0, 1 => 0, 2 => 0); // Rebuild the array in a more convenient method foreach ($result as $v) { $service_count[$v['service_status']] = $v['count']; } return $service_count; } function add_service($device, $type, $desc, $ip = 'localhost', $param = "", $ignore = 0, $disabled = 0) { if (!is_array($device)) { $device = device_by_id_cache($device); } if (empty($ip)) { $ip = Device::pollerTarget($device['hostname']); } $insert = array('device_id' => $device['device_id'], 'service_ip' => $ip, 'service_type' => $type, 'service_changed' => array('UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW())'), 'service_desc' => $desc, 'service_param' => $param, 'service_ignore' => $ignore, 'service_status' => 3, 'service_message' => 'Service not yet checked', 'service_ds' => '{}', 'service_disabled' => $disabled); return dbInsert($insert, 'services'); } function service_get($device = null, $service = null) { $sql_query = "SELECT `service_id`,`device_id`,`service_ip`,`service_type`,`service_desc`,`service_param`,`service_ignore`,`service_status`,`service_changed`,`service_message`,`service_disabled`,`service_ds` FROM `services` WHERE"; $sql_param = array(); $add = 0; d_echo("SQL Query: ".$sql_query); if (!is_null($service)) { // Add a service filter to the SQL query. $sql_query .= " `service_id` = ? AND"; $sql_param[] = $service; $add++; } if (!is_null($device)) { // Add a device filter to the SQL query. $sql_query .= " `device_id` = ? AND"; $sql_param[] = $device; $add++; } if ($add == 0) { // No filters, remove " WHERE" -6 $sql_query = substr($sql_query, 0, strlen($sql_query)-6); } else { // We have filters, remove " AND" -4 $sql_query = substr($sql_query, 0, strlen($sql_query)-4); } d_echo("SQL Query: ".$sql_query); // $service is not null, get only what we want. $services = dbFetchRows($sql_query, $sql_param); d_echo("Service Array: ".print_r($services, true)."\n"); return $services; } function edit_service($update = array(), $service = null) { if (!is_numeric($service)) { return false; } return dbUpdate($update, 'services', '`service_id`=?', array($service)); } function delete_service($service = null) { if (!is_numeric($service)) { return false; } return dbDelete('services', '`service_id` = ?', array($service)); } function discover_service($device, $service) { if (! dbFetchCell('SELECT COUNT(service_id) FROM `services` WHERE `service_type`= ? AND `device_id` = ?', array($service, $device['device_id']))) { add_service($device, $service, "(Auto discovered) $service"); log_event('Autodiscovered service: type ' . mres($service), $device, 'service', 2); echo '+'; } echo "$service "; } function poll_service($service) { $update = array(); $old_status = $service['service_status']; $check_cmd = ""; // if we have a script for this check, use it. $check_script = Config::get('install_dir') . '/includes/services/check_' . strtolower($service['service_type']) . '.inc.php'; if (is_file($check_script)) { include $check_script; } // If we do not have a cmd from the check script, build one. if ($check_cmd == "") { $check_cmd = Config::get('nagios_plugins') . "/check_" . $service['service_type'] . " -H " . ($service['service_ip'] ? $service['service_ip'] : $service['hostname']); $check_cmd .= " " . $service['service_param']; } $service_id = $service['service_id']; // Some debugging d_echo("\nNagios Service - $service_id\n"); // the check_service function runs $check_cmd through escapeshellcmd, so list($new_status, $msg, $perf) = check_service($check_cmd); d_echo("Response: $msg\n"); // If we have performance data we will store it. if (count($perf) > 0) { // Yes, We have perf data. $rrd_name = array('services', $service_id); // Set the DS in the DB if it is blank. $DS = array(); foreach ($perf as $k => $v) { $DS[$k] = $v['uom']; } d_echo("Service DS: "._json_encode($DS)."\n"); if (($service['service_ds'] == "{}") || ($service['service_ds'] == "")) { $update['service_ds'] = json_encode($DS); } // rrd definition $rrd_def = new RrdDefinition(); foreach ($perf as $k => $v) { if (($v['uom'] == 'c') && !