor_limit_warn": null, "sensor_limit_low": null, "sensor_limit_low_warn": null, "sensor_alert": "1", "sensor_custom": "No", "entPhysicalIndex": null, "entPhysicalIndex_measured": null, "lastupdate": "2017-12-06 21:26:29", "sensor_oids": "[\".\"]", "access_point_id": null } ], "count": 1 } ``` ### `get_health_graph` Get a particular health class graph for a device, if you provide a sensor_id as well then a single sensor graph will be provided. If no sensor_id value is provided then you will be sent a stacked sensor graph. Route: `/api/v0/devices/:hostname/graphs/health/:type(/:sensor_id)` - hostname can be either the device hostname or id - type is the name of the health graph as returned by [`list_available_health_graphs`](#function-list_available_health_graphs) - sensor_id (optional) restricts the graph to return a particular health sensor graph. Input: - Example: ```curl curl -H 'X-Auth-Token: YOURAPITOKENHERE' ``` Output: Output is a stacked graph for the health type provided. Example: ```curl curl -H 'X-Auth-Token: YOURAPITOKENHERE' ``` Output: Output is the graph of the particular health type sensor provided. ### `get_wireless_graph` Get a particular wireless class graph for a device, if you provide a sensor_id as well then a single sensor graph will be provided. If no sensor_id value is provided then you will be sent a stacked wireless graph. Route: `/api/v0/devices/:hostname/graphs/wireless/:type(/:sensor_id)` - hostname can be either the device hostname or id - type is the name of the wireless graph as returned by [`list_available_wireless_graphs`](#function-list_available_wireless_graphs) - sensor_id (optional) restricts the graph to return a particular wireless sensor graph. Input: - Example: ```curl curl -H 'X-Auth-Token: YOURAPITOKENHERE' ``` Output: Output is a stacked graph for the wireless type provided. Example: ```curl curl -H 'X-Auth-Token: YOURAPITOKENHERE' ``` Output: Output is the graph of the particular wireless type sensor provided. ### `get_graph_generic_by_hostname` Get a specific graph for a device, this does not include ports. Route: `/api/v0/devices/:hostname/:type` - hostname can be either the device hostname or id - type is the type of graph you want, use [`get_graphs`](#function-get_graphs to see the graphs available. Defaults to device_uptime. Input: - from: This is the date you would like the graph to start - See for more information. - to: This is the date you would like the graph to end - See for more information. - width: The graph width, defaults to 1075. - height: The graph height, defaults to 300. - output: Set how the graph should be outputted (base64, display), defaults to display. Example: ```curl curl -H 'X-Auth-Token: YOURAPITOKENHERE' ``` Output: Output is an image. ### `get_port_graphs` Get a list of ports for a particular device. Route: `/api/v0/devices/:hostname/ports` - hostname can be either the device hostname or id Input: - columns: Comma separated list of columns you want returned. Example: ```curl curl -H 'X-Auth-Token: YOURAPITOKENHERE' ``` Output: ```json { "status": "ok", "message": "", "count": 3, "ports": [ { "ifName": "lo" }, { "ifName": "eth0" }, { "ifName": "eth1" } ] } ``` ### `get_device_ip_addresses` Get a list of IP addresses (v4 and v6) associated with a device. Route: `/api/v0/devices/:hostname/ip` - hostname can be either the device hostname or id Example: ```curl curl -H 'X-Auth-Token: YOURAPITOKENHERE' ``` Output: ```json { "status": "ok", "message": "", "addresses": [ { "ipv4_address_id": "290", "ipv4_address": "", "ipv4_prefixlen": "30", "ipv4_network_id": "247", "port_id": "323", "context_name": "" } ] } ``` ### `get_port_stack` Get a list of port mappings for a device. This is useful for showing physical ports that are in a virtual port-channel. Route: `/api/v0/devices/:hostname/port_stack` - hostname can be either the device hostname or id Input: - valid_mappings: Filter the result by only showing valid mappings ("0" values not shown). Example: ```curl curl -H 'X-Auth-Token: YOURAPITOKENHERE' ``` Output: ```json { "status": "ok", "message": "", "count": 2, "mappings": [ { "device_id": "3742", "port_id_high": "1001000", "port_id_low": "51001", "ifStackStatus": "active" }, { "device_id": "3742", "port_id_high": "1001000", "port_id_low": "52001", "ifStackStatus": "active" } ] } ``` ### `get_components` Get a list of components for a particular device. Route: `/api/v0/devices/:hostname/components` - hostname can be either the device hostname or id