* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. Please see LICENSE.txt at the top level of * the source code distribution for details. */ require_once "../includes/component.php"; $COMPONENT = new component(); $options['filter']['type'] = array('=','Cisco-CBQOS'); $COMPONENTS = $COMPONENT->getComponents($device['device_id'],$options); // We only care about our device id. $COMPONENTS = $COMPONENTS[$device['device_id']]; // Determine a policy to show. if (!isset($vars['policy'])) { foreach ($COMPONENTS as $ID => $ARRAY) { if ( ($ARRAY['qos-type'] == 1) && ($ARRAY['ifindex'] == $port['ifIndex']) && ($ARRAY['parent'] == 0) ) { // Found the first policy $vars['policy'] = $ID; continue; } } } include "includes/graphs/common.inc.php"; $rrd_options .= " -l 0 -E "; $rrd_options .= " COMMENT:'Class-Map Now Avg Max\\n'"; $rrd_additions = ""; $COUNT = 0; foreach ($COMPONENTS as $ID => $ARRAY) { if ( ($ARRAY['qos-type'] == 2) && ($ARRAY['parent'] == $COMPONENTS[$vars['policy']]['sp-obj']) && ($ARRAY['sp-id'] == $COMPONENTS[$vars['policy']]['sp-id'])) { $rrd_filename = $config['rrd_dir'].'/'.$device['hostname'].'/'.safename("port-".$ARRAY['ifindex']."-cbqos-".$ARRAY['sp-id']."-".$ARRAY['sp-obj'].".rrd"); if (file_exists($rrd_filename)) { // Stack the area on the second and subsequent DS's $STACK = ""; if ($COUNT != 0) { $STACK = ":STACK "; } // Grab a color from the array. if ( isset($config['graph_colours']['mixed'][$COUNT]) ) { $COLOR = $config['graph_colours']['mixed'][$COUNT]; } else { $COLOR = $config['graph_colours']['oranges'][$COUNT-7]; } $rrd_additions .= " DEF:DS" . $COUNT . "=" . $rrd_filename . ":postbits:AVERAGE "; $rrd_additions .= " CDEF:MOD" . $COUNT . "=DS" . $COUNT . ",8,* "; $rrd_additions .= " AREA:MOD" . $COUNT . "#" . $COLOR . ":'" . str_pad(substr($COMPONENTS[$ID]['label'],0,15),15) . "'" . $STACK; $rrd_additions .= " GPRINT:MOD" . $COUNT . ":LAST:%6.2lf%s "; $rrd_additions .= " GPRINT:MOD" . $COUNT . ":AVERAGE:%6.2lf%s "; $rrd_additions .= " GPRINT:MOD" . $COUNT . ":MAX:%6.2lf%s\\\l "; $COUNT++; } } } if ($rrd_additions == "") { // We didn't add any data points. } else { $rrd_options .= $rrd_additions; }