# Mouse Wheel ChangeLog ## 3.1.3 * Include MozMousePixelScroll in the to fix list to avoid inconsistent behavior in older Firefox ## 3.1.2 * Include grunt utilities for development purposes (jshint and uglify) * Include support for browserify * Some basic cleaning up ## 3.1.1 * Fix rounding issue with deltas less than zero ## 3.1.0 * Fix Firefox 17+ issues by using new wheel event * Normalize delta values * Adds horizontal support for IE 9+ by using new wheel event * Support AMD loaders ## 3.0.6 * Fix issue with delta being 0 in Firefox ## 3.0.5 * jQuery 1.7 compatibility ## 3.0.4 * Fix IE issue ## 3.0.3 * Added deltaX and deltaY for horizontal scrolling support (Thanks to Seamus Leahy) ## 3.0.2 * Fixed delta being opposite value in latest Opera * No longer fix `pageX`, `pageY` for older Mozilla browsers * Removed browser detection * Cleaned up the code ## 3.0.1 * Bad release... creating a new release due to plugins.jquery.com issue :( ## 3.0 * Uses new special events API in jQuery 1.2.2+ * You can now treat `mousewheel` as a normal event and use `.bind`, `.unbind` and `.trigger` * Using jQuery.data API for expandos ## 2.2 * Fixed `pageX`, `pageY`, `clientX` and `clientY` event properties for Mozilla based browsers ## 2.1.1 * Updated to work with jQuery 1.1.3 * Used one instead of bind to do unload event for clean up. ## 2.1 * Fixed an issue with the unload handler ## 2.0 * Major reduction in code size and complexity (internals have change a whole lot) ## 1.0 * Fixed Opera issue * Fixed an issue with children elements that also have a mousewheel handler * Added ability to handle multiple handlers