. * * @package LibreNMS * @link http://librenms.org * @copyright 2018 Neil Lathwood * @author Neil Lathwood */ namespace LibreNMS\Alert; use App\Models\AlertTemplate; class Template { public $template; /** * * Get the template details * * @param null $obj * @return mixed */ public function getTemplate($obj = null) { if ($this->template) { // Return the cached template information. return $this->template; } $this->template = AlertTemplate::whereHas('map', function ($query) use ($obj) { $query->where('alert_rule_id', '=', $obj['rule_id']); })->first(); if (!$this->template) { $this->template = AlertTemplate::where('name', '=', 'Default Alert Template')->first(); } return $this->template; } public function getTitle($data) { $data['parsed_title'] = $this->bladeTitle($data); return $this->legacyTitle($data); } public function getBody($data) { $data['template']['parsed_template'] = $this->bladeBody($data); return $this->legacyBody($data); } /** * * Parse Blade body * * @param $data * @return string */ public function bladeBody($data) { $alert['alert'] = new AlertData($data['alert']); try { return view(['template' => $data['template']->template], $alert)->__toString(); } catch (\Exception $e) { return view(['template' => $this->getDefaultTemplate()], $alert)->__toString(); } } /** * * Parse Blade title * * @param $data * @return string */ public function bladeTitle($data) { $alert['alert'] = new AlertData($data['alert']); try { return view(['template' => $data['title']], $alert)->__toString(); } catch (\Exception $e) { return $data['title'] ?: view(['template' => "Template " . $data['name']], $alert)->__toString(); } } /** * * Parse legacy body * * @param $data * @return mixed|string */ public function legacyBody($data) { $tpl = $data['template']->parsed_template; $msg = '$ret .= "'.str_replace(array('{else}', '{/if}', '{/foreach}'), array('"; } else { $ret .= "', '"; } $ret .= "', '"; } $ret .= "'), addslashes($tpl)).'";'; $parsed = $msg; $s = strlen($msg); $x = $pos = -1; $buff = ''; $if = $for = $calc = false; while (++$x < $s) { if ($msg[$x] == '{' && $buff == '') { $buff .= $msg[$x]; } elseif ($buff == '{ ') { $buff = ''; } elseif ($buff != '') { $buff .= $msg[$x]; } if ($buff == '{if') { $pos = $x; $if = true; } elseif ($buff == '{foreach') { $pos = $x; $for = true; } elseif ($buff == '{calc') { $pos = $x; $calc = true; } if ($pos != -1 && $msg[$x] == '}') { $orig = $buff; $buff = ''; $pos = -1; if ($if) { $if = false; $o = 3; $native = array( '"; if( ', ' ) { $ret .= "', ); } elseif ($for) { $for = false; $o = 8; $native = array( '"; foreach( ', ' as $key=>$value) { $ret .= "', ); } elseif ($calc) { $calc = false; $o = 5; $native = array( '"; $ret .= (float) (0+(', ')); $ret .= "', ); } else { continue; } $cond = trim(populate(substr($orig, $o, -1), false)); $native = $native[0].$cond.$native[1]; $parsed = str_replace($orig, $native, $parsed); unset($cond, $o, $orig, $native); }//end if }//end while $parsed = populate($parsed); return RunJail($parsed, $data); } /** * * Parse legacy title * * @param $data * @return mixed|string */ public function legacyTitle($data) { if (strstr($data['parsed_title'], '%')) { return RunJail('$ret = "'.populate(addslashes($data['parsed_title'])).'";', $data); } else { return $data['parsed_title']; } } /** * * Get the default template * * @return string */ public function getDefaultTemplate() { return '{{ $alert->title }}' . PHP_EOL . 'Severity: {{ $alert->severity }}' . PHP_EOL . '@if ($alert->state == 0)Time elapsed: {{ $alert->elapsed }} @endif ' . PHP_EOL . 'Timestamp: {{ $alert->timestamp }}' . PHP_EOL . 'Unique-ID: {{ $alert->uid }}' . PHP_EOL . 'Rule: @if ($alert->name) {{ $alert->name }} @else {{ $alert->rule }} @endif ' . PHP_EOL . '@if ($alert->faults)Faults:' . PHP_EOL . '@foreach ($alert->faults as $key => $value)' . PHP_EOL . ' #{{ $key }}: {{ $value[\'string\'] }} @endforeach' . PHP_EOL . '@endif' . PHP_EOL . 'Alert sent to: @foreach ($alert->contacts as $key => $value) {{ $value }} <{{ $key }}> @endforeach'; } }