#!/usr/bin/env php | Poll single device\n"; echo "-h odd Poll odd numbered devices (same as -i 2 -n 0)\n"; echo "-h even Poll even numbered devices (same as -i 2 -n 1)\n"; echo "-h all Poll all devices\n\n"; echo "-i -n Poll as instance of \n"; echo " Instances start at 0. 0-3 for -n 4\n\n"; echo "Debugging and testing options:\n"; echo "-r Do not create or update RRDs\n"; echo "-f Do not insert data into InfluxDB\n"; echo "-p Do not insert data into Prometheus\n"; echo "-d Enable debugging output\n"; echo "-v Enable verbose debugging output\n"; echo "-m Specify module(s) to be run. Comma separate modules, submodules may be added with /\n"; echo "\n"; echo "No polling type specified!\n"; exit; } if (set_debug(isset($options['d'])) || isset($options['v'])) { $versions = version_info(); echo << 'poll', 'doing' => $doing, 'start' => $poller_start, 'duration' => $poller_time, 'devices' => $polled_devices, 'poller' => $config['distributed_poller_name'] ), 'perf_times'); } $string = $argv[0]." $doing ".date($config['dateformat']['compact'])." - $polled_devices devices polled in $poller_time secs"; d_echo("$string\n"); if (!isset($options['q'])) { printStats(); } logfile($string); rrdtool_close(); unset($config); // Remove this for testing // print_r(get_defined_vars()); if ($polled_devices === $unreachable_devices) { exit(6); } exit(0);