= '5') { $sql = "SELECT * FROM `storage` AS S, `devices` AS D WHERE S.device_id = D.device_id ORDER BY D.hostname, S.storage_descr"; } else { $sql = "SELECT * FROM `storage` AS S, `devices` AS D, devices_perms as P WHERE S.device_id = D.device_id AND "; $sql .= "D.device_id = P.device_id AND P.user_id = '" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "' ORDER BY D.hostname, S.storage_descr"; } $query = mysql_query($sql); echo("
"); echo(""); $row = 1; while($drive = mysql_fetch_array($query)) { $skipdrive = 0; if ($drive["os"] == "junos") { foreach ($config['ignore_junos_os_drives'] as $jdrive) { if (preg_match($jdrive, $drive["storage_descr"])) { $skipdrive = 1; } } $drive["storage_descr"] = preg_replace("/.*mounted on: (.*)/", "\\1", $drive["storage_descr"]); } if ($drive['os'] == "freebsd") { foreach ($config['ignore_bsd_os_drives'] as $jdrive) { if (preg_match($jdrive, $drive["storage_descr"])) { $skipdrive = 1; } } } if ($skipdrive) { continue; } if(is_integer($row/2)) { $row_colour = $list_colour_a; } else { $row_colour = $list_colour_b; } $perc = round($drive['storage_perc'], 0); $total = formatStorage($drive['storage_size']); $free = formatStorage($drive['storage_free']); $used = formatStorage($drive['storage_used']); $store_url = "graph.php?id=" . $drive['storage_id'] . "&type=storage&from=$month&to=$now&width=400&height=125"; $store_popup = "onmouseover=\"return overlib('', LEFT);\" onmouseout=\"return nd();\""; $mini_graph = $config['base_url'] . "/graph.php?id=".$drive['storage_id']."&type=storage&from=".$day."&to=".$now."&width=80&height=20&bg=f4f4f4"; if($perc > '90') { $left_background='c4323f'; $right_background='C96A73'; } elseif($perc > '75') { $left_background='bf5d5b'; $right_background='d39392'; } elseif($perc > '50') { $left_background='bf875b'; $right_background='d3ae92'; } elseif($perc > '25') { $left_background='5b93bf'; $right_background='92b7d3'; } else { $left_background='9abf5b'; $right_background='bbd392'; } echo(""); $row++; } echo("
Device Storage Usage Used
" . generate_device_link($drive) . "" . $drive['storage_descr'] . " ".print_percentage_bar (400, 20, $perc, "$used / $total", "ffffff", $left_background, formatStorage($free), "ffffff", $right_background)." $perc"."%
"); ?>