/*! gridster.js - v0.2.1 - 2013-10-28 * http://gridster.net/ * Copyright (c) 2013 ducksboard; Licensed MIT */ ;(function($, window, document, undefined){ /** * Creates objects with coordinates (x1, y1, x2, y2, cx, cy, width, height) * to simulate DOM elements on the screen. * Coords is used by Gridster to create a faux grid with any DOM element can * collide. * * @class Coords * @param {HTMLElement|Object} obj The jQuery HTMLElement or a object with: left, * top, width and height properties. * @return {Object} Coords instance. * @constructor */ function Coords(obj) { if (obj[0] && $.isPlainObject(obj[0])) { this.data = obj[0]; }else { this.el = obj; } this.isCoords = true; this.coords = {}; this.init(); return this; } var fn = Coords.prototype; fn.init = function(){ this.set(); this.original_coords = this.get(); }; fn.set = function(update, not_update_offsets) { var el = this.el; if (el && !update) { this.data = el.offset(); this.data.width = el.width(); this.data.height = el.height(); } if (el && update && !not_update_offsets) { var offset = el.offset(); this.data.top = offset.top; this.data.left = offset.left; } var d = this.data; this.coords.x1 = d.left; this.coords.y1 = d.top; this.coords.x2 = d.left + d.width; this.coords.y2 = d.top + d.height; this.coords.cx = d.left + (d.width / 2); this.coords.cy = d.top + (d.height / 2); this.coords.width = d.width; this.coords.height = d.height; this.coords.el = el || false ; return this; }; fn.update = function(data){ if (!data && !this.el) { return this; } if (data) { var new_data = $.extend({}, this.data, data); this.data = new_data; return this.set(true, true); } this.set(true); return this; }; fn.get = function(){ return this.coords; }; //jQuery adapter $.fn.coords = function() { if (this.data('coords') ) { return this.data('coords'); } var ins = new Coords(this, arguments[0]); this.data('coords', ins); return ins; }; }(jQuery, window, document)); ;(function($, window, document, undefined){ var defaults = { colliders_context: document.body // ,on_overlap: function(collider_data){}, // on_overlap_start : function(collider_data){}, // on_overlap_stop : function(collider_data){} }; /** * Detects collisions between a DOM element against other DOM elements or * Coords objects. * * @class Collision * @uses Coords * @param {HTMLElement} el The jQuery wrapped HTMLElement. * @param {HTMLElement|Array} colliders Can be a jQuery collection * of HTMLElements or an Array of Coords instances. * @param {Object} [options] An Object with all options you want to * overwrite: * @param {Function} [options.on_overlap_start] Executes a function the first * time each `collider ` is overlapped. * @param {Function} [options.on_overlap_stop] Executes a function when a * `collider` is no longer collided. * @param {Function} [options.on_overlap] Executes a function when the * mouse is moved during the collision. * @return {Object} Collision instance. * @constructor */ function Collision(el, colliders, options) { this.options = $.extend(defaults, options); this.$element = el; this.last_colliders = []; this.last_colliders_coords = []; if (typeof colliders === 'string' || colliders instanceof jQuery) { this.$colliders = $(colliders, this.options.colliders_context).not(this.$element); }else{ this.colliders = $(colliders); } this.init(); } var fn = Collision.prototype; fn.init = function() { this.find_collisions(); }; fn.overlaps = function(a, b) { var x = false; var y = false; if ((b.x1 >= a.x1 && b.x1 <= a.x2) || (b.x2 >= a.x1 && b.x2 <= a.x2) || (a.x1 >= b.x1 && a.x2 <= b.x2) ) { x = true; } if ((b.y1 >= a.y1 && b.y1 <= a.y2) || (b.y2 >= a.y1 && b.y2 <= a.y2) || (a.y1 >= b.y1 && a.y2 <= b.y2) ) { y = true; } return (x && y); }; fn.detect_overlapping_region = function(a, b){ var regionX = ''; var regionY = ''; if (a.y1 > b.cy && a.y1 < b.y2) { regionX = 'N'; } if (a.y2 > b.y1 && a.y2 < b.cy) { regionX = 'S'; } if (a.x1 > b.cx && a.x1 < b.x2) { regionY = 'W'; } if (a.x2 > b.x1 && a.x2 < b.cx) { regionY = 'E'; } return (regionX + regionY) || 'C'; }; fn.calculate_overlapped_area_coords = function(a, b){ var x1 = Math.max(a.x1, b.x1); var y1 = Math.max(a.y1, b.y1); var x2 = Math.min(a.x2, b.x2); var y2 = Math.min(a.y2, b.y2); return $({ left: x1, top: y1, width : (x2 - x1), height: (y2 - y1) }).coords().get(); }; fn.calculate_overlapped_area = function(coords){ return (coords.width * coords.height); }; fn.manage_colliders_start_stop = function(new_colliders_coords, start_callback, stop_callback){ var last = this.last_colliders_coords; for (var i = 0, il = last.length; i < il; i++) { if ($.inArray(last[i], new_colliders_coords) === -1) { start_callback.call(this, last[i]); } } for (var j = 0, jl = new_colliders_coords.length; j < jl; j++) { if ($.inArray(new_colliders_coords[j], last) === -1) { stop_callback.call(this, new_colliders_coords[j]); } } }; fn.find_collisions = function(player_data_coords){ var self = this; var colliders_coords = []; var colliders_data = []; var $colliders = (this.colliders || this.$colliders); var count = $colliders.length; var player_coords = self.$element.coords() .update(player_data_coords || false).get(); while(count--){ var $collider = self.$colliders ? $($colliders[count]) : $colliders[count]; var $collider_coords_ins = ($collider.isCoords) ? $collider : $collider.coords(); var collider_coords = $collider_coords_ins.get(); var overlaps = self.overlaps(player_coords, collider_coords); if (!overlaps) { continue; } var region = self.detect_overlapping_region( player_coords, collider_coords); //todo: make this an option if (region === 'C'){ var area_coords = self.calculate_overlapped_area_coords( player_coords, collider_coords); var area = self.calculate_overlapped_area(area_coords); var collider_data = { area: area, area_coords : area_coords, region: region, coords: collider_coords, player_coords: player_coords, el: $collider }; if (self.options.on_overlap) { self.options.on_overlap.call(this, collider_data); } colliders_coords.push($collider_coords_ins); colliders_data.push(collider_data); } } if (self.options.on_overlap_stop || self.options.on_overlap_start) { this.manage_colliders_start_stop(colliders_coords, self.options.on_overlap_start, self.options.on_overlap_stop); } this.last_colliders_coords = colliders_coords; return colliders_data; }; fn.get_closest_colliders = function(player_data_coords){ var colliders = this.find_collisions(player_data_coords); colliders.sort(function(a, b) { /* if colliders are being overlapped by the "C" (center) region, * we have to set a lower index in the array to which they are placed * above in the grid. */ if (a.region === 'C' && b.region === 'C') { if (a.coords.y1 < b.coords.y1 || a.coords.x1 < b.coords.x1) { return - 1; }else{ return 1; } } if (a.area < b.area) { return 1; } return 1; }); return colliders; }; //jQuery adapter $.fn.collision = function(collider, options) { return new Collision( this, collider, options ); }; }(jQuery, window, document)); ;(function(window, undefined) { window.delay = function(func, wait) { var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2); return setTimeout(function(){ return func.apply(null, args); }, wait); }; /* Debounce and throttle functions taken from underscore.js */ window.debounce = function(func, wait, immediate) { var timeout; return function() { var context = this, args = arguments; var later = function() { timeout = null; if (!immediate) func.apply(context, args); }; if (immediate && !timeout) func.apply(context, args); clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(later, wait); }; }; window.throttle = function(func, wait) { var context, args, timeout, throttling, more, result; var whenDone = debounce( function(){ more = throttling = false; }, wait); return function() { context = this; args = arguments; var later = function() { timeout = null; if (more) func.apply(context, args); whenDone(); }; if (!timeout) timeout = setTimeout(later, wait); if (throttling) { more = true; } else { result = func.apply(context, args); } whenDone(); throttling = true; return result; }; }; })(window); ;(function($, window, document, undefined) { var defaults = { items: 'li', distance: 1, limit: true, offset_left: 0, autoscroll: true, ignore_dragging: ['INPUT', 'TEXTAREA', 'SELECT', 'BUTTON'], handle: null, container_width: 0, // 0 == auto move_element: true, helper: false // or 'clone' // drag: function(e) {}, // start : function(e, ui) {}, // stop : function(e) {} }; var $window = $(window); var isTouch = !!('ontouchstart' in window); var pointer_events = { start: isTouch ? 'touchstart.gridster-draggable' : 'mousedown.gridster-draggable', move: isTouch ? 'touchmove.gridster-draggable' : 'mousemove.gridster-draggable', end: isTouch ? 'touchend.gridster-draggable' : 'mouseup.gridster-draggable' }; /** * Basic drag implementation for DOM elements inside a container. * Provide start/stop/drag callbacks. * * @class Draggable * @param {HTMLElement} el The HTMLelement that contains all the widgets * to be dragged. * @param {Object} [options] An Object with all options you want to * overwrite: * @param {HTMLElement|String} [options.items] Define who will * be the draggable items. Can be a CSS Selector String or a * collection of HTMLElements. * @param {Number} [options.distance] Distance in pixels after mousedown * the mouse must move before dragging should start. * @param {Boolean} [options.limit] Constrains dragging to the width of * the container * @param {offset_left} [options.offset_left] Offset added to the item * that is being dragged. * @param {Number} [options.drag] Executes a callback when the mouse is * moved during the dragging. * @param {Number} [options.start] Executes a callback when the drag * starts. * @param {Number} [options.stop] Executes a callback when the drag stops. * @return {Object} Returns `el`. * @constructor */ function Draggable(el, options) { this.options = $.extend({}, defaults, options); this.$body = $(document.body); this.$container = $(el); this.$dragitems = $(this.options.items, this.$container); this.is_dragging = false; this.player_min_left = 0 + this.options.offset_left; this.init(); } var fn = Draggable.prototype; fn.init = function() { this.calculate_positions(); this.$container.css('position', 'relative'); this.disabled = false; this.events(); $(window).bind('resize.gridster-draggable', throttle($.proxy(this.calculate_positions, this), 200)); }; fn.events = function() { this.$container.on('selectstart.gridster-draggable', $.proxy(this.on_select_start, this)); this.$container.on(pointer_events.start, this.options.items, $.proxy(this.drag_handler, this)); this.$body.on(pointer_events.end, $.proxy(function(e) { this.is_dragging = false; if (this.disabled) { return; } this.$body.off(pointer_events.move); if (this.drag_start) { this.on_dragstop(e); } }, this)); }; fn.get_actual_pos = function($el) { var pos = $el.position(); return pos; }; fn.get_mouse_pos = function(e) { if (isTouch) { var oe = e.originalEvent; e = oe.touches.length ? oe.touches[0] : oe.changedTouches[0]; } return { left: e.clientX, top: e.clientY }; }; fn.get_offset = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var mouse_actual_pos = this.get_mouse_pos(e); var diff_x = Math.round( mouse_actual_pos.left - this.mouse_init_pos.left); var diff_y = Math.round(mouse_actual_pos.top - this.mouse_init_pos.top); var left = Math.round(this.el_init_offset.left + diff_x - this.baseX); var top = Math.round( this.el_init_offset.top + diff_y - this.baseY + this.scrollOffset); if (this.options.limit) { if (left > this.player_max_left) { left = this.player_max_left; } else if(left < this.player_min_left) { left = this.player_min_left; } } return { position: { left: left, top: top }, pointer: { left: mouse_actual_pos.left, top: mouse_actual_pos.top, diff_left: diff_x, diff_top: diff_y + this.scrollOffset } }; }; fn.get_drag_data = function(e) { var offset = this.get_offset(e); offset.$player = this.$player; offset.$helper = this.helper ? this.$helper : this.