LIEBERT-GP-CONDITIONS-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Gauge32, TimeTicks, Unsigned32 FROM SNMPv2-SMI DisplayString FROM SNMPv2-TC lgpConditions, liebertConditionsModuleReg FROM LIEBERT-GP-REGISTRATION-MIB ; -- ============================================================================= -- Module Identification and Registration -- ============================================================================= liebertGlobalProductsConditionsModule MODULE-IDENTITY LAST-UPDATED "201302120000Z" ORGANIZATION "Liebert Corporation" CONTACT-INFO "Contact: Technical Support Postal: Liebert Corporation 1050 Dearborn Drive P.O. Box 29186 Columbus OH, 43229 US Tel: +1 (800) 222-5877 E-mail: Web: Author: Gregory M. Hoge" DESCRIPTION "The MIB module used to register Liebert SNMP OIDs. Copyright 2000-2008,2013 Liebert Corporation. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this document is authorized on the condition that the forgoing copyright notice is included. This Specification is supplied 'AS IS' and Liebert Corporation makes no warranty, either express or implied, as to the use, operation, condition, or performance of the Specification." REVISION "201302120000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added Surge Protection Device to lgpConditionCondenserTVSSFailure DESCRIPTION" REVISION "200811170000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added support for NXL unit." REVISION "200807020000Z" DESCRIPTION "o Expanded condtions table with new columns with a set of richer alarm/condition properties. o Added additional reference columns to conditions table to allow the same alarm to be active on multiple instances of an item. " REVISION "200801100000Z" DESCRIPTION "Modified contact email address and added lgpNetworkName object." REVISION "200705290000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added support for XDF Unit." REVISION "200608150000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added support for HP release and a condition for firmware corrupt." REVISION "200602220000Z" DESCRIPTION "Added support for Liebert DS Unit." ::= { liebertConditionsModuleReg 1 } -- ============================================================================= -- lgpConditions - Liebert Conditions Registrations -- ============================================================================= lgpConditionsWellKnown OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- STATUS current -- DESCRIPTION -- "Liebert well known conditions are defined by OIDs that reside -- in this sub-tree." ::= { lgpConditions 1 } lgpConditionsPresent OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Gauge32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The present number of conditions (rows) in the lgpConditionsTable." ::= { lgpConditions 2 } lgpConditionsTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF LgpConditionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of condition table entries. The table contains zero, one, or many rows at any moment, depending upon the number of conditions in effect. The number of rows in the table is given by (lgpConditionsPresent). The table is initially empty at agent startup. The agent creates a row in the table each time a condition is detected and deletes that row subject to the following rules: Rows are removed from the table based on the following rules: 1. If a condition does not require acknowledgement (see 'lgpConditionAckReq') the condition is removed as soon as the issue clears (see 'lgpConditionCurrentState'). 2. If a condition requires acknowledgement (see 'lgpConditionAckReq') the condition is removed as soon as the issue clears (see 'lgpConditionCurrentState') AND the condition is acknowledged (see 'lgpConditionAcknowledged'). 3. If the columns 'lgpConditionCurrentState' and 'lgpConditionAcknowledged' are not present for the condition then the condition will be removed as soon as the issue causing the condition clears. The agent creates the first row with lgpConditionId equal to 1, and increments the value of 'lgpConditionId' each time a new row is created, wrapping to the first free value greater than or equal to 1 when the maximum value of lgpConditionId would otherwise be exceeded. The number of rows in the table at any given time is reflected by the value of 'lgpConditionsPresent'. " ::= { lgpConditions 3 } lgpConditionEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LgpConditionEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This entry defines the contents of the rows for the table 'lgpConditionsTable'. A row in this table cannot be created or deleted by SNMP operations on columns of the table." INDEX { lgpConditionId } ::= { lgpConditionsTable 1 } LgpConditionEntry ::= SEQUENCE { lgpConditionId Unsigned32, lgpConditionDescr OBJECT IDENTIFIER, lgpConditionTime TimeTicks, lgpConditionTableRef OBJECT IDENTIFIER, lgpConditionTableRowRef OBJECT IDENTIFIER, lgpConditionType INTEGER, lgpConditionCurrentState INTEGER, lgpConditionSeverity INTEGER, lgpConditionAcknowledged INTEGER, lgpConditionAckReq INTEGER } lgpConditionId OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A unique identifier for a condition. This value must remain constant between agent initializations. This OID is used as an index to identify a row in the table 'lgpConditionsTable'." ::= { lgpConditionEntry 1 } lgpConditionDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A reference to a condition description object. The object referenced should not be accessible, but rather be used to provide a unique description." ::= { lgpConditionEntry 2 } lgpConditionTime OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX TimeTicks MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value of sysUpTime when the condition occurred (became active)." ::= { lgpConditionEntry 3 } lgpConditionTableRef OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This object will be included as a varbind in some rows of the table. It is a reference to a table object in the MIB. The value of this object will be the OID of a table that the object that the condition applies to is defined. The table row corresponding to this object will also contain a varbind 'lgpConditionTableRowRef' that will specify which instance (row) in the referenced table the object is defined in. Example: TABLE ROW: lgpConditionId 5 lgpConditionDescr lgpConditionRcpBranchBreakerOpen lgpConditionTime 393884848 lgpConditionTableRef lgpPduRbTable lgpConditionTableRowRef lgpPduRbEntryId.1.4 lgpConditionType alarm lgpConditionCurrentState active lgpConditionSeverity major lgpConditionAcknowledged acknowledged lgpConditionAckReq required In the above example the breaker opened for a Receptacle branch. The specific receptacle branch is specified by the additional varbind (lgpEventParmTableRowRef). In this case the notification is for the 4th receptacle branch on the 1st PDU in the cluster. " ::= { lgpConditionEntry 5 } lgpConditionTableRowRef OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a reference to the (cell) in the table specified by the companion varbind (lgpConditionTableRef) in this condition. The row in the table where this cell exists represents the object that this condition applies to. Example: TABLE ROW: lgpConditionId 5 lgpConditionDescr lgpConditionRcpBranchBreakerOpen lgpConditionTime 393884848 lgpConditionTableRef lgpPduRbTable lgpConditionTableRowRef lgpPduRbEntryId.1.4 lgpConditionType lgpConditionCurrentState active lgpConditionSeverity major lgpConditionAcknowledged acknowledged lgpConditionAckReq required The table containing the definition of the receptacle branch (lgpPduRbTable) is given by the varbind (lgpConditionTableRef) The specific receptacle branch (instance) is specified by the varbind (lgpConditionTableRowRef). In this case the condition is for the 4th receptacle branch on the 1st PDU in the PDU cluster. If one wanted to retrieve the serial number for this receptacle branch the OID would be: lgpPduRbEntrySerialNum.1.4. " ::= { lgpConditionEntry 6 } lgpConditionType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { not-specified(0), message(2), warning(4), alarm(6), fault(8) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The type of condition in this row in the table." ::= { lgpConditionEntry 10 } lgpConditionCurrentState OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { active(1), inactive(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Indication of the current state of the event. If the state is 'active' then the condition currently exists. If the state is 'inactive' then the condition no longer exists (i.e. the situation causing the condition has cleared or been resolved). The behavior of some devices is to remove the condition from this table when the condition clears. The behavior of other devices is to leave the condition entry in the table until the condition is acknowledged ( see lgpConditionAcknowledged and lgpConditionAckReq)." ::= { lgpConditionEntry 12 } lgpConditionSeverity OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { not-applicable(0), minor(3), major(6), critical(9) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This represents the relative severity of the condition." ::= { lgpConditionEntry 14 } lgpConditionAcknowledged OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { notAcknowledged(1), acknowledged(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates if the condition has been acknowledged. If the value is 'notAcknowledged' then the condition has not been acknowledged. If the value is 'acknowledged' then the condition has been acknowledged. Writing a value of 'acknowledged' to this object acknowledges the condition and the value will be changed to 'acknowledged'. If the current state of the condition is 'active' (see lgpConditionCurrentState) the condition will, for all devices remain in the table regardless of the state of the 'lgpConditionAcknowledged' object. If the 'lgpConditionAckReq' is 'notRequired' or this column does not exist for the row then this object has no affect on the duration the condition stays in the lgpConditionsTable. If the 'lgpConditionAckReq' is 'required' then the condition will remain in the condition table until both the 'lgpConditionCurrentState' is 'inactive' AND 'lgpConditionAcknowledged' is 'acknowledged'. " ::= { lgpConditionEntry 18 } lgpConditionAckReq OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { required(1), notRequired(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This indicates if the corresponding condition does or does not require user acknowledgement. Conditions that require user acknowledgement will have a value of 'required'. Those conditions that do not require user acknowledgement will have a value of 'notRequired' or in some devices the column may not be present at all. If a condition requires acknowledgement it will remain in the table until both the 'lgpConditionCurrentState' and 'lgpConditionAcknowledged' are 'inactive' and 'acknowledged' respectively (see lgpConditionAcknowledged). If a condition does not require acknowledgement it will be removed from the table as soon as its 'lgpConditionCurrentState' is 'inactive'. " ::= { lgpConditionEntry 19 } -- ============================================================================= -- lgpConditionControl - Condition Control Group -- ============================================================================= lgpConditionControl OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- STATUS current -- DESCRIPTION -- "Items under this sub-tree allow the user to control actions -- associated with conditions." ::= { lgpConditions 4 } lgpConditionControlEventReset OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noAction(1), resetAll(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Event Reset Command. This command will reset all of the device's events. On some units, when an event is activated, a 'set' field is also marked and maintained even when the event has become inactive. The 'set' field is only cleared when the user clears it and the event is no longer active. This item will clear the 'set' field for all events that are not active." ::= { lgpConditionControl 1 } lgpConditionControlEventAck OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { noAction(1), ackAll(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Event Acknowledge Command. This command will acknowledge all of the device's events." ::= { lgpConditionControl 2 } lgpConditionControlTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF LgpConditionControlEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A list of condition control table entries. The table contains zero, one, or many rows at any moment, depending upon the number of conditions that are controllable by the unit. This table does not necessarily contain all conditions supported by the unit. This table only contains conditions that are end-user modifiable." ::= { lgpConditionControl 20 } lgpConditionControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX LgpConditionControlEntry MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This entry defines the contents of the rows for the table 'lgpConditionControlTable'. A row in this table cannot be created or deleted by user initiated SNMP operations on columns of the table." INDEX { lgpConditionControlIndex } ::= { lgpConditionControlTable 1 } LgpConditionControlEntry ::= SEQUENCE { lgpConditionControlIndex Unsigned32, lgpConditionControlDescr OBJECT IDENTIFIER, lgpConditionControlEnableStatus INTEGER, lgpConditionControlType INTEGER, lgpConditionControlEnableCapability INTEGER } lgpConditionControlIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX Unsigned32 MAX-ACCESS not-accessible STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is the index indicating the nth element of the table." ::= { lgpConditionControlEntry 1 } lgpConditionControlDescr OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX OBJECT IDENTIFIER MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A reference to an Object Identifier (OID) representing a unique condition. The referenced OID is used solely for identification purposes. The object identifier referenced here will be the same object identifier referenced in the lgpConditionsTable (column: lgpConditionDescr) when the condition is activated." ::= { lgpConditionControlEntry 2 } lgpConditionControlEnableStatus OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { not-specified(0), enabled(1), disabled(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The value in this column determines if the device is currently capable of generating this event. If the value is 'enabled' then the event will be generated if the condition indicated by lgpConditionControlDescr becomes active. If the value is 'disabled' the device will never generate the event. This value is stored on the managed device. Some devices do not allow write access to some entries in this column. The 'lgpConditionControlEnableCapability' column indicates whether this entry can be written." ::= { lgpConditionControlEntry 3 } lgpConditionControlType OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { not-specified(0), message(2), warning(4), alarm(6), fault(8) } MAX-ACCESS read-write STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The 'type' assigned or configured for this condition. The value assigned to the condition here is displayed in the lgpConditionsTable (column: lgpConditionType). For some units this is user configurable. This value is stored on the managed device." ::= { lgpConditionControlEntry 4 } lgpConditionControlEnableCapability OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER { not-specified(0), readonly(1), readwrite(2) } MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Some devices do not allow write access to some entries in the 'lgpConditionControlEnableStatus' column. This column indicates whether the 'lgpConditionControlEnableStatus' entry for this row can be written." ::= { lgpConditionControlEntry 5 } lgpConditionDescription OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The ASCII text description for the condition." ::= { lgpConditions 5 } lgpNetworkName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (255)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The network name in a like format. This object is intended to be used as a varbind object by other notifications that have a context of a network address. As an example the lgpAgentDnsLookupFailure trap which describes a network name that is failing or has failed to be resolved from a Domain Name Service (DNS) lookup. Refer to RFC 952 for further information." ::= { lgpConditions 6 } -- ============================================================================= -- lgpConditions - Additional Liebert Conditions Registrations -- ============================================================================= lgpFlexConditions OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- STATUS current -- DESCRIPTION -- "Liebert well known Flexible conditions are defined by OIDs that reside -- in this sub-tree. These OIDs can be found in the -- LIEBERT-GP-FLEXIBLE-CONDITIONS-MIB which is located in the file -- LIEBERT_GP_FLEXIBLE_COND.MIB." ::= { lgpConditions 7 } -- ============================================================================= -- lgpConditionsWellKnown - Liebert "well-known" conditions -- ============================================================================= lgpConditionHighTemperature OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The temperature has exceeded the high temperature threshold." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 1 } lgpConditionLowTemperature OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The temperature is below the low temperature threshold." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 2 } lgpConditionHighHumidity OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The humidity has exceeded the high humidity threshold." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 3 } lgpConditionLowHumidity OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The humidity is below the low humidity threshold." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 4 } lgpConditionLossOfAirflow OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a loss of air flow." