{ "project": {}, "files": { "src/jquery.collision.js": { "name": "src/jquery.collision.js", "modules": {}, "classes": { "Collision": 1 }, "fors": {}, "namespaces": {} }, "src/jquery.coords.js": { "name": "src/jquery.coords.js", "modules": {}, "classes": { "Coords": 1 }, "fors": {}, "namespaces": {} }, "src/jquery.gridster.js": { "name": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "modules": {}, "classes": { "Gridster": 1 }, "fors": {}, "namespaces": {} } }, "modules": {}, "classes": { "Collision": { "name": "Collision", "shortname": "Collision", "classitems": [], "plugins": [], "extensions": [], "plugin_for": [], "extension_for": [ "Gridster" ], "file": "src/jquery.collision.js", "line": 22, "description": "Collision", "uses": [ "Coords" ], "params": [ { "name": "element", "description": "An Attribute name or object property path", "type": "HTMLElement" }, { "name": "colliders", "description": "An Attribute name or object property path", "type": "String|HTMLElement|Array" }, { "name": "options", "description": "An Attribute name or object property path", "type": "Object", "optional": true, "props": [ { "name": "on_overlap", "description": "An Attribute name or object property path", "type": "Function", "optional": true }, { "name": "on_overlap_start", "description": "An Attribute name or object property path", "type": "Function", "optional": true }, { "name": "on_overlap_stop", "description": "An Attribute name or object property path", "type": "Function", "optional": true } ] } ], "return": { "description": "dasdasdadasd", "type": "Object" }, "is_constructor": 1 }, "Coords": { "name": "Coords", "shortname": "Coords", "classitems": [], "plugins": [], "extensions": [], "plugin_for": [], "extension_for": [ "Collision", "Gridster" ], "file": "src/jquery.coords.js", "line": 10, "description": "Coords description", "params": [ { "name": "obj", "description": "HTMLElement or a literal Object with the left, top, width and height properties.", "type": "HTMLElement|Object" } ], "is_constructor": 1 }, "Gridster": { "name": "Gridster", "shortname": "Gridster", "classitems": [], "plugins": [], "extensions": [], "plugin_for": [], "extension_for": [], "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 70, "uses": [ "Coords", "Collision" ], "params": [ { "name": "el", "description": "The HTMLelement that contains all the widgets.", "type": "HTMLElement" }, { "name": "options", "description": "An Object with all options you want to\n overwrite:", "type": "Object", "optional": true, "props": [ { "name": "widget_selector", "description": "Define who will\n be the draggable widgets. Can be a CSS Selector String or a\n collection of HTMLElements", "type": "HTMLElement|String", "optional": true }, { "name": "widget_margins", "description": "Margin between widgets.\n The first index for the horizontal margin (left, right) and\n the second for the vertical margin (top, bottom).", "type": "Array", "optional": true }, { "name": "widget_base_dimensions", "description": "Base widget dimensions\n in pixels. The first index for the width and the second for the\n height.", "type": "Array", "optional": true }, { "name": "extra_cols", "description": "Add more columns in addition to\n those that have been calculated.", "type": "Number", "optional": true }, { "name": "extra_rows", "description": "Add more rows in addition to\n those that have been calculated.", "type": "Number", "optional": true }, { "name": "min_cols", "description": "The minimum required columns.", "type": "Number", "optional": true }, { "name": "min_rows", "description": "The minimum required rows.", "type": "Number", "optional": true }, { "name": "autogenerate_stylesheet", "description": "If true, all the\n CSS required to position all widgets in their respective columns\n and rows will be generated automatically and injected to the\n `` of the document. You can set this to false, and write\n your own CSS targeting rows and cols via data-attributes like so:\n `[data-col=\"1\"] { left: 10px; }`", "type": "Boolean", "optional": true }, { "name": "serialize_params", "description": "Return the data you want\n for each widget in the serialization. Two arguments are passed:\n `$w`: the jQuery wrapped HTMLElement, and `wgd`: the grid\n coords object (`col`, `row`, `size_x`, `size_y`).", "type": "Function", "optional": true }, { "name": "collision", "description": "An Object with all options for\n Collision class you want to overwrite. See Collision docs for\n more info.", "type": "Object", "optional": true }, { "name": "draggable", "description": "An Object with all options for\n jQuery UI Draggable you want to overwrite. See\n http://jqueryui.com/demos/draggable/ for more info.", "type": "Object", "optional": true } ] } ], "is_constructor": 1 } }, "classitems": [ { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 141, "description": "Add a new widget to the grid.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "add_widget", "params": [ { "name": "html", "description": "The string representing the HTML of the widget.", "type": "String" }, { "name": "size_x", "description": "The nº of rows the widget occupies horizontally.", "type": "Number" }, { "name": "size_y", "description": "The nº of columns the widget occupies vertically.", "type": "Number" } ], "return": { "description": "Returns the jQuery wrapped HTMLElement representing\n the widget that was just created.", "type": "HTMLElement" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 172, "description": "Get the most left column below to add a new widget.