$player; return offset; }; fn.manage_scroll = function(data) { /* scroll document */ var nextScrollTop; var scrollTop = $window.scrollTop(); var min_window_y = scrollTop; var max_window_y = min_window_y + this.window_height; var mouse_down_zone = max_window_y - 50; var mouse_up_zone = min_window_y + 50; var abs_mouse_left = data.pointer.left; var abs_mouse_top = min_window_y + data.pointer.top; var max_player_y = (this.doc_height - this.window_height + this.player_height); if (abs_mouse_top >= mouse_down_zone) { nextScrollTop = scrollTop + 30; if (nextScrollTop < max_player_y) { $window.scrollTop(nextScrollTop); this.scrollOffset = this.scrollOffset + 30; } } if (abs_mouse_top <= mouse_up_zone) { nextScrollTop = scrollTop - 30; if (nextScrollTop > 0) { $window.scrollTop(nextScrollTop); this.scrollOffset = this.scrollOffset - 30; } } }; fn.calculate_positions = function(e) { this.window_height = $window.height(); }; fn.drag_handler = function(e) { var node = e.target.nodeName; if (this.disabled || e.which !== 1 && !isTouch) { return; } if (this.ignore_drag(e)) { return; } var self = this; var first = true; this.$player = $(e.currentTarget); this.el_init_pos = this.get_actual_pos(this.$player); this.mouse_init_pos = this.get_mouse_pos(e); this.offsetY = this.mouse_init_pos.top - this.el_init_pos.top; this.$body.on(pointer_events.move, function(mme) { var mouse_actual_pos = self.get_mouse_pos(mme); var diff_x = Math.abs( mouse_actual_pos.left - self.mouse_init_pos.left); var diff_y = Math.abs( mouse_actual_pos.top - self.mouse_init_pos.top); if (!(diff_x > self.options.distance || diff_y > self.options.distance) ) { return false; } if (first) { first = false; self.on_dragstart.call(self, mme); return false; } if (self.is_dragging === true) { self.on_dragmove.call(self, mme); } return false; }); if (!isTouch) { return false; } }; fn.on_dragstart = function(e) { e.preventDefault(); if (this.is_dragging) { return this; } this.drag_start = this.is_dragging = true; var offset = this.$container.offset(); this.baseX = Math.round(offset.left); this.baseY = Math.round(offset.top); this.doc_height = $(document).height(); if (this.options.helper === 'clone') { this.$helper = this.$player.clone() .appendTo(this.$container).addClass('helper'); this.helper = true; } else { this.helper = false; } this.scrollOffset = 0; this.el_init_offset = this.$player.offset(); this.player_width = this.$player.width(); this.player_height = this.$player.height(); var container_width = this.options.container_width || this.$container.width(); this.player_max_left = (container_width - this.player_width + this.options.offset_left); if (this.options.start) { this.options.start.call(this.$player, e, this.get_drag_data(e)); } return false; }; fn.on_dragmove = function(e) { var data = this.get_drag_data(e); this.options.autoscroll && this.manage_scroll(data); if (this.options.move_element) { (this.helper ? this.$helper : this.$player).css({ 'position': 'absolute', 'left' : data.position.left, 'top' : data.position.top }); } var last_position = this.last_position || data.position; data.prev_position = last_position; if (this.options.drag) { this.options.drag.call(this.$player, e, data); } this.last_position = data.position; return false; }; fn.on_dragstop = function(e) { var data = this.get_drag_data(e); this.drag_start = false; if (this.options.stop) { this.options.stop.call(this.$player, e, data); } if (this.helper) { this.$helper.remove(); } return false; }; fn.on_select_start = function(e) { if (this.disabled) { return; } if (this.ignore_drag(e)) { return; } return false; }; fn.enable = function() { this.disabled = false; }; fn.disable = function() { this.disabled = true; }; fn.destroy = function() { this.disable(); this.$container.off('.gridster-draggable'); this.$body.off('.gridster-draggable'); $(window).off('.gridster-draggable'); $.removeData(this.$container, 'drag'); }; fn.ignore_drag = function(event) { if (this.options.handle) { return !$(event.target).is(this.options.handle); } return $(event.target).is(this.options.ignore_dragging.join(', ')); }; //jQuery adapter $.fn.drag = function ( options ) { return new Draggable(this, options); }; }(jQuery, window, document)); ;(function($, window, document, undefined) { var defaults = { namespace: '', widget_selector: 'li', widget_margins: [10, 10], widget_base_dimensions: [400, 225], extra_rows: 0, extra_cols: 0, min_cols: 1, max_cols: null, min_rows: 15, max_size_x: false, autogenerate_stylesheet: true, avoid_overlapped_widgets: true, serialize_params: function($w, wgd) { return { col: wgd.col, row: wgd.row, size_x: wgd.size_x, size_y: wgd.size_y }; }, collision: {}, draggable: { items: '.gs-w', distance: 4 }, resize: { enabled: false, axes: ['x', 'y', 'both'], handle_append_to: '', handle_class: 'gs-resize-handle', max_size: [Infinity, Infinity] } }; /** * @class Gridster * @uses Draggable * @uses Collision * @param {HTMLElement} el The HTMLelement that contains all the widgets. * @param {Object} [options] An Object with all options you want to * overwrite: * @param {HTMLElement|String} [options.widget_selector] Define who will * be the draggable widgets. Can be a CSS Selector String or a * collection of HTMLElements * @param {Array} [options.widget_margins] Margin between widgets. * The first index for the horizontal margin (left, right) and * the second for the vertical margin (top, bottom). * @param {Array} [options.widget_base_dimensions] Base widget dimensions * in pixels. The first index for the width and the second for the * height. * @param {Number} [options.extra_cols] Add more columns in addition to * those that have been calculated. * @param {Number} [options.extra_rows] Add more rows in addition to * those that have been calculated. * @param {Number} [options.min_cols] The minimum required columns. * @param {Number} [options.max_cols] The maximum columns possible (set to null * for no maximum). * @param {Number} [options.min_rows] The minimum required rows. * @param {Number} [options.max_size_x] The maximum number of columns * that a widget can span. * @param {Boolean} [options.autogenerate_stylesheet] If true, all the * CSS required to position all widgets in their respective columns * and rows will be generated automatically and injected to the * `
` of the document. You can set this to false, and write * your own CSS targeting rows and cols via data-attributes like so: * `[data-col="1"] { left: 10px; }` * @param {Boolean} [options.avoid_overlapped_widgets] Avoid that widgets loaded * from the DOM can be overlapped. It is helpful if the positions were * bad stored in the database or if there was any conflict. * @param {Function} [options.serialize_params] Return the data you want * for each widget in the serialization. Two arguments are passed: * `$w`: the jQuery wrapped HTMLElement, and `wgd`: the grid * coords object (`col`, `row`, `size_x`, `size_y`). * @param {Object} [options.collision] An Object with all options for * Collision class you want to overwrite. See Collision docs for * more info. * @param {Object} [options.draggable] An Object with all options for * Draggable class you want to overwrite. See Draggable docs for more * info. * @param {Object} [options.resize] An Object with resize config * options. * @param {Boolean} [options.resize.enabled] Set to true to enable * resizing. * @param {Array} [options.resize.axes] Axes in which widgets can be * resized. Possible values: ['x', 'y', 'both']. * @param {String} [options.resize.handle_append_to] Set a valid CSS * selector to append resize handles to. * @param {String} [options.resize.handle_class] CSS class name used * by resize handles. * @param {Array} [options.resize.max_size] Limit widget dimensions * when resizing. Array values should be integers: * `[max_cols_occupied, max_rows_occupied]` * @param {Function} [options.resize.start] Function executed * when resizing starts. * @param {Function} [otions.resize.resize] Function executed * during the resizing. * @param {Function} [options.resize.stop] Function executed * when resizing stops. * * @constructor */ function Gridster(el, options) { this.options = $.extend(true, defaults, options); this.$el = $(el); this.$wrapper = this.$el.parent(); this.$widgets = this.$el.children( this.options.widget_selector).addClass('gs-w'); this.widgets = []; this.$changed = $([]); this.wrapper_width = this.$wrapper.width(); this.min_widget_width = (this.options.widget_margins[0] * 2) + this.options.widget_base_dimensions[0]; this.min_widget_height = (this.options.widget_margins[1] * 2) + this.options.widget_base_dimensions[1]; this.$style_tags = $([]); this.init(); } Gridster.generated_stylesheets = []; var fn = Gridster.prototype; fn.init = function() { this.options.resize.enabled && this.setup_resize(); this.generate_grid_and_stylesheet(); this.get_widgets_from_DOM(); this.set_dom_grid_height(); this.$wrapper.addClass('ready'); this.draggable(); this.options.resize.enabled && this.resizable(); $(window).bind('resize.gridster', throttle( $.proxy(this.recalculate_faux_grid, this), 200)); }; /** * Disables dragging. * * @method disable * @return {Class} Returns the instance of the Gridster Class. */ fn.disable = function() { this.$wrapper.find('.player-revert').removeClass('player-revert'); this.drag_api.disable(); return this; }; /** * Enables dragging. * * @method enable * @return {Class} Returns the instance of the Gridster Class. */ fn.enable = function() { this.drag_api.enable(); return this; }; /** * Disables drag-and-drop widget resizing. * * @method disable * @return {Class} Returns instance of gridster Class. */ fn.disable_resize = function() { this.$el.addClass('gs-resize-disabled'); this.resize_api.disable(); return this; }; /** * Enables drag-and-drop widget resizing. * * @method enable * @return {Class} Returns instance of gridster Class. */ fn.enable_resize = function() { this.$el.removeClass('gs-resize-disabled'); this.resize_api.enable(); return this; }; /** * Add a new widget to the grid. * * @method add_widget * @param {String|HTMLElement} html The string representing the HTML of the widget * or the HTMLElement. * @param {Number} [size_x] The nº of rows the widget occupies horizontally. * @param {Number} [size_y] The nº of columns the widget occupies vertically. * @param {Number} [col] The column the widget should start in. * @param {Number} [row] The row the widget should start in. * @param {Array} [max_size] max_size Maximun size (in units) for width and height. * @return {HTMLElement} Returns the jQuery wrapped HTMLElement representing. * the widget that was just created. */ fn.add_widget = function(html, size_x, size_y, col, row, max_size) { var pos; size_x || (size_x = 1); size_y || (size_y = 1); if (!col & !row) { pos = this.next_position(size_x, size_y); }else{ pos = { col: col, row: row }; this.empty_cells(col, row, size_x, size_y); } var $w = $(html).attr({ 'data-col': pos.col, 'data-row': pos.row, 'data-sizex' : size_x, 'data-sizey' : size_y }).addClass('gs-w').appendTo(this.$el).hide(); this.$widgets = this.$widgets.add($w); this.register_widget($w); this.add_faux_rows(pos.size_y); //this.add_faux_cols(pos.size_x); if (max_size) { this.set_widget_max_size($w, max_size); } this.set_dom_grid_height(); return $w.fadeIn(); }; /** * Change widget size limits. * * @method set_widget_max_size * @param {HTMLElement|Number} $widget The jQuery wrapped HTMLElement * representing the widget or an index representing the desired widget. * @param {Array} max_size Maximun size (in units) for width and height. * @return {HTMLElement} Returns instance of gridster Class. */ fn.set_widget_max_size = function($widget, max_size) { $widget = typeof $widget === 'number' ? this.$widgets.eq($widget) : $widget; if (!$widget.length) { return this; } var wgd = $widget.data('coords').grid; wgd.max_size_x = max_size[0]; wgd.max_size_y = max_size[1]; return this; }; /** * Append the resize handle into a widget. * * @method add_resize_handle * @param {HTMLElement} $widget The jQuery wrapped HTMLElement * representing the widget. * @return {HTMLElement} Returns instance of gridster Class. */ fn.add_resize_handle = function($w) { var append_to = this.options.resize.handle_append_to; $(this.resize_handle_tpl).appendTo( append_to ? $(append_to, $w) : $w); return this; }; /** * Change the size of a widget. Width is limited to the current grid width. * * @method resize_widget * @param {HTMLElement} $widget The jQuery wrapped HTMLElement * representing the widget. * @param {Number} size_x The number of columns that will occupy the widget. * @param {Number} size_y The number of rows that will occupy the widget. * @param {Boolean} [reposition] Set to false to not move the widget to * the left if there is insufficient space on the right. * By defaultsize_x
is limited to the space available from
* the column where the widget begins, until the last column to the right.
