#!/usr/bin/php (Required) username to test -l List all users (checks that auth can enumerate all allowed users) -d Enable debug output -v Enable verbose debug output -h Display this help message '; exit; } if (isset($options['d'])) { $debug = true; } $init_modules = []; require realpath(__DIR__ . '/..') . '/includes/init.php'; if (isset($options['v'])) { // Enable debug mode for auth methods that have it Config::set('auth_ad_debug', 1); Config::set('auth_ldap_debug', 1); } echo "Authentication Method: " . Config::get('auth_mechanism') . PHP_EOL; // if ldap like, check selinux if (Config::get('auth_mechanism') == 'ldap' || Config::get('auth_mechanism') == "active_directory") { $enforce = shell_exec('getenforce 2>/dev/null'); if (Str::contains($enforce, 'Enforcing')) { // has selinux $output = shell_exec('getsebool httpd_can_connect_ldap'); if ($output != "httpd_can_connect_ldap --> on\n") { print_error("You need to run: setsebool -P httpd_can_connect_ldap=1"); exit; } } } try { $authorizer = LegacyAuth::get(); // ldap based auth we should bind before using, otherwise searches may fail due to anonymous bind if (method_exists($authorizer, 'bind')) { $authorizer->bind([]); } // AD bind tests if ($authorizer instanceof \LibreNMS\Authentication\ActiveDirectoryAuthorizer) { // peek inside the class $lc_rp = new ReflectionProperty($authorizer, 'ldap_connection'); $lc_rp->setAccessible(true); $adbind_rm = new ReflectionMethod($authorizer, 'bind'); $adbind_rm->setAccessible(true); $bind_success = false; if (Config::has('auth_ad_binduser') && Config::has('auth_ad_bindpassword')) { $bind_success = $adbind_rm->invoke($authorizer, false, true); if (!$bind_success) { $ldap_error = ldap_error($lc_rp->getValue($authorizer)); echo $ldap_error . PHP_EOL; if ($ldap_error == 'Invalid credentials') { print_error('AD bind failed for user ' . Config::get('auth_ad_binduser') . '@' . Config::get('auth_ad_domain') . '. Check \'auth_ad_binduser\' and \'auth_ad_bindpassword\' in your config'); } } else { print_message('AD bind success'); } } else { $bind_success = $adbind_rm->invoke($authorizer, true, true); if (!$bind_success) { echo ldap_error($lc_rp->getValue($authorizer)) . PHP_EOL; print_message("Could not anonymous bind to AD"); } else { print_message('AD bind anonymous successful'); } } if (!$bind_success) { print_error("Could not bind to AD, you will not be able to use the API or alert AD users"); } } if (isset($options['l'])) { $users = $authorizer->getUserlist(); $output = array_map(function ($user) { return "{$user['username']} ({$user['user_id']})"; }, $users); echo "Users: " . implode(', ', $output) . PHP_EOL; echo "Total users: " . count($users) . PHP_EOL; exit; } $test_username = $options['u']; $auth = false; echo 'Password: '; `stty -echo`; $test_password = trim(fgets(STDIN)); `stty echo`; echo PHP_EOL; echo "Authenticate user $test_username: \n"; $auth = $authorizer->authenticate(['username' => $test_username, 'password' => $test_password]); unset($test_password); if ($auth) { print_message("AUTH SUCCESS\n"); } else { if (isset($ldap_connection)) { echo ldap_error($ldap_connection) . PHP_EOL; } print_error('AUTH FAILURE'); } if ($auth) { $user_id = $authorizer->getUserid($test_username); echo "User ($user_id):\n"; if (method_exists($authorizer, 'getUser')) { $user = $authorizer->getUser($user_id); unset($user['password']); unset($user['remember_token']); foreach ($user as $property => $value) { echo " $property => $value\n"; } } if (method_exists($authorizer, 'getGroupList')) { echo 'Groups: ' . implode('; ', $authorizer->getGroupList()) . PHP_EOL; } } } catch (Exception $e) { echo "Error: " . get_class($e) . " thrown!\n"; echo $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL; }