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "next_position", "params": [ { "name": "size_x", "description": "The nº of rows the widget occupies horizontally.", "type": "Number" }, { "name": "size_y", "description": "The nº of columns the widget occupies vertically.", "type": "Number" } ], "return": { "description": "Returns a grid coords object representing the future\n widget coords.", "type": "Object" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 213, "description": "Remove a widget from the grid.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "remove_widget", "params": [ { "name": "el", "description": "The jQuery wrapped HTMLElement you want to remove.", "type": "HTMLElement" } ], "return": { "description": "Returns the instance of the Gridster Class.", "type": "Class" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 239, "description": "Returns a serialized array of the widgets in the grid.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "serialize", "params": [ { "name": "$widgets", "description": "The collection of jQuery wrapped\n HTMLElements you want to serialize. If no argument is passed all widgets\n will be serialized.", "type": "HTMLElement", "optional": true } ], "return": { "description": "Returns an Array of Objects with the data specified in\n the serialize_params option.", "type": "Array" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 261, "description": "Returns a serialized array of the widgets that have changed their position.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "serialize_changed", "return": { "description": "Returns an Array of Objects with the data specified in\n the serialize_params option.", "type": "Array" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 273, "description": "Creates the grid coords object representing the widget a add it to the\nmapped array of positions.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "register_widget", "return": { "description": "Returns the instance of the Gridster class.", "type": "Array" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 301, "description": "Update in the mapped array of positions the value of cells represented by\nthe grid coords object passed in the `grid_data` param.", "params": [ { "name": "grid_data", "description": "The grid coords object representing the cells\n to update in the mapped array.", "type": "Object" }, { "name": "value", "description": "Pass `false` or the jQuery wrapped\n HTMLElement, depends if you want to delete an existing position or add\n a new one.", "type": "HTMLElement|Boolean" } ], "itemtype": "method", "name": "update_widget_position", "return": { "description": "Returns the instance of the Gridster Class.", "type": "Class" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 322, "description": "Remove a widget from the mapped array of positions.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "remove_from_gridmap", "params": [ { "name": "grid_data", "description": "The grid coords object representing the cells\n to update in the mapped array.", "type": "Object" } ], "return": { "description": "Returns the instance of the Gridster Class.", "type": "Class" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 335, "description": "Add a widget to the mapped array of positions.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "add_to_gridmap", "params": [ { "name": "grid_data", "description": "The grid coords object representing the cells\n to update in the mapped array.", "type": "Object" }, { "name": "value", "description": "The value to set in the specified\n position .", "type": "HTMLElement|Boolean" } ], "return": { "description": "Returns the instance of the Gridster Class.", "type": "Class" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 357, "description": "Make widgets draggable. It Wraps the jQuery UI Draggable Plugin.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "draggable", "return": { "description": "Returns the instance of the Gridster Class.", "type": "Class" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 388, "description": "This function is executed when the player begins to be dragged.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "on_start_drag", "params": [ { "name": "The", "description": "original browser event", "type": "Event" }, { "name": "A", "description": "prepared ui object.\n See http://jqueryui.com/demos/draggable/ for more info.", "type": "Object" } ], "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 437, "description": "This function is executed when the player is being dragged.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "on_drag", "params": [ { "name": "The", "description": "original browser event", "type": "Event" }, { "name": "A", "description": "prepared ui object.\n See http://jqueryui.com/demos/draggable/ for more info.", "type": "Object" } ], "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 463, "description": "This function is executed when the player stops being dragged.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "on_stop_drag", "params": [ { "name": "The", "description": "original browser event", "type": "Event" }, { "name": "A", "description": "prepared ui object.