bound('view')) { app()->register(\Illuminate\View\ViewServiceProvider::class); app()->register(\Illuminate\Translation\TranslationServiceProvider::class); } } catch (\Exception $e) { // continue without view } // try to upgrade generic exceptions to more specific ones if (!config('app.debug')) { foreach ($this->upgradable as $class) { if ($new = $class::upgrade($exception)) { return parent::render($request, $new); } } } return parent::render($request, $exception); } protected function convertExceptionToArray(Throwable $e) { // override the non-debug error output to clue in user on how to debug if (!config('app.debug') && !$this->isHttpException($e)) { return ['message' => 'Server Error: Set APP_DEBUG=true to see details.']; } return parent::convertExceptionToArray($e); } }