#!/usr/bin/env php * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. Please see LICENSE.txt at the top level of * the source code distribution for details. */ use LibreNMS\Config; use LibreNMS\ValidationResult; use LibreNMS\Validator; chdir(__DIR__); // cwd to the directory containing this script ini_set('display_errors', 1); require_once 'includes/common.php'; require_once 'includes/functions.php'; require_once 'includes/dbFacile.php'; $options = getopt('g:m:s::h::'); if (isset($options['h'])) { echo "\n Validate setup tool Usage: ./validate.php [-g ] [-s] [-h] -h This help section. -s Print the status of each group -g Any validation groups you want to run, comma separated: Non-default groups: - mail: this will test your email settings (uses default_mail option even if default_only is not set) - distributedpoller: this will test for the install running as a distributed poller - rrdcheck: this will check to see if your rrd files are corrupt Default groups: - configuration: checks various config settings are correct - database: checks the database for errors - dependencies: checks that all required libraries are installed and up-to-date - disk: checks for disk space and other disk related issues - php: check that various PHP modules and functions exist - poller: check that the poller and discovery are running properly - programs: check that external programs exist and are executable - updates: checks the status of git and updates - user: check that the LibreNMS user is set properly Example: ./validate.php -g mail. " ; exit; } // Buffer output ob_start(); $precheck_complete = false; register_shutdown_function(function () { global $precheck_complete; if (!$precheck_complete) { // use this in case composer autoloader isn't available spl_autoload_register(function ($class) { include str_replace('\\', '/', $class) . '.php'; }); print_header(version_info()); } }); // critical config.php checks if (!file_exists('config.php')) { print_fail('config.php does not exist, please copy config.php.default to config.php'); exit; } $pre_checks_failed = false; $syntax_check = `php -ln config.php`; if (!str_contains($syntax_check, 'No syntax errors detected')) { print_fail('Syntax error in config.php'); echo $syntax_check; $pre_checks_failed = true; } $first_line = rtrim(`head -n1 config.php`); if (!starts_with($first_line, '')) { print_fail("Remove the ?> at the end of config.php"); $pre_checks_failed = true; } // Composer checks if (!file_exists('vendor/autoload.php')) { print_fail('Composer has not been run, dependencies are missing', './scripts/composer_wrapper.php install --no-dev'); exit; } // init autoloading require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; $dep_check = shell_exec('php scripts/composer_wrapper.php install --no-dev --dry-run'); preg_match_all('/Installing ([^ ]+\/[^ ]+) \(/', $dep_check, $dep_missing); if (!empty($dep_missing[0])) { print_fail("Missing dependencies!", "./scripts/composer_wrapper.php install --no-dev"); $pre_checks_failed = true; print_list($dep_missing[1], "\t %s\n"); } preg_match_all('/Updating ([^ ]+\/[^ ]+) \(/', $dep_check, $dep_outdated); if (!empty($dep_outdated[0])) { print_fail("Outdated dependencies", "./scripts/composer_wrapper.php install --no-dev"); print_list($dep_outdated[1], "\t %s\n"); } $validator = new Validator(); $validator->validate(array('dependencies')); if ($validator->getGroupStatus('dependencies') == ValidationResult::FAILURE) { $pre_checks_failed = true; } if ($pre_checks_failed) { exit; } $init_modules = []; require 'includes/init.php'; // make sure install_dir is set correctly, or the next includes will fail if (!file_exists(Config::get('install_dir').'/config.php')) { $suggested = realpath(__DIR__); print_fail('\'install_dir\' config setting is not set correctly.', "It should probably be set to: $suggested"); exit; } if (\LibreNMS\DB\Eloquent::isConnected()) { $validator->ok('Database connection successful', null, 'database'); } else { $validator->fail('Error connecting to your database.', null, 'database'); } $precheck_complete = true; // disable shutdown function print_header($validator->getVersions()); if (isset($options['g'])) { $modules = explode(',', $options['g']); } elseif (isset($options['m'])) { $modules = explode(',', $options['m']); // backwards compat } else { $modules = array(); // all modules } // run checks $validator->validate($modules, isset($options['s'])||!empty($modules)); function print_header($versions) { $output = ob_get_clean(); @ob_end_clean(); echo <<< EOF ==================================== Component | Version --------- | ------- LibreNMS | ${versions['local_ver']} DB Schema | ${versions['db_schema']} PHP | ${versions['php_ver']} MySQL | ${versions['mysql_ver']} RRDTool | ${versions['rrdtool_ver']} SNMP | ${versions['netsnmp_ver']} ==================================== $output EOF; } // output matches that of ValidationResult function print_fail($msg, $fix = null) { c_echo("[%RFAIL%n] $msg"); if ($fix && strlen($msg) > 72) { echo PHP_EOL . " "; } if (!empty($fix)) { c_echo(" [%BFIX%n] %B$fix%n"); } echo PHP_EOL; }