" . mysqli_connect_error(); } elseif ($stage != 3) { if($_SESSION['build-ok'] == true) { $stage = 3; $msg = "It appears that the database is already setup so have moved onto stage $stage"; } } $_SESSION['stage'] = $stage; } elseif($stage == "4") { // Now check we have a username, password and email before adding new user if(empty($add_user) || empty($add_pass) || empty($add_email)) { $stage = 3; $msg = "You haven't entered enough information to add the user account, please check below and re-try"; } } elseif($stage == "6") { session_destroy(); // If we get here then let's do some final checks. if(!file_exists("../config.php")) { // config.php file doesn't exist. go back to that stage $msg = "config.php still doesn't exist"; $stage = "5"; } } if(empty($stage)) { $stage = '0'; } $total_stages = 6; $stage_perc = $stage / $total_stages * 100; $complete = 1; ?> <?php echo($config['page_title_prefix']); ?>

Welcome to the install

Stage of complete

% Complete
Checking PHP module support
"); if($ext_loaded == 'no') { echo(""); } else { echo(""); } echo(""); } // Check for pear install @include_once 'System.php'; if(class_exists('System') === true) { $ext_loaded = 'yes'; $row_class = 'success'; } else { $ext_loaded = 'no'; $row_class = 'danger'; } echo(" "); if($ext_loaded == 'no') { echo(""); } else { echo(""); } echo(""); ?>
Module Installed Comments
$extension $ext_loadedapt-get install php5-$extension / yum install php-$extension
pear $ext_loadedapt-get install php5-$extension / yum install php-$extension
Importing MySQL DB - Do not close this page or interrupt the import
".trim($_SESSION['out']).""; ?>
If you don't see any errors or messages above then the database setup has been successful.
We couldn't create the config.php file, please create this manually before continuing by copying the below into a config.php in the root directory of your install (typically /opt/librenms/)
"); echo("
"); } else { $config_file = stripslashes($config_file); fwrite($conf,$config_file); echo("
The config file has been created
"); } } else { echo("
We couldn't create the config.php file, please create this manually before continuing by copying the below into a config.php in the root directory of your install (typically /opt/librenms/)
"); echo("
"); } } ?>
User has been added successfully
"); $proceed = 0; } else { echo("
User hasn't been added, please try again
"); } } else { echo("
User $add_user already exists!
"); } } else { echo("
Auth module isn't loaded
"); } ?>
Thank you for setting up LibreNMS, you can now click here to login to your new install.