Input: - type: Filter the result by type (Equals). - id: Filter the result by id (Equals). - label: Filter the result by label (Contains). - status: Filter the result by status (Equals). - disabled: Filter the result by disabled (Equals). - ignore: Filter the result by ignore (Equals). Example: ```curl curl -H 'X-Auth-Token: YOURAPITOKENHERE' ``` Output: ```json { "status": "ok", "message": "", "count": 3, "components": { "2": { "TestAttribute-1": "Value1", "TestAttribute-2": "Value2", "TestAttribute-3": "Value3", "type": "TestComponent-1", "label": "This is a really cool blue component", "status": "1", "ignore": "0", "disabled": "0" }, "20": { "TestAttribute-1": "Value4", "TestAttribute-2": "Value5", "TestAttribute-3": "Value6", "type": "TestComponent-1", "label": "This is a really cool red component", "status": "1", "ignore": "0", "disabled": "0" }, "27": { "TestAttribute-1": "Value7", "TestAttribute-2": "Value8", "TestAttribute-3": "Value9", "type": "TestComponent-2", "label": "This is a really cool yellow widget", "status": "1", "ignore": "0", "disabled": "0" } } } ``` ### `add_components` Create a new component of a type on a particular device. Route: `/api/v0/devices/:hostname/components/:type` - hostname can be either the device hostname or id - type is the type of component to add Example: ```curl curl -X POST -H 'X-Auth-Token: YOURAPITOKENHERE' ``` Output: ```json { "status": "ok", "message": "", "count": 1, "components": { "4459": { "type": "APITEST", "label": "", "status": 1, "ignore": 0, "disabled": 0, "error": "" } } } ``` ### `edit_components` Edit an existing component on a particular device. Route: `/api/v0/devices/:hostname/components` - hostname can be either the device hostname or id In this example we set the label and add a new field: TestField: ```curl curl -X PUT -d '{"4459": {"type": "APITEST","label": "This is a test label","status": 1,"ignore": 0,"disabled": 0,"error": "","TestField": "TestData"}}' -H 'X-Auth-Token: YOURAPITOKENHERE' ``` Output: ```json { "status": "ok", "message": "", "count": 1 } ``` Just take the JSON array from add_components or edit_components, edit as you wish and submit it back to edit_components. ### `delete_components` Delete an existing component on a particular device. Route: `/api/v0/devices/:hostname/components/:component` - hostname can be either the device hostname or id - component is the component ID to be deleted. Example: ```curl curl -X DELETE -H 'X-Auth-Token: YOURAPITOKENHERE' ``` Output: ```json { "status": "ok", "message": "" } ``` ### `get_port_stats_by_port_hostname` Get information about a particular port for a device. Route: `/api/v0/devices/:hostname/ports/:ifname` - hostname can be either the device hostname or id - ifname can be any of the interface names for the device which can be obtained using [`get_port_graphs`](#function-get_port_graphs). Please ensure that the ifname is urlencoded if it needs to be (i.e Gi0/1/0 would need to be urlencoded. Input: - columns: Comma separated list of columns you want returned. Example: ```curl curl -H 'X-Auth-Token: YOURAPITOKENHERE' ``` Output: ```json { "status": "ok", "port": { "port_id": "2", "device_id": "1", ... "poll_prev": "1418412902", "poll_period": "300" } } ``` ### `get_graph_by_port_hostname` Get a graph of a port for a particular device. Route: `/api/v0/devices/:hostname/ports/:ifname/:type` - hostname can be either the device hostname or id - ifname can be any of the interface names for the device which can be obtained using [`get_port_graphs`](#function-get_port_graphs). Please ensure that the ifname is urlencoded if it needs to be (i.e Gi0/1/0 would need to be urlencoded. - type is the port type you want the graph for, you can request a list of ports for a device with [`get_port_graphs`](#function-get_port_graphs). Input: - from: This is the date you would like the graph to start - See for more information. - to: This is the date you would like the graph to end - See for more information. - width: The graph width, defaults to 1075. - height: The graph height, defaults to 300. - ifDescr: If this is set to true then we will use ifDescr to lookup the port instead of ifName. Pass the ifDescr value you want to search as you would ifName. Example: ```curl curl -H 'X-Auth-Token: YOURAPITOKENHERE' ``` Output: Output is an image. ### `list_locations` Return a list of locations. Route: `/api/v0/resources/locations` Input: - Example: ```curl curl -H 'X-Auth-Token: YOURAPITOKENHERE' ``` Output: ```json { "status": "ok", "locations": [ { "id": "1", "location": "Example location, Example city, Example Country", "lat": "-18.911436", "lng": "47.517446", "timestamp": "2017-04-01 02:40:05" }, ... ], "count": 100 } ``` ### `list_devices` Return a list of devices. Route: `/api/v0/devices` Input: - order: How to order the output, default is by hostname. Can be prepended by DESC or ASC to change the order. - type: can be one of the following to filter or search by: - all: All devices - ignored: Only ignored devices - up: Only devices that are up - down: Only devices that are down - disabled: Disabled devices - os: search by os type - mac: search by mac address - ipv4: search by IPv4 address - ipv6: search by IPv6 address (compressed or uncompressed) - location: search by location - query: If searching by, then this will be used as the input. Example: ```curl curl -H 'X-Auth-Token: YOURAPITOKENHERE' ``` Output: ```json { "status": "ok", "count": 1, "devices": [ { "device_id": "1", "hostname": "localhost", ... "serial": null, "icon": null } ] } ``` Example: ```curl curl -H 'X-Auth-Token: YOURAPITOKENHERE' ``` Output: ```json { "status": "ok", "count": 1, "devices": [ { "device_id": "1", "hostname": "localhost", ... "serial": null, "icon": null } ] } ``` ### `add_device` Add a new device. Route: `/api/v0/devices` Input (JSON): - hostname: device hostname - port: SNMP port (defaults to port defined in config). - transport: SNMP protocol (defaults to transport defined in config). - version: SNMP version to use, v1, v2c or v3. Defaults to v2c. - poller_group: This is the poller_group id used for distributed poller setup. Defaults to 0. - force_add: Force the device to be added regardless of it being able to respond to snmp or icmp. For SNMP v1 or v2c - community: Required for SNMP v1 or v2c. For SNMP v3 - authlevel: SNMP authlevel (NoAuthNoPriv, AuthNoPriv, AuthPriv). - authname: SNMP Auth username - authpass: SNMP Auth password - authalgo: SNMP Auth algorithm (MD5, SHA) - cryptopass: SNMP Crypto Password - cryptoalgo: SNMP Crypto algorithm (AES, DES) For ICMP only - snmp_disable: Boolean, set to true for ICMP only. - os: OS short name for the device (defaults to ping). - hardware: Device hardware. Example: ```curl curl -X POST -d '{"hostname":"localhost.localdomain","version":"v1","community":"public"}' -H 'X-Auth-Token: YOURAPITOKENHERE' ``` Output: ```json { "status": "ok", "message": "Device localhost.localdomain (57) has been added successfully" } ``` ### `list_oxidized` List devices for use with Oxidized. If you have group support enabled then a group will also be returned based on your config. > LibreNMS will automatically map the OS to the Oxidized model name if they don't match. Route: `/api/v0/oxidized(/:hostname)` Input (JSON): - Examples: ```curl curl -H 'X-Auth-Token: YOURAPITOKENHERE' ``` Output: ```json [ { "hostname": "localhost", "os": "linux" }, { "hostname": "otherserver", "os": "linux" } ] ``` ### `update_device_field` Update devices field in the database. Route: `/api/v0/devices/:hostname` - hostname can be either the device hostname or id Input (JSON): - field: The column name within the database (can be an array of fields) - data: The data to update the column with (can be an array of data)) Examples: ```curl curl -X PATCH -d '{"field": "notes", "data": "This server should be kept online"}' -H 'X-Auth-Token: YOURAPITOKENHERE' ``` Output: ```json [ { "status": "ok", "message": "Device notes has been updated" } ] ``` ```curl curl -X PATCH -d '{"field": ["notes","purpose"], "data": ["This server should be kept online", "For serving web traffic"]}' -H 'X-Auth-Token: YOURAPITOKENHERE' ``` Output: ```json [ { "status": "ok", "message": "Device fields have been updated" } ] ``` ### `rename_device` Rename device. Route: `/api/v0/devices/:hostname/rename/:new_hostname` - hostname can be either the device hostname or id Input: - Examples: ```curl curl -X PATCH -H 'X-Auth-Token: YOURAPITOKENHERE' ``` Output: ```json [ { "status": "ok", "message": "Device has been renamed" } ] ``` ### `get_device_groups` List the device groups that a device is matched on. Route: `/api/v0/devices/:hostname/groups` - hostname can be either the device hostname or id Input (JSON): - Examples: ```curl curl -H 'X-Auth-Token: YOURAPITOKENHERE' ``` Output: ```json [ { "status": "ok", "message": "Found 1 device groups", "count": 1, "groups": [ { "id": "1", "name": "Testing", "desc": "Testing", "pattern": "%devices.status = \"1\" &&" } ] } ] ```