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 5 } lgpConditionLossOfAirflow1 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a loss of air flow at sensor 1." ::= { lgpConditionLossOfAirflow 1 } lgpConditionLossOfAirflow2 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a loss of air flow at sensor 2." ::= { lgpConditionLossOfAirflow 2 } lgpConditionLossOfAirflowBlower1 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a loss of air flow from blower 1." ::= { lgpConditionLossOfAirflow 3 } lgpConditionLossOfAirflowAllBlowers OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "No air flow through the unit due to failure of all blowers." ::= { lgpConditionLossOfAirflow 4 } lgpConditionChangeFilter OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a condition indicating the air filter should be changed." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 6 } lgpConditionCompressorHighHeadPressure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This system has detected an excessive head pressure condition." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 7 } lgpConditionCompressor1HighHeadPressure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected excessive head pressure in compressor 1." ::= { lgpConditionCompressorHighHeadPressure 1 } lgpConditionCompressor1AHighHeadPressure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected excessive head pressure in compressor 1A." ::= { lgpConditionCompressor1HighHeadPressure 1 } lgpConditionCompressor1BHighHeadPressure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected excessive head pressure in compressor 1B." ::= { lgpConditionCompressor1HighHeadPressure 2 } lgpConditionCompressor2HighHeadPressure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected excessive head pressure in compressor 2." ::= { lgpConditionCompressorHighHeadPressure 2 } lgpConditionCompressor2AHighHeadPressure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected excessive head pressure in compressor 2A." ::= { lgpConditionCompressor2HighHeadPressure 1 } lgpConditionCompressor2BHighHeadPressure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected excessive head pressure in compressor 2B." ::= { lgpConditionCompressor2HighHeadPressure 2 } lgpConditionCompressor3HighHeadPressure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected excessive head pressure in compressor 3." ::= { lgpConditionCompressorHighHeadPressure 3 } lgpConditionCompressor4HighHeadPressure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected excessive head pressure in compressor 4." ::= { lgpConditionCompressorHighHeadPressure 4 } lgpConditionCompressorOverload OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This system has detected a compressor overload condition." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 8 } lgpConditionCompressor1Overload OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an overload condition on compressor 1." ::= { lgpConditionCompressorOverload 1 } lgpConditionCompressor2Overload OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an overload condition on compressor 2." ::= { lgpConditionCompressorOverload 2 } lgpConditionCompressorShortCycle OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A compressor has exceeded the maximum number of starts in a minimum time period." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 9 } lgpConditionCompressor1ShortCycle OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a short cycle event on compressor 1. The compressor has exceeded the maximum number of starts for specified amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionCompressorShortCycle 1 } lgpConditionCompressor1AShortCycle OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a short cycle event on compressor 1A. The compressor has exceeded the maximum number of starts for specified amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionCompressor1ShortCycle 1 } lgpConditionCompressor1BShortCycle OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a short cycle event on compressor 1B. The compressor has exceeded the maximum number of starts for specified amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionCompressor1ShortCycle 2 } lgpConditionCompressor2ShortCycle OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a short cycle event on compressor 2. The compressor has exceeded the maximum number of starts for specified amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionCompressorShortCycle 2 } lgpConditionCompressor2AShortCycle OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a short cycle event on compressor 2A. The compressor has exceeded the maximum number of starts for specified amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionCompressor2ShortCycle 1 } lgpConditionCompressor2BShortCycle OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a short cycle event on compressor 2B. The compressor has exceeded the maximum number of starts for specified amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionCompressor2ShortCycle 2 } lgpConditionCompressorLowSuctionPressure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The pressure at a compressor inlet has dropped below the minimum setting." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 10 } lgpConditionCompressor1LowSuctionPressure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The pressure at compressor 1 inlet has dropped below the minimum setting." ::= { lgpConditionCompressorLowSuctionPressure 1 } lgpConditionCompressor2LowSuctionPressure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The pressure at compressor 2 inlet has dropped below the minimum setting." ::= { lgpConditionCompressorLowSuctionPressure 2 } lgpConditionMainFanOverLoad OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a main fan overload condition." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 11 } lgpConditionManualOverride OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a manual override condition." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 12 } lgpConditionStandbyGlycoolPumpOn OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The standby Glycol or Glycool pump is activated." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 13 } lgpConditionWaterUnderFloor OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Moisture has been detected under the floor." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 14 } lgpConditionHumidifierProblem OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a humidifier problem." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 15 } lgpConditionLowWaterInHumidifier OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a low water condition in the humidifier reservoir." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 16 } lgpConditionSmokeDetected OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected smoke." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 17 } lgpConditionLowWaterFlow OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a low water flow rate condition." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 18 } lgpConditionLostPower OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has lost power before being switched off using the controls. This condition is activated when power is restored." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 19 } lgpGeneralFault OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A fault condition has been detected that is not identified in the well known list." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 20 } lgpConditionLocalAlarm OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This system has detected a local, or customer, alarm condition." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 21 } lgpConditionLocalAlarm1 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected that customer alarm condition 1 is active." ::= { lgpConditionLocalAlarm 1 } lgpConditionLocalAlarm2 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected that customer alarm condition 2 is active." ::= { lgpConditionLocalAlarm 2 } lgpConditionLocalAlarm3 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected that customer alarm condition 3 is active." ::= { lgpConditionLocalAlarm 3 } lgpConditionLocalAlarm4 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected that customer alarm condition 4 is active." ::= { lgpConditionLocalAlarm 4 } lgpConditionLocalAlarm5 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected that customer alarm condition 5 is active." ::= { lgpConditionLocalAlarm 5 } lgpConditionLocalAlarm6 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected that customer alarm condition 6 is active." ::= { lgpConditionLocalAlarm 6 } lgpConditionLocalAlarm7 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected that customer alarm condition 7 is active." ::= { lgpConditionLocalAlarm 7 } lgpConditionLocalAlarm8 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected that customer alarm condition 8 is active." ::= { lgpConditionLocalAlarm 8 } lgpConditionStandbyUnitOn OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the standby unit is operating." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 22 } lgpConditionCompressorLowPressure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This system has detected a low head compressor condition." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 23 } lgpConditionCompressor1LowPressure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected low pressure in compressor 1." ::= { lgpConditionCompressorLowPressure 1 } lgpConditionTandemCompressorCircuit1LowPressure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected low pressure in tandem compressor circuit 1." ::= { lgpConditionCompressor1LowPressure 1 } lgpConditionCompressor2LowPressure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected low pressure in compressor 2." ::= { lgpConditionCompressorLowPressure 2 } lgpConditionTandemCompressorCircuit2LowPressure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected low pressure in tandem compressor circuit 2." ::= { lgpConditionCompressor2LowPressure 1 } lgpConditionCompressor3LowPressure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected low pressure in compressor 3." ::= { lgpConditionCompressorLowPressure 3 } lgpConditionCompressor4LowPressure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected low pressure in compressor 4." ::= { lgpConditionCompressorLowPressure 4 } lgpConditionHighWaterInPan OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a high water condition in the condenser pan." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 24 } lgpConditionFaultySensor OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a faulty temperature/humidity sensor." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 25 } lgpConditionServiceCooling OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Cooling system requires scheduled maintenance." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 26 } lgpConditionServiceHumidifier OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Humidifier requires scheduled maintenance." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 27 } lgpConditionSystemControlBatteryLow OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Charge level of the system control's battery is below the alarm set point." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 28 } lgpConditionGroundSystemFault OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a ground system fault." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 29 } lgpConditionGroundFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a ground failure." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 30 } lgpConditionSecurityBreach OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a security breach." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 31 } lgpConditionEmergencyShutdown OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an emergency shutdown condition. The System is shutting down as a result of this emergency." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 32 } lgpConditionOnBypass OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This system has detected the load is being powered by a bypass source." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 33 } lgpConditionLoadOnBypass OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS obsolete DESCRIPTION "The load is being powered by a bypass source." ::= { lgpConditionOnBypass 1 } lgpConditionLoadOnMaintenceBypass OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The load is being powered by a maintenance bypass source." ::= { lgpConditionOnBypass 2 } lgpConditionParallelSysLoadOnBypass OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The parallel system has transferred to bypass." ::= { lgpConditionOnBypass 3 } lgpConditionLoadOnBypassByImpact OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a load impact and has transferred the load to the bypass source." ::= { lgpConditionOnBypass 4 } lgpConditionLoadTransferedToBypass OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has transferred to bypass. The load is being powered by the bypass source." ::= { lgpConditionOnBypass 5 } lgpConditionEmergencyTransferToBypass OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has performed an emergency transfer to bypass." ::= { lgpConditionOnBypass 6 } lgpConditionOutputToLoadVoltTHD OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The total harmonic distortion (THD) of the output voltage has exceeded a pre-determined threshold for a device, or system, defined amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 34 } lgpConditionLogicFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a control logic failure." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 35 } lgpConditionPowerSupplyFault OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This system had detected a power supply fault condition." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 36 } lgpConditionPowerSupply1Fault OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected power supply 1 is in a fault condition." ::= { lgpConditionPowerSupplyFault 1 } lgpConditionPowerSupply2Fault OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected power supply 2 is in a fault condition." ::= { lgpConditionPowerSupplyFault 2 } lgpConditionPowerSupplyFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This system has detected a power supply failure condition." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 37 } lgpConditionPowerSupply1Failure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected power supply 1 has failed." ::= { lgpConditionPowerSupplyFailure 1 } lgpConditionPowerSupply2Failure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected power supply 2 has failed." ::= { lgpConditionPowerSupplyFailure 2 } lgpConditionSource1PowerSupplyInputFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the source 1 Power supply input has failed." ::= { lgpConditionPowerSupplyFailure 3 } lgpConditionSource2PowerSupplyInputFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the source 2 Power supply input has failed." ::= { lgpConditionPowerSupplyFailure 4 } lgpConditionPowerSupplyLogicFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a power supply logic failure." ::= { lgpConditionPowerSupplyFailure 5 } lgpConditionCompressorPowerSupplyFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the power supply to the compressors has failed." ::= { lgpConditionPowerSupplyFailure 6 } lgpConditionOverVoltage OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This system has detected an over voltage condition." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 38 } lgpConditionSource1OverVoltage OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an over voltage condition on source 1. The voltage measurement has risen above a pre-determined threshold for a device, or system, defined amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionOverVoltage 1 } lgpConditionSource2OverVoltage OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an over voltage condition on source 2. The voltage measurement has risen above a pre-determined threshold for a device, or system, defined amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionOverVoltage 2 } lgpConditionOutputToLoadOverVoltage OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the output to load is in an over-voltage condition. The voltage for the load has risen above a pre-determined threshold for a device, or system, defined amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionOverVoltage 3 } lgpConditionInputOverVoltage OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an input over voltage condition. The voltage measurement has risen above a pre-determined threshold for a specified amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionOverVoltage 4 } lgpConditionBypassOverVoltage OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an over voltage condition on the bypass. The voltage measurement has risen above a pre-determined threshold for a device, or system, defined amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionOverVoltage 5 } lgpConditionBypassOverVoltageFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an over voltage failure condition on the bypass. The voltage measurement has risen above a pre-determined threshold for a device, or system, defined amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionOverVoltage 6 } lgpConditionBatteryOverVoltage OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a battery over voltage condition." ::= { lgpConditionOverVoltage 7 } lgpConditionDcBusOverVoltage OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This system has detected a DC Bus over voltage condition." ::= { lgpConditionOverVoltage 8 } lgpConditionDcBus1OverVoltage OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an over voltage condition on DC Bus 1." ::= { lgpConditionDcBusOverVoltage 1 } lgpConditionDcBus2OverVoltage OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an over voltage condition on DC Bus 2." ::= { lgpConditionDcBusOverVoltage 2 } lgpConditionDcBus1OverVoltageFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an over voltage failure condition on DC Bus 1." ::= { lgpConditionDcBusOverVoltage 3 } lgpConditionDcBus2OverVoltageFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an over voltage failure condition on DC Bus 2." ::= { lgpConditionDcBusOverVoltage 4 } lgpConditionUnderVoltage OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This system has detected an under voltage condition." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 39 } lgpConditionSource1UnderVoltage OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an under voltage condition on source 1. The voltage measurement has fallen below a pre-determined threshold for a device, or system, defined amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionUnderVoltage 1 } lgpConditionSource2UnderVoltage OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an under voltage condition on source 2. The voltage measurement has fallen below a pre-determined threshold for a device, or system, defined amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionUnderVoltage 2 } lgpConditionOutputToLoadUnderVoltage OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the output to load is in an under-voltage condition. The voltage for the load has fallen below a pre-determined threshold for a device, or system, defined amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionUnderVoltage 3 } lgpConditionSource1UnderVoltageRMS OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an under voltage condition on source 1. The voltage measurement has fallen below a pre-determined threshold for a specified amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionUnderVoltage 4 } lgpConditionSource2UnderVoltageRMS OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an under voltage condition on source 2. The voltage measurement has fallen below a pre-determined threshold for a specified amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionUnderVoltage 5 } lgpConditionInputUnderVoltage OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an input under voltage condition. The voltage measurement has fallen below a pre-determined threshold for a device, or system, defined amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionUnderVoltage 6 } lgpConditionBypassUnderVoltage OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an under voltage condition on the bypass. The voltage measurement has fallen below a pre-determined threshold for a device, or system, defined amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionUnderVoltage 7 } lgpConditionBypassUnderVoltageFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an under voltage failure condition on the bypass. The voltage measurement has fallen below a pre-determined threshold for a device, or system, defined amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionUnderVoltage 8 } lgpConditionBatteryUnderVoltage OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a battery under voltage condition." ::= { lgpConditionUnderVoltage 9 } lgpConditionDcBusUnderVoltage OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This system has detected a DC bus under voltage condition" ::= { lgpConditionUnderVoltage 10 } lgpConditionDcBus1UnderVoltage OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an under voltage condition on DC Bus 1." ::= { lgpConditionDcBusUnderVoltage 1 } lgpConditionDcBus2UnderVoltage OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an under voltage condition on DC Bus 2." ::= { lgpConditionDcBusUnderVoltage 2 } lgpConditionDcBus1UnderVoltageFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an under voltage failure condition on DC Bus 1." ::= { lgpConditionDcBusUnderVoltage 3 } lgpConditionDcBus2UnderVoltageFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an under voltage failure condition on DC Bus 2." ::= { lgpConditionDcBusUnderVoltage 4 } lgpConditionOverload OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This system has detected an overload condition." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 40 } lgpConditionSource1Overload OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an overload condition on source 1. The power requirement for this source has risen above a pre-determined threshold for a device, or system, defined amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionOverload 1 } lgpConditionSystemOverload OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an overload condition." ::= { lgpConditionOverload 2 } lgpConditionSource1PeakCurrentOverLoad OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected source 1 in is experiencing a peak over load condition. The current has risen above a pre-determined threshold for a specified amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionOverload 3 } lgpConditionSource2PeakCurrentOverLoad OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected source 2 in is experiencing a peak over load condition. The current has risen above a pre-determined threshold for a specified amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionOverload 4 } lgpConditionOutputToLoadOverLimit OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system had detected that the output to the load has exceeded the lgpPwrOutputToLoadUserOverloadLimit." ::= { lgpConditionOverload 5 } lgpConditionOutputToLoadOverload OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an output overload condition." ::= { lgpConditionOverload 6 } lgpConditionParallelSysOverload OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The parallel system has detected an overload condition." ::= { lgpConditionOverload 7 } lgpConditionBypassCurrentOverload OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "With the load on bypass static switch, the measured output RMS current has exceeded a specified percentage of the nominal RMS current." ::= { lgpConditionOverload 8 } lgpConditionBypassCurrentOverloadPhsA OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "With the load on bypass static switch, the measured phase A output RMS current has exceeded a specified percentage of the nominal per-phase RMS current." ::= { lgpConditionBypassCurrentOverload 1 } lgpConditionBypassCurrentOverloadPhsB OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "With the load on bypass static switch, the measured phase B output RMS current has exceeded a specified percentage of the nominal per-phase RMS current." ::= { lgpConditionBypassCurrentOverload 2 } lgpConditionBypassCurrentOverloadPhsC OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "With the load on bypass static switch, the measured phase C output RMS current has exceeded a specified percentage of the nominal per-phase RMS current." ::= { lgpConditionBypassCurrentOverload 3 } lgpConditionScrShort OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This system has detected a Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR) short condition." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 41 } lgpConditionSource1ScrShort OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a source 1 Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR) short condition." ::= { lgpConditionScrShort 1 } lgpConditionSource2ScrShort OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a source 2 Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR) short condition." ::= { lgpConditionScrShort 2 } lgpConditionBypassScrShort OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR) short condition on the bypass." ::= { lgpConditionScrShort 3 } lgpConditionInvStaticSwScrShort OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a short across one or more inverter static switch Silicon Controlled Rectifiers (SCRs)." ::= { lgpConditionScrShort 4 } lgpConditionSource1NeutralScrShort OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a source 1 Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR) short condition on the neutral line." ::= { lgpConditionScrShort 5 } lgpConditionSource2NeutralScrShort OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a source 2 Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR) short condition on the neutral line." ::= { lgpConditionScrShort 6 } lgpConditionScrOpen OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This system has detected a Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR) open condition." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 42 } lgpConditionSource1ScrOpen OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a source 1 Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR) open condition." ::= { lgpConditionScrOpen 1 } lgpConditionSource2ScrOpen OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a source 2 Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR) open condition." ::= { lgpConditionScrOpen 2 } lgpConditionBypassScrOpen OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR) open condition on the bypass." ::= { lgpConditionScrOpen 3 } lgpConditionSource1NeutralScrOpen OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a source 1 Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR) open condition on the neutral line." ::= { lgpConditionScrOpen 4 } lgpConditionSource2NeutralScrOpen OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a source 2 Silicon Controlled Rectifier (SCR) open condition on the neutral line." ::= { lgpConditionScrOpen 5 } lgpConditionFanFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This system has detected a fan failure condition." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 43 } lgpConditionFan1Failure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a fan 1 failure condition." ::= { lgpConditionFanFailure 1 } lgpConditionRedundantFanFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A failure has occurred in a fan that cools the system's internal components and has resulted in a loss of fan redundancy." ::= { lgpConditionFanFailure 2 } lgpConditionMultipleFanFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Multiple fans have failed resulting in a decreased ability to cool the system's internal components." ::= { lgpConditionFanFailure 3 } lgpConditionBlowerFanFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a problem with one or more of the blower fans. These are not the system internal cooling fans." ::= { lgpConditionFanFailure 4 } lgpConditionBottomBlowerFanFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The bottom environmental unit blower fan is not operating within its normal parameters." ::= { lgpConditionBlowerFanFailure 1 } lgpConditionTopBlowerFanFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The top environmental unit blower fan is not operating within its normal parameters." ::= { lgpConditionBlowerFanFailure 2 } lgpConditionCondenserFanVFDFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a problem with the Variable Frequency Drive system for the condenser fan." ::= { lgpConditionFanFailure 5 } lgpConditionFanPowerFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a power failure on one or more fans." ::= { lgpConditionFanFailure 6 } lgpConditionTransferInhibited OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system is preventing a transfer of the load to the alternate source." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 44 } lgpConditionAutoReTransferPrimed OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system is capable to retransfer to the preferred source." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 45 } lgpConditionSourcesOutOfSync OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected that the input sources are not within the specified phase difference (synchronization window)." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 46 } lgpConditionSourceFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This system has detected an input source failure condition." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 47 } lgpConditionSource1Failure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected source 1 has failed." ::= { lgpConditionSourceFailure 1 } lgpConditionSource2Failure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected source 2 has failed." ::= { lgpConditionSourceFailure 2 } lgpConditionAutoReTransferInhibited OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system is preventing a retransfer of the load back to the preferred source." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 48 } lgpConditionAutoReTransferFailed OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system is failing to automatically retransfer the load back to the preferred source." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 49 } lgpConditionFuseOpen OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This system has detected an open fuse condition." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 50 } lgpConditionControlFuse1Open OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a control power fuse 1 open condition." ::= { lgpConditionFuseOpen 1 } lgpConditionControlFuse2Open OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a control power fuse 2 open condition." ::= { lgpConditionFuseOpen 2 } lgpConditionRectifierFuseOpen OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a rectifier fuse open condition." ::= { lgpConditionFuseOpen 3 } lgpConditionInverterFuseOpen OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an inverter fuse open condition." ::= { lgpConditionFuseOpen 4 } lgpConditionOutputToLoadFuseOpen OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an output to load fuse open condition." ::= { lgpConditionFuseOpen 5 } lgpConditionDcCapacitorFuseOpen OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a DC capacitor fuse open condition." ::= { lgpConditionFuseOpen 6 } lgpConditionDisconnect OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a disconnect condition." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 51 } lgpConditionSource1DisconnectOpen OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the source 1 disconnect is open. A disconnect is a device which disconnects a conductor of a circuit from its supply (ex. circuit breaker, contactor, isolating switch, disconnecting switch, etc.)." ::= { lgpConditionDisconnect 1 } lgpConditionSource2DisconnectOpen OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the source 2 disconnect is open. A disconnect is a device which disconnects a conductor of a circuit from its supply (ex. circuit breaker, contactor, isolating switch, disconnecting switch, etc.)." ::= { lgpConditionDisconnect 2 } lgpConditionSource1PduDisconnectOpen OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the source 1 PDU (Power Distribution Unit) disconnect is open. A disconnect is a device which disconnects a conductor of a circuit from its supply (ex. circuit breaker, contactor, isolating switch, disconnecting switch, etc.)." ::= { lgpConditionDisconnect 3 } lgpConditionSource2PduDisconnectOpen OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the source 2 PDU (Power Distribution Unit) disconnect is open. A disconnect is a device which disconnects a conductor of a circuit from its supply (ex. circuit breaker, contactor, isolating switch, disconnecting switch, etc.)." ::= { lgpConditionDisconnect 4 } lgpConditionOutputToLoadDisconnect1Open OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected Output to load disconnect 1 is open. A disconnect is a device which disconnects a conductor of a circuit from its supply (ex. circuit breaker, contactor, isolating switch, disconnecting switch, etc.)." ::= { lgpConditionDisconnect 5 } lgpConditionOutputToLoadDisconnect2Open OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected Output to load disconnect 2 is open. A disconnect is a device which disconnects a conductor of a circuit from its supply (ex. circuit breaker, contactor, isolating switch, disconnecting switch, etc.)." ::= { lgpConditionDisconnect 6 } lgpConditionSource1BypassDisconnectClosed OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the source 1 bypass disconnect is closed. A disconnect is a device which disconnects a conductor of a circuit from its supply (ex. circuit breaker, contactor, isolating switch, disconnecting switch, etc.)." ::= { lgpConditionDisconnect 7 } lgpConditionSource2BypassDisconnectClosed OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the source 2 bypass disconnect is closed. A disconnect is a device which disconnects a conductor of a circuit from its supply (ex. circuit breaker, contactor, isolating switch, disconnecting switch, etc.)." ::= { lgpConditionDisconnect 8 } lgpConditionOutputToLoadNeutralDisconnectOpen OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the output to load neutral disconnect is open. A disconnect is a device which disconnects a conductor of a circuit from its supply (ex. circuit breaker, contactor, isolating switch, disconnecting switch, etc.)." ::= { lgpConditionDisconnect 9 } lgpConditionBatteryDisconnectOpen OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the battery disconnect is open. A disconnect is a device which disconnects a conductor of a circuit from its supply (ex. circuit breaker, contactor, isolating switch, disconnecting switch, etc.)." ::= { lgpConditionDisconnect 10 } lgpConditionBatteryDiscOpenCab01 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the cabinet 1 battery disconnect is open." ::= { lgpConditionBatteryDisconnectOpen 1 } lgpConditionBatteryDiscOpenCab02 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the cabinet 2 battery disconnect is open." ::= { lgpConditionBatteryDisconnectOpen 2 } lgpConditionBatteryDiscOpenCab03 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the cabinet 3 battery disconnect is open." ::= { lgpConditionBatteryDisconnectOpen 3 } lgpConditionBatteryDiscOpenCab04 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the cabinet 4 battery disconnect is open." ::= { lgpConditionBatteryDisconnectOpen 4 } lgpConditionBatteryDiscOpenCab05 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the cabinet 5 battery disconnect is open." ::= { lgpConditionBatteryDisconnectOpen 5 } lgpConditionBatteryDiscOpenCab06 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the cabinet 6 battery disconnect is open." ::= { lgpConditionBatteryDisconnectOpen 6 } lgpConditionBatteryDiscOpenCab07 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the cabinet 7 battery disconnect is open." ::= { lgpConditionBatteryDisconnectOpen 7 } lgpConditionBatteryDiscOpenCab08 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the cabinet 8 battery disconnect is open." ::= { lgpConditionBatteryDisconnectOpen 8 } lgpConditionInputDisconnectOpen OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the input disconnect is open. A disconnect is a device which disconnects a conductor of a circuit from its supply (ex. circuit breaker, contactor, isolating switch, disconnecting switch, etc.)