$array) { $base_to_index[$index] = $array['dot1dBasePortIfIndex']; } $index_to_base = array_flip($base_to_index); if (file_exists(Config::get('install_dir') . "/includes/discovery/vlans/{$device['os']}.inc.php")) { include Config::get('install_dir') . "/includes/discovery/vlans/{$device['os']}.inc.php"; } if (empty($device['vlans']) === true) { require 'includes/discovery/vlans/q-bridge-mib.inc.php'; require 'includes/discovery/vlans/cisco-vtp.inc.php'; } // Fetch switchport <> VLAN relationships. This is DIRTY. foreach ($device['vlans'] as $domain_id => $vlans) { foreach ($vlans as $vlan_id => $vlan) { // grab the populated data for this vlan $vlan_data = $per_vlan_data[$vlan_id]; echo "VLAN $vlan_id \n"; if ($vlan_data) { echo str_pad('dot1d id', 10).str_pad('ifIndex', 10).str_pad('Port Name', 25).str_pad('Priority', 10).str_pad('State', 15).str_pad('Cost', 10)."\n"; } foreach ((array)$vlan_data as $ifIndex => $vlan_port) { $port = get_port_by_index_cache($device['device_id'], $ifIndex); echo str_pad($vlan_port_id, 10).str_pad($ifIndex, 10).str_pad($port['ifDescr'], 25).str_pad($vlan_port['dot1dStpPortPriority'], 10).str_pad($vlan_port['dot1dStpPortState'], 15).str_pad($vlan_port['dot1dStpPortPathCost'], 10); $db_w = array( 'device_id' => $device['device_id'], 'port_id' => $port['port_id'], 'vlan' => $vlan_id, ); $db_a['baseport'] = $index_to_base[$ifIndex]; $db_a['priority'] = isset($vlan_port['dot1dStpPortPriority']) ? $vlan_port['dot1dStpPortPriority'] : 0; $db_a['state'] = isset($vlan_port['dot1dStpPortState']) ? $vlan_port['dot1dStpPortState'] : 'unknown'; $db_a['cost'] = isset($vlan_port['dot1dStpPortPathCost']) ? $vlan_port['dot1dStpPortPathCost'] : 0; $db_a['untagged'] = isset($vlan_port['untagged']) ? $vlan_port['untagged'] : 0; $from_db = dbFetchRow('SELECT * FROM `ports_vlans` WHERE device_id = ? AND port_id = ? AND `vlan` = ?', array($device['device_id'], $port['port_id'], $vlan_id)); if ($from_db['port_vlan_id']) { $db_id = $from_db['port_vlan_id']; dbUpdate($db_a, 'ports_vlans', '`port_vlan_id` = ?', array($db_id)); echo 'Updated'; } else { $db_id = dbInsert(array_merge($db_w, $db_a), 'ports_vlans'); echo 'Inserted'; } $valid_vlan_port[] = $db_id; echo PHP_EOL; }//end foreach }//end foreach }//end foreach // remove non-existent vlans foreach ($vlans_db as $domain_id => $vlans) { foreach ($vlans as $vlan_id => $vlan) { if (empty($device['vlans'][$domain_id][$vlan_id])) { dbDelete('vlans', '`device_id` = ? AND vlan_domain = ? AND vlan_vlan = ?', array($device['device_id'], $domain_id, $vlan_id)); } } } // remove non-existent port-vlan mappings if (!empty($valid_vlan_port)) { $num = dbDelete('ports_vlans', '`device_id`=? AND `port_vlan_id` NOT IN ' . dbGenPlaceholders(count($valid_vlan_port)), array_merge([$device['device_id']], $valid_vlan_port)); d_echo("Deleted $num vlan mappings\n"); } unset($device['vlans']); unset($base_to_index, $tmp_base_indexes, $index_to_base, $per_vlan_data, $valid_vlan_port, $num);