(preg_match('/[Uu]ptime/', $k))) { // This is a counter, create the DS as such $rrd_def->addDataset($k, 'COUNTER', 0); } else { // Not a counter, must be a gauge $rrd_def->addDataset($k, 'GAUGE', 0); } } // Update data $fields = array(); foreach ($perf as $k => $v) { $fields[$k] = $v['value']; } $tags = compact('service_id', 'rrd_name', 'rrd_def'); //TODO not sure if we have $device at this point, if we do replace faked $device data_update(array('hostname' => $service['hostname']), 'services', $tags, $fields); } if ($old_status != $new_status) { // Status has changed, update. $update['service_changed'] = time(); $update['service_status'] = $new_status; $update['service_message'] = $msg; // TODO: Put the 3 lines below in a function getStatus(int) ? $status_text = array(0 => 'OK', 1 => 'Warning', 3 => 'Unknown'); $old_status_text = isset($status_text[$old_status]) ? $status_text[$old_status] : 'Critical'; $new_status_text = isset($status_text[$new_status]) ? $status_text[$new_status] : 'Critical'; log_event( "Service '{$service['service_type']}' changed status from $old_status_text to $new_status_text - {$service['service_desc']} - $msg", $service['device_id'], 'service', 4, $service['service_id'] ); } if ($service['service_message'] != $msg) { // Message has changed, update. $update['service_message'] = $msg; } if (count($update) > 0) { edit_service($update, $service['service_id']); } return true; } function check_service($command) { // This array is used to test for valid UOM's to be used for graphing. // Valid values from: https://nagios-plugins.org/doc/guidelines.html#AEN200 // Note: This array must be decend from 2 char to 1 char so that the search works correctly. $valid_uom = array ('us', 'ms', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'c', 's', '%', 'B'); // Make our command safe. $parts = preg_split('~(?:\'[^\']*\'|"[^"]*")(*SKIP)(*F)|\h+~', trim($command)); $safe_command = implode(' ', array_map(function ($part) { $trimmed = preg_replace('/^(\'(.*)\'|"(.*)")$/', '$2$3', $part); return escapeshellarg($trimmed); }, $parts)); d_echo("Request: $safe_command\n"); // Run the command and return its response. exec('LC_NUMERIC="C" ' . $safe_command, $response_array, $status); // exec returns an array, lets implode it back to a string. $response_string = implode("\n", $response_array); // Split out the response and the performance data. list($response, $perf) = explode("|", $response_string); // Split each performance metric $perf_arr = explode(' ', $perf); // Create an array for our metrics. $metrics = array(); // Loop through the perf string extracting our metric data foreach ($perf_arr as $string) { // Separate the DS and value: DS=value list ($ds,$values) = explode('=', trim($string)); // Keep the first value, discard the others. list($value,,,) = explode(';', trim($values)); $value = trim($value); // Set an empty uom $uom = ''; // is the UOM valid - https://nagios-plugins.org/doc/guidelines.html#AEN200 foreach ($valid_uom as $v) { if ((strlen($value)-strlen($v)) === strpos($value, $v)) { // Yes, store and strip it off the value $uom = $v; $value = substr($value, 0, -strlen($v)); break; } } if ($ds != "") { // Normalize ds for rrd : ds-name must be 1 to 19 characters long in the characters [a-zA-Z0-9_] // http://oss.oetiker.ch/rrdtool/doc/rrdcreate.en.html $normalized_ds = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_]/', '', $ds); // if ds_name is longer than 19 characters, only use the first 19 if (strlen($normalized_ds) > 19) { $normalized_ds = substr($normalized_ds, 0, 19); d_echo($ds . " exceeded 19 characters, renaming to " . $normalized_ds . "\n"); } if ($ds != $normalized_ds) { // ds has changed. check if normalized_ds is already in the array if (isset($metrics[$normalized_ds])) { d_echo($normalized_ds . " collides with an existing index\n"); $perf_unique = 0; // Try to generate a unique name for ($i = 0; $i<10; $i++) { $tmp_ds_name = substr($normalized_ds, 0, 18) . $i; if (!isset($metrics[$tmp_ds_name])) { d_echo($normalized_ds . " collides with an existing index\n"); $normalized_ds = $tmp_ds_name; $perf_unique = 1; break 1; } } if ($perf_unique == 0) { // Try harder to generate a unique name for ($i = 0; $i<10; $i++) { for ($j = 0; $j<10; $j++) { $tmp_ds_name = substr($normalized_ds, 0, 17) . $j . $i; if (!isset($perf[$tmp_ds_name])) { $normalized_ds = $tmp_ds_name; $perf_unique = 1; break 2; } } } } if ($perf_unique == 0) { d_echo("could not generate a unique ds-name for " . $ds . "\n"); } } $ds = $normalized_ds ; } // We have a DS. Add an entry to the array. d_echo("Perf Data - DS: ".$ds.", Value: ".$value.", UOM: ".$uom."\n"); $metrics[$ds] = array ('value'=>$value, 'uom'=>$uom); } else { // No DS. Don't add an entry to the array. d_echo("Perf Data - None.\n"); } } return array ($status, $response, $metrics); } /** * List all available services from nagios plugins directory * * @return array */ function list_available_services() { $services = array(); foreach (scandir(Config::get('nagios_plugins')) as $file) { if (substr($file, 0, 6) === 'check_') { $services[] = substr($file, 6); } } return $services; }