echo '
VLAN | Description | Cost | Priority | State | Other Ports |
$row = 0;
foreach ($vlans as $vlan) {
if (is_integer($row / 2)) {
$row_colour = $list_colour_a;
else {
$row_colour = $list_colour_b;
echo '';
echo ' Vlan '.$vlan['vlan'].' | ';
echo ''.$vlan['vlan_descr'].' | ';
if ($vlan['state'] == 'blocking') {
$class = 'red';
else if ($vlan['state'] == 'forwarding') {
$class = 'green';
else {
$class = 'none';
echo ''.$vlan['cost'].' | '.$vlan['priority']." | ".$vlan['state'].' | ';
$vlan_ports = array();
$otherports = dbFetchRows('SELECT * FROM `ports_vlans` AS V, `ports` as P WHERE V.`device_id` = ? AND V.`vlan` = ? AND P.port_id = V.port_id', array($device['device_id'], $vlan['vlan']));
foreach ($otherports as $otherport) {
$vlan_ports[$otherport[ifIndex]] = $otherport;
$otherports = dbFetchRows('SELECT * FROM ports WHERE `device_id` = ? AND `ifVlan` = ?', array($device['device_id'], $vlan['vlan']));
foreach ($otherports as $otherport) {
$vlan_ports[$otherport[ifIndex]] = array_merge($otherport, array('untagged' => '1'));
echo '';
$vsep = '';
foreach ($vlan_ports as $otherport) {
echo $vsep.generate_port_link($otherport, makeshortif($otherport['ifDescr']));
if ($otherport['untagged']) {
echo '(U)';
$vsep = ', ';
echo ' | ';
echo '
}//end foreach
echo '';