." ::= { lgpConditionDisconnect 11 } lgpConditionOutputToLoadDisconnectOpen OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the Output to load disconnect is open. A disconnect is a device which disconnects a conductor of a circuit from its supply (ex. circuit breaker, contactor, isolating switch, disconnecting switch, etc.)." ::= { lgpConditionDisconnect 12 } lgpConditionBypassDisconnectOpen OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the bypass disconnect is open. A disconnect is a device which disconnects a conductor of a circuit from its supply (ex. circuit breaker, contactor, isolating switch, disconnecting switch, etc.)." ::= { lgpConditionDisconnect 13 } lgpConditionStaticSwitchDisconnectOpen OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the static switch disconnect is open. A disconnect is a device which disconnects a conductor of a circuit from its supply (ex. circuit breaker, contactor, isolating switch, disconnecting switch, etc.)." ::= { lgpConditionDisconnect 14 } lgpConditionBreakerOpenFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A breaker in the system has failed to respond to an Open signal." ::= { lgpConditionDisconnect 15 } lgpConditionBreakerCloseFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A breaker in the system has failed to respond to a Close signal." ::= { lgpConditionDisconnect 16 } lgpConditionFrequencyDeviation OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This system has detected a frequency deviation condition. The frequency of a source is outside of the pre-determined thresholds for a specified amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 52 } lgpConditionSource1FrequencyDeviation OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The frequency for source 1 has been outside of the pre-determined thresholds for a specified period of time." ::= { lgpConditionFrequencyDeviation 1 } lgpConditionSource2FrequencyDeviation OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The frequency for source 2 has been outside of the pre-determined thresholds for a specified period of time." ::= { lgpConditionFrequencyDeviation 2 } lgpConditionInputFrequencyDeviation OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The frequency for the input has been outside of the pre-determined thresholds for a specified period of time." ::= { lgpConditionFrequencyDeviation 3 } lgpConditionOutputToLoadFrequencyDeviation OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The frequency for the output has been outside of the pre-determined thresholds for a specified period of time." ::= { lgpConditionFrequencyDeviation 4 } lgpConditionBypassFrequencyDeviation OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The frequency for the bypass input has been outside of the pre-determined thresholds for a specified period of time." ::= { lgpConditionFrequencyDeviation 5 } lgpConditionOverCurrent OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This system has detected an over-current condition. The current of a source has risen above a pre-determined threshold for a device, or system, defined amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 53 } lgpConditionSource1OverCurrent OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an over current condition on source 1. The current of a source has risen above a pre-determined threshold for a device, or system, defined amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionOverCurrent 1 } lgpConditionSource2OverCurrent OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an over current condition on source 2. The current of a source has risen above a pre-determined threshold for a device, or system, defined amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionOverCurrent 2 } lgpConditionOutputToLoadOverCurrent OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the output to load is in an over-current condition. The current for the load has risen above a pre-determined threshold for a device, or system, defined amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionOverCurrent 3 } lgpConditionOutputToLoadOverCurrentPhsA OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the output to load on phase A is in an over-current condition. The current on this phase has risen above a pre-determined threshold for a device, or system, defined amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionOutputToLoadOverCurrent 1 } lgpConditionOutputToLoadOverCurrentPhsB OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the output to load on phase B is in an over-current condition. The current on this phase has risen above a pre-determined threshold for a device, or system, defined amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionOutputToLoadOverCurrent 2 } lgpConditionOutputToLoadOverCurrentPhsC OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the output to load on phase C is in an over-current condition. The current on this phase has risen above a pre-determined threshold for a device, or system, defined amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionOutputToLoadOverCurrent 3 } lgpConditionGroundOverCurrent OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A ground source is experiencing an over-current condition. The current for the ground line has risen above a pre-determined threshold for a device, or system, defined amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionOverCurrent 4 } lgpConditionRectifierOverCurrent OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a rectifier over current condition. The current for the rectifier has risen above a pre-determined threshold for a device, or system, defined amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionOverCurrent 5 } lgpConditionInverterOverCurrent OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an inverter over current condition. The current for the inverter has risen above a pre-determined threshold for a device, or system, defined amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionOverCurrent 6 } lgpConditionInverterOverCurrentPhsA OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an inverter over current condition on phase A. The current for the this phase in the inverter has risen above a pre-determined threshold for a device, or system, defined amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionInverterOverCurrent 1 } lgpConditionInverterOverCurrentPhsB OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an inverter over current condition on phase B. The current for the this phase in the inverter has risen above a pre-determined threshold for a device, or system, defined amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionInverterOverCurrent 2 } lgpConditionInverterOverCurrentPhsC OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an inverter over current condition on phase C. The current for the this phase in the inverter has risen above a pre-determined threshold for a device, or system, defined amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionInverterOverCurrent 3 } lgpConditionBatteryConverterOverCurrent OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an over current condition on the battery converter. The current of the converter has risen above a pre-determined threshold for a device, or system, defined amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionOverCurrent 7 } lgpConditionBatteryBalancerOverCurrent OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a battery balancer over current condition. The current at this point has risen above a pre-determined threshold for a device, or system, defined amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionOverCurrent 8 } lgpConditionHumidifierOverCurrent OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an over current condition on the humidifier. The current of the humidifier has risen above a pre-determined threshold for a defined amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionOverCurrent 9 } lgpConditionInputOverCurrent OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "There is an over current condition on the system input power. The input current has risen above a pre-determined threshold for a pre-defined amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionOverCurrent 10 } lgpConditionSource1NeutralOverCurrent OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an over current condition on the neutral line of source 1. The neutral current at source 1 has risen above a pre-determined threshold for a pre-defined amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionOverCurrent 11 } lgpConditionSource2NeutralOverCurrent OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an over current condition on the neutral line of source 2. The neutral current at source 2 has risen above a pre-determined threshold for a pre-defined amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionOverCurrent 12 } lgpConditionSensorFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This system has detected a sensor failure condition." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 54 } lgpConditionOutputToLoadVoltageSensorFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system had detected an output to load voltage sensor failure." ::= { lgpConditionSensorFailure 1 } lgpConditionSource1VoltageSensorFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system had detected a source 1 voltage sensor failure." ::= { lgpConditionSensorFailure 2 } lgpConditionSource2VoltageSensorFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system had detected a source 2 voltage sensor failure." ::= { lgpConditionSensorFailure 3 } lgpConditionSource1ScrSensorFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system had detected a source 1 SCR (Silicon Controlled Rectifier) sensor failure." ::= { lgpConditionSensorFailure 4 } lgpConditionSource2ScrSensorFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system had detected a source 2 SCR (Silicon Controlled Rectifier) sensor failure." ::= { lgpConditionSensorFailure 5 } lgpConditionSource1CurrentSensorFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a source 1 current sensor failure." ::= { lgpConditionSensorFailure 6 } lgpConditionSource2CurrentSensorFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a source 2 current sensor failure." ::= { lgpConditionSensorFailure 7 } lgpConditionRoomTempHumiditySensorFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a device temperature and humidity sensor failure." ::= { lgpConditionSensorFailure 8 } lgpConditionGlycolTempSensorFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a glycol temperature sensor failure." ::= { lgpConditionSensorFailure 9 } lgpConditionLocal1SensorFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a local 1 sensor failure." ::= { lgpConditionSensorFailure 10 } lgpConditionCompressor1SensorFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a compressor 1 digital scroll sensor failure condition." ::= { lgpConditionSensorFailure 11 } lgpConditionCompressor2SensorFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a compressor 2 digital scroll sensor failure condition." ::= { lgpConditionSensorFailure 12 } lgpConditionSupplySensorFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a supply sensor failure." ::= { lgpConditionSensorFailure 13 } lgpConditionCabinetTemperatureSensorFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a cabinet temperature sensor failure." ::= { lgpConditionSensorFailure 14 } lgpConditionCabinetHumiditySensorFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a cabinet humidity sensor failure." ::= { lgpConditionSensorFailure 15 } lgpConditionRoomTempSensorFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a room temperature sensor failure." ::= { lgpConditionSensorFailure 16 } lgpConditionBatteryTempSensorFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a battery temperature sensor failure." ::= { lgpConditionSensorFailure 17 } lgpConditionAirSensorAFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a failure with air sensor A. The sensor may have been disconnected or the signal is out of range." ::= { lgpConditionSensorFailure 18 } lgpConditionAirSensorBFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a failure with air sensor B. The sensor may have been disconnected or the signal is out of range." ::= { lgpConditionSensorFailure 19 } lgpConditionChilledWaterSupplySensorFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a failure with the chilled water supply sensor. The sensor may have been disconnected or the signal is out of range." ::= { lgpConditionSensorFailure 20 } lgpConditionRefrigerantSupplySensorFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a failure with the refrigerant supply sensor. The sensor may have been disconnected or the signal is out of range." ::= { lgpConditionSensorFailure 21 } lgpConditionFluidSupplySensorFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a failure with the fluid supply sensor. The sensor may have been disconnected or the signal is out of range." ::= { lgpConditionSensorFailure 22 } lgpConditionCompressorLowPressureSensorFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected that a compressor low pressure transducer is disconnected or the signal is out of range." ::= { lgpConditionSensorFailure 23 } lgpConditionCompressor1LowPressureSensorFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected that compressor 1 low pressure transducer is disconnected or the signal is out of range." ::= { lgpConditionCompressorLowPressureSensorFailure 1 } lgpConditionRemoteSensorFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected that a remote sensor is disconnected or the signal is out of range." ::= { lgpConditionSensorFailure 24 } lgpConditionAirSupplyTempSensorFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected that the supply air temperature sensor is disconnected or the signal is out of range." ::= { lgpConditionSensorFailure 25 } lgpConditionAirReturnTempSensorFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected that the return air temperature sensor is disconnected or the signal is out of range." ::= { lgpConditionSensorFailure 26 } lgpConditionCompressorHighPressureSensorFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected that a compressor high pressure transducer is disconnected or the signal is out of range." ::= { lgpConditionSensorFailure 27 } lgpConditionInternalCommunicationFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This system has detected an internal communication failure condition." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 55 } lgpConditionExternalCommunicationFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This system has detected an external communication failure condition." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 56 } lgpConditionSourceGateDriveFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This system has detected a source gate drive failure condition." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 57 } lgpConditionSource1GateDriveFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a source 1 gate drive failure." ::= { lgpConditionSourceGateDriveFailure 1 } lgpConditionSource2GateDriveFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a source 2 gate drive failure." ::= { lgpConditionSourceGateDriveFailure 2 } lgpConditionDisconnectFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This system has detected a disconnect failure condition. A disconnect is a device which disconnects a conductor of a circuit from its supply (ex. circuit breaker, contactor, isolating switch, disconnecting switch, etc.)." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 58 } lgpConditionOutputToLoadNeutralDisconnectFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the output to load neutral disconnect has failed. A disconnect is a device which disconnects a conductor of a circuit from its supply (ex. circuit breaker, contactor, isolating switch, disconnecting switch, etc.)." ::= { lgpConditionDisconnectFailure 1 } lgpConditionSource1DisconnectShuntTripFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a shunt trip failure of a disconnecting device on source 1. A disconnect is a device which disconnects a conductor of a circuit from its supply (ex. circuit breaker, contactor, isolating switch, disconnecting switch, etc.)." ::= { lgpConditionDisconnectFailure 2 } lgpConditionSource2DisconnectShuntTripFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a shunt trip failure of a disconnecting device on source 2. A disconnect is a device which disconnects a conductor of a circuit from its supply (ex. circuit breaker, contactor, isolating switch, disconnecting switch, etc.)." ::= { lgpConditionDisconnectFailure 3 } lgpConditionInverterDisconnectFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an inverter disconnect failure. A disconnect is a device which disconnects a conductor of a circuit from its supply (ex. circuit breaker, contactor, isolating switch, disconnecting switch, etc.)." ::= { lgpConditionDisconnectFailure 4 } lgpConditionBatteryDisconnectFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a battery disconnect failure. A disconnect is a device which disconnects a conductor of a circuit from its supply (ex. circuit breaker, contactor, isolating switch, disconnecting switch, etc.)." ::= { lgpConditionDisconnectFailure 5 } lgpConditionRectifierDisconnectFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a rectifier disconnect failure. A disconnect is a device which disconnects a conductor of a circuit from its supply (ex. circuit breaker, contactor, isolating switch, disconnecting switch, etc.)." ::= { lgpConditionDisconnectFailure 6 } lgpConditionOverTemperature OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This system has detected an over temperature condition." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 59 } lgpConditionHeatSink1OverTemperature OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a heat sink 1 over temperature condition." ::= { lgpConditionOverTemperature 1 } lgpConditionAmbient1OverTemperature OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an ambient over temperature condition at location 1." ::= { lgpConditionOverTemperature 2 } lgpConditionSystemOverTemperature OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system or a component of the system has detected an over temperature condition. The temperature measurement has risen above a pre-determined threshold for a device, or system, defined amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionOverTemperature 3 } lgpConditionTransformerOverTemperature OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The transformer is experiencing an over temperature condition. The transformer's temperature has exceeded a pre-determined threshold for a device, or system, defined amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionOverTemperature 4 } lgpConditionBatteryOverTemperature OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The battery is experiencing an over temperature condition. The battery's temperature has exceeded a pre-determined threshold for a device, or system, defined amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionOverTemperature 5 } lgpConditionRectifierOverTemperature OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a rectifier over temperature condition. The rectifier's temperature has exceeded a pre-determined threshold for a device, or system, defined amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionOverTemperature 6 } lgpConditionInverterOverTemperature OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an inverter over temperature condition. The inverter's temperature has exceeded a pre-determined threshold for a device, or system, defined amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionOverTemperature 7 } lgpConditionRectifierInductorOverTemperature OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a rectifier inductor over temperature condition. The rectifier's inductor temperature has exceeded a pre-determined threshold for a device, or system, defined amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionOverTemperature 8 } lgpConditionInverterInductorOverTemperature OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an inverter inductor over temperature condition. The inverter's inductor temperature has exceeded a pre-determined threshold for a device, or system, defined amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionOverTemperature 9 } lgpConditionBatteryConverterOverTemperature OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a battery converter over temperature condition. The battery converter's temperature has exceeded a pre-determined threshold for a device, or system, defined amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionOverTemperature 10 } lgpConditionBatteryBalancerInductorOverTemperature OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a battery balancer Inductor over temperature condition. The battery balancer Inductor's temperature has exceeded a pre-determined threshold for a specified amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionOverTemperature 11 } lgpConditionChilledWaterOverTemperature OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a chilled water over temperature condition." ::= { lgpConditionOverTemperature 12 } lgpConditionElectricHeatersOverTemperature OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an electric heater over temperature condition." ::= { lgpConditionOverTemperature 13 } lgpConditionInletAirOverTemperature OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an inlet air over temperature condition." ::= { lgpConditionOverTemperature 14 } lgpConditionSystemOverTempWarning OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system or a component of the system has detected an over temperature condition. The temperature measurement has risen above a normal operating range for a device, or system, defined amount of time. The system is still operational but a threshold has been exceeded." ::= { lgpConditionOverTemperature 15 } lgpConditionHighTemperatureBattString OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a high temperature on a battery string. The temperature has exceeded a specified temperature threshold." ::= { lgpConditionOverTemperature 16 } lgpConditionLoadOnAlternateSource OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected that the load is being supplied by the alternate source." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 60 } lgpConditionPhaseRotationError OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This system has detected a phase rotation error condition." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 61 } lgpConditionSource1PhaseRotationError OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a phase rotation error on source 1." ::= { lgpConditionPhaseRotationError 1 } lgpConditionSource2PhaseRotationError OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a phase rotation error on source 2." ::= { lgpConditionPhaseRotationError 2 } lgpConditionBypassPhaseRotationError OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a phase rotation error on the bypass." ::= { lgpConditionPhaseRotationError 3 } lgpConditionInputPhaseRotationError OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a phase rotation error on the input." ::= { lgpConditionPhaseRotationError 4 } lgpConditionControlModuleFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This system has detected a control module failure condition." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 62 } lgpConditionControlModule1Failure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a control module 1 failure." ::= { lgpConditionControlModuleFailure 1 } lgpConditionHistoryLogFull OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the history log is full." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 63 } lgpConditionConfigurationModified OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the configuration has been modified." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 64 } lgpConditionPasswordModified OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the password has been modified." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 65 } lgpConditionTimeModified OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the time has been modified." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 66 } lgpConditionDateModified OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the date has been modified." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 67 } lgpConditionEventLogCleared OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the event log has been cleared." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 68 } lgpConditionHistoryLogCleared OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the history log has been cleared." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 69 } lgpConditionUtilityFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a utility failure." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 70 } lgpConditionBatteryTestInProgress OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system is performing a battery test at this time." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 71 } lgpConditionLoadOnBattery OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system load is being supported by the battery." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 72 } lgpConditionReplaceBattery OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the batteries are due to be replaced." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 74 } lgpConditionUpsShutdownPending OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system is in a shutdown pending condition." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 75 } lgpConditionBatteryChargerFailed OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the battery charger has failed." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 76 } lgpConditionBypassVoltageUnqualified OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the bypass voltage is unqualified. The voltage measurement is outside a pre-determined threshold range for a specified amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 77 } lgpConditionCheckAirFilter OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected it is time to check the air filter." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 78 } lgpConditionBrownOut OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a brown out condition." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 79 } lgpConditionMultipleTransferLockout OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has locked out transfers to bypass. Too many transfers have occurred over a specified amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 80 } lgpConditionBypassPhaseLost OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected one or more bypass phases are missing." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 81 } lgpConditionMaintenceBypassInhibited OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system is preventing a transfer of the load to maintenance bypass." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 82 } lgpConditionLoadLockedOnBypass OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An error has been detected requiring the system to be put into a 'locked on bypass' state." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 83 } lgpConditionOutputToLoadShort OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an output to load short circuit condition." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 84 } lgpConditionEmergencyTransferToInverter OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an emergency transfer of the load to inverter." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 85 } lgpConditonEmergencyPowerOff OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an Emergency Power Off (EPO) condition. An external EPO switch has cut off the power source to the system." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 86 } lgpConditionInverterBackFeed OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an inverter back-feed condition. The inverter is feeding power through the bypass back to the input." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 87 } lgpConditionDcGroundFault OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a DC ground fault." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 88 } lgpConditionDcGroundFaultPos OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ground fault current has been detected in the positive DC link to ground." ::= { lgpConditionDcGroundFault 1 } lgpConditionDcGroundFaultNeg OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Ground fault current has been detected in the negative DC link to ground." ::= { lgpConditionDcGroundFault 2 } lgpConditionStaticTransferSwitchInhibited OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system is preventing the use of the static transfer switch." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 89 } lgpConditionBatteryLogFullWarning OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the battery log is approaching the maximum record limit." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 90 } lgpConditionInputCurrentUnbalanced OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an unbalanced input current condition. The currents of input phases are out of tolerance." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 91 } lgpConditionSelfTestFailed OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a self-test failure." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 92 } lgpConditionInverterOutOfSynchronization OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an Inverter out of sync condition." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 93 } lgpConditionModuleAlarm OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This system has detected an alarm within the multi-module system." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 94 } lgpConditioniModuleUnit1Alarm OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The multi-module system has detected an alarm condition on unit 1." ::= { lgpConditionModuleAlarm 1 } lgpConditioniModuleUnit2Alarm OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The multi-module system has detected an alarm condition on unit 2." ::= { lgpConditionModuleAlarm 2 } lgpConditioniModuleUnit3Alarm OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The multi-module system has detected an alarm condition on unit 3." ::= { lgpConditionModuleAlarm 3 } lgpConditioniModuleUnit4Alarm OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The multi-module system has detected an alarm condition on unit 4." ::= { lgpConditionModuleAlarm 4 } lgpConditioniModuleUnit5Alarm OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The multi-module system has detected an alarm condition on unit 5." ::= { lgpConditionModuleAlarm 5 } lgpConditioniModuleUnit6Alarm OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The multi-module system has detected an alarm condition on unit 6." ::= { lgpConditionModuleAlarm 6 } lgpConditioniModuleUnit7Alarm OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The multi-module system has detected an alarm condition on unit 7." ::= { lgpConditionModuleAlarm 7 } lgpConditioniModuleUnit8Alarm OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The multi-module system has detected an alarm condition on unit 8." ::= { lgpConditionModuleAlarm 8 } lgpConditionActiveModuleAlarm OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an active alarm in one, or more, of the sub-modules of the multi-module system." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 95 } lgpConditionControlFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This system has detected a control failure condition." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 96 } lgpConditionMainControlFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a main control failure condition." ::= { lgpConditionControlFailure 1 } lgpConditionRedundantControlFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a redundant control failure condition." ::= { lgpConditionControlFailure 2 } lgpConditionParallelSysControlFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The parallel system has detected a control failure condition with one of the controls." ::= { lgpConditionControlFailure 3 } lgpConditionMainControlCommFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "One or more communications failures have occurred in the main control." ::= { lgpConditionControlFailure 4 } lgpConditionControlBoardFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a control board failure." ::= { lgpConditionControlFailure 5 } lgpConditionHumidifierControlBdFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Humidifier control board is required to be connected, but no signal is detected." ::= { lgpConditionControlBoardFailure 1 } lgpConditionControlWarning OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This system has detected a control warning conditions." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 97 } lgpConditionMainControlWarning OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a main control warning condition." ::= { lgpConditionControlWarning 1 } lgpConditionRedundantControlWarning OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a redundant control warning condition." ::= { lgpConditionControlWarning 2 } lgpConditionUserInterfaceFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a user interface control failure condition." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 98 } lgpConditionLostPowerRedundancy OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the number of redundant power modules has fallen below the minimum redundant power module setting." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 99 } lgpConditionPowerModuleFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a power module failure condition in the system." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 100 } lgpConditionBatteryModuleFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a battery module failure condition in the system." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 101 } lgpConditionOutputToLoadOff OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected that there is no power being supplied to the load." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 102 } lgpConditionSystemOff OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system is off." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 103 } lgpConditionRectifierStartupFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a rectifier under voltage start-up failure condition." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 104 } lgpConditionRectifierFault OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a rectifier fault condition." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 105 } lgpConditionInverterShutdownLowDc OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has shutdown the inverter due to a DC bus under voltage." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 106 } lgpConditionInverterFault OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an inverter fault condition." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 107 } lgpConditionInverterDcOffsetOverrun OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an over run of the inverter DC offset voltage." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 108 } lgpConditionParallelSysLowBatteryWarning OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The parallel system has detected a low battery warning condition." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 109 } lgpConditionParallelSysLoadShareFault OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The parallel system has detected a load share fault condition." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 110 } lgpConditionBatteryFault OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a battery fault condition. The battery conductors are either reversed or disconnected." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 111 } lgpConditionBatteryConverterFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a battery converter failure condition." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 112 } lgpConditionBatteryBalancerFault OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a battery balancer fault condition." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 113 } lgpConditionpsUpsOperationFault OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an operation fault. The UPS attempted to transfer to maintenance bypass without following the proper sequence." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 114 } lgpConditionOutputToLoadOnJointMode OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system load is being supported by both the battery and rectifier." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 115 } lgpConditionInputNeutralLost OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system had detected the main input neutral is disconnected." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 116 } lgpConditionLowBatteryWarning OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The battery's remaining charge is less than or equal to the configured low threshold." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 117 } lgpConditionInternalFault OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an internal fault." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 118 } lgpConditionBatteryTestFailed OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a battery self-test failure." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 119 } lgpConditionPowerModuleWarning OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an alarm condition on one, or more, power modules." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 120 } lgpConditionBatteryModuleWarning OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an alarm condition on one, or more, battery modules." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 121 } lgpConditionControlModuleWarning OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a control module warning." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 122 } lgpConditionUpsOperationFault OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an operation fault. The UPS attempted to transfer to maintenance bypass without following the proper sequence." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 123 } lgpConditionActiveAlarm OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an alarm condition." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 124 } lgpConditionRectifierCommunicationFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an internal communication failure condition with the rectifier." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 125 } lgpConditionInverterCommunicationFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an internal communication failure condition with the inverter." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 126 } lgpConditionParallelSysConnectionFault OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The parallel system has detected a connection fault. One or more of the devices are not properly connected." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 127 } lgpConditionParallelSysCommunicationFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The parallel system has detected a communication failure." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 128 } lgpConditionLostBatteryRedundancy OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the number of redundant battery modules has fallen below the configured redundant battery module threshold." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 129 } lgpConditionCompPumpDownFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected that a compressor has failed to pump down." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 130 } lgpConditionComp1PumpDownFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected that compressor 1 has failed to pump down." ::= { lgpConditionCompPumpDownFailure 1 } lgpConditionComp2PumpDownFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected that compressor 2 has failed to pump down." ::= { lgpConditionCompPumpDownFailure 2 } lgpConditionChilledWaterLowWaterFlow OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a chilled water low water flow condition." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 131 } lgpConditionChilledWaterLowWaterFlowCircuit2 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a chilled water low water flow condition for circuit 2." ::= { lgpConditionChilledWaterLowWaterFlow 2 } lgpConditionAirFilterClogged OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS deprecated DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a air filter clogged condition." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 132 } lgpConditionHumidifierFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a humidifier failure condition." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 133 } lgpConditionRunHoursExceeded OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a pre-determined run hours threshold has been exceeded." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 134 } lgpConditionUnitRunHrsExceeded OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the system run hours has exceeded the pre-determined threshold." ::= { lgpConditionRunHoursExceeded 1 } lgpConditionComp1RunHrsExceeded OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the compressor 1 run hours has exceeded the pre-determined threshold." ::= { lgpConditionRunHoursExceeded 2 } lgpConditionComp2RunHrsExceeded OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the compressor 2 run hours has exceeded the pre-determined threshold." ::= { lgpConditionRunHoursExceeded 3 } lgpConditionFreeCoolRunHrsExceeded OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the free cooling run hours has exceeded the pre-determined threshold." ::= { lgpConditionRunHoursExceeded 4 } lgpConditionElectricalHeater1RunHrsExceeded OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the electrical heater's run hours have exceeded the pre-determined threshold." ::= { lgpConditionRunHoursExceeded 5 } lgpConditionElectricalHeater2RunHrsExceeded OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the electrical heater's run hours have exceeded the pre-determined limit." ::= { lgpConditionRunHoursExceeded 6 } lgpConditionElectricalHeater3RunHrsExceeded OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the electrical heater's run hours have exceeded the pre-determined limit." ::= { lgpConditionRunHoursExceeded 7 } lgpConditionHotWaterRunHrsExceeded OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the hot water run hours have exceeded the pre-determined threshold." ::= { lgpConditionRunHoursExceeded 8 } lgpConditionHotGasRunHrsExceeded OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the hot gas run hours have exceeded the pre-determined threshold." ::= { lgpConditionRunHoursExceeded 9 } lgpConditionHumidifierRunHrsExceeded OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the humidifier run hours have exceeded the pre-determined threshold." ::= { lgpConditionRunHoursExceeded 10 } lgpConditionDehumidiferRunHrsExceeded OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the dehumidifier run hours have exceeded the pre-determined threshold." ::= { lgpConditionRunHoursExceeded 11 } lgpConditionFanRunHrsExceeded OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the unit blower fan run hours have exceeded the pre-determined threshold." ::= { lgpConditionRunHoursExceeded 12 } lgpConditionCommWarning OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a loss of communications with another module." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 135 } lgpConditionCommWarningUnit1 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a loss of communications with unit 1." ::= { lgpConditionCommWarning 1 } lgpConditionCommWarningUnit2 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a loss of communications with unit 2." ::= { lgpConditionCommWarning 2 } lgpConditionCommWarningUnit3 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a loss of communications with unit 3." ::= { lgpConditionCommWarning 3 } lgpConditionCommWarningUnit4 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a loss of communications with unit 4." ::= { lgpConditionCommWarning 4 } lgpConditionCommWarningUnit5 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a loss of communications with unit 5." ::= { lgpConditionCommWarning 5 } lgpConditionCommWarningUnit6 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a loss of communications with unit 6." ::= { lgpConditionCommWarning 6 } lgpConditionCommWarningUnit7 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a loss of communications with unit 7." ::= { lgpConditionCommWarning 7 } lgpConditionCommWarningUnit8 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a loss of communications with unit 8." ::= { lgpConditionCommWarning 8 } lgpConditionCommWarningUnit9 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a loss of communications with unit 9." ::= { lgpConditionCommWarning 9 } lgpConditionCommWarningUnit10 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a loss of communications with unit 10." ::= { lgpConditionCommWarning 10 } lgpConditionCommWarningUnit11 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a loss of communications with unit 11." ::= { lgpConditionCommWarning 11 } lgpConditionCommWarningUnit12 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a loss of communications with unit 12." ::= { lgpConditionCommWarning 12 } lgpConditionCommWarningUnit13 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a loss of communications with unit 13." ::= { lgpConditionCommWarning 13 } lgpConditionCommWarningUnit14 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a loss of communications with unit 14." ::= { lgpConditionCommWarning 14 } lgpConditionCommWarningUnit15 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a loss of communications with unit 15." ::= { lgpConditionCommWarning 15 } lgpConditionCommWarningUnit16 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a loss of communications with unit 16." ::= { lgpConditionCommWarning 16 } lgpConditionUnitOn OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The unit is on." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 136 } lgpConditionUnitOff OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The unit is off." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 137 } lgpConditionSleepModeOff OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system sleep mode operation has been turned off." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 138 } lgpConditionPowerOn OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system power is on." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 139 } lgpConditionSystemOnStanby OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system is on standby." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 140 } lgpConditionPowerOff OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system power is off." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 141 } lgpConditionHighTemperatureGroup OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a high temperature condition. This group contains various high temperature conditions." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 142 } lgpConditionHighTemperatureSensor1 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The temperature has exceeded the high temperature threshold for sensor 1." ::= { lgpConditionHighTemperatureGroup 1 } lgpConditionHighTemperatureDigitalScroll1 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a high temperature event on Digital Scroll Compressor 1. The temperature has exceeded a specified temperature threshold." ::= { lgpConditionHighTemperatureGroup 2 } lgpConditionHighTemperatureDigitalScroll2 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a high temperature event on Digital Scroll Compressor 2. The temperature has exceeded a specified temperature threshold." ::= { lgpConditionHighTemperatureGroup 3 } lgpConditionHighTemperatureUser1 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The temperature has exceeded the high temperature threshold for user configured temperature sensor 1." ::= { lgpConditionHighTemperatureGroup 4 } lgpConditionHighTemperatureInternal OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a high internal temperature condition. The temperature has exceeded a specified temperature threshold." ::= { lgpConditionHighTemperatureGroup 5 } lgpConditionHighTemperatureExternalAirSensorA OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The temperature has exceeded the high temperature threshold for external air sensor A." ::= { lgpConditionHighTemperatureGroup 6 } lgpConditionHighTemperatureExternalAirSensorB OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The temperature has exceeded the high temperature threshold for external air sensor B." ::= { lgpConditionHighTemperatureGroup 7 } lgpConditionHighTemperatureRefrigerantSupply OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The temperature has exceeded the high temperature threshold for the refrigerant supply." ::= { lgpConditionHighTemperatureGroup 8 } lgpConditionHighTemperatureFluidSupply OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The temperature has exceeded the high temperature threshold for the fluid supply." ::= { lgpConditionHighTemperatureGroup 9 } lgpConditionHighTemperatureSupplyAir OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The temperature has exceeded the high temperature threshold for the supply air." ::= { lgpConditionHighTemperatureGroup 10 } lgpConditionHighTemperatureReturnAir OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The temperature has exceeded the high temperature threshold for the return air." ::= { lgpConditionHighTemperatureGroup 11 } lgpConditionLowTemperatureGroup OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a low temperature condition. This group contains various low temperature conditions." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 143 } lgpConditionLowTemperatureSensor1 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The temperature is below the low temperature threshold for sensor 1." ::= { lgpConditionLowTemperatureGroup 1 } lgpConditionLowTemperatureInternal OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a low internal temperature condition. The temperature is below a specified temperature threshold." ::= { lgpConditionLowTemperatureGroup 2 } lgpConditionLowTemperatureExternalAirSensorA OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The temperature is below the low temperature threshold for external air sensor A." ::= { lgpConditionLowTemperatureGroup 3 } lgpConditionLowTemperatureExternalAirSensorB OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The temperature is below the low temperature threshold for external air sensor B." ::= { lgpConditionLowTemperatureGroup 4 } lgpConditionLowTemperatureRefrigerantSupply OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The temperature is below the low temperature threshold for the refrigerant supply." ::= { lgpConditionLowTemperatureGroup 5 } lgpConditionLowTemperatureFluidSupply OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The temperature is below the low temperature threshold for the fluid supply." ::= { lgpConditionLowTemperatureGroup 6 } lgpConditionLowTemperatureSupplyAir OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The temperature is below the low temperature threshold for the supply air." ::= { lgpConditionLowTemperatureGroup 7 } lgpConditionHighHumidityGroup OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a high humidity condition. This group contains various high humidity conditions." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 144 } lgpConditionHighHumiditySensor1 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The humidity has exceeded the high humidity threshold for sensor 1." ::= { lgpConditionHighHumidityGroup 1 } lgpConditionHighHumidityReturnAir OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The humidity has exceeded the high humidity threshold for the return air." ::= { lgpConditionHighHumidityGroup 2 } lgpConditionLowHumidityGroup OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a low humidity condition. This group contains various high humidity conditions." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 145 } lgpConditionLowHumiditySensor1 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The humidity is below the low humidity threshold for sensor 1." ::= { lgpConditionLowHumidityGroup 1 } lgpConditionLowHumidityReturnAir OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The humidity is below the low humidity threshold for the return air." ::= { lgpConditionLowHumidityGroup 2 } lgpConditionPeerNetworkNoMaster OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system is unable to communicate with the master on the peer to peer network." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 146 } lgpConditionNoOnOffPermissions OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system lacks the permissions to execute the on/off operation." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 147 } lgpConditionPeerNetworkFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a communication failure on the peer to peer network." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 148 } lgpConditionUnitDisabled OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The unit is disabled." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 149 } lgpConditionUnitShutdown OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has shutdown." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 150 } lgpConditionPeerNetworkDiscovered OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has established communications on the peer to peer network." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 151 } lgpConditionLossOfWaterFlow OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a loss of water flow condition." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 152 } lgpConditionCondensatePumpHighWater OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected high water in the condensate pump." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 153 } lgpConditionGeneralAlarm OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a general alarm condition." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 154 } lgpConditionProductSpecific OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a product specific condition. This condition is not currently available via the agent card." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 155 } lgpConditionReheatLockout OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has locked out the electrical reheat operation for a specified amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 156 } lgpConditionHumidifierLockout OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has locked out the humidifier operation for a specified amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 157 } lgpConditionCompressorsLockout OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has locked out compressor operation for a specified amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 158 } lgpConditionCallService OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a condition that requires a service representative be contacted." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 159 } lgpConditionLowMemoryGroup OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group contains various low memory conditions." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 160 } lgpConditionLowMemory1 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a low memory condition. The control board is low in memory resources." ::= { lgpConditionLowMemoryGroup 1 } lgpConditionMemoryFailureGroup OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group contains various memory device failure conditions." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 161 } lgpConditionMemory1Failure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a memory 1 module failure." ::= { lgpConditionMemoryFailureGroup 1 } lgpConditionMemory2Failure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a memory 2 module failure." ::= { lgpConditionMemoryFailureGroup 2 } lgpConditionUnitCodeErrorGroup OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group contains various memory device failure conditions." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 162 } lgpConditionUnitCodeNotConfigured OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the unit code is not configured. The unit code must be configured before system start-up." ::= { lgpConditionUnitCodeErrorGroup 1 } lgpConditionUnitCode01OutOfRange OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a unit code error. This digit of the unit code value is out of range." ::= { lgpConditionUnitCodeErrorGroup 2 } lgpConditionUnitCode02OutOfRange OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a unit code error. This digit of the unit code value is out of range." ::= { lgpConditionUnitCodeErrorGroup 3 } lgpConditionUnitCode03OutOfRange OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a unit code error. This digit of the unit code value is out of range." ::= { lgpConditionUnitCodeErrorGroup 4 } lgpConditionUnitCode04OutOfRange OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a unit code error. This digit of the unit code value is out of range." ::= { lgpConditionUnitCodeErrorGroup 5 } lgpConditionUnitCode05OutOfRange OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a unit code error. This digit of the unit code value is out of range." ::= { lgpConditionUnitCodeErrorGroup 6 } lgpConditionUnitCode06OutOfRange OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a unit code error. This digit of the unit code value is out of range." ::= { lgpConditionUnitCodeErrorGroup 7 } lgpConditionUnitCode07OutOfRange OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a unit code error. This digit of the unit code value is out of range." ::= { lgpConditionUnitCodeErrorGroup 8 } lgpConditionUnitCode08OutOfRange OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a unit code error. This digit of the unit code value is out of range." ::= { lgpConditionUnitCodeErrorGroup 9 } lgpConditionUnitCode09OutOfRange OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a unit code error. This digit of the unit code value is out of range." ::= { lgpConditionUnitCodeErrorGroup 10 } lgpConditionUnitCode10OutOfRange OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a unit code error. This digit of the unit code value is out of range." ::= { lgpConditionUnitCodeErrorGroup 11 } lgpConditionUnitCode11OutOfRange OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a unit code error. This digit of the unit code value is out of range." ::= { lgpConditionUnitCodeErrorGroup 12 } lgpConditionUnitCode12OutOfRange OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a unit code error. This digit of the unit code value is out of range." ::= { lgpConditionUnitCodeErrorGroup 13 } lgpConditionUnitCode13OutOfRange OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a unit code error. This digit of the unit code value is out of range." ::= { lgpConditionUnitCodeErrorGroup 14 } lgpConditionUnitCode14OutOfRange OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a unit code error. This digit of the unit code value is out of range." ::= { lgpConditionUnitCodeErrorGroup 15 } lgpConditionUnitCode15OutOfRange OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a unit code error. This digit of the unit code value is out of range." ::= { lgpConditionUnitCodeErrorGroup 16 } lgpConditionUnitCode16OutOfRange OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a unit code error. This digit of the unit code value is out of range." ::= { lgpConditionUnitCodeErrorGroup 17 } lgpConditionUnitCode17OutOfRange OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a unit code error. This digit of the unit code value is out of range." ::= { lgpConditionUnitCodeErrorGroup 18 } lgpConditionUnitCode18OutOfRange OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a unit code error. This digit of the unit code value is out of range." ::= { lgpConditionUnitCodeErrorGroup 19 } lgpConditionHighExternalDewPoint OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a high external dew point condition. The room dew point has exceeded the specified threshold." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 163 } lgpConditionHcbDisconnected OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the humidifier control board is disconnected or not installed." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 164 } lgpConditionBmsResetTimerExpired OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The BMS fan speed control reset counter has timed out." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 165 } lgpConditionAgentFirmwareCorrupt OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The firmware update to the agent card has failed and the firmware is now corrupt." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 166 } lgpConditionSystemAccessGroup OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group contains various system access conditions. An examples is an open access panel." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 175 } lgpConditionFrontAccessOpen OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the front access panel/door is open." ::= { lgpConditionSystemAccessGroup 1 } lgpConditionRearAccessOpen OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the rear access panel/door is open." ::= { lgpConditionSystemAccessGroup 2 } lgpConditionsDamperFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group contains various damper failure conditions." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 176 } lgpConditionEmergencyDamperFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an emergency damper failure. The damper is in the wrong position." ::= { lgpConditionsDamperFailure 1 } lgpConditionRemoteShutdown OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A remote shutdown occurred." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 177 } lgpConditionFireAlarm OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fire Alarm." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 178 } lgpConditionHeatersOverheated OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Heaters Overheated." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 179 } lgpConditionCondenserFailureGroup OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group contains condenser failure conditions." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 180 } lgpConditionCondenser1Failure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Condenser 1 Failure." ::= { lgpConditionCondenserFailureGroup 1 } lgpConditionCondenser2Failure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Condenser 2 Failure." ::= { lgpConditionCondenserFailureGroup 2 } lgpConditionCondenserTVSSFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The condenser Transient Voltage Surge Suppressor or Surge Protection Device has failed." ::= { lgpConditionCondenserFailureGroup 3 } lgpConditionHumidifierCyclinderWorn OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected the humidifier cylinder is worn." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 181 } lgpConditionUnderCurrent OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a low current condition. The current of one or more sources in the system has fallen below a threshold for a specified amount of time. The threshold and time that triggered this condition is system dependent." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 182 } lgpConditionHumidifierUnderCurrent OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a low current condition on the humidifier. The current of the humidifier has fallen below a pre-determined threshold for a defined amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionUnderCurrent 1 } lgpConditionInputUnderCurrent OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "There is a low current condition on the input power source. The current of the input power source has fallen below a pre-determined threshold for a defined amount of time." ::= { lgpConditionUnderCurrent 2 } lgpConditionHeatRejectorGroup OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group contains failure conditions for the heat rejection unit." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 183 } lgpConditionHeatRejectorFanFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The heat rejecter fan has failed." ::= { lgpConditionHeatRejectorGroup 1 } lgpConditionHeatRejectorVoltageSuppressionFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The heat rejecter voltage suppression has failed and is no longer able to protect the unit from power fluctuations." ::= { lgpConditionHeatRejectorGroup 2 } lgpConditionFreeCoolLockout OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The free cooling capability has been disabled." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 184 } lgpConditionWaterLeakSensorFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The sensor used to detect water leaks is not connected or has failed." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 185 } lgpConditionNoLoadDetectedWarning OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "There is no load detected on the output. This can be an indication that the output is being powered by an external bypass source and has inadvertently been left on external bypass. This warning is triggered after a delay. The delay is specified by the object 'lgpPwrNoLoadWarningDelay'. The alarm is triggered when the output current falls below a certain threshold specified by the object 'lgpPwrNoLoadWarningLimit'" ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 186 } lgpConditionFirmwareGroup OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Grouping level for firmware related conditions." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 187 } lgpConditionFirmwareUpdateRequired OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The firmware on the system or one or more components of the system must be updated. This typically indicates that one or more components of the system contain corrupted firmware or the firmware on one or more components are incompatible with one another. When this condition is active the system may not be able to function to its full capacity or may not be able to function at all." ::= { lgpConditionFirmwareGroup 3 } lgpConditionTestGroup OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Objects in this group of conditions are related to testing or test events. This object is never active." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 188 } lgpConditionTest01 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This is a 'test' condition. It is a generic test event that can be utilized to evaluate system handling of events. Some products will support the activation of this event upon user request so that user management stations can execute end-to-end event handling tests." ::= { lgpConditionTestGroup 5 } lgpConditionReceptacleBranchGroup OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Grouping level for receptacle branch conditions." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 190 } lgpConditionRcpBranchFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The receptacle branch module or control system has failed. Service is required." ::= { lgpConditionReceptacleBranchGroup 5 } lgpConditionRcpBranchBreakerOpen OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The receptacle branch breaker is open." ::= { lgpConditionReceptacleBranchGroup 10 } lgpConditionInputUnqualified OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The input is not qualified to provide power to the system. This may be due to system input over-voltage, system input under-voltage, system input frequency out of range, or other similar issues." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 192 } lgpConditionBypassUnavailable OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This summary event is asserted when the bypass is not available. Possible causes include: Bypass Sync Error, Bypass Line Fail, Bypass Overvoltage, Bypass Undervoltage, Bypass Phase Rotation Error, or other similar causes." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 193 } lgpConditionAutoTransferFailed OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system is failing to automatically transfer the load to the alternate source." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 194 } lgpConditionSBSUnavailable OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A Static Bypass Switch (SBS) Failure has been detected. Possible causes include: SBS Phase Open, SBS SCR (Silicon Controlled Rectifier) Shorted, SBS Overload Exceeded, Bypass Power Supply Fail, Static Bypass Switch Fuse Failure, or other similar causes." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 195 } lgpConditionSBSOverload OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "On at least one phase of the static bypass switch (SBS), the power dissipation limit has been exceeded." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 196 } lgpConditionExcessPulseParallel OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has performed too many pulse parallel operations within the specified time interval. A pulse parallel operation is a momentary operation of the static bypass switch (SBS) in parallel with the inverter." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 197 } lgpConditionRemoteBypassSwitchOffExt OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The static bypass switch is off due to the state of an external signal." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 198 } lgpConditionManTransferInhibited OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Manual transfer from inverter to bypass is inhibited. Bypass is not qualified." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 199 } lgpConditionManReTransferInhibited OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Manual retransfer from bypass to inverter is inhibited." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 200 } lgpConditionBatteryChargeError OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The battery is not charging properly. Some reasons for this condition include, but are not limited to: battery charger failure, battery failure, etc." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 201 } lgpConditionBatteryAutoTestInhibited OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Automatic (scheduled) battery tests are inhibited." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 202 } lgpConditionBatteryChargeReducedExt OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A reduced battery charging algorithm is being used due to an external signal." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 203 } lgpConditionBatteryCapacityLow OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The battery capacity is low. Some reasons for this condition include, but are not limited to: a battery is offline, the battery age has reduced its capabilities, etc." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 204 } lgpConditionBatteryTempImbalance OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The temperature difference between two batteries in the system exceeds the predefined threshold." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 205 } lgpConditionBatteryEqualize OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The rectifier output voltage has been increased to equalize the battery voltage level." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 206 } lgpConditionBatteryChargeInhibitedExt OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery charging is inhibited due to an external inhibit signal." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 207 } lgpConditionServiceExtBatteryMonitorGroup OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group contains battery monitor service conditions." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 208 } lgpConditionServiceExtBatteryMonitor1 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "External battery monitor 1 indicates battery maintenance is required." ::= { lgpConditionServiceExtBatteryMonitorGroup 1 } lgpConditionServiceExtBatteryMonitor2 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "External battery monitor 2 indicates battery maintenance is required." ::= { lgpConditionServiceExtBatteryMonitorGroup 2 } lgpConditionBatteryGroundFault OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Battery system ground fault amperage exceeds the threshold." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 209 } lgpConditionBatteryLowShutdown OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "With the battery breaker closed, the battery voltage has dropped below the calculated End-Of-Discharge (EOD) limit." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 210 } lgpConditionEmergencyPowerOffLocal OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an Emergency Power Off (EPO) condition. The local EPO switch has cut off the power source to the system." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 211 } lgpConditionOutputLowPFLagging OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a lagging output power factor below the threshold, resulting in reduced load capacity." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 212 } lgpConditionOutputLowPFLeading OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a leading output power factor below the threshold, resulting in reduced load capacity." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 213 } lgpConditionOutputToLoadFault OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an output to load fault. This could be caused by over or under voltage, or by over or under frequency." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 214 } lgpConditionInvRestartInhibitedExt OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Restart of the inverter is inhibited by an external signal." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 215 } lgpConditionInverterShutdownOverload OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has shutdown the inverter due to a sustained overload. This event does not indicate if the load has been dropped or transferred to bypass. At least one phase of the inverter power dissipation limit has been exceeded." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 216 } lgpConditionInverterOffExt OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The inverter is off due to the state of an external signal." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 217 } lgpConditionInputContactGroup OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an active input contact." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 218 } lgpConditionInputContact01 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected that input contact 1 is active." ::= { lgpConditionInputContactGroup 1 } lgpConditionInputContact02 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected that input contact 2 is active." ::= { lgpConditionInputContactGroup 2 } lgpConditionInputContact03 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected that input contact 3 is active." ::= { lgpConditionInputContactGroup 3 } lgpConditionInputContact04 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected that input contact 4 is active." ::= { lgpConditionInputContactGroup 4 } lgpConditionInputContact05 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected that input contact 5 is active." ::= { lgpConditionInputContactGroup 5 } lgpConditionInputContact06 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected that input contact 6 is active." ::= { lgpConditionInputContactGroup 6 } lgpConditionInputContact07 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected that input contact 7 is active." ::= { lgpConditionInputContactGroup 7 } lgpConditionInputContact08 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected that input contact 8 is active." ::= { lgpConditionInputContactGroup 8 } lgpConditionInputContact09 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected that input contact 9 is active." ::= { lgpConditionInputContactGroup 9 } lgpConditionInputContact10 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected that input contact 10 is active." ::= { lgpConditionInputContactGroup 10 } lgpConditionInputContact11 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected that input contact 11 is active." ::= { lgpConditionInputContactGroup 11 } lgpConditionInputContact12 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected that input contact 12 is active." ::= { lgpConditionInputContactGroup 12 } lgpConditionInputContact13 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected that input contact 13 is active." ::= { lgpConditionInputContactGroup 13 } lgpConditionInputContact14 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected that input contact 14 is active." ::= { lgpConditionInputContactGroup 14 } lgpConditionInputContact15 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected that input contact 15 is active." ::= { lgpConditionInputContactGroup 15 } lgpConditionInputContact16 OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected that input contact 16 is active." ::= { lgpConditionInputContactGroup 16 } lgpConditionRectifierOperInhibited OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The operation of the rectifier is inhibited by an external signal." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 219 } lgpConditionBypassBackFeedBrkrOpen OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The bypass backfeed breaker is in the open position." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 220 } lgpConditionAutoRestartInProgress OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Auto restart is in progress. Becomes inactive when auto restart completes or fails." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 221 } lgpConditionAutoRestartInhibitedExt OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Auto restart is inhibited due to an external signal." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 222 } lgpConditionAutoRestartFailed OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Auto restart has failed." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 223 } lgpConditionInputOnGenerator OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A generator is supplying the power to the system." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 224 } lgpConditionInputFilterCycleLock OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The input filter disconnect has opened too many times within a given period of time." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 225 } lgpConditionServiceCodeActive OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system is in an operational mode intended for testing. In normal operating conditions, the system should not be in this state." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 226 } lgpConditionLoadBusSyncActive OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Load Bus Sync Operation is active. This synchronizes the UPS output with the output of another UPS." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 227 } lgpConditionLoadBusSyncInhibited OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected that conditions to perform Load Bus Sync Operation are not satisfied." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 228 } lgpConditionControlsResetRequired OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A controls reset is required because one or more critical settings have changed." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 229 } lgpConditionEquipTempSensorFailed OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A temperature sensor is reporting a value outside the bounds of a properly operating sensor." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 230 } lgpConditionInputCurrentImbalance OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The current on one input phase is much greater or lower than the average current of all the phases. This may indicate improper operation of the rectifier or input filter." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 231 } lgpConditionPumpGroup OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an alarm with one of the pumps." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 232 } lgpConditionPumpFlowLoss OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a loss of flow with one or more pumps." ::= { lgpConditionPumpGroup 1 } lgpConditionPump1FlowLoss OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a loss of flow with pump 1." ::= { lgpConditionPumpFlowLoss 1 } lgpConditionPump2FlowLoss OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a loss of flow with pump 2." ::= { lgpConditionPumpFlowLoss 2 } lgpConditionPumpShortCycle OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a short cycling of the pumps. One or more of the pumps has been turned on and off a number of times within a specified time period." ::= { lgpConditionPumpGroup 2 } lgpConditionPumpInverterShortCycle OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a short cycling of one or more pump inverters and has temporarily locked out further pump operation to protect from thermal overload. A short cycle is defined as powering on and off a number of times over a set time period." ::= { lgpConditionPumpGroup 3 } lgpConditionPump1InverterShortCycle OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a short cycling of the inverter for pump 1 and has temporarily locked out further pump operation to protect from thermal overload. A short cycle is defined as powering on and off a number of times over a set time period." ::= { lgpConditionPumpInverterShortCycle 1 } lgpConditionPump2InverterShortCycle OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a short cycling of the inverter for pump 2 and has temporarily locked out further pump operation to protect from thermal overload. A short cycle is defined as powering on and off a number of times over a set time period." ::= { lgpConditionPumpInverterShortCycle 2 } lgpConditionValveGroup OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected an alarm with one of the valves." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 233 } lgpConditionChilledWaterValvePosition OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a problem with the chilled water valve position. The position of the chilled water control valve does not match an expected value." ::= { lgpConditionValveGroup 1 } lgpConditionCondensationDetected OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected condensation." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 234 } lgpConditionMaintenanceGroup OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a maintenance condition. This group contains various maintenance conditions." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 235 } lgpConditionMaintenanceDue OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "System is due for maintenance." ::= { lgpConditionMaintenanceGroup 1 } lgpConditionMaintenanceComplete OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system maintenance has been completed." ::= { lgpConditionMaintenanceGroup 2 } lgpConditionExternalEventSignalGroup OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group contains various conditions signalled by external inputs. Each event is deactivated when the signal is inactive." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 236 } lgpConditionExternalFireDetect OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Fire detected, as indicated by an external input signal." ::= { lgpConditionExternalEventSignalGroup 1 } lgpConditionExternalFlowLoss OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Loss of flow is detected, as indicated by an external input signal." ::= { lgpConditionExternalEventSignalGroup 2 } lgpConditionExternalReheatLockout OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The reheater is shut down and disabled by an external input signal." ::= { lgpConditionExternalEventSignalGroup 3 } lgpConditionExternalOverTemp OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A temperature has exceeded its threshold, as indicated by an external input signal." ::= { lgpConditionExternalEventSignalGroup 4 } lgpConditionExternalCompLockout OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The compressor is shut down and disabled by an external input signal." ::= { lgpConditionExternalEventSignalGroup 5 } lgpConditionExternalHumidifierLockout OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The humidifier is shut down and disabled by an external input signal." ::= { lgpConditionExternalEventSignalGroup 6 } lgpConditionComponentShutdownGroup OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group contains conditions signaling shutdown of various system components." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 237 } lgpConditionComponentShutdownPartial OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An event has occurred requiring some system components to be shutdown and disabled." ::= { lgpConditionComponentShutdownGroup 1 } lgpConditionComponentShutdownHighPower OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Supply to high power components has been shutdown." ::= { lgpConditionComponentShutdownGroup 2 } lgpConditionCondenserProblemGroup OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group contains condenser conditions." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 238 } lgpConditionCondenser1Problem OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Condenser 1 is not operating within its normal parameters." ::= { lgpConditionCondenserProblemGroup 1 } lgpConditionHumidityOutOfPropBand OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The system has detected a humidity reading that remained outside of the proportional control band for an extended period of time." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 239 } lgpConditionEnvRemoteSensorGroup OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "This group contains remote sensors." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 240 } lgpConditionEnvRemoteSensor1Issue OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Remote sensor is disconnected or the signal is out of range. The event is deactivated when sensor signal is re-established." ::= { lgpConditionEnvRemoteSensorGroup 1 } lgpConditionEnvRemoteSensor2Issue OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Remote sensor is disconnected or the signal is out of range. The event is deactivated when sensor signal is re-established." ::= { lgpConditionEnvRemoteSensorGroup 2 } lgpConditionEnvRemoteSensor3Issue OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Remote sensor is disconnected or the signal is out of range. The event is deactivated when sensor signal is re-established." ::= { lgpConditionEnvRemoteSensorGroup 3 } lgpConditionEnvRemoteSensor4Issue OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Remote sensor is disconnected or the signal is out of range. The event is deactivated when sensor signal is re-established." ::= { lgpConditionEnvRemoteSensorGroup 4 } lgpConditionEnvRemoteSensor5Issue OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Remote sensor is disconnected or the signal is out of range. The event is deactivated when sensor signal is re-established." ::= { lgpConditionEnvRemoteSensorGroup 5 } lgpConditionEnvRemoteSensor6Issue OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Remote sensor is disconnected or the signal is out of range. The event is deactivated when sensor signal is re-established." ::= { lgpConditionEnvRemoteSensorGroup 6 } lgpConditionEnvRemoteSensor7Issue OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Remote sensor is disconnected or the signal is out of range. The event is deactivated when sensor signal is re-established." ::= { lgpConditionEnvRemoteSensorGroup 7 } lgpConditionEnvRemoteSensor8Issue OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Remote sensor is disconnected or the signal is out of range. The event is deactivated when sensor signal is re-established." ::= { lgpConditionEnvRemoteSensorGroup 8 } lgpConditionEnvRemoteSensor9Issue OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Remote sensor is disconnected or the signal is out of range. The event is deactivated when sensor signal is re-established." ::= { lgpConditionEnvRemoteSensorGroup 9 } lgpConditionEnvRemoteSensor10Issue OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Remote sensor is disconnected or the signal is out of range. The event is deactivated when sensor signal is re-established." ::= { lgpConditionEnvRemoteSensorGroup 10 } lgpConditionNeutralSnubberBoardCommFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The Neutral Snubber board has stopped communicating." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 241 } lgpConditionRedundantChargerFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The redundant charger has failed." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 242 } lgpConditionBoardInputContactorPowerFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Board input contactor power failure." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 243 } lgpConditionBoard1InputContactorPowerFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Board1 input contactor power failure." ::= { lgpConditionBoardInputContactorPowerFailure 1 } lgpConditionBoard2InputContactorPowerFailure OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "Board2 input contactor power failure." ::= { lgpConditionBoardInputContactorPowerFailure 2 } lgpConditionTooManySensors OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of sensors installed on the device has exceeded the pre-determined limit." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 5423 } lgpConditionDoorSwitchOpen OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An open door has been detected." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 5471 } lgpConditionContactClosureOpen OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "An open circuit has been detected." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 5479 } lgpConditionContactClosureClosed OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "A closed circuit has been detected." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 5480 } lgpConditionSensorsNotDisplayed OBJECT-IDENTITY STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The number of sensors that can be displayed (monitored) on the device has exceeded the pre-determined limit. Note this condition differs from the lgpConditionTooManySensors in that the system may currently have less than the maximum of installed sensors present but one or more of those sensors can not be displayed because the display order table (lgpPduAuxMeasOrderTable) contains entries for sensors that are not currently installed. This condition effectively prevents one or more installed sensors from being presented in the lgpPduAuxMeasTable. It is possible for both this condition and the lgpConditionTooManySensors condition to be active at the same time." ::= { lgpConditionsWellKnown 6119 } END