\n See http://jqueryui.com/demos/draggable/ for more info.", "type": "Object" } ], "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 514, "description": "Executes the callbacks passed as arguments when a column begins to be\noverlapped or stops being overlapped.", "params": [ { "name": "start_callback", "description": "Function executed when a new column\n begins to be overlapped. The column is passed as first argument.", "type": "Function" }, { "name": "stop_callback", "description": "Function executed when a column stops\n being overlapped. The column is passed as first argument.", "type": "Function" } ], "itemtype": "method", "name": "on_overlapped_column_change", "return": { "description": "Returns the instance of the Gridster Class.", "type": "Class" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 554, "description": "Executes the callbacks passed as arguments when a row starts to be\noverlapped or stops being overlapped.", "params": [ { "name": "start_callback", "description": "Function executed when a new row begins\n to be overlapped. The row is passed as first argument.", "type": "Function" }, { "name": "stop_callback", "description": "Function executed when a row stops being\n overlapped. The row is passed as first argument.", "type": "Function" } ], "itemtype": "method", "name": "on_overlapped_row_change", "return": { "description": "Returns the instance of the Gridster Class.", "type": "Class" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 590, "description": "Sets the current position of the player", "params": [ { "name": "start_callback", "description": "Function executed when a new row begins\n to be overlapped. The row is passed as first argument.", "type": "Function" }, { "name": "stop_callback", "description": "Function executed when a row stops being\n overlapped. The row is passed as first argument.", "type": "Function" } ], "itemtype": "method", "name": "set_player", "return": { "description": "Returns the instance of the Gridster Class.", "type": "Class" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 643, "description": "See which of the widgets in the $widgets param collection can go to\na upper row and which not.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "widgets_contraints", "params": [ { "name": "$widgets", "description": "A jQuery wrapped collection of\nHTMLElements.", "type": "HTMLElements" } ], "return": { "description": "Returns a literal Object with two keys: `can_go_up` &\n`can_not_go_up`. Each contains a set of HTMLElements.", "type": "Array" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 679, "description": "Sorts an Array of grid coords objects (representing the grid coords of\neach widget) in ascending way.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "sort_by_row_asc", "params": [ { "name": "widgets", "description": "Array of grid coords objects", "type": "Array" } ], "return": { "description": "Returns the array sorted.", "type": "Array" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 699, "description": "Sorts an Array of grid coords objects (representing the grid coords of\neach widget) in descending way.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "sort_by_row_desc", "params": [ { "name": "widgets", "description": "Array of grid coords objects", "type": "Array" } ], "return": { "description": "Returns the array sorted.", "type": "Array" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 718, "description": "Sorts an Array of grid coords objects (representing the grid coords of\neach widget) in descending way.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "manage_movements", "params": [ { "name": "$widgets", "description": "A jQuery collection of HTMLElements\n representing the widgets you want to move.", "type": "HTMLElements" }, { "name": "to_col", "description": "The column to which we want to move the widgets.", "type": "Number" }, { "name": "to_row", "description": "The row to which we want to move the widgets.", "type": "Number" } ], "return": { "description": "Returns the instance of the Gridster Class.", "type": "Class" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 764, "description": "Determines if there is a widget in the row and col given. Or if the\nHTMLElement passed as first argument is the player.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "is_player", "params": [ { "name": "col_or_el", "description": "A jQuery wrapped collection of\nHTMLElements.", "type": "Number|HTMLElement" }, { "name": "row", "description": "The column to which we want to move the widgets.", "type": "Number", "optional": true } ], "return": { "description": "Returns true or false.", "type": "Boolean" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 781, "description": "Determines if the widget that is being dragged is currently over the row\nand col given.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "is_player_in", "params": [ { "name": "col", "description": "The column to check.", "type": "Number" }, { "name": "row", "description": "The row to check.", "type": "Number" } ], "return": { "description": "Returns true or false.", "type": "Boolean" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 796, "description": "Determines if the placeholder is currently over the row and col given.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "is_placeholder_in", "params": [ { "name": "col", "description": "The column to check.", "type": "Number" }, { "name": "row", "description": "The row to check.", "type": "Number" } ], "return": { "description": "Returns true or false.", "type": "Boolean" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 810, "description": "Determines if the placeholder is currently over the column given.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "is_placeholder_in_col", "params": [ { "name": "col", "description": "The column to check.", "type": "Number" } ], "return": { "description": "Returns true or false.", "type": "Boolean" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 822, "description": "Determines if the cell represented by col and row params is empty.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "is_empty", "params": [ { "name": "col", "description": "The column to check.", "type": "Number" }, { "name": "row", "description": "The row to check.", "type": "Number" } ], "return": { "description": "Returns true or false.", "type": "Boolean" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 841, "description": "Determines if the cell represented by col and row params is occupied.