AddPage('L'); $where = "1"; if (is_numeric($_GET['device_id'])) { $where .= ' AND E.device_id = ?'; $param[] = $_GET['device_id']; } if ($_GET['string']) { $where .= " AND R.rule LIKE ?"; $param[] = "%".$_GET['string']."%"; } if ($_SESSION['userlevel'] >= '5') { $query = " FROM `alert_log` AS E LEFT JOIN devices AS D ON E.device_id=D.device_id RIGHT JOIN alert_rules AS R ON WHERE $where ORDER BY `humandate` DESC"; } else { $query = " FROM `alert_log` AS E LEFT JOIN devices AS D ON E.device_id=D.device_id RIGHT JOIN alert_rules AS R ON RIGHT JOIN devices_perms AS P ON E.device_id = P.device_id WHERE $where AND P.user_id = ? ORDER BY `humandate` DESC"; $param[] = $_SESSION['user_id']; } if (isset($_GET['start']) && is_numeric($_GET['start'])) { $start = mres($_GET['start']); } else { $start = 0; } if (isset($_GET['results']) && is_numeric($_GET['results'])) { $numresults = mres($_GET['results']); } else { $numresults = 250; } $full_query = "SELECT D.device_id,name,state,time_logged,DATE_FORMAT(time_logged, '".$config['dateformat']['mysql']['compact']."') as humandate $query LIMIT $start,$numresults"; foreach (dbFetchRows($full_query, $param) as $alert_entry) { $hostname = gethostbyid(mres($alert_entry['device_id'])); $alert_state = $alert_entry['state']; if ($alert_state!='') { if ($alert_state=='0') { $glyph_color = 'green'; $text = 'Ok'; } elseif ($alert_state=='1') { $glyph_color = 'red'; $text = 'Alert'; } elseif ($alert_state=='2') { $glyph_color = 'lightgrey'; $text = 'Ack'; } elseif ($alert_state=='3') { $glyph_color = 'orange'; $text = 'Worse'; } elseif ($alert_state=='4') { $glyph_color = 'khaki'; $text = 'Better'; } $data[] = array($alert_entry['time_logged'],$hostname,htmlspecialchars($alert_entry['name']),$text); } } $header = array('Datetime', 'Device', 'Log', 'Status'); $table = << Datetime Device Log Status EOD; foreach ($data as $log) { if ($log[3] == 'Alert') { $tr_col = '#d39392'; } else { $tr_col = '#bbd392'; } $table .= ' '.$log[0].' '.$log[1].' '.$log[2].' '.$log[3].' '; } $table .= << EOD; $pdf->writeHTML($table, true, false, false, false, '');