#!/usr/bin/env php run(); exit; } // check for hostname if (isset($options['h'])) { $hostname = $options['h']; } elseif (isset($options['hostname'])) { $hostname = $options['hostname']; } if (isset($hostname)) { if (is_numeric($hostname)) { $device = device_by_id_cache($hostname); } elseif (!empty($hostname)) { $device = device_by_name($hostname); } if (isset($device['os']) && $device['os'] != 'generic') { $target_os = $device['os']; } elseif (isset($options['o'])) { $target_os = $options['o']; } elseif (isset($options['os'])) { $target_os = $options['os']; } else { echo "OS (-o, --os) required because device is generic.\n"; exit; } } if (isset($options['help']) || empty($target_os)) { echo "Script to collect snmp data from devices to be used for testing. Snmp data is saved in tests/snmpsim. Usage: You must specify an existing device to collect data from. Required -h, --hostname ID, IP, or hostname of the device to collect data from Optional: -m, --modules The discovery/poller module(s) to collect data for, comma delimited -n, --prefer-new Prefer new snmprec data over existing data -o, --os Name of the OS to save test data for (only used if device is generic) -v, --variant The variant of the OS to use, usually the device model -f, --file Save data to file instead of the standard location -d, --debug Enable debug output --snmpsim Run snmpsimd.py using the collected data for manual testing. "; exit; } $debug = (isset($options['d']) || isset($options['debug'])); if (isset($options['m'])) { $modules_input = $options['m']; $modules = explode(',', $modules_input); } elseif (isset($options['modules'])) { $modules_input = $options['modules']; $modules = explode(',', $modules_input); } else { $modules_input = 'all'; $modules = array(); } $variant = ''; if (isset($options['v'])) { $variant = $options['v']; } elseif (isset($options['variant'])) { $variant = $options['variant']; } if (Str::contains($variant, '_')) { exit("Variant name cannot contain an underscore (_).\n"); } echo "OS: $target_os\n"; echo "Module(s): $modules_input\n"; if ($variant) { echo "Variant: $variant\n"; } echo PHP_EOL; try { $capture = new ModuleTestHelper($modules, $target_os, $variant); if (isset($options['f'])) { $capture->setSnmprecSavePath($options['f']); } elseif (isset($options['file'])) { $capture->setSnmprecSavePath($options['file']); } $prefer_new_snmprec = isset($options['n']) || isset($options['prefer-new']); echo "Capturing Data: "; \LibreNMS\Util\OS::updateCache(true); // Force update of OS Cache $capture->captureFromDevice($device['device_id'], true, $prefer_new_snmprec); } catch (InvalidModuleException $e) { echo $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL; }