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "is_occupied", "params": [ { "name": "col", "description": "The column to check.", "type": "Number" }, { "name": "row", "description": "The row to check.", "type": "Number" } ], "return": { "description": "Returns true or false.", "type": "Boolean" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 861, "description": "Determines if there is a widget in the cell represented by col/row params.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "is_widget", "params": [ { "name": "col", "description": "The column to check.", "type": "Number" }, { "name": "row", "description": "The row to check.", "type": "Number" } ], "return": { "description": "Returns false if there is no widget,\nelse returns the jQuery HTMLElement", "type": "Boolean|HTMLElement" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 886, "description": "Determines if there is a widget in the cell represented by col/row\nparams and if this is under the widget that is being dragged.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "is_widget_under_player", "params": [ { "name": "col", "description": "The column to check.", "type": "Number" }, { "name": "row", "description": "The row to check.", "type": "Number" } ], "return": { "description": "Returns true or false.", "type": "Boolean" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 903, "description": "Get widgets overlapping with the player.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "get_widgets_under_player", "return": { "description": "Returns a jQuery collection of HTMLElements", "type": "HTMLElement" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 925, "description": "Put placeholder at the row and column specified.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "set_placeholder", "params": [ { "name": "col", "description": "The column to which we want to move the\n placeholder.", "type": "Number" }, { "name": "row", "description": "The row to which we want to move the\n placeholder.", "type": "Number" } ], "return": { "description": "Returns the instance of the Gridster Class.", "type": "Class" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 967, "description": "Determines whether the player can move to a position above.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "can_go_player_up", "params": [ { "name": "widget_grid_data", "description": "The actual grid coords object of the\n player.", "type": "Object" } ], "return": { "description": "If the player can be moved to an upper row\n returns the row number, else returns false.", "type": "Number|Boolean" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 1016, "description": "Determines whether a widget can move to a position above.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "can_go_widget_up", "params": [ { "name": "widget_grid_data", "description": "The actual grid coords object of the\n widget we want to check.", "type": "Object" } ], "return": { "description": "If the widget can be moved to an upper row\n returns the row number, else returns false.", "type": "Number|Boolean" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 1067, "description": "Search a valid row for the widget represented by `widget_grid_data' in\nthe `upper_rows` array. Iteration starts from row specified in `min_row`.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "get_valid_rows", "params": [ { "name": "widget_grid_data", "description": "The actual grid coords object of the\n player.", "type": "Object" }, { "name": "upper_rows", "description": "An array with columns as index and arrays\n of valid rows as values.", "type": "Array" }, { "name": "min_row", "description": "The upper row from which the iteration will start.", "type": "Number" } ], "return": { "description": "Returns the upper row valid from the `upper_rows`\n for the widget in question.", "type": "Number|Boolean" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 1145, "description": "Get widgets overlapping with the player.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "get_widgets_overlapped", "return": { "description": "Returns a jQuery collection of HTMLElements.", "type": "HTMLElements" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 1178, "description": "This callback is executed when the player begins to collide with a column.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "on_start_overlapping_column", "params": [ { "name": "col", "description": "The collided column.", "type": "Number" } ], "return": { "description": "Returns a jQuery collection of HTMLElements.", "type": "HTMLElements" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 1190, "description": "A callback executed when the player begins to collide with a row.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "on_start_overlapping_row", "params": [ { "name": "col", "description": "The collided row.", "type": "Number" } ], "return": { "description": "Returns a jQuery collection of HTMLElements.", "type": "HTMLElements" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 1202, "description": "A callback executed when the the player ends to collide with a column.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "on_stop_overlapping_column", "params": [ { "name": "col", "description": "The collided row.", "type": "Number" } ], "return": { "description": "Returns a jQuery collection of HTMLElements.", "type": "HTMLElements" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 1220, "description": "This callback is executed when the player ends to collide with a row.