#!/usr/bin/env php $value) { if (is_array($value)) { if (strcmp($prefix, '')) { $key=$prefix.$joiner.$key; } $return = array_merge($return, data_flatten($value, $key, $joiner)); } else { if (strcmp($prefix, '')) { $key=$prefix.$joiner.$key; } $return[$key] = $value; } } return $return; } // Pulled from includes/snmp.inc.php function string_to_oid($string) { $oid = strlen($string); for ($i = 0; $i != strlen($string); $i++) { $oid .= '.'.ord($string[$i]); } return $oid; }//end string_to_oid() // Options! $short_opts='sktmlhj:a:'; $options = getopt($short_opts); // print the help if (isset($options['h'])) { echo "LibreNMS JSON App tool -j The file containing the JSON to use for the test. -s Print the SNMPrec data. -t Print the JSON test data file. -l Just load and lint the JSON file. -m Extract and print metric variables from the JSON file. -k If m is specified, just print the keys in tested order. -a The application name for use with -s and -t. -h Show this help text. -j must always be specified. -a must always be given with -s and -t. -l if specified will override any others. If none of the others are specified and just -j is given, then the file is loaded and then linted if needed. For linting jsonlint needs to be installed. -m is handy if you want to grab a list of metrics a JSON app is returning and how they data is flattned as well for when writing alert rules. -k prints it in a slightly neater manner and in a manner and in tested order. "; exit(); } // make sure we have a JSON file to work with if (!isset($options['j'])) { echo "Nothing JSON file specified via -j.\n"; exit(1); } //read in the file $raw_json=file_get_contents($options['j']); if ($raw_json === false) { exit(2); } // parse the read file $json=json_decode(stripslashes($raw_json), true); // check json_decode() for any errors if (json_last_error() !== JSON_ERROR_NONE) { echo "Parsing '".$options['j']."' failed. Running jsonlint...\n\n"; system('jsonlint '.escapeshellarg($options['j'])); exit(3); } //make sure the JSON actually contains something if (empty($json)) { echo "'".$options['j']."' is a blank JSON file.\n"; exit(4); } //make sure it has all the required keys if (!isset($json['error'], $json['data'], $json['errorString'], $json['version'])) { echo "'".$options['j']."' is missing one or more of the keys 'error', 'errorString', 'version', or 'data'.\n"; exit(5); } //successfully loaded and tested the file, just exit now if asked to if ((isset($options['l']))||( (!isset($options['t']))&& (!isset($options['s']))&& (!isset($options['m'])) )) { exit(0); } //pulls out the metrics $data=$json['data']; $metrics=data_flatten($data); $metrics_keys=array_keys($metrics); usort($metrics_keys, "strcasecmp"); //orders them in the manner in which the test script compares them //print metrics if needed if (isset($options['m'])) { if (isset($options['k'])) { foreach ($metrics_keys as $key) { print $key."\n"; } } else { foreach ($metrics_keys as $key) { print $key."=".$metrics[$key]."\n"; } } exit(0); } # exit if -s or -t is not requested if ((!isset($options['s']))&&(!isset($options['t']))) { exit(0); } // For anything past here, we need -a given if (!isset($options['a'])) { echo "Nothing specified via -a\n"; exit(1); } // Output snmprec data for snmpsim for use with testing. if (isset($options['s'])) { $oid=string_to_oid($options['a']); echo "|4|Linux server 3.10.0-693.5.2.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Fri Oct 20 20:32:50 UTC 2017 x86_64\n". "|6|\n". "|67|77550514\n". "|4|\n". "|4|\n". "|4|\n". "|67|77552962\n". "|2|1\n". "".$oid."|2|1\n". "".$oid."|4x|".bin2hex($raw_json)."\n"; exit(0); } // prints the json test data file if asked to if (isset($options['t'])) { $test_data = [ 'applications' => [ "discovery" => [ "applications" => [ "app_type" => $options['a'], "app_state" => "UNKNOWN", "discovered" => "1", "app_state_prev" => null, "app_status" => "", "app_instance" => "", ], "application_metrics" => [], ], "poller" => [ "applications" => [ "app_type" => $options['a'], "app_state" => "OK", "discovered" => "1", "app_state_prev" => "UNKNOWN", "app_status" => "", "app_instance" => "", ], "application_metrics" => [], ], ], ]; foreach ($metrics_keys as $key) { $test_data['applications']['poller']['application_metrics'][] = [ "metric" => $key, "value" => $metrics[$key], "value_prev" => null, "app_type" => $options['a'], ]; } echo json_encode($test_data, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT)."\n"; exit(0); }