. * * @package LibreNMS * @link http://librenms.org * @copyright 2017 Tony Murray * @author Tony Murray */ namespace LibreNMS; use LibreNMS\Interfaces\ValidationGroup; use ReflectionClass; class Validator { private $validation_groups = array(); private $results = array(); // data cache private $username; private $versions; /** * Validator constructor. */ public function __construct() { // load all validations $pattern = $this->getBaseDir() . '/LibreNMS/Validations/*.php'; foreach (glob($pattern) as $file) { $class_name = basename($file, '.php'); $class = '\LibreNMS\Validations\\' . $class_name; $rc = new ReflectionClass($class); if (!$rc->isAbstract()) { $validation_name = strtolower($class_name); $this->validation_groups[$validation_name] = new $class(); $this->results[$validation_name] = array(); } } } /** * Run validations. An empty array will run all default validations. * * @param array $validation_groups selected validation groups to run * @param bool $print_group_status print out group status */ public function validate($validation_groups = array(), $print_group_status = false) { foreach ($this->validation_groups as $group_name => $group) { // only run each group once if ($group->isCompleted()) { continue; } if ((empty($validation_groups) && $group->isDefault()) || in_array($group_name, $validation_groups)) { if ($print_group_status && isCli()) { echo "Checking $group_name:"; } /** @var ValidationGroup $group */ $group->validate($this); if (isCli()) { if ($print_group_status) { $status = ValidationResult::getStatusText($this->getGroupStatus($group_name)); c_echo(" $status\n"); } $this->printResults($group_name); } // validation is complete for this group $group->markCompleted(); } } } /** * Get the overall status of a validation group. * * @param string $validation_group * @return int */ public function getGroupStatus($validation_group) { $results = $this->getResults($validation_group); $status = array_reduce($results, function ($compound, $result) { /** @var ValidationResult $result */ return min($compound, $result->getStatus()); }, ValidationResult::SUCCESS); return $status; } /** * Get the ValidationResults for a specific validation group. * * @param string $validation_group * @return array */ public function getResults($validation_group = null) { if (isset($validation_group)) { if (isset($this->results[$validation_group])) { return $this->results[$validation_group]; } else { return array(); } } return array_reduce($this->results, 'array_merge', array()); } /** * Get all of the ValidationResults that have been submitted. * ValidationResults will be grouped by the validation group. * * @return array */ public function getAllResults() { return $this->results; } /** * Print all ValidationResults or a group of them. * * @param string $validation_group */ public function printResults($validation_group = null) { $results = $this->getResults($validation_group); foreach ($results as $result) { /** @var ValidationResult $result */ $result->consolePrint(); } } /** * Submit a validation result. * This allows customizing ValidationResults before submitting. * * @param ValidationResult $result * @param string $group manually specify the group, otherwise this will be inferred from the callers class name */ public function result(ValidationResult $result, $group = null) { // get the name of the validation that submitted this result if (empty($group)) { $group = 'unknown'; $bt = debug_backtrace(); foreach ($bt as $entry) { if (starts_with($entry['class'], 'LibreNMS\Validations')) { $group = str_replace('LibreNMS\Validations\\', '', $entry['class']); break; } } } $this->results[strtolower($group)][] = $result; } /** * Submit an ok validation result. * * @param string $message * @param string $fix * @param string $group manually specify the group, otherwise this will be inferred from the callers class name */ public function ok($message, $fix = null, $group = null) { $this->result(new ValidationResult($message, ValidationResult::SUCCESS, $fix), $group); } /** * Submit a warning validation result. * * @param string $message * @param string $fix * @param string $group manually specify the group, otherwise this will be inferred from the callers class name */ public function warn($message, $fix = null, $group = null) { $this->result(new ValidationResult($message, ValidationResult::WARNING, $fix), $group); } /** * Submit a failed validation result. * * @param string $message * @param string $fix * @param string $group manually specify the group, otherwise this will be inferred from the callers class name */ public function fail($message, $fix = null, $group = null) { $this->result(new ValidationResult($message, ValidationResult::FAILURE, $fix), $group); } /** * Get version_info() array. This will cache the result and add remote data if requested and not already existing. * * @param bool $remote * @return array */ public function getVersions($remote = false) { if (!isset($this->versions)) { $this->versions = version_info($remote); } else { if ($remote && !isset($this->versions['github'])) { $this->versions = version_info($remote); } } return $this->versions; } /** * Execute a command, but don't run it as root. If we are root, run as the LibreNMS user. * Arguments match exec() * * @param string $command the command to run * @param array $output will hold the output of the command * @param int $code will hold the return code from the command */ public function execAsUser($command, &$output = null, &$code = null) { if (self::getUsername() === 'root') { $command = 'su ' . Config::get('user') . ' -c "' . $command . '"'; } exec($command, $output, $code); } /** * Get the username of the user running this and cache it for future requests. * * @return string */ public function getUsername() { if (!isset($this->username)) { if (function_exists('posix_getpwuid')) { $userinfo = posix_getpwuid(posix_geteuid()); $this->username = $userinfo['name']; } else { $this->username = getenv('USERNAME') ?: getenv('USER'); } } return $this->username; } /** * Get the base url for this LibreNMS install, this will only work from web pages. * (unless base_url is set) * * @return string the base url without a trailing / */ public function getBaseURL() { $url = function_exists('get_url') ? get_url() : Config::get('base_url'); return rtrim(str_replace('validate', '', $url), '/'); // get base_url from current url } public function getBaseDir() { return realpath(__DIR__ . '/..'); } }