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "on_stop_overlapping_row", "params": [ { "name": "row", "description": "The collided row.", "type": "Number" } ], "return": { "description": "Returns a jQuery collection of HTMLElements.", "type": "HTMLElements" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 1240, "description": "Move a widget to a specific row. The cell or cells must be empty.\nIf the widget has widgets below, all of these widgets will be moved also\nif they can.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "move_widget_to", "params": [ { "name": "$widget", "description": "The jQuery wrapped HTMLElement of the widget is going to be moved.", "type": "HTMLElement" } ], "return": { "description": "Returns the instance of the Gridster Class.", "type": "Class" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 1283, "description": "Move up the specified widget and all below it.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "move_widget_up", "params": [ { "name": "$widget", "description": "The widget you want to move.", "type": "HTMLElement" }, { "name": "y_units", "description": "The number of cells that the widget has to move.", "type": "Number", "optional": true } ], "return": { "description": "Returns the instance of the Gridster Class.", "type": "Class" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 1329, "description": "Move down the specified widget and all below it.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "move_widget_down", "params": [ { "name": "$widget", "description": "The jQuery object representing the widget you want to move.", "type": "HTMLElement" }, { "name": "The", "description": "number of cells that the widget has to move.", "type": "Number" } ], "return": { "description": "Returns the instance of the Gridster Class.", "type": "Class" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 1374, "description": "Check if the widget can move to the specified row, else returns the\nupper row possible.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "can_go_up_to_row", "params": [ { "name": "widget_grid_data", "description": "The current grid coords object of the\n widget.", "type": "Number" }, { "name": "col", "description": "The target column.", "type": "Number" }, { "name": "row", "description": "The target row.", "type": "Number" } ], "return": { "description": "Returns the row number if the widget can move\n to the target position, else returns false.", "type": "Boolean|Number" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 1463, "description": "Get widgets below a widget.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "widgets_below", "params": [ { "name": "$el", "description": "The jQuery wrapped HTMLElement.", "type": "HTMLElement" } ], "return": { "description": "A jQuery collection of HTMLElements.", "type": "HTMLElements" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 1492, "description": "Update the array of mapped positions with the new player position.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "set_cells_player_occupies", "params": [ { "name": "col", "description": "The new player col.", "type": "Number" }, { "name": "col", "description": "The new player row.", "type": "Number" } ], "return": { "description": "Returns the instance of the Gridster Class.", "type": "Class" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 1509, "description": "Remove from the array of mapped positions the reference to the player.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "empty_cells_player_occupies", "return": { "description": "Returns the instance of the Gridster Class.", "type": "Class" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 1546, "description": "Check if it's possible to move a widget to a specific col/row. It takes\ninto account the dimensions (`size_y` and `size_x` attrs. of the grid coords\n object) the widget occupies.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "can_move_to", "params": [ { "name": "widget_grid_data", "description": "The grid coords object that represents\n the widget.", "type": "Object" }, { "name": "The", "description": "col target col.", "type": "Object" }, { "name": "The", "description": "row target row.", "type": "Object" } ], "return": { "description": "Returns true if all cells are empty, else return false.", "type": "Boolean" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 1581, "description": "Given the leftmost column returns all columns that are overlapping with the player.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "get_targeted_columns", "params": [ { "name": "from_col", "description": "The leftmost column.", "type": "Number", "optional": true } ], "return": { "description": "Returns an array with column numbers.", "type": "Array" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 1599, "description": "Given the upper row returns all rows that are overlapping with the player.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "get_targeted_rows", "params": [ { "name": "from_row", "description": "The upper row.", "type": "Number", "optional": true } ], "return": { "description": "Returns an array with row numbers.", "type": "Array" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 1616, "description": "Get all columns and rows that a widget occupies.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "get_cells_occupied", "params": [ { "name": "el_grid_data", "description": "The grid coords object of the widget.", "type": "Object" } ], "return": { "description": "Returns an object like `{ cols: [], rows: []}`.", "type": "Object" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 1644, "description": "Iterate over the cells occupied by a widget executing a function for\neach one.