. * * @link https://www.librenms.org * * @copyright 2017 Tony Murray * @author Tony Murray */ namespace LibreNMS; class ValidationResult { const FAILURE = 0; const WARNING = 1; const SUCCESS = 2; const INFO = 3; private $message; private $status; private $list_description = ''; private $list; private $fix; /** * ValidationResult constructor. * * @param string $message The message to describe this result * @param int $status The status of this result FAILURE, WARNING, or SUCCESS * @param string $fix a suggested fix to highlight for the user */ public function __construct($message, $status, $fix = null) { $this->message = $message; $this->status = $status; $this->fix = $fix; } /** * Create a new ok Validation result * * @param string $message The message to describe this result * @param string $fix a suggested fix to highlight for the user * @return ValidationResult */ public static function ok($message, $fix = null) { return new self($message, self::SUCCESS, $fix); } /** * Create a new warning Validation result * * @param string $message The message to describe this result * @param string $fix a suggested fix to highlight for the user * @return ValidationResult */ public static function warn($message, $fix = null) { return new self($message, self::WARNING, $fix); } /** * Create a new informational Validation result * * @param string $message The message to describe this result * @return ValidationResult */ public static function info($message) { return new self($message, self::INFO); } /** * Create a new failure Validation result * * @param string $message The message to describe this result * @param string $fix a suggested fix to highlight for the user * @return ValidationResult */ public static function fail($message, $fix = null) { return new self($message, self::FAILURE, $fix); } /** * Returns the status an int representing * ValidationResult::FAILURE, ValidationResult::WARNING, or ValidationResult::SUCCESS * * @return int */ public function getStatus() { return $this->status; } public function getMessage() { return $this->message; } public function hasList() { return ! empty($this->list); } public function getList() { return $this->list; } public function setList($description, array $list) { if (is_array(current($list))) { $list = array_map(function ($item) { return implode(' ', $item); }, $list); } $this->list_description = $description; $this->list = $list; return $this; } public function hasFix() { return ! empty($this->fix); } public function getFix() { return $this->fix; } /** * The commands (generally) to fix the issue. * If there are multiple, use an array. * * @param string|array $fix * @return ValidationResult $this */ public function setFix($fix) { $this->fix = $fix; return $this; } /** * Print out this result to the console. Formatted nicely and with color. */ public function consolePrint() { c_echo(str_pad('[' . $this->getStatusText($this->status) . ']', 12) . $this->message . PHP_EOL); if (isset($this->fix)) { c_echo("\t[%BFIX%n]: \n"); foreach ((array) $this->fix as $fix) { c_echo("\t%B$fix%n\n"); } } if (! empty($this->list)) { echo "\t" . $this->getListDescription() . ":\n"; $this->printList(); } } /** * Get the colorized string that represents the status of a ValidatonResult * * @return string */ public static function getStatusText($status) { $table = [ self::SUCCESS => '%gOK%n', self::WARNING => '%YWARN%n', self::FAILURE => '%RFAIL%n', self::INFO => '%CINFO%n', ]; return $table[$status] ?? 'Unknown'; } public function getListDescription() { return $this->list_description; } /** * Print a list of items up to a max amount * If over that number, a line will print the total items * * @param string $format format as consumed by printf() * @param int $max the max amount of items to print, default 15 */ private function printList($format = "\t %s\n", $max = 15) { foreach (array_slice($this->list, 0, $max) as $item) { printf($format, $item); } $extra = count($this->list) - $max; if ($extra > 0) { printf($format, " and $extra more..."); } } }