0, 'alerted' => 1, 'acknowledged' => 2, 'worse' => 3, 'better' => 4, ); $alert_severities = array( // alert_rules.status is enum('ok','warning','critical') 'ok' => 1, 'warning' => 2, 'critical' => 3, 'ok only' => 4, 'warning only' => 5, 'critical only' => 6, ); $show_recovered = false; if (is_numeric($vars['device_id']) && $vars['device_id'] > 0) { $where .= ' AND `alerts`.`device_id`=' . $vars['device_id']; } if (is_numeric($vars['acknowledged'])) { // I assume that if we are searching for acknowleged/not, we aren't interested in recovered $where .= " AND `alerts`.`state`" . ($vars['acknowledged'] ? "=" : "!=") . $alert_states['acknowledged']; } if (is_numeric($vars['fired'])) { $where .= " AND `alerts`.`alerted`=" . $alert_states['alerted']; } if (is_numeric($vars['state'])) { $where .= " AND `alerts`.`state`=" . $vars['state']; if ($vars['state'] == $alert_states['recovered']) { $show_recovered = true; } } if (isset($vars['min_severity'])) { if (is_numeric($vars['min_severity'])) { $min_severity_id = $vars['min_severity']; } elseif (!empty($vars['min_severity'])) { $min_severity_id = $alert_severities[$vars['min_severity']]; } if (isset($min_severity_id)) { $where .= " AND `alert_rules`.`severity` " . ($min_severity_id > 3 ? "" : ">") . "= " . ($min_severity_id > 3 ? $min_severity_id - 3 : $min_severity_id); } } if (is_numeric($vars['group'])) { $where .= " AND devices.device_id IN (SELECT `device_id` FROM `device_group_device` WHERE `device_group_id` = ?)"; $param[] = $vars['group']; } if (!$show_recovered) { $where .= " AND `alerts`.`state`!=" . $alert_states['recovered']; } if (isset($searchPhrase) && !empty($searchPhrase)) { $where .= " AND (`timestamp` LIKE '%$searchPhrase%' OR `rule` LIKE '%$searchPhrase%' OR `name` LIKE '%$searchPhrase%' OR `hostname` LIKE '%$searchPhrase%' OR `sysName` LIKE '%$searchPhrase%')"; } $sql = ' FROM `alerts` LEFT JOIN `devices` ON `alerts`.`device_id`=`devices`.`device_id`'; if (!Auth::user()->hasGlobalRead()) { $sql .= ' LEFT JOIN `devices_perms` AS `DP` ON `devices`.`device_id` = `DP`.`device_id`'; $where .= ' AND `DP`.`user_id`=?'; $param[] = Auth::id(); } $sql .= " RIGHT JOIN `alert_rules` ON `alerts`.`rule_id`=`alert_rules`.`id` WHERE $where"; $count_sql = "SELECT COUNT(`alerts`.`id`) $sql"; $total = dbFetchCell($count_sql, $param); if (empty($total)) { $total = 0; } if (!isset($vars['sort']) || empty($vars['sort'])) { $sort = 'timestamp DESC'; } else { $sort = '`alert_rules`.`severity` DESC, timestamp DESC'; } $sql .= " ORDER BY $sort"; if (isset($current)) { $limit_low = (($current * $rowCount) - ($rowCount)); $limit_high = $rowCount; } if ($rowCount != -1) { $sql .= " LIMIT $limit_low,$limit_high"; } $sql = "SELECT `alerts`.*, `devices`.`hostname`, `devices`.`sysName`, `devices`.`hardware`, `devices`.`location`, `alert_rules`.`rule`, `alert_rules`.`name`, `alert_rules`.`severity` $sql"; $rulei = 0; $format = $vars['format']; foreach (dbFetchRows($sql, $param) as $alert) { $log = dbFetchCell('SELECT details FROM alert_log WHERE rule_id = ? AND device_id = ? ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1', array($alert['rule_id'], $alert['device_id'])); $fault_detail = alert_details($log); $alert_to_ack = ''; $alert_to_nack = ''; $ack_ico = $alert_to_ack; if ((int)$alert['state'] === 0) { $ico = ''; $msg = ''; } elseif ((int)$alert['state'] === 1 || (int)$alert['state'] === 3 || (int)$alert['state'] === 4) { $ico = $alert_to_ack; if ((int)$alert['state'] === 3) { $msg = ''; } elseif ((int)$alert['state'] === 4) { $msg = ''; } } elseif ((int)$alert['state'] === 2) { $ico = $alert_to_nack; $ack_ico = $alert_to_nack; } $severity = $alert['severity']; if ($alert['state'] == 3) { $severity .= ' +'; } elseif ($alert['state'] == 4) { $severity .= ' -'; } $hostname = '
' . generate_device_link($alert, shorthost($alert['hostname'])) . '
' . $fault_detail . '
'; switch ($severity) { case 'critical': $severity_ico = ' '; break; case 'warning': $severity_ico = ' '; break; case 'ok': $severity_ico = ' '; break; default: $severity_ico = ' '; break; } if ((int)$alert['state'] === 2) { $severity_ico = ' '; } $proc = dbFetchCell('SELECT proc FROM alerts,alert_rules WHERE alert_rules.id = alerts.rule_id AND alerts.id = ?', array($alert['id'])); if (($proc == "") || ($proc == "NULL")) { $has_proc = ''; } else { if (!preg_match('/^http[s]*:\/\//', $proc)) { $has_proc = ''; } else { $has_proc = ''; } } if (empty($alert['note'])) { $note_class = 'default'; } else { $note_class = 'warning'; } $response[] = array( 'id' => $rulei++, 'rule' => '' . htmlentities($alert['name']) . '', 'details' => '', 'hostname' => $hostname, 'timestamp' => ($alert['timestamp'] ? $alert['timestamp'] : 'N/A'), 'severity' => $severity_ico, 'state' => $alert['state'], 'alert_id' => $alert['id'], 'ack_ico' => $ack_ico, 'proc' => $has_proc, 'notes' => "", ); } $output = array( 'current' => $current, 'rowCount' => $rowCount, 'rows' => $response, 'total' => $total, ); echo _json_encode($output);