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "for_each_cell_occupied", "params": [ { "name": "el_grid_data", "description": "The grid coords object that represents the\n widget.", "type": "Object" }, { "name": "callback", "description": "The function to execute on each column\n iteration. Column and row are passed as arguments.", "type": "Function" } ], "return": { "description": "Returns the instance of the Gridster Class.", "type": "Class" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 1665, "description": "Iterate over the columns occupied by a widget executing a function for\neach one.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "for_each_column_occupied", "params": [ { "name": "el_grid_data", "description": "The grid coords object that represents\n the widget.", "type": "Object" }, { "name": "callback", "description": "The function to execute on each column\n iteration. The column number is passed as first argument.", "type": "Function" } ], "return": { "description": "Returns the instance of the Gridster Class.", "type": "Class" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 1684, "description": "Iterate over the rows occupied by a widget executing a function for\neach one.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "for_each_row_occupied", "params": [ { "name": "el_grid_data", "description": "The grid coords object that represents\n the widget.", "type": "Object" }, { "name": "callback", "description": "The function to execute on each column iteration. The row number is passed as first argument.", "type": "Function" } ], "return": { "description": "Returns the instance of the Gridster Class.", "type": "Class" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 1750, "description": "Iterate over each widget above the column and row specified.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "for_each_widget_above", "params": [ { "name": "col", "description": "The column to start iterating.", "type": "Number" }, { "name": "row", "description": "The row to start iterating.", "type": "Number" }, { "name": "callback", "description": "The function to execute on each widget\niteration. The value of `this` inside the function is the jQuery wrapped HTMLElement.", "type": "Function" } ], "return": { "description": "Returns the instance of the Gridster Class.", "type": "Class" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 1766, "description": "Iterate over each widget below the column and row specified.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "for_each_widget_below", "params": [ { "name": "col", "description": "The column to start iterating.", "type": "Number" }, { "name": "row", "description": "The row to start iterating.", "type": "Number" }, { "name": "callback", "description": "The function to execute on each widget\niteration. The value of `this` inside the function is the jQuery wrapped HTMLElement.", "type": "Function" } ], "return": { "description": "Returns the instance of the Gridster Class.", "type": "Class" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 1782, "description": "Returns the highest occupied cell in the grid.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "get_highest_occupied_cell", "return": { "description": "Returns an object with `col` and `row` numbers.", "type": "Object" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 1814, "description": "Set the current height of the parent grid.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "set_dom_grid_height", "return": { "description": "Returns the instance of the Gridster class.", "type": "Object" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 1827, "description": "It generates the neccessary styles to position the widgets.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "generate_stylesheet", "params": [ { "name": "rows", "description": "Number of columns.", "type": "Number" }, { "name": "cols", "description": "Number of rows.", "type": "Number" } ], "return": { "description": "Returns the instance of the Gridster class.", "type": "Object" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 1871, "description": "Injects the given CSS as string to the head of the document.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "add_style_tag", "params": [ { "name": "css", "description": "The styles to apply.", "type": "String" } ], "return": { "description": "Returns the instance of the Gridster class.", "type": "Object" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 1894, "description": "Generates a faux grid to collide with it when a widget is dragged and\ndetect row or column that we want to go.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "generate_faux_grid", "params": [ { "name": "rows", "description": "Number of columns.", "type": "Number" }, { "name": "cols", "description": "Number of rows.", "type": "Number" } ], "return": { "description": "Returns the instance of the Gridster class.", "type": "Object" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 1930, "description": "Recalculates the offsets for the faux grid. You need to use it when\nthe browser is resized.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "recalculate_faux_grid", "return": { "description": "Returns the instance of the Gridster class.", "type": "Object" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 1954, "description": "Get all widgets in the DOM and register them.", "itemtype": "method", "name": "get_widgets_from_DOM", "return": { "description": "Returns the instance of the Gridster class.", "type": "Object" }, "class": "Gridster" }, { "file": "src/jquery.gridster.js", "line": 1968, "description": "Calculate columns and rows to be set based on the configuration\n parameters, grid dimensions, etc ...", "itemtype": "method", "name": "generate_grid_and_stylesheet", "return": { "description": "Returns the instance of the Gridster class.", "type": "Object" }, "class": "Gridster" } ] }