bill_history.bill_allowed) OR (bill_history.bill_type = 'quota' AND bill_history.traf_total > bill_allowed))"; } else { $wheres[] = "((bill_type = 'cdr' AND rate_95th > bill_cdr) OR (bill_type = 'quota' AND total_data > bill_quota))"; } } } if ($prev) { $select = "SELECT bills.bill_name, bills.bill_notes, bill_history.*, bill_history.traf_total as total_data, bill_history.traf_in as total_data_in, bill_history.traf_out as total_data_out "; $query = 'FROM `bills` INNER JOIN (SELECT bill_id, MAX(bill_hist_id) AS bill_hist_id FROM bill_history WHERE bill_dateto < NOW() AND bill_dateto > subdate(NOW(), 40) GROUP BY bill_id) qLastBills ON bills.bill_id = qLastBills.bill_id INNER JOIN bill_history ON qLastBills.bill_hist_id = bill_history.bill_hist_id '; } else { $select = "SELECT bills.*, IF(bills.bill_type = 'CDR', bill_cdr, bill_quota) AS bill_allowed "; $query = "FROM `bills`\n"; } // Permissions check if (!Auth::user()->hasGlobalRead()) { $query .= ' INNER JOIN `bill_perms` AS `BP` ON `bills`.`bill_id` = `BP`.`bill_id` '; $wheres[] = '`BP`.`user_id`=?'; $param[] = Auth::id(); } if (sizeof($wheres) > 0) { $query .= "WHERE " . implode(' AND ', $wheres) . "\n"; } $orderby = "ORDER BY bills.bill_name"; $total = dbFetchCell("SELECT COUNT(bills.bill_id) $query", $param); $sql = "$select $query"; if (!isset($sort) || empty($sort)) { $sort = 'bills.bill_name'; } $sql .= "\nORDER BY $sort"; if (isset($current)) { $limit_low = (($current * $rowCount) - ($rowCount)); $limit_high = $rowCount; } if ($rowCount != -1) { $sql .= " LIMIT $limit_low,$limit_high"; } foreach (dbFetchRows($sql, $param) as $bill) { if ($prev) { $datefrom = $bill['bill_datefrom']; $dateto = $bill['bill_dateto']; } else { $day_data = getDates($bill['bill_day']); $datefrom = $day_data['0']; $dateto = $day_data['1']; } $rate_95th = format_si($bill['rate_95th']) . 'bps'; $dir_95th = $bill['dir_95th']; $total_data = format_bytes_billing($bill['total_data']); $rate_average = $bill['rate_average']; $url = generate_url(array('page' => 'bill', 'bill_id' => $bill['bill_id'])); $used95th = format_si($bill['rate_95th']).'bps'; $notes = $bill['bill_notes']; if ($prev) { $percent = $bill['bill_percent']; $overuse = $bill['bill_overuse']; } else { } if (strtolower($bill['bill_type']) == 'cdr') { $type = 'CDR'; $allowed = format_si($bill['bill_allowed']).'bps'; $in = format_si($bill['rate_95th_in']).'bps'; $out = format_si($bill['rate_95th_out']).'bps'; if (!$prev) { $percent = round((($bill['rate_95th'] / $bill['bill_allowed']) * 100), 2); $overuse = ($bill['rate_95th'] - $bill['bill_allowed']); } $overuse_formatted = format_si($overuse).'bps'; $used = $rate_95th; $tmp_used = $bill['rate_95th']; $rate_95th = "$rate_95th"; } elseif (strtolower($bill['bill_type']) == 'quota') { $type = 'Quota'; $allowed = format_bytes_billing($bill['bill_allowed']); if (!empty($prev)) { $in = format_bytes_billing($bill['traf_in']); $out = format_bytes_billing($bill['traf_out']); } else { $in = format_bytes_billing($bill['total_data_in']); $out = format_bytes_billing($bill['total_data_out']); } if (!$prev) { $percent = round((($bill['total_data'] / ($bill['bill_allowed'])) * 100), 2); $overuse = ($bill['total_data'] - $bill['bill_allowed']); } $overuse_formatted = format_bytes_billing($overuse); $used = $total_data; $tmp_used = $bill['total_data']; $total_data = "$total_data"; } $background = get_percentage_colours($percent); $right_background = $background['right']; $left_background = $background['left']; $overuse_formatted = (($overuse <= 0) ? '-' : "$overuse_formatted"); $bill_name = "${bill['bill_name']}
" . strftime('%F', strtotime($datefrom)) . " to " . strftime('%F', strtotime($dateto)); $bar = print_percentage_bar(250, 20, $percent, null, 'ffffff', $background['left'], $percent.'%', 'ffffff', $background['right']); $actions = ""; if (!$prev && Auth::user()->hasGlobalAdmin()) { $actions .= " 'bill', 'bill_id' => $bill['bill_id'], 'view' => 'edit')) . "'> Edit "; } if (strtolower($bill['bill_type']) == 'cdr') { $predicted = format_si(getPredictedUsage($bill['bill_day'], $tmp_used)).'bps'; } elseif (strtolower($bill['bill_type']) == 'quota') { $predicted = format_bytes_billing(getPredictedUsage($bill['bill_day'], $tmp_used)); } $response[] = array( 'bill_name' => $bill_name, 'notes' => $notes, 'bill_type' => $type, 'bill_allowed' => $allowed, 'total_data_in' => $in, 'total_data_out'=> $out, 'total_data' => $total_data, 'rate_95th' => $rate_95th, 'used' => $used, 'overusage' => $overuse_formatted, 'predicted' => $predicted, 'graph' => $bar, 'actions' => $actions ); } $output = array('current' => $current, 'rowCount' => $rowCount, 'rows' => $response, 'total' => $total); echo _json_encode($output);