* @param {Function} [callback] Function executed when the widget is removed.
* @return {HTMLElement} Returns $widget.
fn.resize_widget = function($widget, size_x, size_y, reposition, callback) {
var wgd = $widget.coords().grid;
reposition !== false && (reposition = true);
size_x || (size_x = wgd.size_x);
size_y || (size_y = wgd.size_y);
if (size_x > this.cols) {
size_x = this.cols;
var old_size_y = wgd.size_y;
var old_col = wgd.col;
var new_col = old_col;
if (reposition && old_col + size_x - 1 > this.cols) {
var diff = old_col + (size_x - 1) - this.cols;
var c = old_col - diff;
new_col = Math.max(1, c);
if (size_y > old_size_y) {
this.add_faux_rows(Math.max(size_y - old_size_y, 0));
var new_grid_data = {
col: new_col,
row: wgd.row,
size_x: size_x,
size_y: size_y
this.mutate_widget_in_gridmap($widget, wgd, new_grid_data);
if (callback) {
callback.call(this, new_grid_data.size_x, new_grid_data.size_y);
return $widget;
* Mutate widget dimensions and position in the grid map.
* @method mutate_widget_in_gridmap
* @param {HTMLElement} $widget The jQuery wrapped HTMLElement
* representing the widget to mutate.
* @param {Object} wgd Current widget grid data (col, row, size_x, size_y).
* @param {Object} new_wgd New widget grid data.
* @return {HTMLElement} Returns instance of gridster Class.
fn.mutate_widget_in_gridmap = function($widget, wgd, new_wgd) {
var old_size_x = wgd.size_x;
var old_size_y = wgd.size_y;
var old_cells_occupied = this.get_cells_occupied(wgd);
var new_cells_occupied = this.get_cells_occupied(new_wgd);
var empty_cols = [];
$.each(old_cells_occupied.cols, function(i, col) {
if ($.inArray(col, new_cells_occupied.cols) === -1) {
var occupied_cols = [];
$.each(new_cells_occupied.cols, function(i, col) {
if ($.inArray(col, old_cells_occupied.cols) === -1) {
var empty_rows = [];
$.each(old_cells_occupied.rows, function(i, row) {
if ($.inArray(row, new_cells_occupied.rows) === -1) {
var occupied_rows = [];
$.each(new_cells_occupied.rows, function(i, row) {
if ($.inArray(row, old_cells_occupied.rows) === -1) {
if (occupied_cols.length) {
var cols_to_empty = [
new_wgd.col, new_wgd.row, new_wgd.size_x, Math.min(old_size_y, new_wgd.size_y), $widget
this.empty_cells.apply(this, cols_to_empty);
if (occupied_rows.length) {
var rows_to_empty = [new_wgd.col, new_wgd.row, new_wgd.size_x, new_wgd.size_y, $widget];
this.empty_cells.apply(this, rows_to_empty);
// not the same that wgd = new_wgd;
wgd.col = new_wgd.col;
wgd.row = new_wgd.row;
wgd.size_x = new_wgd.size_x;
wgd.size_y = new_wgd.size_y;
this.add_to_gridmap(new_wgd, $widget);
//update coords instance attributes
width: (new_wgd.size_x * this.options.widget_base_dimensions[0] +
((new_wgd.size_x - 1) * this.options.widget_margins[0]) * 2),
height: (new_wgd.size_y * this.options.widget_base_dimensions[1] +
((new_wgd.size_y - 1) * this.options.widget_margins[1]) * 2)
'data-col': new_wgd.col,
'data-row': new_wgd.row,
'data-sizex': new_wgd.size_x,
'data-sizey': new_wgd.size_y
if (empty_cols.length) {
var cols_to_remove_holes = [
empty_cols[0], new_wgd.row,
Math.min(old_size_y, new_wgd.size_y),
this.remove_empty_cells.apply(this, cols_to_remove_holes);
if (empty_rows.length) {
var rows_to_remove_holes = [
new_wgd.col, new_wgd.row, new_wgd.size_x, new_wgd.size_y, $widget
this.remove_empty_cells.apply(this, rows_to_remove_holes);
return this;
* Move down widgets in cells represented by the arguments col, row, size_x,
* size_y
* @method empty_cells
* @param {Number} col The column where the group of cells begin.
* @param {Number} row The row where the group of cells begin.
* @param {Number} size_x The number of columns that the group of cells
* occupy.
* @param {Number} size_y The number of rows that the group of cells
* occupy.
* @param {HTMLElement} $exclude Exclude widgets from being moved.
* @return {Class} Returns the instance of the Gridster Class.
fn.empty_cells = function(col, row, size_x, size_y, $exclude) {
var $nexts = this.widgets_below({
col: col,
row: row - size_y,
size_x: size_x,
size_y: size_y
$nexts.not($exclude).each($.proxy(function(i, w) {
var wgd = $(w).coords().grid;
if (!(wgd.row <= (row + size_y - 1))) { return; }
var diff = (row + size_y) - wgd.row;
this.move_widget_down($(w), diff);
}, this));
return this;
* Move up widgets below cells represented by the arguments col, row, size_x,
* size_y.
* @method remove_empty_cells
* @param {Number} col The column where the group of cells begin.
* @param {Number} row The row where the group of cells begin.
* @param {Number} size_x The number of columns that the group of cells
* occupy.
* @param {Number} size_y The number of rows that the group of cells
* occupy.
* @param {HTMLElement} exclude Exclude widgets from being moved.
* @return {Class} Returns the instance of the Gridster Class.
fn.remove_empty_cells = function(col, row, size_x, size_y, exclude) {
var $nexts = this.widgets_below({
col: col,
row: row,
size_x: size_x,
size_y: size_y
$nexts.not(exclude).each($.proxy(function(i, widget) {
this.move_widget_up( $(widget), size_y );
}, this));
return this;
* Get the most left column below to add a new widget.
* @method next_position
* @param {Number} size_x The nº of rows the widget occupies horizontally.
* @param {Number} size_y The nº of columns the widget occupies vertically.
* @return {Object} Returns a grid coords object representing the future
* widget coords.
fn.next_position = function(size_x, size_y) {
size_x || (size_x = 1);
size_y || (size_y = 1);
var ga = this.gridmap;
var cols_l = ga.length;
var valid_pos = [];
var rows_l;
for (var c = 1; c < cols_l; c++) {
rows_l = ga[c].length;
for (var r = 1; r <= rows_l; r++) {
var can_move_to = this.can_move_to({
size_x: size_x,
size_y: size_y
}, c, r);
if (can_move_to) {
col: c,
row: r,
size_y: size_y,
size_x: size_x
if (valid_pos.length) {
return this.sort_by_row_and_col_asc(valid_pos)[0];
return false;
* Remove a widget from the grid.
* @method remove_widget
* @param {HTMLElement} el The jQuery wrapped HTMLElement you want to remove.
* @param {Boolean|Function} silent If true, widgets below the removed one
* will not move up. If a Function is passed it will be used as callback.
* @param {Function} callback Function executed when the widget is removed.
* @return {Class} Returns the instance of the Gridster Class.
fn.remove_widget = function(el, silent, callback) {
var $el = el instanceof jQuery ? el : $(el);
var wgd = $el.coords().grid;
// if silent is a function assume it's a callback
if ($.isFunction(silent)) {
callback = silent;
silent = false;
this.cells_occupied_by_placeholder = {};
this.$widgets = this.$widgets.not($el);
var $nexts = this.widgets_below($el);
$el.fadeOut($.proxy(function() {
if (!silent) {
$nexts.each($.proxy(function(i, widget) {
this.move_widget_up( $(widget), wgd.size_y );
}, this));
if (callback) {
callback.call(this, el);
}, this));
return this;
* Remove all widgets from the grid.
* @method remove_all_widgets
* @param {Function} callback Function executed for each widget removed.
* @return {Class} Returns the instance of the Gridster Class.
fn.remove_all_widgets = function(callback) {
this.$widgets.each($.proxy(function(i, el){
this.remove_widget(el, true, callback);
}, this));
return this;
* Returns a serialized array of the widgets in the grid.
