$count_boxes = 0;
// Device down boxes
if ($_SESSION['userlevel'] >= '10')
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `devices` WHERE `status` = '0' AND `ignore` = '0' LIMIT ".$config['front_page_down_box_limit'];
} else {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `devices` AS D, devices_perms AS P WHERE D.device_id = P.device_id AND P.user_id = '" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "' AND D.status = '0' AND D.ignore = '0' LIMIT".$config['front_page_down_box_limit'];
foreach (dbFetchRows($sql) as $device)
generate_front_box("device-down", generate_device_link($device, shorthost($device['hostname']))."
Device Down
".truncate($device['location'], 20)."");
if ($_SESSION['userlevel'] >= '10')
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `ports` AS I, `devices` AS D WHERE I.device_id = D.device_id AND ifOperStatus = 'down' AND ifAdminStatus = 'up' AND D.ignore = '0' AND I.ignore = '0' AND `D`.`status` = '1' LIMIT ".$config['front_page_down_box_limit'];
} else {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `ports` AS I, `devices` AS D, devices_perms AS P WHERE D.device_id = P.device_id AND P.user_id = '" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "' AND I.device_id = D.device_id AND ifOperStatus = 'down' AND ifAdminStatus = 'up' AND D.ignore = '0' AND I.ignore = '0' AND `D`.`status` = '1' LIMIT ".$config['front_page_down_box_limit'];
// These things need to become more generic, and more manageable across different frontpages... rewrite inc :>
// Port down boxes
if ($config['warn']['ifdown'])
foreach (dbFetchRows($sql) as $interface)
if (!$interface['deleted'])
$interface = ifNameDescr($interface);
generate_front_box("port-down", generate_device_link($interface, shorthost($interface['hostname']))."
Port Down
".generate_port_link($interface, truncate(makeshortif($interface['label']),13,''))."
" . ($interface['ifAlias'] ? '
'.truncate($interface['ifAlias'], 20, '').'' : ''));
/* FIXME service permissions? seem nonexisting now.. */
// Service down boxes
if ($_SESSION['userlevel'] >= '10')
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `services` AS S, `devices` AS D WHERE S.device_id = D.device_id AND service_status = 'down' AND D.ignore = '0' AND S.service_ignore = '0' AND `D`.`status` = '1' LIMIT ".$config['front_page_down_box_limit'];
$param[] = '';
$sql = "SELECT * FROM services AS S, devices AS D, devices_perms AS P WHERE P.`user_id` = ? AND P.`device_id` = D.`device_id` AND S.`device_id` = D.`device_id` AND S.`service_ignore` = '0' AND S.`service_disabled` = '0' AND S.`service_status` = '0' AND `D`.`status` = '1' LIMIT ".$config['front_page_down_box_limit'];
$param[] = $_SESSION['user_id'];
foreach (dbFetchRows($sql,$param) as $service)
generate_front_box("service-down", generate_device_link($service, shorthost($service['hostname']))."
Service Down
".truncate($interface['ifAlias'], 20)."");
// BGP neighbour down boxes
if (isset($config['enable_bgp']) && $config['enable_bgp'])
if ($_SESSION['userlevel'] >= '10')
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `devices` AS D, bgpPeers AS B WHERE bgpPeerAdminStatus != 'start' AND bgpPeerState != 'established' AND bgpPeerState != '' AND B.device_id = D.device_id AND D.ignore = 0 AND `D`.`status` = '1' LIMIT ".$config['front_page_down_box_limit'];
} else {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `devices` AS D, bgpPeers AS B, devices_perms AS P WHERE D.device_id = P.device_id AND P.user_id = '" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "' AND bgpPeerAdminStatus != 'start' AND bgpPeerState != 'established' AND bgpPeerState != '' AND B.device_id = D.device_id AND D.ignore = 0 AND `D`.`status` = '1' LIMIT ".$config['front_page_down_box_limit'];
foreach (dbFetchRows($sql) as $peer)
generate_front_box("bgp-down", generate_device_link($peer, shorthost($peer['hostname']))."
BGP Down
AS".truncate($peer['bgpPeerRemoteAs']." ".$peer['astext'], 14, "")."");
// Device rebooted boxes
if (filter_var($config['uptime_warning'], FILTER_VALIDATE_FLOAT) !== FALSE && $config['uptime_warning'] > 0)
if ($_SESSION['userlevel'] >= '10')
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `devices` AS D WHERE D.status = '1' AND D.uptime > 0 AND D.uptime < '" . $config['uptime_warning'] . "' AND D.ignore = 0 LIMIT ".$config['front_page_down_box_limit'];
} else {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM `devices` AS D, devices_perms AS P WHERE D.device_id = P.device_id AND P.user_id = '" . $_SESSION['user_id'] . "' AND D.status = '1' AND D.uptime > 0 AND D.uptime < '" .
$config['uptime_warning'] . "' AND D.ignore = 0 LIMIT ".$config['front_page_down_box_limit'];
foreach (dbFetchRows($sql) as $device)
generate_front_box("device-rebooted", generate_device_link($device, shorthost($device['hostname']))."
Device Rebooted
".formatUptime($device['uptime'], 'short')."");
if ($count_boxes == 0) {
Nothing here yet
This is where status notifications about devices and services would normally go. You might have none
because you run such a great network, or perhaps you've just started using ".$config['project_name'].". If you're new to ".$config['project_name'].", you might
want to start by adding one or more devices in the Devices menu.