'device', 'device' => $device['device_id'], 'tab' => 'ports'); print_optionbar_start(); $menu_options['basic'] = 'Basic'; $menu_options['details'] = 'Details'; $menu_options['arp'] = 'ARP Table'; if(dbFetchCell("SELECT * FROM links AS L, ports AS I WHERE I.device_id = '".$device['device_id']."' AND I.interface_id = L.local_interface_id")) { $menu_options['neighbours'] = 'Neighbours'; } if(dbFetchCell("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `ports` WHERE `ifType` = 'adsl'")) { $menu_options['adsl'] = 'ADSL'; } $sep = ""; foreach ($menu_options as $option => $text) { echo($sep); if ($vars['view'] == $option) { echo(""); } echo(generate_link($text,$link_array,array('view'=>$option))); if ($vars['view'] == $option) { echo(""); } $sep = " | "; } unset($sep); echo(' | Graphs: '); $graph_types = array("bits" => "Bits", "upkts" => "Unicast Packets", "nupkts" => "Non-Unicast Packets", "errors" => "Errors", "etherlike" => "Etherlike"); foreach ($graph_types as $type => $descr) { echo("$type_sep"); if ($vars['graph'] == $type && $vars['view'] == "graphs") { echo(""); } echo(generate_link($descr,$link_array,array('view'=>'graphs','graph'=>$type))); if ($vars['graph'] == $type && $vars['view'] == "graphs") { echo(""); } echo(' ('); if ($vars['graph'] == $type && $vars['view'] == "minigraphs") { echo(""); } echo(generate_link('Mini',$link_array,array('view'=>'minigraphs','graph'=>$type))); if ($vars['graph'] == $type && $vars['view'] == "minigraphs") { echo(""); } echo(')'); $type_sep = " | "; } print_optionbar_end(); if ($vars['view'] == 'minigraphs') { $timeperiods = array('-1day','-1week','-1month','-1year'); $from = '-1day'; echo("
"); unset ($seperator); ## FIX THIS. UGLY. foreach (dbFetchRows("select * from ports WHERE device_id = ? ORDER BY ifIndex", array($device['device_id'])) as $port) { echo("
".$device['hostname']." - ".$port['ifDescr']."
\ ".$port['ifAlias']." \ \ ', CENTER, LEFT, FGCOLOR, '#e5e5e5', BGCOLOR, '#e5e5e5', WIDTH, 400, HEIGHT, 150);\" onmouseout=\"return nd();\" >". "
".truncate(short_port_descr($port['ifAlias']), 32, '')."
"); } echo(""); } elseif ($vars['view'] == "arp" || $vars['view'] == "adsl" || $vars['view'] == "neighbours") { include("ports/".$vars['view'].".inc.php"); } else { if ($vars['view'] == "details") { $port_details = 1; } echo("
"); $i = "1"; global $port_cache, $port_index_cache; $ports = dbFetchRows("SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `deleted` = '0' ORDER BY `ifIndex` ASC", array($device['device_id'])); ### As we've dragged the whole database, lets pre-populate our caches :) ### FIXME - we should probably split the fetching of link/stack/etc into functions and cache them here too to cut down on single row queries. foreach ($ports as $port) { $port_cache[$port['interface_id']] = $port; $port_index_cache[$port['device_id']][$port['ifIndex']] = $port; } foreach ($ports as $port) { include("includes/print-interface.inc.php"); $i++; } echo("
"); } $pagetitle[] = "Ports"; ?>