* @method serialize
* @param {HTMLElement} [$widgets] The collection of jQuery wrapped
* HTMLElements you want to serialize. If no argument is passed all widgets
* will be serialized.
* @return {Array} Returns an Array of Objects with the data specified in
* the serialize_params option.
fn.serialize = function($widgets) {
$widgets || ($widgets = this.$widgets);
var result = [];
$widgets.each($.proxy(function(i, widget) {
$(widget), $(widget).coords().grid ) );
}, this));
return result;
* Returns a serialized array of the widgets that have changed their
* position.
* @method serialize_changed
* @return {Array} Returns an Array of Objects with the data specified in
* the serialize_params option.
fn.serialize_changed = function() {
return this.serialize(this.$changed);
* Creates the grid coords object representing the widget a add it to the
* mapped array of positions.
* @method register_widget
* @return {Array} Returns the instance of the Gridster class.
fn.register_widget = function($el) {
var wgd = {
'col': parseInt($el.attr('data-col'), 10),
'row': parseInt($el.attr('data-row'), 10),
'size_x': parseInt($el.attr('data-sizex'), 10),
'size_y': parseInt($el.attr('data-sizey'), 10),
'max_size_x': parseInt($el.attr('data-max-sizex'), 10) || false,
'max_size_y': parseInt($el.attr('data-max-sizey'), 10) || false,
'el': $el
if (this.options.avoid_overlapped_widgets &&
{size_x: wgd.size_x, size_y: wgd.size_y}, wgd.col, wgd.row)
) {
$.extend(wgd, this.next_position(wgd.size_x, wgd.size_y));
'data-col': wgd.col,
'data-row': wgd.row,
'data-sizex': wgd.size_x,
'data-sizey': wgd.size_y
// attach Coord object to player data-coord attribute
$el.data('coords', $el.coords());
// Extend Coord object with grid position info
$el.data('coords').grid = wgd;
this.add_to_gridmap(wgd, $el);
this.options.resize.enabled && this.add_resize_handle($el);
return this;
* Update in the mapped array of positions the value of cells represented by
* the grid coords object passed in the `grid_data` param.
* @param {Object} grid_data The grid coords object representing the cells
* to update in the mapped array.
* @param {HTMLElement|Boolean} value Pass `false` or the jQuery wrapped
* HTMLElement, depends if you want to delete an existing position or add
* a new one.
* @method update_widget_position
* @return {Class} Returns the instance of the Gridster Class.
fn.update_widget_position = function(grid_data, value) {
this.for_each_cell_occupied(grid_data, function(col, row) {
if (!this.gridmap[col]) { return this; }
this.gridmap[col][row] = value;
return this;
* Remove a widget from the mapped array of positions.
* @method remove_from_gridmap
* @param {Object} grid_data The grid coords object representing the cells
* to update in the mapped array.
* @return {Class} Returns the instance of the Gridster Class.
fn.remove_from_gridmap = function(grid_data) {
return this.update_widget_position(grid_data, false);
* Add a widget to the mapped array of positions.
* @method add_to_gridmap
* @param {Object} grid_data The grid coords object representing the cells
* to update in the mapped array.
* @param {HTMLElement|Boolean} value The value to set in the specified
* position .
* @return {Class} Returns the instance of the Gridster Class.
fn.add_to_gridmap = function(grid_data, value) {
this.update_widget_position(grid_data, value || grid_data.el);
if (grid_data.el) {
var $widgets = this.widgets_below(grid_data.el);
$widgets.each($.proxy(function(i, widget) {
this.move_widget_up( $(widget));
}, this));
* Make widgets draggable.
* @uses Draggable
* @method draggable
* @return {Class} Returns the instance of the Gridster Class.
fn.draggable = function() {
var self = this;
var draggable_options = $.extend(true, {}, this.options.draggable, {
offset_left: this.options.widget_margins[0],
container_width: this.container_width,
ignore_dragging: ['INPUT', 'TEXTAREA', 'SELECT', 'BUTTON',
'.' + this.options.resize.handle_class],
start: function(event, ui) {
self.$player = $(this);
self.$helper = $(ui.$helper);
self.helper = !self.$helper.is(self.$player);
self.on_start_drag.call(self, event, ui);
stop: function(event, ui) {
self.on_stop_drag.call(self, event, ui);
drag: throttle(function(event, ui) {
self.on_drag.call(self, event, ui);
}, 60)
this.drag_api = this.$el.drag(draggable_options);
return this;
* Bind resize events to get resize working.
* @method resizable
* @return {Class} Returns instance of gridster Class.
fn.resizable = function() {
this.resize_api = this.$el.drag({
items: '.' + this.options.resize.handle_class,
offset_left: this.options.widget_margins[0],
container_width: this.container_width,
move_element: false,
start: $.proxy(this.on_start_resize, this),
stop: $.proxy(function(event, ui) {
delay($.proxy(function() {
this.on_stop_resize(event, ui);
}, this), 120);
}, this),
drag: throttle($.proxy(this.on_resize, this), 60)
return this;
* Setup things required for resizing. Like build templates for drag handles.
* @method setup_resize
* @return {Class} Returns instance of gridster Class.
fn.setup_resize = function() {
this.resize_handle_class = this.options.resize.handle_class;
var axes = this.options.resize.axes;
var handle_tpl = '';
this.resize_handle_tpl = $.map(axes, function(type) {
return handle_tpl.replace('{type}', type);
return this;
* This function is executed when the player begins to be dragged.
* @method on_start_drag
* @param {Event} event The original browser event
* @param {Object} ui A prepared ui object with useful drag-related data
fn.on_start_drag = function(event, ui) {
this.player_grid_data = this.$player.coords().grid;
this.placeholder_grid_data = $.extend({}, this.player_grid_data);
//set new grid height along the dragging period
this.$el.css('height', this.$el.height() +
(this.player_grid_data.size_y * this.min_widget_height));
var colliders = this.faux_grid;
var coords = this.$player.data('coords').coords;
this.cells_occupied_by_player = this.get_cells_occupied(
this.cells_occupied_by_placeholder = this.get_cells_occupied(
this.last_cols = [];
this.last_rows = [];
// see jquery.collision.js
this.collision_api = this.$helper.collision(
colliders, this.options.collision);
this.$preview_holder = $('<' + this.$player.get(0).tagName + ' />', {
'class': 'preview-holder',
'data-row': this.$player.attr('data-row'),
'data-col': this.$player.attr('data-col'),
css: {
width: coords.width,
height: coords.height
if (this.options.draggable.start) {
this.options.draggable.start.call(this, event, ui);
* This function is executed when the player is being dragged.
* @method on_drag
* @param {Event} event The original browser event
* @param {Object} ui A prepared ui object with useful drag-related data
fn.on_drag = function(event, ui) {
//break if dragstop has been fired
if (this.$player === null) {
return false;
var abs_offset = {
left: ui.position.left + this.baseX,
top: ui.position.top + this.baseY
this.colliders_data = this.collision_api.get_closest_colliders(
if (this.helper && this.$player) {
'left': ui.position.left,
'top': ui.position.top
if (this.options.draggable.drag) {
this.options.draggable.drag.call(this, event, ui);
* This function is executed when the player stops being dragged.
* @method on_stop_drag
* @param {Event} event The original browser event
* @param {Object} ui A prepared ui object with useful drag-related data
fn.on_stop_drag = function(event, ui) {
ui.position.left = ui.position.left + this.baseX;
ui.position.top = ui.position.top + this.baseY;
this.colliders_data = this.collision_api.get_closest_colliders(
'data-col': this.placeholder_grid_data.col,
'data-row': this.placeholder_grid_data.row
'left': '',
'top': ''
this.$changed = this.$changed.add(this.$player);
this.cells_occupied_by_player = this.get_cells_occupied(
this.placeholder_grid_data.col, this.placeholder_grid_data.row);
this.$player.coords().grid.row = this.placeholder_grid_data.row;
this.$player.coords().grid.col = this.placeholder_grid_data.col;
if (this.options.draggable.stop) {
this.options.draggable.stop.call(this, event, ui);
this.$player = null;
this.$helper = null;
this.placeholder_grid_data = {};
this.player_grid_data = {};
this.cells_occupied_by_placeholder = {};
this.cells_occupied_by_player = {};
* This function is executed every time a widget starts to be resized.
* @method on_start_resize
* @param {Event} event The original browser event
* @param {Object} ui A prepared ui object with useful drag-related data
fn.on_start_resize = function(event, ui) {
this.$resized_widget = ui.$player.closest('.gs-w');
this.resize_coords = this.$resized_widget.coords();
this.resize_wgd = this.resize_coords.grid;
this.resize_initial_width = this.resize_coords.coords.width;
this.resize_initial_height = this.resize_coords.coords.height;
this.resize_initial_sizex = this.resize_coords.grid.size_x;
this.resize_initial_sizey = this.resize_coords.grid.size_y;
this.resize_last_sizex = this.resize_initial_sizex;
this.resize_last_sizey = this.resize_initial_sizey;
this.resize_max_size_x = Math.min(this.resize_wgd.max_size_x ||
this.options.resize.max_size[0], this.cols - this.resize_wgd.col + 1);
this.resize_max_size_y = this.resize_wgd.max_size_y ||
this.resize_dir = {
right: ui.$player.is('.' + this.resize_handle_class + '-x'),
bottom: ui.$player.is('.' + this.resize_handle_class + '-y')
'min-width': this.options.widget_base_dimensions[0],
'min-height': this.options.widget_base_dimensions[1]
var nodeName = this.$resized_widget.get(0).tagName;
this.$resize_preview_holder = $('<' + nodeName + ' />', {
'class': 'preview-holder resize-preview-holder',
'data-row': this.$resized_widget.attr('data-row'),
'data-col': this.$resized_widget.attr('data-col'),
'css': {
'width': this.resize_initial_width,
'height': this.resize_initial_height
if (this.options.resize.start) {
this.options.resize.start.call(this, event, ui, this.$resized_widget);
* This function is executed every time a widget stops being resized.
* @method on_stop_resize
* @param {Event} event The original browser event
* @param {Object} ui A prepared ui object with useful drag-related data
fn.on_stop_resize = function(event, ui) {
'width': '',
'height': ''
delay($.proxy(function() {
'min-width': '',
'min-height': ''
}, this), 300);
if (this.options.resize.stop) {
this.options.resize.stop.call(this, event, ui, this.$resized_widget);
* This function is executed when a widget is being resized.
