## -- i can make it a function, so that you don't know what it's doing. ## -- $ports_db = adamasMagicFunction($ports_db); ? foreach (dbFetchRows("SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ?", array($device['device_id'])) as $port) { $ports_db[$port['ifIndex']] = $port; $ports_db_l[$port['ifIndex']] = $port['port_id']; } /// New interface detection foreach ($port_stats as $ifIndex => $port) { /// Check the port against our filters. if (is_port_valid($port, $device)) { if (!is_array($ports_db[$ifIndex])) { $port_id = dbInsert(array('device_id' => $device['device_id'], 'ifIndex' => $ifIndex), 'ports'); $ports_db[$ifIndex] = dbFetchRow("SELECT * FROM `ports` WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ifIndex` = ?", array($device['device_id'], $ifIndex)); echo("Adding: ".$port['ifName']."(".$ifIndex.")(".$ports_db[$port['ifIndex']]['port_id'].")"); } elseif ($ports_db[$ifIndex]['deleted'] == "1") { dbUpdate(array('deleted' => '0'), 'ports', '`port_id` = ?', array($ports_db[$ifIndex]['port_id'])); $ports_db[$ifIndex]['deleted'] = "0"; echo("U"); } else { echo("."); } /// We've seen it. Remove it from the cache. unset($ports_l[$ifIndex]); } else { if (is_array($ports_db[$port['ifIndex']])) { if ($ports_db[$port['ifIndex']]['deleted'] != "1") { dbUpdate(array('deleted' => '1'), 'ports', '`port_id` = ?', array($ports_db[$ifIndex]['port_id'])); $ports_db[$ifIndex]['deleted'] = "1"; echo("-"); } } echo("X"); } } /// End New interface detection /// Interface Deletion /// If it's in our $ports_l list, that means it's not been seen. Mark it deleted. foreach ($ports_l as $ifIndex => $port_id) { if ($ports_db[$ifIndex]['deleted'] == "0") { dbUpdate(array('deleted' => '1'), 'ports', '`port_id` = ?', array($port_id)); echo("-".$ifIndex); } } /// End interface deletion echo("\n"); /// Clear Variables Here unset($port_stats); unset($ports_db); unset($ports_db_db); ?>