source: Alerting/ # Entities Entities as described earlier are based on the table and column names within the database, if you are unsure of what the entity is you want then have a browse around inside MySQL using `show tables` and `desc `. ## Devices __devices.hostname__ = The device hostname. __devices.sysName__ = The device sysName. __devices.sysDescr__ = The device sysDescr. __devices.hardware__ = The device hardware. __devices.version__ = The device os version. __devices.location__ = The device location. __devices.status__ = The status of the device, 1 = up, 0 = down. __devices.status_reason__ = The reason the device was detected as down (icmp or snmp). __devices.ignore__ = If the device is ignored this will be set to 1. __devices.disabled__ = If the device is disabled this will be set to 1. __devices.last_polled__ = The the last polled datetime (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss). __devices.type__ = The device type such as network, server, firewall, etc. ## BGP Peers __bgpPeers.astext__ = This is the description of the BGP Peer. __bgpPeers.bgpPeerIdentifier__ = The IP address of the BGP Peer. __bgpPeers.bgpPeerRemoteAs__ = The AS number of the BGP Peer. __bgpPeers.bgpPeerState__ = The operational state of the BGP session. __bgpPeers.bgpPeerAdminStatus__ = The administrative state of the BGP session. __bgpPeers.bgpLocalAddr__ = The local address of the BGP session. ## IPSec Tunnels __ipsec_tunnels.peer_addr__ = The remote VPN peer address. __ipsec_tunnels.local_addr__ = The local VPN address. __ipsec_tunnels.tunnel_status__ = The VPN tunnels operational status. ## Memory pools __mempools.mempool_type__ = The memory pool type such as hrstorage, cmp and cemp. __mempools.mempool_descr__ = The description of the pool such as Physical memory, Virtual memory and System memory. __mempools.mempool_perc__ = The used percentage of the memory pool. ## Ports __ports.ifDescr__ = The interface description. __ports.ifName__ = The interface name. __ports.ifSpeed__ = The port speed in bps. __ports.ifHighSpeed__ = The port speed in mbps. __ports.ifOperStatus__ = The operational status of the port (up or down). __ports.ifAdminStatus__ = The administrative status of the port (up or down). __ports.ifDuplex__ = Duplex setting of the port. __ports.ifMtu__ = The MTU setting of the port. ## Processors __processors.processor_usage__ = The usage of the processor as a percentage. __processors.processor_descr__ = The description of the processor. ## Storage __storage.storage_descr__ = The description of the storage. __storage.storage_perc__ = The usage of the storage as a percentage. ## Health / Sensors __sensors.sensor_desc__ = The sensors description. __sensors.sensor_current__ = The current sensors value. __sensors.sensor_prev__ = The previous sensor value. __sensors.lastupdate__ = The sensors last updated datetime stamp.