* @method on_resize
* @param {Event} event The original browser event
* @param {Object} ui A prepared ui object with useful drag-related data
fn.on_resize = function(event, ui) {
var rel_x = (ui.pointer.diff_left);
var rel_y = (ui.pointer.diff_top);
var wbd_x = this.options.widget_base_dimensions[0];
var wbd_y = this.options.widget_base_dimensions[1];
var max_width = Infinity;
var max_height = Infinity;
var inc_units_x = Math.ceil((rel_x /
(this.options.widget_base_dimensions[0] +
this.options.widget_margins[0] * 2)) - 0.2);
var inc_units_y = Math.ceil((rel_y /
(this.options.widget_base_dimensions[1] +
this.options.widget_margins[1] * 2)) - 0.2);
var size_x = Math.max(1, this.resize_initial_sizex + inc_units_x);
var size_y = Math.max(1, this.resize_initial_sizey + inc_units_y);
size_x = Math.min(size_x, this.resize_max_size_x);
max_width = (this.resize_max_size_x * wbd_x) +
((size_x - 1) * this.options.widget_margins[0] * 2);
size_y = Math.min(size_y, this.resize_max_size_y);
max_height = (this.resize_max_size_y * wbd_y) +
((size_y - 1) * this.options.widget_margins[1] * 2);
if (this.resize_dir.right) {
size_y = this.resize_initial_sizey;
} else if (this.resize_dir.bottom) {
size_x = this.resize_initial_sizex;
var css_props = {};
!this.resize_dir.bottom && (css_props.width = Math.min(
this.resize_initial_width + rel_x, max_width));
!this.resize_dir.right && (css_props.height = Math.min(
this.resize_initial_height + rel_y, max_height));
if (size_x !== this.resize_last_sizex ||
size_y !== this.resize_last_sizey) {
this.resize_widget(this.$resized_widget, size_x, size_y, false);
'width': '',
'height': ''
'data-row': this.$resized_widget.attr('data-row'),
'data-sizex': size_x,
'data-sizey': size_y
if (this.options.resize.resize) {
this.options.resize.resize.call(this, event, ui, this.$resized_widget);
this.resize_last_sizex = size_x;
this.resize_last_sizey = size_y;
* Executes the callbacks passed as arguments when a column begins to be
* overlapped or stops being overlapped.
* @param {Function} start_callback Function executed when a new column
* begins to be overlapped. The column is passed as first argument.
* @param {Function} stop_callback Function executed when a column stops
* being overlapped. The column is passed as first argument.
* @method on_overlapped_column_change
* @return {Class} Returns the instance of the Gridster Class.
fn.on_overlapped_column_change = function(start_callback, stop_callback) {
if (!this.colliders_data.length) {
return this;
var cols = this.get_targeted_columns(
var last_n_cols = this.last_cols.length;
var n_cols = cols.length;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < n_cols; i++) {
if ($.inArray(cols[i], this.last_cols) === -1) {
(start_callback || $.noop).call(this, cols[i]);
for (i = 0; i< last_n_cols; i++) {
if ($.inArray(this.last_cols[i], cols) === -1) {
(stop_callback || $.noop).call(this, this.last_cols[i]);
this.last_cols = cols;
return this;
* Executes the callbacks passed as arguments when a row starts to be
* overlapped or stops being overlapped.
* @param {Function} start_callback Function executed when a new row begins
* to be overlapped. The row is passed as first argument.
* @param {Function} end_callback Function executed when a row stops being
* overlapped. The row is passed as first argument.
* @method on_overlapped_row_change
* @return {Class} Returns the instance of the Gridster Class.
fn.on_overlapped_row_change = function(start_callback, end_callback) {
if (!this.colliders_data.length) {
return this;
var rows = this.get_targeted_rows(this.colliders_data[0].el.data.row);
var last_n_rows = this.last_rows.length;
var n_rows = rows.length;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < n_rows; i++) {
if ($.inArray(rows[i], this.last_rows) === -1) {
(start_callback || $.noop).call(this, rows[i]);
for (i = 0; i < last_n_rows; i++) {
if ($.inArray(this.last_rows[i], rows) === -1) {
(end_callback || $.noop).call(this, this.last_rows[i]);
this.last_rows = rows;
* Sets the current position of the player
* @param {Number} col
* @param {Number} row
* @param {Boolean} no_player
* @method set_player
* @return {object}
fn.set_player = function(col, row, no_player) {
var self = this;
if (!no_player) {
var cell = !no_player ? self.colliders_data[0].el.data : {col: col};
var to_col = cell.col;
var to_row = row || cell.row;
this.player_grid_data = {
col: to_col,
row: to_row,
size_y : this.player_grid_data.size_y,
size_x : this.player_grid_data.size_x
this.cells_occupied_by_player = this.get_cells_occupied(
var $overlapped_widgets = this.get_widgets_overlapped(
var constraints = this.widgets_constraints($overlapped_widgets);
this.manage_movements(constraints.can_go_up, to_col, to_row);
this.manage_movements(constraints.can_not_go_up, to_col, to_row);
/* if there is not widgets overlapping in the new player position,
* update the new placeholder position. */
if (!$overlapped_widgets.length) {
var pp = this.can_go_player_up(this.player_grid_data);
if (pp !== false) {
to_row = pp;
this.set_placeholder(to_col, to_row);
return {
col: to_col,
row: to_row
* See which of the widgets in the $widgets param collection can go to
* a upper row and which not.
* @method widgets_contraints
* @param {jQuery} $widgets A jQuery wrapped collection of
* HTMLElements.
* @return {object} Returns a literal Object with two keys: `can_go_up` &
* `can_not_go_up`. Each contains a set of HTMLElements.
fn.widgets_constraints = function($widgets) {
var $widgets_can_go_up = $([]);
var $widgets_can_not_go_up;
var wgd_can_go_up = [];
var wgd_can_not_go_up = [];
$widgets.each($.proxy(function(i, w) {
var $w = $(w);
var wgd = $w.coords().grid;
if (this.can_go_widget_up(wgd)) {
$widgets_can_go_up = $widgets_can_go_up.add($w);
}, this));
$widgets_can_not_go_up = $widgets.not($widgets_can_go_up);
return {
can_go_up: this.sort_by_row_asc(wgd_can_go_up),
can_not_go_up: this.sort_by_row_desc(wgd_can_not_go_up)
* Sorts an Array of grid coords objects (representing the grid coords of
* each widget) in ascending way.
* @method sort_by_row_asc
* @param {Array} widgets Array of grid coords objects
* @return {Array} Returns the array sorted.
fn.sort_by_row_asc = function(widgets) {
widgets = widgets.sort(function(a, b) {
if (!a.row) {
a = $(a).coords().grid;
b = $(b).coords().grid;
if (a.row > b.row) {
return 1;
return -1;
return widgets;
* Sorts an Array of grid coords objects (representing the grid coords of
* each widget) placing first the empty cells upper left.
* @method sort_by_row_and_col_asc
* @param {Array} widgets Array of grid coords objects
* @return {Array} Returns the array sorted.
fn.sort_by_row_and_col_asc = function(widgets) {
widgets = widgets.sort(function(a, b) {
if (a.row > b.row || a.row === b.row && a.col > b.col) {
return 1;
return -1;
return widgets;
* Sorts an Array of grid coords objects by column (representing the grid
* coords of each widget) in ascending way.
* @method sort_by_col_asc
* @param {Array} widgets Array of grid coords objects
* @return {Array} Returns the array sorted.
fn.sort_by_col_asc = function(widgets) {
widgets = widgets.sort(function(a, b) {
if (a.col > b.col) {
return 1;
return -1;
return widgets;
* Sorts an Array of grid coords objects (representing the grid coords of
* each widget) in descending way.
* @method sort_by_row_desc
* @param {Array} widgets Array of grid coords objects
* @return {Array} Returns the array sorted.
fn.sort_by_row_desc = function(widgets) {
widgets = widgets.sort(function(a, b) {
if (a.row + a.size_y < b.row + b.size_y) {
return 1;
return -1;
return widgets;
* Sorts an Array of grid coords objects (representing the grid coords of
* each widget) in descending way.
* @method manage_movements
* @param {jQuery} $widgets A jQuery collection of HTMLElements
* representing the widgets you want to move.
* @param {Number} to_col The column to which we want to move the widgets.
* @param {Number} to_row The row to which we want to move the widgets.
* @return {Class} Returns the instance of the Gridster Class.
fn.manage_movements = function($widgets, to_col, to_row) {
$.each($widgets, $.proxy(function(i, w) {
var wgd = w;
var $w = wgd.el;
var can_go_widget_up = this.can_go_widget_up(wgd);
if (can_go_widget_up) {
//target CAN go up
//so move widget up
this.move_widget_to($w, can_go_widget_up);
this.set_placeholder(to_col, can_go_widget_up + wgd.size_y);
} else {
//target can't go up
var can_go_player_up = this.can_go_player_up(
if (!can_go_player_up) {
// target can't go up
// player cant't go up
// so we need to move widget down to a position that dont
// overlaps player
var y = (to_row + this.player_grid_data.size_y) - wgd.row;
this.move_widget_down($w, y);
this.set_placeholder(to_col, to_row);
}, this));
return this;
* Determines if there is a widget in the row and col given. Or if the
* HTMLElement passed as first argument is the player.
* @method is_player
* @param {Number|HTMLElement} col_or_el A jQuery wrapped collection of
* HTMLElements.
* @param {Number} [row] The column to which we want to move the widgets.
* @return {Boolean} Returns true or false.
fn.is_player = function(col_or_el, row) {
if (row && !this.gridmap[col_or_el]) { return false; }
var $w = row ? this.gridmap[col_or_el][row] : col_or_el;
return $w && ($w.is(this.$player) || $w.is(this.$helper));
* Determines if the widget that is being dragged is currently over the row
* and col given.
* @method is_player_in
* @param {Number} col The column to check.
* @param {Number} row The row to check.
* @return {Boolean} Returns true or false.
fn.is_player_in = function(col, row) {
var c = this.cells_occupied_by_player || {};
return $.inArray(col, c.cols) >= 0 && $.inArray(row, c.rows) >= 0;
* Determines if the placeholder is currently over the row and col given.
* @method is_placeholder_in
* @param {Number} col The column to check.
* @param {Number} row The row to check.
* @return {Boolean} Returns true or false.
fn.is_placeholder_in = function(col, row) {
var c = this.cells_occupied_by_placeholder || {};
return this.is_placeholder_in_col(col) && $.inArray(row, c.rows) >= 0;
* Determines if the placeholder is currently over the column given.
* @method is_placeholder_in_col
* @param {Number} col The column to check.
* @return {Boolean} Returns true or false.
fn.is_placeholder_in_col = function(col) {
var c = this.cells_occupied_by_placeholder || [];
return $.inArray(col, c.cols) >= 0;
* Determines if the cell represented by col and row params is empty.
* @method is_empty
* @param {Number} col The column to check.
* @param {Number} row The row to check.
* @return {Boolean} Returns true or false.
fn.is_empty = function(col, row) {
if (typeof this.gridmap[col] !== 'undefined') {
if(typeof this.gridmap[col][row] !== 'undefined' &&
this.gridmap[col][row] === false
) {
return true;
return false;
return true;
* Determines if the cell represented by col and row params is occupied.
* @method is_occupied
* @param {Number} col The column to check.
* @param {Number} row The row to check.
* @return {Boolean} Returns true or false.
fn.is_occupied = function(col, row) {
if (!this.gridmap[col]) {
return false;
if (this.gridmap[col][row]) {
return true;
return false;
* Determines if there is a widget in the cell represented by col/row params.
* @method is_widget
* @param {Number} col The column to check.
* @param {Number} row The row to check.
* @return {Boolean|HTMLElement} Returns false if there is no widget,
* else returns the jQuery HTMLElement
fn.is_widget = function(col, row) {
var cell = this.gridmap[col];
if (!cell) {
return false;
cell = cell[row];
if (cell) {
return cell;
return false;
* Determines if there is a widget in the cell represented by col/row
* params and if this is under the widget that is being dragged.
* @method is_widget_under_player
* @param {Number} col The column to check.
* @param {Number} row The row to check.
* @return {Boolean} Returns true or false.
fn.is_widget_under_player = function(col, row) {
if (this.is_widget(col, row)) {
return this.is_player_in(col, row);
return false;
* Get widgets overlapping with the player or with the object passed
* representing the grid cells.
* @method get_widgets_under_player
* @return {HTMLElement} Returns a jQuery collection of HTMLElements
fn.get_widgets_under_player = function(cells) {
cells || (cells = this.cells_occupied_by_player || {cols: [], rows: []});
var $widgets = $([]);
$.each(cells.cols, $.proxy(function(i, col) {
$.each(cells.rows, $.proxy(function(i, row) {
if(this.is_widget(col, row)) {
$widgets = $widgets.add(this.gridmap[col][row]);
}, this));
}, this));
return $widgets;
* Put placeholder at the row and column specified.
* @method set_placeholder
* @param {Number} col The column to which we want to move the
* placeholder.
* @param {Number} row The row to which we want to move the
* placeholder.
* @return {Class} Returns the instance of the Gridster Class.
fn.set_placeholder = function(col, row) {
var phgd = $.extend({}, this.placeholder_grid_data);
var $nexts = this.widgets_below({
col: phgd.col,
row: phgd.row,
size_y: phgd.size_y,
size_x: phgd.size_x
// Prevents widgets go out of the grid
var right_col = (col + phgd.size_x - 1);
if (right_col > this.cols) {
col = col - (right_col - col);
var moved_down = this.placeholder_grid_data.row < row;
var changed_column = this.placeholder_grid_data.col !== col;
this.placeholder_grid_data.col = col;
this.placeholder_grid_data.row = row;
this.cells_occupied_by_placeholder = this.get_cells_occupied(
'data-row' : row,
'data-col' : col
if (moved_down || changed_column) {
$nexts.each($.proxy(function(i, widget) {
$(widget), this.placeholder_grid_data.col - col + phgd.size_y);
}, this));
var $widgets_under_ph = this.get_widgets_under_player(
if ($widgets_under_ph.length) {
$widgets_under_ph.each($.proxy(function(i, widget) {
var $w = $(widget);
$w, row + phgd.size_y - $w.data('coords').grid.row);
}, this));
* Determines whether the player can move to a position above.
* @method can_go_player_up
* @param {Object} widget_grid_data The actual grid coords object of the
* player.
* @return {Number|Boolean} If the player can be moved to an upper row
* returns the row number, else returns false.
fn.can_go_player_up = function(widget_grid_data) {
var p_bottom_row = widget_grid_data.row + widget_grid_data.size_y - 1;
var result = true;
var upper_rows = [];
var min_row = 10000;
var $widgets_under_player = this.get_widgets_under_player();
/* generate an array with columns as index and array with upper rows
* empty as value */
this.for_each_column_occupied(widget_grid_data, function(tcol) {
var grid_col = this.gridmap[tcol];
var r = p_bottom_row + 1;
upper_rows[tcol] = [];
while (--r > 0) {
if (this.is_empty(tcol, r) || this.is_player(tcol, r) ||
this.is_widget(tcol, r) &&
) {
min_row = r < min_row ? r : min_row;
if (upper_rows[tcol].length === 0) {
result = false;
return true; //break
upper_rows[tcol].sort(function(a, b) {
return a - b;
if (!result) { return false; }
return this.get_valid_rows(widget_grid_data, upper_rows, min_row);
* Determines whether a widget can move to a position above.
* @method can_go_widget_up
* @param {Object} widget_grid_data The actual grid coords object of the
* widget we want to check.
* @return {Number|Boolean} If the widget can be moved to an upper row
* returns the row number, else returns false.
fn.can_go_widget_up = function(widget_grid_data) {
var p_bottom_row = widget_grid_data.row + widget_grid_data.size_y - 1;
var result = true;
var upper_rows = [];
var min_row = 10000;
/* generate an array with columns as index and array with topmost rows
* empty as value */
this.for_each_column_occupied(widget_grid_data, function(tcol) {
var grid_col = this.gridmap[tcol];
upper_rows[tcol] = [];
var r = p_bottom_row + 1;
// iterate over each row
while (--r > 0) {
if (this.is_widget(tcol, r) && !this.is_player_in(tcol, r)) {
if (!grid_col[r].is(widget_grid_data.el)) {
if (!this.is_player(tcol, r) &&
!this.is_placeholder_in(tcol, r) &&
!this.is_player_in(tcol, r)) {
if (r < min_row) {
min_row = r;
if (upper_rows[tcol].length === 0) {
result = false;
return true; //break
upper_rows[tcol].sort(function(a, b) {
return a - b;
if (!result) { return false; }
return this.get_valid_rows(widget_grid_data, upper_rows, min_row);
* Search a valid row for the widget represented by `widget_grid_data' in
* the `upper_rows` array. Iteration starts from row specified in `min_row`.
* @method get_valid_rows
* @param {Object} widget_grid_data The actual grid coords object of the
* player.
* @param {Array} upper_rows An array with columns as index and arrays
* of valid rows as values.
* @param {Number} min_row The upper row from which the iteration will start.
* @return {Number|Boolean} Returns the upper row valid from the `upper_rows`
* for the widget in question.
fn.get_valid_rows = function(widget_grid_data, upper_rows, min_row) {
var p_top_row = widget_grid_data.row;
var p_bottom_row = widget_grid_data.row + widget_grid_data.size_y - 1;
var size_y = widget_grid_data.size_y;
var r = min_row - 1;
var valid_rows = [];
while (++r <= p_bottom_row ) {
var common = true;
$.each(upper_rows, function(col, rows) {
if ($.isArray(rows) && $.inArray(r, rows) === -1) {
common = false;
if (common === true) {
if (valid_rows.length === size_y) {
var new_row = false;
if (size_y === 1) {
if (valid_rows[0] !== p_top_row) {
new_row = valid_rows[0] || false;
if (valid_rows[0] !== p_top_row) {
new_row = this.get_consecutive_numbers_index(
valid_rows, size_y);
return new_row;
fn.get_consecutive_numbers_index = function(arr, size_y) {
var max = arr.length;
var result = [];
var first = true;
var prev = -1; // or null?
for (var i=0; i < max; i++) {
if (first || arr[i] === prev + 1) {
if (result.length === size_y) {
first = false;
result = [];
first = true;
prev = arr[i];
return result.length >= size_y ? arr[result[0]] : false;
* Get widgets overlapping with the player.
* @method get_widgets_overlapped
* @return {jQuery} Returns a jQuery collection of HTMLElements.
fn.get_widgets_overlapped = function() {
var $w;
var $widgets = $([]);
var used = [];
var rows_from_bottom = this.cells_occupied_by_player.rows.slice(0);
$.each(this.cells_occupied_by_player.cols, $.proxy(function(i, col) {
$.each(rows_from_bottom, $.proxy(function(i, row) {
// if there is a widget in the player position
if (!this.gridmap[col]) { return true; } //next iteration
var $w = this.gridmap[col][row];
if (this.is_occupied(col, row) && !this.is_player($w) &&
$.inArray($w, used) === -1
) {
$widgets = $widgets.add($w);
}, this));
}, this));
return $widgets;
* This callback is executed when the player begins to collide with a column.
* @method on_start_overlapping_column
* @param {Number} col The collided column.
* @return {jQuery} Returns a jQuery collection of HTMLElements.
fn.on_start_overlapping_column = function(col) {
this.set_player(col, false);
* A callback executed when the player begins to collide with a row.
* @method on_start_overlapping_row
* @param {Number} row The collided row.
* @return {jQuery} Returns a jQuery collection of HTMLElements.
fn.on_start_overlapping_row = function(row) {
this.set_player(false, row);
* A callback executed when the the player ends to collide with a column.
* @method on_stop_overlapping_column
* @param {Number} col The collided row.
* @return {jQuery} Returns a jQuery collection of HTMLElements.
fn.on_stop_overlapping_column = function(col) {
this.set_player(col, false);
var self = this;
this.for_each_widget_below(col, this.cells_occupied_by_player.rows[0],
function(tcol, trow) {
self.move_widget_up(this, self.player_grid_data.size_y);
* This callback is executed when the player ends to collide with a row.
* @method on_stop_overlapping_row
* @param {Number} row The collided row.
* @return {jQuery} Returns a jQuery collection of HTMLElements.
fn.on_stop_overlapping_row = function(row) {
this.set_player(false, row);
var self = this;
var cols = this.cells_occupied_by_player.cols;
for (var c = 0, cl = cols.length; c < cl; c++) {
this.for_each_widget_below(cols[c], row, function(tcol, trow) {
self.move_widget_up(this, self.player_grid_data.size_y);
* Move a widget to a specific row. The cell or cells must be empty.
* If the widget has widgets below, all of these widgets will be moved also
* if they can.
* @method move_widget_to
* @param {HTMLElement} $widget The jQuery wrapped HTMLElement of the
* widget is going to be moved.
* @return {Class} Returns the instance of the Gridster Class.
fn.move_widget_to = function($widget, row) {
var self = this;
var widget_grid_data = $widget.coords().grid;
var diff = row - widget_grid_data.row;
var $next_widgets = this.widgets_below($widget);
var can_move_to_new_cell = this.can_move_to(
widget_grid_data, widget_grid_data.col, row, $widget);
if (can_move_to_new_cell === false) {
return false;
widget_grid_data.row = row;
$widget.attr('data-row', row);
this.$changed = this.$changed.add($widget);
$next_widgets.each(function(i, widget) {
var $w = $(widget);
var wgd = $w.coords().grid;
var can_go_up = self.can_go_widget_up(wgd);
if (can_go_up && can_go_up !== wgd.row) {
self.move_widget_to($w, can_go_up);
return this;
* Move up the specified widget and all below it.
* @method move_widget_up
* @param {HTMLElement} $widget The widget you want to move.
* @param {Number} [y_units] The number of cells that the widget has to move.
* @return {Class} Returns the instance of the Gridster Class.
fn.move_widget_up = function($widget, y_units) {
var el_grid_data = $widget.coords().grid;
var actual_row = el_grid_data.row;
var moved = [];
var can_go_up = true;
y_units || (y_units = 1);
if (!this.can_go_up($widget)) { return false; } //break;
this.for_each_column_occupied(el_grid_data, function(col) {
// can_go_up
if ($.inArray($widget, moved) === -1) {
var widget_grid_data = $widget.coords().grid;
var next_row = actual_row - y_units;
next_row = this.can_go_up_to_row(
widget_grid_data, col, next_row);
if (!next_row) {
return true;
var $next_widgets = this.widgets_below($widget);
widget_grid_data.row = next_row;
$widget.attr('data-row', widget_grid_data.row);
this.$changed = this.$changed.add($widget);
$next_widgets.each($.proxy(function(i, widget) {
this.move_widget_up($(widget), y_units);
}, this));
* Move down the specified widget and all below it.
* @method move_widget_down
* @param {jQuery} $widget The jQuery object representing the widget
* you want to move.
* @param {Number} y_units The number of cells that the widget has to move.
* @return {Class} Returns the instance of the Gridster Class.
fn.move_widget_down = function($widget, y_units) {
var el_grid_data, actual_row, moved, y_diff;
if (y_units <= 0) { return false; }
el_grid_data = $widget.coords().grid;
actual_row = el_grid_data.row;
moved = [];
y_diff = y_units;
if (!$widget) { return false; }
if ($.inArray($widget, moved) === -1) {
var widget_grid_data = $widget.coords().grid;
var next_row = actual_row + y_units;
var $next_widgets = this.widgets_below($widget);
$next_widgets.each($.proxy(function(i, widget) {
var $w = $(widget);
var wd = $w.coords().grid;
var tmp_y = this.displacement_diff(
wd, widget_grid_data, y_diff);
if (tmp_y > 0) {
this.move_widget_down($w, tmp_y);
}, this));
widget_grid_data.row = next_row;
this.update_widget_position(widget_grid_data, $widget);
$widget.attr('data-row', widget_grid_data.row);
this.$changed = this.$changed.add($widget);
* Check if the widget can move to the specified row, else returns the
* upper row possible.
* @method can_go_up_to_row
* @param {Number} widget_grid_data The current grid coords object of the
* widget.
* @param {Number} col The target column.
* @param {Number} row The target row.
* @return {Boolean|Number} Returns the row number if the widget can move
* to the target position, else returns false.
fn.can_go_up_to_row = function(widget_grid_data, col, row) {
var ga = this.gridmap;
var result = true;
var urc = []; // upper_rows_in_columns
var actual_row = widget_grid_data.row;
var r;
/* generate an array with columns as index and array with
* upper rows empty in the column */
this.for_each_column_occupied(widget_grid_data, function(tcol) {
var grid_col = ga[tcol];
urc[tcol] = [];
r = actual_row;
while (r--) {
if (this.is_empty(tcol, r) &&
!this.is_placeholder_in(tcol, r)
) {
if (!urc[tcol].length) {
result = false;
return true;
if (!result) { return false; }
/* get common rows starting from upper position in all the columns
* that widget occupies */
r = row;
for (r = 1; r < actual_row; r++) {
var common = true;
for (var uc = 0, ucl = urc.length; uc < ucl; uc++) {
if (urc[uc] && $.inArray(r, urc[uc]) === -1) {
common = false;
if (common === true) {
result = r;
return result;
fn.displacement_diff = function(widget_grid_data, parent_bgd, y_units) {
var actual_row = widget_grid_data.row;
var diffs = [];
var parent_max_y = parent_bgd.row + parent_bgd.size_y;
this.for_each_column_occupied(widget_grid_data, function(col) {
var temp_y_units = 0;
for (var r = parent_max_y; r < actual_row; r++) {
if (this.is_empty(col, r)) {
temp_y_units = temp_y_units + 1;
var max_diff = Math.max.apply(Math, diffs);
y_units = (y_units - max_diff);
return y_units > 0 ? y_units : 0;
* Get widgets below a widget.
* @method widgets_below
* @param {HTMLElement} $el The jQuery wrapped HTMLElement.
* @return {jQuery} A jQuery collection of HTMLElements.
fn.widgets_below = function($el) {
var el_grid_data = $.isPlainObject($el) ? $el : $el.coords().grid;
var self = this;
var ga = this.gridmap;
var next_row = el_grid_data.row + el_grid_data.size_y - 1;
var $nexts = $([]);
this.for_each_column_occupied(el_grid_data, function(col) {
self.for_each_widget_below(col, next_row, function(tcol, trow) {
if (!self.is_player(this) && $.inArray(this, $nexts) === -1) {
$nexts = $nexts.add(this);
return true; // break
return this.sort_by_row_asc($nexts);
* Update the array of mapped positions with the new player position.
* @method set_cells_player_occupies
* @param {Number} col The new player col.
* @param {Number} col The new player row.
* @return {Class} Returns the instance of the Gridster Class.
fn.set_cells_player_occupies = function(col, row) {
this.placeholder_grid_data.col = col;
this.placeholder_grid_data.row = row;
this.add_to_gridmap(this.placeholder_grid_data, this.$player);
return this;
* Remove from the array of mapped positions the reference to the player.
* @method empty_cells_player_occupies
* @return {Class} Returns the instance of the Gridster Class.
fn.empty_cells_player_occupies = function() {
return this;
fn.can_go_up = function($el) {
var el_grid_data = $el.coords().grid;
var initial_row = el_grid_data.row;
var prev_row = initial_row - 1;
var ga = this.gridmap;
var upper_rows_by_column = [];
var result = true;
if (initial_row === 1) { return false; }
this.for_each_column_occupied(el_grid_data, function(col) {
var $w = this.is_widget(col, prev_row);
if (this.is_occupied(col, prev_row) ||
this.is_player(col, prev_row) ||
this.is_placeholder_in(col, prev_row) ||
this.is_player_in(col, prev_row)
) {
result = false;
return true; //break
return result;
* Check if it's possible to move a widget to a specific col/row. It takes
* into account the dimensions (`size_y` and `size_x` attrs. of the grid
* coords object) the widget occupies.
* @method can_move_to
* @param {Object} widget_grid_data The grid coords object that represents
* the widget.
* @param {Object} col The col to check.
* @param {Object} row The row to check.
* @param {Number} [max_row] The max row allowed.
* @return {Boolean} Returns true if all cells are empty, else return false.
fn.can_move_to = function(widget_grid_data, col, row, max_row) {
var ga = this.gridmap;
var $w = widget_grid_data.el;
var future_wd = {
size_y: widget_grid_data.size_y,
size_x: widget_grid_data.size_x,
col: col,
row: row
var result = true;
//Prevents widgets go out of the grid
var right_col = col + widget_grid_data.size_x - 1;
if (right_col > this.cols) {
return false;
if (max_row && max_row < row + widget_grid_data.size_y - 1) {
return false;
this.for_each_cell_occupied(future_wd, function(tcol, trow) {
var $tw = this.is_widget(tcol, trow);
if ($tw && (!widget_grid_data.el || $tw.is($w))) {
result = false;
return result;
* Given the leftmost column returns all columns that are overlapping
* with the player.
* @method get_targeted_columns
* @param {Number} [from_col] The leftmost column.
* @return {Array} Returns an array with column numbers.
fn.get_targeted_columns = function(from_col) {
var max = (from_col || this.player_grid_data.col) +
(this.player_grid_data.size_x - 1);
var cols = [];
for (var col = from_col; col <= max; col++) {
return cols;
* Given the upper row returns all rows that are overlapping with the player.
* @method get_targeted_rows
* @param {Number} [from_row] The upper row.
* @return {Array} Returns an array with row numbers.
fn.get_targeted_rows = function(from_row) {
var max = (from_row || this.player_grid_data.row) +
(this.player_grid_data.size_y - 1);
var rows = [];
for (var row = from_row; row <= max; row++) {
return rows;
* Get all columns and rows that a widget occupies.
* @method get_cells_occupied
* @param {Object} el_grid_data The grid coords object of the widget.
* @return {Object} Returns an object like `{ cols: [], rows: []}`.
fn.get_cells_occupied = function(el_grid_data) {
var cells = { cols: [], rows: []};
var i;
if (arguments[1] instanceof jQuery) {
el_grid_data = arguments[1].coords().grid;
for (i = 0; i < el_grid_data.size_x; i++) {
var col = el_grid_data.col + i;
for (i = 0; i < el_grid_data.size_y; i++) {
var row = el_grid_data.row + i;
return cells;
* Iterate over the cells occupied by a widget executing a function for
* each one.
* @method for_each_cell_occupied
* @param {Object} el_grid_data The grid coords object that represents the
* widget.
* @param {Function} callback The function to execute on each column
* iteration. Column and row are passed as arguments.
* @return {Class} Returns the instance of the Gridster Class.
fn.for_each_cell_occupied = function(grid_data, callback) {
this.for_each_column_occupied(grid_data, function(col) {
this.for_each_row_occupied(grid_data, function(row) {
callback.call(this, col, row);
return this;
* Iterate over the columns occupied by a widget executing a function for
* each one.
* @method for_each_column_occupied
* @param {Object} el_grid_data The grid coords object that represents
* the widget.
* @param {Function} callback The function to execute on each column
* iteration. The column number is passed as first argument.
* @return {Class} Returns the instance of the Gridster Class.
fn.for_each_column_occupied = function(el_grid_data, callback) {
for (var i = 0; i < el_grid_data.size_x; i++) {
var col = el_grid_data.col + i;
callback.call(this, col, el_grid_data);
* Iterate over the rows occupied by a widget executing a function for
* each one.
* @method for_each_row_occupied
* @param {Object} el_grid_data The grid coords object that represents
* the widget.
* @param {Function} callback The function to execute on each column
* iteration. The row number is passed as first argument.
* @return {Class} Returns the instance of the Gridster Class.
fn.for_each_row_occupied = function(el_grid_data, callback) {
for (var i = 0; i < el_grid_data.size_y; i++) {
var row = el_grid_data.row + i;
callback.call(this, row, el_grid_data);
fn._traversing_widgets = function(type, direction, col, row, callback) {
var ga = this.gridmap;
if (!ga[col]) { return; }
var cr, max;
var action = type + '/' + direction;
if (arguments[2] instanceof jQuery) {
var el_grid_data = arguments[2].coords().grid;
col = el_grid_data.col;
row = el_grid_data.row;
callback = arguments[3];
var matched = [];
var trow = row;
var methods = {
'for_each/above': function() {
while (trow--) {
if (trow > 0 && this.is_widget(col, trow) &&
$.inArray(ga[col][trow], matched) === -1
) {
cr = callback.call(ga[col][trow], col, trow);
if (cr) { break; }
'for_each/below': function() {
for (trow = row + 1, max = ga[col].length; trow < max; trow++) {
if (this.is_widget(col, trow) &&
$.inArray(ga[col][trow], matched) === -1
) {
cr = callback.call(ga[col][trow], col, trow);
if (cr) { break; }
if (methods[action]) {
* Iterate over each widget above the column and row specified.
* @method for_each_widget_above
* @param {Number} col The column to start iterating.
* @param {Number} row The row to start iterating.
* @param {Function} callback The function to execute on each widget
* iteration. The value of `this` inside the function is the jQuery
* wrapped HTMLElement.
* @return {Class} Returns the instance of the Gridster Class.
fn.for_each_widget_above = function(col, row, callback) {
this._traversing_widgets('for_each', 'above', col, row, callback);
return this;
* Iterate over each widget below the column and row specified.
* @method for_each_widget_below
* @param {Number} col The column to start iterating.
* @param {Number} row The row to start iterating.
* @param {Function} callback The function to execute on each widget
* iteration. The value of `this` inside the function is the jQuery wrapped
* HTMLElement.
* @return {Class} Returns the instance of the Gridster Class.
fn.for_each_widget_below = function(col, row, callback) {
this._traversing_widgets('for_each', 'below', col, row, callback);
return this;
* Returns the highest occupied cell in the grid.
* @method get_highest_occupied_cell
* @return {Object} Returns an object with `col` and `row` numbers.
fn.get_highest_occupied_cell = function() {
var r;
var gm = this.gridmap;
var rows = [];
var row_in_col = [];
for (var c = gm.length - 1; c >= 1; c--) {
for (r = gm[c].length - 1; r >= 1; r--) {
if (this.is_widget(c, r)) {
row_in_col[r] = c;
var highest_row = Math.max.apply(Math, rows);
this.highest_occupied_cell = {
col: row_in_col[highest_row],
row: highest_row
return this.highest_occupied_cell;
fn.get_widgets_from = function(col, row) {
var ga = this.gridmap;
var $widgets = $();
if (col) {
$widgets = $widgets.add(
this.$widgets.filter(function() {
var tcol = $(this).attr('data-col');
return (tcol === col || tcol > col);
if (row) {
$widgets = $widgets.add(
this.$widgets.filter(function() {
var trow = $(this).attr('data-row');
return (trow === row || trow > row);
return $widgets;
* Set the current height of the parent grid.
* @method set_dom_grid_height
* @return {Object} Returns the instance of the Gridster class.
fn.set_dom_grid_height = function() {
var r = this.get_highest_occupied_cell().row;
this.$el.css('height', r * this.min_widget_height);
return this;
* It generates the neccessary styles to position the widgets.
* @method generate_stylesheet
* @param {Number} rows Number of columns.
* @param {Number} cols Number of rows.
* @return {Object} Returns the instance of the Gridster class.
fn.generate_stylesheet = function(opts) {
var styles = '';
var max_size_x = this.options.max_size_x || this.cols;
var max_rows = 0;
var max_cols = 0;
var i;
var rules;
opts || (opts = {});
opts.cols || (opts.cols = this.cols);
opts.rows || (opts.rows = this.rows);
opts.namespace || (opts.namespace = this.options.namespace);
opts.widget_base_dimensions ||
(opts.widget_base_dimensions = this.options.widget_base_dimensions);
opts.widget_margins ||
(opts.widget_margins = this.options.widget_margins);
opts.min_widget_width = (opts.widget_margins[0] * 2) +
opts.min_widget_height = (opts.widget_margins[1] * 2) +
// don't duplicate stylesheets for the same configuration
var serialized_opts = $.param(opts);
if ($.inArray(serialized_opts, Gridster.generated_stylesheets) >= 0) {
return false;
/* generate CSS styles for cols */
for (i = opts.cols; i >= 0; i--) {
styles += (opts.namespace + ' [data-col="'+ (i + 1) + '"] { left:' +
((i * opts.widget_base_dimensions[0]) +
(i * opts.widget_margins[0]) +
((i + 1) * opts.widget_margins[0])) + 'px; }\n');
/* generate CSS styles for rows */
for (i = opts.rows; i >= 0; i--) {
styles += (opts.namespace + ' [data-row="' + (i + 1) + '"] { top:' +
((i * opts.widget_base_dimensions[1]) +
(i * opts.widget_margins[1]) +
((i + 1) * opts.widget_margins[1]) ) + 'px; }\n');
for (var y = 1; y <= opts.rows; y++) {
styles += (opts.namespace + ' [data-sizey="' + y + '"] { height:' +
(y * opts.widget_base_dimensions[1] +
(y - 1) * (opts.widget_margins[1] * 2)) + 'px; }\n');
for (var x = 1; x <= max_size_x; x++) {
styles += (opts.namespace + ' [data-sizex="' + x + '"] { width:' +
(x * opts.widget_base_dimensions[0] +
(x - 1) * (opts.widget_margins[0] * 2)) + 'px; }\n');
return this.add_style_tag(styles);
* Injects the given CSS as string to the head of the document.
* @method add_style_tag
* @param {String} css The styles to apply.
* @return {Object} Returns the instance of the Gridster class.
fn.add_style_tag = function(css) {
var d = document;
var tag = d.createElement('style');
tag.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
if (tag.styleSheet) {
tag.styleSheet.cssText = css;
this.$style_tags = this.$style_tags.add(tag);
return this;
* Remove the style tag with the associated id from the head of the document
* @method remove_style_tag
* @return {Object} Returns the instance of the Gridster class.
fn.remove_style_tags = function() {
* Generates a faux grid to collide with it when a widget is dragged and
* detect row or column that we want to go.
* @method generate_faux_grid
* @param {Number} rows Number of columns.
* @param {Number} cols Number of rows.
* @return {Object} Returns the instance of the Gridster class.
fn.generate_faux_grid = function(rows, cols) {
this.faux_grid = [];
this.gridmap = [];
var col;
var row;
for (col = cols; col > 0; col--) {
this.gridmap[col] = [];
for (row = rows; row > 0; row--) {
this.add_faux_cell(row, col);
return this;
* Add cell to the faux grid.
* @method add_faux_cell
* @param {Number} row The row for the new faux cell.
* @param {Number} col The col for the new faux cell.
* @return {Object} Returns the instance of the Gridster class.
fn.add_faux_cell = function(row, col) {
var coords = $({
left: this.baseX + ((col - 1) * this.min_widget_width),
top: this.baseY + (row -1) * this.min_widget_height,
width: this.min_widget_width,
height: this.min_widget_height,
col: col,
row: row,
original_col: col,
original_row: row
if (!$.isArray(this.gridmap[col])) {
this.gridmap[col] = [];
this.gridmap[col][row] = false;
return this;
* Add rows to the faux grid.
* @method add_faux_rows
* @param {Number} rows The number of rows you want to add to the faux grid.
* @return {Object} Returns the instance of the Gridster class.
fn.add_faux_rows = function(rows) {
var actual_rows = this.rows;
var max_rows = actual_rows + (rows || 1);
for (var r = max_rows; r > actual_rows; r--) {
for (var c = this.cols; c >= 1; c--) {
this.add_faux_cell(r, c);
this.rows = max_rows;
if (this.options.autogenerate_stylesheet) {
return this;
* Add cols to the faux grid.
* @method add_faux_cols
* @param {Number} cols The number of cols you want to add to the faux grid.
* @return {Object} Returns the instance of the Gridster class.
fn.add_faux_cols = function(cols) {
var actual_cols = this.cols;
var max_cols = actual_cols + (cols || 1);
for (var c = actual_cols; c < max_cols; c++) {
for (var r = this.rows; r >= 1; r--) {
this.add_faux_cell(r, c);
this.cols = max_cols;
if (this.options.autogenerate_stylesheet) {
return this;
* Recalculates the offsets for the faux grid. You need to use it when
* the browser is resized.
* @method recalculate_faux_grid
* @return {Object} Returns the instance of the Gridster class.
fn.recalculate_faux_grid = function() {
var aw = this.$wrapper.width();
this.baseX = ($(window).width() - aw) / 2;
this.baseY = this.$wrapper.offset().top;
$.each(this.faux_grid, $.proxy(function(i, coords) {
this.faux_grid[i] = coords.update({
left: this.baseX + (coords.data.col -1) * this.min_widget_width,
top: this.baseY + (coords.data.row -1) * this.min_widget_height
}, this));
return this;
* Get all widgets in the DOM and register them.
* @method get_widgets_from_DOM
* @return {Object} Returns the instance of the Gridster class.
fn.get_widgets_from_DOM = function() {
this.$widgets.each($.proxy(function(i, widget) {
}, this));
return this;
* Calculate columns and rows to be set based on the configuration
* parameters, grid dimensions, etc ...
* @method generate_grid_and_stylesheet
* @return {Object} Returns the instance of the Gridster class.
fn.generate_grid_and_stylesheet = function() {
var aw = this.$wrapper.width();
var ah = this.$wrapper.height();
var max_cols = this.options.max_cols;
var cols = Math.floor(aw / this.min_widget_width) +
var actual_cols = this.$widgets.map(function() {
return $(this).attr('data-col');
//needed to pass tests with phantomjs
actual_cols.length || (actual_cols = [0]);
var min_cols = Math.max.apply(Math, actual_cols);
// get all rows that could be occupied by the current widgets
var max_rows = this.options.extra_rows;
this.$widgets.each(function(i, w) {
max_rows += (+$(w).attr('data-sizey'));
this.cols = Math.max(min_cols, cols, this.options.min_cols);
if (max_cols && max_cols >= min_cols && max_cols < this.cols) {
this.cols = max_cols;
this.rows = Math.max(max_rows, this.options.min_rows);
this.baseX = ($(window).width() - aw) / 2;
this.baseY = this.$wrapper.offset().top;
// left and right gutters not included
this.container_width = (this.cols *
this.options.widget_base_dimensions[0]) + ((this.cols - 1) * 2 *
if (this.options.autogenerate_stylesheet) {
return this.generate_faux_grid(this.rows, this.cols);
* Destroy this gridster by removing any sign of its presence, making it easy to avoid memory leaks
* @method destroy
* @return {undefined}
fn.destroy = function(){
// remove bound callback on window resize
if (this.drag_api) {
// lastly, remove gridster element
// this will additionally cause any data associated to this element to be removed, including this
// very gridster instance
return this;
//jQuery adapter
$.fn.gridster = function(options) {
return this.each(function() {
if (!$(this).data('gridster')) {
$(this).data('gridster', new Gridster( this, options ));
$.Gridster = fn;
}(jQuery, window, document));